
We support governments and donors to plan and implement comprehensive, tailor made and effective economic initiatives at a sectoral as well as institutional level. We work closely with economic actors including businesses – small, medium and large enterprises and help them expand, develop and thrive in challenging environments as well as deliver their voice to policy makers.


We help you achieve sustainable, organic growth by putting your customers at the center of your company’s strategy. Our approach tests every element of your customers’ experience, delivering optimal interactions at every touchpoint.

From our breakthrough research on customer loyalty to our proven approach to customer episode redesign, we offer the insights to help you realize the full sales and marketing potential. That includes our Net Promoter System, the gold standard in frameworks for measuring customer loyalty and maximizing its power for your bottom line.

We don’t just help your organization develop a rock-solid strategy; our team will help you execute on every ambition, providing the tools, diagnostics and benchmarks necessary to transform how you serve your customers and earn their lasting devotion.


Change in the retail landscape is nothing new—retailers worldwide have always had to adapt to shifts in customer behavior and competitive threats. What is new is the frequency and scope of change, and how fundamentally these shifts can disrupt established retailers. Regardless of region, retailers who no longer offer a strong value proposition for their customers will lose. Yet retailers that pursue new opportunities and capitalize on these shifts can win and position themselves to grow.



Tbilisi residents are busy with New Year preparations. ACT was interested how and where they will meet the New Year.

It turned out that 8 out of 10 Tbilisi residents (84%) will meet New Year at home and their majority (81%) will spend the night at home. 

Only 7% of Tbilisi residents plan to go somewhere as a guest. Only 2% of Tbilisi population plans to celebrate the New Year Eve at the 

restaurant and 1% will celebrate it in Bakuriani or Gudauri. 91% of Tbilisi residents who plan to stay at home for the 

New Year Eve, will watch TV on December 31 st night.


A research conducted by "ACT" has found that 20% of the Tbilisi population owns domestic animals / birds.

The most common pets appear to be dogs (60%). The second most popular were not cats (10%), but parrots (28%).

The monthly average cost of the pet care is GEL 38.

*ACT conducted the online survey in January, 2017. Through random sampling method, 400 adult residents of Tbilisi were interviewed. Statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%, interviewing method – face-to-face interviews.





From the back office across your entire supply chain, we can help you develop an unconstrained, end-to-end program to transform your operations. We’ll ensure that you focus on the opportunities that maximize competitive advantage and strengthen the connection between operations and strategy.


In an era of disruption, strategy is more important than ever. We offer creative solutions that have helped thousands of companies across all geographies and sectors develop and execute winning strategies. We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly two decades, and we bring unrivaled capabilities, tools, technologies, and talent to every engagement, augmented by an ecosystem of best-of-breed partners that provide specialized expertise. We’ll help you mobilize for change, navigate uncertainty, and flex as needed, so you achieve sustained, profitable growth.


Whether you have an urgent need to improve financial performance or a burning desire to reinvent your business to stay ahead of the competition, there are times when only a bold, comprehensive transformation program will do. We provide the expertise, tools, and materials you need to align your leadership on a shared vision of what the future can be and mobilize the organization to achieve it.

Full Potential Transformation spans your entire organization, to address all the changes needed to reach your full ambition. Most critically, we drive change through the front lines, with innovative solutions, rapid scaling and the skill-building required to sustain your success. We are uniquely positioned to provide the broad capabilities and expertise required to make this happen—after all, strategic transformation has been at the core of what we do for almost 20 years. If your company is falling short of its full potential we can guide you on a cross-functional effort that will culminate in sustained, superior performance.


Financial institutions are facing unprecedented market challenges. Revenue and profit sources are shifting. Cost pressures are rising. Business models are transforming. Customer behaviors are evolving. At the same time, regulators are putting the industry under ever-increasing scrutiny. Some institutions are maintaining or improving profitability, while others are failing to adapt. What does it take to win? A clear strategy, an outstanding business and operating model, and disciplined execution.


A data explosion that doesn’t generate revenue growth. Ongoing market consolidation. Value migration. Rapidly changing business models. Technology disruption. It’s all changing the face of the telecommunications industry. Providers who can safely navigate these waters and keep value-based growth top of mind will emerge as winners, regardless of their size, maturity, or geographic location. How? 

By purposefully overhauling their operating models and focusing on growth beyond the core.


In the global real estate and construction market, the wrong decisions – even on a single project – can cost a company dearly. External and local conditions (such as macroeconomic trends, geopolitical factors, and regulation) and fierce competition make navigating this market increasingly difficult. To survive, many large global players are consolidating, with an eye toward slashing costs, boosting profitability, and balancing risks. But consolidation comes with its own challenges.


Almost 30 years ago, young Joe was asked if he was planning to vote in an upcoming election. Many others were asked the same question. The results were surprising. Those who were asked if they were going to vote were significantly more likely to do so than the rest of the population. Simply asking an intention question appeared to drive behaviour (Greenwald, Carnot, Beach, & Young, 1987).

This phenomenon is known as the Question-Behaviour Effect. Asking a question about future behaviour influences the performance of that future behaviour (Morwitz & Fitzsimons, 2004).

If asking a question influences future behaviour, the question-behaviour effect must be considered in market research. In this article, we consider the question-behaviour effect in terms of the Net Promoter Score (Reichheld, 2003). The Net Promotor Score asks: How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or a colleague?. Participants are then put into one of three categories:

  1. Promoters – participants who are likely to recommend the company.
  2. Passives – participants who are neither likely nor unlikely to recommend the company.
  3. Detractors – participants who are likely to share negative opinions about the company.

How Does The Question-Behaviour Effect Work?

Participants in market research have already been shown to change their behaviours after being asked questions about their purchase intent (Morwitz, Johnson, & Schmittlein, 1993). In this research, participants in an experimental group were asked questions about their intent to buy a high-ticket item (an automobile), a mid-ticket item (a computer), and low-ticket items (household goods). These participants were significantly more likely to purchase these items in the next six months than those participants in the control group. Simply asking participants about their intent to purchase increased the likelihood that they would purchase these items in the near future. Taking this into account, it is highly probable that the Net Promoter Question will also influence participants’ behaviour.

To determine how the Net Promoter Question will influence the behaviour of participants in market research, we must understand how asking questions influences attitudes that drive behaviour. There are two main theories that explain how the question-behaviour effect influences behaviour:

  1. Increasing the accessibility of attitudes. A key consequence of answering a question is that attitudes become more accessible in our minds (Morwitz et al., 1993). The accessibility of attitudes has been shown to influence our attitude consistent behaviour (Fazio, Powell, & Williams, 1989). For example, Morwitz & Fitzsimons (2004) identified that participants asked about their intent to purchase a bar of chocolate were more likely to purchase a brand they held positive attitudes towards over a brand they held negative attitudes towards.
  1. Increasing the accessibility of a label. In this sense, a label refers to the storage of an item in memory. For example, when attempting to remember the name of someone, we search our memory for the label ‘Joe Smith’. The more frequently we search for an item the more accessible it becomes (e.g., Karpicke & Roediger, 2007). Simply, this theory states that the question makes us think about performing the behaviour, which makes us more likely to perform the behaviour in future (Morwitz et al., 1993; Morwitz & Fitzsimons, 2004).

What Are The Implications For The Net Promoter Score?

Anecdotal evidence appears to show that Promoters who are asked the Net Promoter Question will be more likely to recommend the company in future. Promoters hold positive attitudes towards the company and accessibility of these attitudes will increase by asking the Net Promoter Question (Morwitz et al., 1993). With accessible attitudes, Promoters will be more likely to engage in attitude-consistent behavior and recommend the company to friends or colleagues (Fazio et al., 1989); and these Promoters are likely to recommend the company long after the research has been completed, as positive question-behavior effects can last up to six months after the question is asked (Spangenberg, 1997). Accordingly, the Net Promoter Question can positively influence participants’ behavior!

However, there is a big Detractor-shaped elephant in the room. Detractors hold negative attitudes towards the company (Reichheld, 2003), and the accessibility of these negative attitudes will increase following the Net Promoter Question! Fortunately, increasing the accessibility of attitudes has a greater effect on participants with positive attitudes (Morwitz & Fitzsimons, 2004); and increasing the accessibility of the brand’s label has a further positive effect on the future behavior of Detractors. Accordingly, the Net Promoter Question has a net positive-effect on behavior and leaves participants of customer loyalty surveys motivated to recommend the company to friends, family, and colleagues!

B2B International is the largest business-to-business market research firm with offices across Europe, North America and Asia. The company serves a wide range of sectors from traditional heavy industry to financial and business services, and it counts 600 of the world’s largest 1,500 companies among st its client base.








Today, as of January 20, 2017, official inauguration ceremony of the 45th US president will be held. ACT was interested to find out people’s opinions about the impact, Donald Trump, a newly elected president of the Unites States, could have on Georgia.

It seems the majority of respondents do not have any opinion about this issue, although,almost equal part of Tbilisi population believes that Trump will have positive (12%) or negative (13%) influence on Georgia.

*The study was conducted in January, 2017 by random sampling method among 400 adults residing in Tbilisi. Statistical error does not 

exceed 4.9%. The interviewing method – face-to-face interviews.



Hot summer days cannot be imagined without ice-cream. High competition on the Georgian market of ice-cream is probably noticeable for everyone. Local as well as foreign distributors offer consumers a variety of tastes and types of ice-cream.

ACT studied whether Tbilisi residents cool themselves down with ice-cream on summer’s hot days and if so, what kind of ice-cream they prefer.

According to the research, half of the Tbilisi population (49%) consumes ice-cream actively- several times a week or more often. In this respect, ¼ of the capital’s population (24%) is especially active – on a hot season’s days they cannot do without ice-cream even for a day and enjoy this refreshing product every day.

Though, as it has been revealed, 1/5 of Tbilisi population (20%) do not eat ice-cream even on hot summer’s days.

According to the research, consumers of ice-cream in Tbilisi eat it at home (90%), although ¼ (23%) in the street, and 15 % in cafes and bars.

As for the different kinds of ice-cream, the most popular one in Tbilisi turned out to be ice-cream in waffle bowls – half of the consumers (51%) consume it most frequently.

1/5 of Tbilisi population (22%) prefer escimo ice-cream on a stick and 1/10 consumes family ice-cream packs most frequently.

 There were interesting differences in respect of age: as the research has shown, the people from old generation (55 years old and more) eat only 3 kinds of ice-cream – ice-cream in waffle bowls (63%), escimo (24%) and family packs (10%), while young people of 18-34 years old, with the already mentioned 3 kinds of ice-cream, intensively consume other types as well (Ice cream sold by weight, ice-cream on tap, sandwich etc).

The survey has been conducted on 405 adults from Tbilisi, in June 2015. The statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%.


ბოლო დროს თბილისში ორი ახალი მაღალტექნოლოგიური კინოთეატრი გაიხსნა. ამავდროულად ჩვენს ქალაქს დიდი თეატრალური ტრადიციები აქვს – წლების განმავლობაში, ნებისმიერი თაობის ხელოვნების მოყვარულთათვის, თეატრში სიარული განსაკუთრებული მნიშვნელობის კულტურულ ღონისძიებად ითვლებოდა. საინტერესოა როგორ იცვლება ხელოვნების ამ ორი დარგის მიმართ ინტერესი, რამდენად შეცვალა ციფრული ტექნოლოგიების განვითარებამ ბაზრის ტენდენციები, კიდევ არის თუ არა მოთხოვნადი სპექტაკლზე დასწრებით მიღებული ემოციები.

აღმოჩნდა, რომ არჩევანის შემთხვევაში, დედაქალაქის მაცხოვრებელთა უმრავლესობა 57% კინოში სიარულს ანიჭებს უპირატესობას. თეატრი პრიორიტეტეტს წარმოადგენს თბილისელთა 36%-ისთვის. აღსანიშნავია, რომ თბილისელების დაახლოებით ერთი მესამედი (35%) კინოში თვეში ერთხელ ან უფრო ხშირად დადის. თეატრში ასეთივე სიხსშირით (თვეში სულ ცოტა ერთხელ მაინც) დედაქალაქის მაცხოვრებლების მეხუთედი (21%) ახასიათებს.

საინტერესოა, რომ ქალების თანაბარი ნაწილი ანიჭებს უპირატესობას კინოსა (48%) და თეატრს (46%). მაშინ როდესაც მამაკაცები ერთმნიშვნელოვნად კინოში სიარულს არჩევენ (67%). თბილისელი მამაკაცების მხოლოდ მეოთხედი (24%) აცხადებს, რომ თეატრში სიარული ურჩევნია კინოს.



2016 წლის მარტში ჩატარდა ონლაინ პანელური გამოკითხვაგამოიკითხა თბილისის 400 ზრდასრული მაცხოვრებელი


How do you grow sustainably while preserving an insurgent mindset? How do you boost efficiency while remaining flexible? How do you launch and scale innovation while continuing to execute tried and tested processes? 

We help you balance all these considerations and more, ensuring that you attract and retain great talent and effectively manage organizational change.


Growth is imperative, possible, and perilous. While an organization's starting position suggests the most likely paths to growth, true value-creating growth requires two things: defining the right strategy—the vector or direction—and then putting the right amount of thrust behind it.


Nationalism and protectionism are on the rise, and growth rates in emerging markets are diverging. But international business is far from flatlining: globalization’s essential rules are being redefined—and its pace is accelerating.

Even as the world becomes more decentralized politically and physically, customers, devices, services, processes, and businesses continue to integrate digitally. The simultaneous rise of economic nationalism and of digital integration is redefining the international business landscape that has shaped our understanding of globalization. ACT helps companies adapt their products, approaches, and business models to the new global reality.

Companies must take a more nuanced approach to identifying and creating growth opportunities. They must navigate an increasingly fragmented and volatile global economy.


We provide tools and processes that are applicable to individuals and organizations and contribute to the development of their road map to success. We believe that improved performance 

is achieved through the development of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that are reinforced by goals and a positive behavior change. These principles are applicable to individuals, 

businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.


Service and support leaders play a critical role in driving customer loyalty and retention Customer service and support leaders must build modern strategies and invest in a range of evolving technologies to continue to deliver tailored, high-quality service experiences when and where customers need them, without breaking the bank to do so. We provide you with the insights, advice and tools you need to address your mission-critical priorities


When a crisis or issue does arise, ACT Consulting provides tailored rapid response execution support along with analysis and counsel through dynamic situations. We manage immediate crises and formulate rigorous contingency plans to ensure that clients are prepared to deal with other developments. ACT Consulting can customize the type and level of support and guidance during a crisis to meet the client’s needs, from baseline to comprehensive support.


In these challenging times, organizations must elevate the most important asset they have: their people. By focusing on the fundamentals of people strategy—leadership, culture, talent, reskilling, and HR—companies can emerge stronger, more agile, more innovative, and better able to respond to an ever-changing environment.

Businesses face fast-moving disruptions on multiple fronts. Digitization, generational divides, and the rise of the gig economy have made leading and structuring organizations increasingly complex and high-stakes endeavors. Successful companies put the right people in the right roles to work toward clear and measurable goals. Our team combines behavioral science with business expertise to help companies select the best leaders and build aligned leadership teams and scalable organizational designs. Using our industry knowledge and proprietary tools, we develop and reinforce the values, beliefs, and behaviors that help businesses succeed.


Legislative and regulatory pressure is becoming more prevalent around the globe, which increases a company’s compliance obligations and jeopardizes its license to operate. Managing political risk is a growing imperative for effective corporate governance and business planning. ACT Consulting combines public policy, capital markets and sector-specific expertise to offer a unique capability for clients operating at the critical intersection between business and government.


We help pharmaceutical manufacturers win in a rapidly evolving market characterized by unpredictable product pipelines and uncertain regulatory actions. We bring unmatched expertise in innovation, customer experience, organizational design, M&A and other disciplines essential to achieving and maintaining industry leadership.


The auto industry is facing a dynamic and potentially disruptive decade. New technologies and mobility offerings are reshaping how we use and drive vehicles. New players from the technology and connectivity sectors are entering the business, and the traditional auto value chain is under threat. Winners will be companies that streamline operations, build new capabilities, enter new businesses, and form smart partnerships to seize market opportunities.


ამერიკის მოქალაქეებს უკვე შესაძლებლობა აქვთ გადაიხადონ სასურველი პროდუქციისა და მომსახურეობის ღირებულება, იმით რასაც თითქმის ყოველი ჩვენგანი სიამოვნებით აკეთებს. აპლიკაცია Pay Your Selfie იხდის თანხას თქვენს „სელფიში“.

ჩიკაგოში დაფუძნებულმა კომპანიამ, სექტემბრიდან მოყოლებული მოიზიდა 100 000-ზე მეტი მომხმარებლები, რომლებმაც აპლიკაციაში განათავსეს 500 000-ზე მეტი ფოტო. აპლიკაციის გამოყენება ძალიან მარტივია: Pay Your Selfie ანთავსებს მოთხოვნას კონკრეტულ ბრენდზე, მომხმარებლები ამ ბრენდის პროდუქციასთან გადაღებული ფოტოს ატვირთვის სანაცვლოდ იღებენ ვირტუალურ საფულეში $1-მდე თანხას. იმ ფოტოში, სადაც პროდუქტთან არ პოზირებენ, მომხმარებლები მხოლოდ რამოდენიმე ცენტს იღებენ. როდესაც მათი ელექტრონული ყულაბა $20-მდე შეივსება, კომპანია მათ ფოსტის მეშვეობით ჩეკს უგზავნის ან მოთხოვნის შესაბამისად მათ მიერ შერჩეულ საქველმოქმედო ორგანიზაციას ურიცხავს.

კომპანიები მზად არიან ფული გადაუხადონ Pay Your Selfie-ის მომხმარებლის ყოველი აქტივობისთვის, რათა მონაცემები შეაგროვონ და ინსაიტები გამოიყენონ რეკლამებისა და პროდუქტის შეფუთვისთვის. აპლიკაციის მომხმარებლების უდედისი ნაწილი არიან ახალგაზრდები – მარკეტერებისთვის ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანი სეგმენტი.

კბილის პასტა Crest და ლუდი Goose Island ამ პლატფორმის პირველი მომხმარებლები არიან. Procter & Gamble-ის კბილის პასტის ბრენდის შედეგები განსაკუთრებულად საინტერესოა.

მათ აღმოაჩინესრომ მომხმარებლების დიდი რაოდენობა კბილებს საღამოს 16:00 საათიდან 18:00 საათამდე იხეხავს.

– განაცხადა Pay Your Selfie-ს თანა-დამფუძნებელმა კრისტენ ჰოლმანმა. ასე რომ, თეორიულად Crest-ს შეუძლია ეს ინფორმაცია მესიჯებში და ციფრულ მედიაში გამოიყენოს.

ჰოლმანმა ასევე ისაუბრა ერთ-ერთი კომპანიის მაგალითზე:

სურდათ გაეგოთმომხმარებლები ხილს ოთახში დახლზე ინახავენ თუ სათავსოშითუ დახლზე ინახავენესეიგი ის მათი ყოველდღიური ცხოვრების ნაწილიახოლო თუ სათავსოში ინახავენ ესეიგი განმეორებითი შეძენის ალბათობა ნაკლებია.

მსგავსი ტიპის აპლიკაციები და მარკეტინგული კვლევის ინოვაციური მეთოდები კომპანიებს მომხმარებელზე უფრო მეტი ინფრომაციის მიღებაში ეხმარება, რაც სწორი ანალიზის შემთხვევაში სარეკლამო კამპანიების ზუსტ დაგეგმვას უწყობს ხელს.

 *წყარო – www.adweek.com


გავრცელებულია აზრი, რომ მომხმარებლებს აწუხებთ იმ პროდუქციის სარეკლამო მესიჯები, რომლებიც მათ არ სჭირდებათ და რა თქმა უნდა თვლიან, რომ თვითონ რეკლამა არის ის რაც მათ განსაკუთრებით აღიზიანებთ. მარკეტინგული კვლევის კომპანია Marketing Sherpa -მ მომხმარებლები გამოკითხა იმის შესახებ სურთ თუ არა მიიღონ სარეკლამო მესიჯები და რა საკომუნიკაციო არხებს ანიჭებენ უპირატესობას.

კვლევის შედეგებმა აჩვენა: საყოველთაოდ მიღებული თეორია, რომ მომხმარებლებს სძულთ რეკლამები მცდარია. რესპონდენტების მხოლოდ 8%-მა განაცხადა, რომ მათ არ სურთ რეკლამების მიღება, და დანარჩენმა 92%-მა დააფიქსირა არხები საიდანაც სურთ მიიღონ ინფორმაცია ახალი პროდუქტის შესახებ. განსაკუთრებით საინტერესოა, რომ ერთმა მესამედმა მიუთითა ელექტრონული ფოსტა მათ სმარტფონებზე, როგორც ყველაზე სასურველი ინფორმაციის წყარო.

შესაძლებელია ბევრს უცნაურად ეჩვენოსრადგან როდესაც მობაილ მარკეტინგზეა საუბარიელექტრონული ფოსტა ზოგჯერ საერთოდ არ განიხილება,“ განაცხადა Marketing Sherpa - გამომცემლობის დირექტორმა დანიელ ბერსტეინმა. „ყველაზე დიდ ყურადღებას უფრო საინტერესო თემებიმაგალითად ლოკაციაზე დაფუძნებული მარკეტინგი – iOS iBeacon და სხვა აპლიკაციები იმსახურებენ.“


გთავაზობთ რამოდენიმე საინტერესო სტატისტიკასა და სიახლეს ციფრულ მედია სივრცეში:

  • Google-მა გამოაქვეყნა სტატისტიკა, რომლის მიხედვით მომხმარებლების 90% თიშავს მობილურიდან ვებგვერდს თუ ის მათ მოთხოვნებს არ აკმაყოფილებს. ეს ციფრი აჩვენებს თუ რამდენად მნიშვნელოვანია ყველა ტიპის კომპანიისთვის საიტის მობაილ ვერსიის აწყობა.

  • Instagram-ის სტატისტიკაზე დაყრდნობით, მათი 400 მილიონი მომხმარებლის ნახევარი ბიზნეს გვერდების მიმდევარია და მეტიც – დაახლოებით 60% აცხადებს, რომ პროდუქტის შესახებ ინფრომაცია Instagram-ზე შეიტყო.

  • 17 აპრილს The New York Times-ის მიერ გამოქვეყნებული სტატიიის მიხედვით, 2016 წლის პირველ კვარტალში ინტერნეტ რეკლამაში დახარჯული ყოველი $1-დან 85 ცენტი მიდიოდა Google-სა და Facebook-ის რეკლამაში.

  • ფეისბუკის დეველოპერების ყოველწლიურ კონფერენციაზე – “F8”, გენარალურმა დირექტორმა, მარკ ცუკერბერგმა განაცხადა, რომ ყოველდღიურად 60 მილიარდი მესიჯი იგზავნება ფეისბუკ მესენჯერისა და „WhatsApp”-ის საშუალებით. (!!!)

  • Instagram-ის ანალიტიკურმა კომპანიამ – „Influencer.DB“-მ განაცხადა, რომ რეალითი შოუების სატელევიზიო ვარსკვლავი და სოციალური მედიის გურუ კენდალ ჯენერი ყოველდღიურად 100,000-მდე მიმდევარს იმატებს ინსტაგრამზე. აღსანიშნავია, რომ ყველაზე მეტი მომხმარებელი გერმანიაში ყავს (21%). Influencer.DB-მ ასევე ახსენა, რომ კენდალ ჯენერის ინსტაგრამის მიმდევრების მხოლოდ 7% ცხოვრობს ამერიკის შეერთებულ შტატებში.

  • 1 კვირის განმავლობაში აპლიკაცია Pokemon Go გადმოწერეს 15 მილიონჯერ.

წყარო: www.adweek.com


After the visa-free travel becomes effective, Georgian citizens will be able to travel to European/Shengen countries without any visa.

In accordance with the study conducted by ACT in October, absolute majority (97%) of Tbilisi population has heard about the visa liberalization of Georgia. 61% of Tbilisi population, in case of visa free travel, would like to visit European countries. 18% of Tbilisi residents would go to Italy, 17% to France and 14% to Germany.

It shall be mentioned that 25% of Tbilisi residents have already been in various European states, among them, 11% has visited Germany and 7-7% - Italy, France and Czech Republic.

The below-given photo shows the countries named by Tbilisi population along with percentages (in some cases, one respondent named several countries).

*ACT conducted the survey in October, 2016. Through random sampling method, 400 adult residents of Tbilisi were interviewed. Statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%, interviewing method – face-to-face interviews.


The Number of Facebook users is increasing by 17% every year. Currently, 1.18 billion people visit Facebook every day for at least 20 minutes, which made Facebook one of the most efficient advertising platforms.

ACT was interested to in the number of Facebook users in Tbilisi and if it is used for finding their favourite products.

The survey revealed that 59% of Tbilisians use Facebook. It is especially popular among youth of the age 18-24. Absolute majority of this age group are Facebook users (94%).

The study also showed that using Facebook for finding a favourable product is quite a common practice; 48% of consumers have this habit. One fifth of consumers (19%) has bought the desired product after seeing the ad on Facebook (at least once).

*ACT conducted the survey in October, 2016. Through random sampling method, 400 adult residents of Tbilisi were interviewed. Statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%, interviewing method – face-to-face interviews


Air pollution has become a topical issue due to the increased number of cars in Tbilisi. There were ratings spread in the internet about Tbilisi being on the first position in terms of air pollution.

ACT was interested in people’s opinions, what they think or have heard about the organization fighting aginst this problem.

The survey showed that 18% of Tbilisi population believe the situation has improved in the last three years and Tbilisi has become greener, however, almost half of the residents (44%) think that the situation has worsened.

The survey revealed that Guerrila Gardening (Partizanuli Mebageoba) has quite a high awareness in Tbilisi, 62% of respondents have heard about it. Although, only 4% has participated in the actions organized by them. More than half of the population positively evaluated their work and 9% gave negative assessments.

ACT conducted the survey in October, 2016. Through random sampling method, 400 adult residents of Tbilisi were interviewed. Statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%, interviewing method – face-to-face interviews.


The oil and gas industry is grappling with a range of complex challenges: energy transition, increasingly volatile oil prices, intensified global competition, the rise of disruptive technologies, and more sophisticated government regulations. These factors increase the complexity and risks for even the best-run firms. That’s why ACT is embracing new business models and an adaptive strategy, helping companies rise above industry perils to outflank competitors and thrive in the years ahead.


Creating value for patients is both the ultimate goal and an increasingly critical competitive advantage for health care payers and providers worldwide. Health care providers must transform their business 

models to deliver cost-competitive services that improve patient outcomes and deliver sustainable growth for the organization.


Primary, secondary, postsecondary, and vocational institutions around the world are facing many challenges. In every market, they are expected to embrace new technologies, respond to changing labor markets, and manage increasing globalization—while delivering better student outcomes on ever-tighter budgets. Is it possible to navigate these often competing demands while fulfilling their core missions? Yes, through innovation and transformation.


Armed with social media, today’s global consumers are more powerful than ever before. They want quality, value, and personalization—and they want it fast. Restaurants are responding by updating their brand concepts, rethinking menus, and right-sizing overhead costs. Hotels, resorts, and casinos are diving deep into customer preferences and spending patterns to understand what brings customers through their doors—and keeps them coming back. We help companies transform their operations so that they can respond to new consumer trends quickly and stay competitive.


On March 21, the final event of Niko Ketskhoveli School Award 2019 was held at the conference hall of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia.

At the beginning of the event, guests were welcomed by Nana Janashia (CENN), Levan Davitashvili - Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Natia Zedginidze - Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and Kakha Kuchava, The Chairman of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee.

At the final stage of the school contest, the participating schools presented the changes that they had introduced either in big cities or small mountain villages in response to global challenges during the year.

The semi-final round of the competition was held in 4 cities of Georgia and on the 3rd of March, 32 finalists were revealed out of 150 schools participating in semi-finals. The jury, comprised of representatives of governmental, international and research organizations, selected 3 winners out of 32 participating schools.

I award – village Rokiti school (Imereti region)

II award – St Akeksi Shushania Orthodox School-Gymnasium (Samegrelo region);

III award – “Georgian School” (Tbilisi)

"ACT" participated in the awards ceremony of finalist schools. Niko Ketskhoveli School Award is the largest environmental contest, which aims to support environmental education and civic engagement. The main topic of the 2019 contest was sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The contest was implemented by Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) together with the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.

A team of Kitskhi public school was chosen as a favorite team of ACT and Miss Sopho Chachanidze, the company's partner rewarded them.

The school environmental contest – Niko Ketskhoveli School Award has been organized by CENN since 2015 with financial contribution from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The co-organizers include the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and the Parliament of Georgia.

The main topic of the 2019 contest was sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and around 500 schools participated across the country. Finalist schools have been awarded during semi-finals which were organized in regional centers with the participation of the most successful 150 teams.


“WIN/Gallup International” conducted a survey in 64 countries. According to the survey results, 61% of population would fight for their country, but 27% would not. The fighting spirit is much higher (83%) in Central East and North Africa than in Western Europe (25%). Processing of data by age parameter showed that 18-34 age group is the most willing to go to battle (66%).

76% of Georgian population declares readiness to fight for their homeland, which is the highest indicator in Europe. Higher percentage compared to Georgia was observed only in 6 countries, including Morocco and Fiji, which share the first position (94%).

*The survey was conducted in 2014. In total, 62 398 respondents were interviewed worldwide through various interviewing methods: face-to-face interviewing method (30 countries, N=32,258) telephone interviews (CATI, 12 countries, n=9,784) or online surveys (in 22 countries; n=20,356). The statistical error does not exceed 4.45%.


Today, as of February 14, it is St. Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was a Catholic Saint whose day is celebrated as a day of Love in many countries of the world, however, in the majority of these countries, it is not a civil or religious holiday.

ACT survey revealed that the majority of Tbilisi residents have heard about Valentine’s Day (97%), although, only 76% knew the exact date.

Regardless of the high percentage of awareness, not many people are celebrating St. Valentine’s Day, only 25%.

Among them who celebrate the Love Day, the majority (74%) buys a present for their beloved ones, 9% plans a romantic evening at home and 7% - at the restaurant.

60% of Tbilisi residents have the spouse. But the indicator is lower (25%) among young people of the age 18-24.

*ACT conducted the online survey in January, 2017. Through random sampling method, 400 adult residents of Tbilisi were interviewed. Statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%, interviewing method – face-to-face interviews.


The Parliament of Georgia adopted a bill entitled "Regarding Tobacco Control" during its first hearing yesterday, within the frameworks of which smoking in enclosed buildings and public spaces will be banned from May 2018. Furthermore, advertisement and sales of all types of tobacco products will be prohibited in conspicuous places. "ACT" became interested in the perspectives and viewpoints of the population regarding the above-specified change.

One-quarter (26%) of the Tbilisi residents consider that which smoking should be entirely banned in enclosed buildings and public spaces, while a vast majority (64%) of the surveyed respondents reason that designated smoking areas should be allocated for smokers within enclosed buildings and public spaces. Only 10% of the respondents believe that smoking should not be restricted in any capacity.

31% of the Tbilisi population is a tobacco consumer, among which women smokers amount to 18%, while percentile indicator men smokers equals 48%.

The survey was conducted among 400 adult Tbilisi residents in March 31 - April 3 period 2017 by utilizing random sampling technique. Margin of statistical error does not exceed  4.9%, while face-to-face interview methodology was employed for the construction of the above-presented survey.


The survey conducted by ACT shows that almost all Tbilisians (96%) are celebrating Easter holiday, notwithstanding how religious they are. Moreover, absolute majority will follow the tradition related to the Easter holiday and colour the eggs in red (95%). 77% of Tbilisians will buy  traditional Easter cake and 16% will bake it themselves. 4% will bake as well as buy the Easter cake. Only 3% of Tbilisi population said that  they won’t have the cake at all. Almost half of Tbilisi population (41%) plans to travel outside the city for Easter. The survey was conducted among 400 adult Tbilisi residents in March 31 – April 3 period 2017 by utilizing random sampling technique. 

Margin of statistical error does not exceed 4.9%, while face-to-face interview methodology was employed for the construction of the above-presented survey.


Summer is coming - the season of summer fruits like water melon, strawberries and others. ACT decided to find out what is the favorite fruit of Tbilisi residents.

The research found, that apple is the mostly loved fruit in Tbilisi (36%). Summer fruit is second most proffered type of fruit - watermelon (33%), peach (29%), strawberries (29%), "alucha" (22%) and cherry (16%). Unlike watermelon, melon is less popular among Tbilisians - 9%.

It's worth noting, that only 16% of Tbilisi residents love grapes, the symbol of Georgia, more than other fruits. 

* The survey was conducted among 400 adult Tbilisi residents in March 31 – April 3 period 2017 by utilizing random sampling technique. Margin of statistical error does not exceed 4.9%, while face-to-face interview methodology was employed for the construction of the above-presented survey.


Today is June first - international children's day – which was founded in November 1949 by Women’s international Democratic Federation and from 1950 is celebrated annually by various countries of the world.

The purpose of this day is to remind that all governments are obliged to ensure the welfare of each child. This implies to exercise the rights of life and health, access to education and appropriate living conditions.

According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia, 56,569 children were born on 2016 and this number is 5% smaller to previous year’s indicator. However, when last 10 years’ data is analyzed, increase in birth rates can be noticed.


We’ve been hearing about the death of retail for years now. An April report by Credit Suisse predicted that 8,600 brick-and-mortar stores will padlock their doors this year—a shakeout that dwarfs the closings seen even in the wake of the Great Recession. Malls in particular face the bleakest future, with somewhere around a quarter of them predicted to close in the next five years.

And it doesn’t take an MBA to understand why this is happening. Ecommerce is taking the place of the time-honored trip to the store and, what’s more, millennials—now 87 million strong—are at the root of it.

Or are they?

A new report suggests that contrary to popular assumptions about the much-coveted generation of digital natives, millennial shoppers actually like going to brick-and-mortar stores—a great deal, actually. According to research by behavioral marketing firm SmarterHQ, a whopping 50 percent of millennials not only go to physical stores, they prefer going to them as a primary means of shopping.

The finding is bound to leave retailers in a tough spot. With bankruptcies at record levels and so much of commerce moving to the web, “marketers have emphasized optimizing their digital marketing strategies with the idea that consumers prefer to shop primarily online,” the report says. “However, our data shows that it’s important for brands to breathe life back into their brick and mortar as well.”

But what about all the intelligence that said 20- and 30-something shoppers are most comfortable spending their money via web sites and apps—is that data incorrect? Well, no. But SmarterHQ’s study presents a more nuanced view of millennial shopping patterns, which, you might say, are multistage. As CEO Michael Osborne put it: “They’re using the in-store experience as research, but they’re not buy everything that way.”

In other words, millennials are big practitioners of “showrooming”: They frequently test drive products in stores then purchase them online at home (assuming they don’t whip out their phones and buy it while standing in the store itself.)

Historically, retailers have dreaded showrooming for obvious reasons. It leaves them in a position of footing the costs to put merchandise on display only to ultimately lose the sale to giants like Amazon that don’t have to contend with the overhead of mall rents or maintaining a store on Main Street. But Osborne believes that millennial showrooming isn’t as poisonous as it may seem.

A retailer that takes a holistic view of revenue, one that doesn’t pit brick-and-mortar sales against online sales, can adapt to showrooming, he said, by closing low-traffic locations and designing its ecommerce platforms to catch millennial shoppers as they exit stores with a purchase in mind.

“If you have a strategy around this and you’ve closed the unprofitable stores, this can be a good thing,” Osborne said. “Your digital channels will [get] a better margin.”

As to why millennials like to go to physical stores, it seems that (surprise!) they’re actually not much different from anyone else. Stores offer the opportunity to try out (or, in the case of apparel, try on) the goods before the purchase is made. And, like other age cohorts, millennials head to the store for a wide variety of reasons. According to SmarterHQ’s data, 30 percent are looking for a bargain, 18 percent have a specific purchase in mind, 17 percent are researching and 14 percent are simply browsing.

Even while it points out an unlikely affinity for brick-and-mortar shopping, SmarterHQ’s study does confirm much of what retailers have long presumed about millennial shoppers. They are not especially loyal to brands; they are rankled by too many marketing messages sent their way and they demonstrate a remarkable capacity to shop while simultaneously engaging in other activities (among them watching TV, chatting, and working).

The bottom line, Osborne said, is that brick and mortar still has a place in the retail landscape, but only those brands that calibrate themselves to the hybridized shopping habits of millennials can expect to prosper in the fast-changing environment. The findings of the study point to “a greater, longer-term trend in retail, which is if you don’t adapt to the changing consumer base and how and what [it] wants to buy … you’ll be left behind. If you adapt to your customer, you get to stay around. If you don’t, you don’t.”

Source: Adweek.com 


According to the survey results, most of the respondents (43%) are able to have a vacation once a year. It should be noted that a large number of the respondents are unable to have leisure. Among those respondents, 65+ respondents represent the majority (46%). The most popular reason of not being able to have a vacation within Georgia was found to be the lack of money (63%), followed by the lack of time (37%). The reason was the lack of time mostly for the 35-44 year-old respondents (73%), while the 65+ respondents were unable to relax because of lack of money. It is noteworthy, that men (47%) are more likely to not go to holidays due to lack of time than women (30%) while the absence of money hinders women (69%) more than men (57%).

Most of the respondents who manage to have a vacation, prefer seaside resorts (55%). Mountain resorts are almost as popular, which is visited by 44% of the respondents. 36% of the surveyed people visit friends / relatives’ or his/her own village, 65+ respondents doing it the most often (60% of them).

As it turned out, summer is the most optimal time for holidays (94%). Gender and age differences were not revealed in this regard. The number of the families who spend 500-1000 Gel on average for leisure, is the highest among all – 41%. 500 Gel or less is enough for 28% of the surveyed families. 55% of the respondents who travel within Georgia accumulate the budget for the whole year. 25% of the respondents do not need to save money for leisure (men - 33%, women - 20%), while 8% of the holidaymakers need to make a bank loan or an installment in order to collect the required amount.


According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June of 2018, 34% of citizens are consumers of tobacco. Among them, 29% smokes regularly, 5% only occasionally. According to the results of the same study conducted in the spring of 2017, 31% of adult residents of Tbilisi were consumers of tobacco which demonstrates that the situation has not changed from this point of view. Rate of tobacco consumption is much higher among men (58%) than women (16%), citizens in 35-54 age category consume tobacco most actively.
63% of Tbilisi residents believe that the law on “Tobacco Control” will not reduce consumption of tobacco but the same quantity (64%) give positive evaluation towards new regulations.
The majority (58%) of tobacco consumers smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day and declares that restriction of tobacco consumption in public places did not affect their consumption frequency. Speaking of gender perspective, the difference is significant: 68% of men smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day while only 29% of women consume the same quantity.

**The survey was conducted in Tbilisi among 400 adult residents using random selection technique, on June 2-3, 2018. The statistical margin of error ranges from 3.0% to 6.5%. Utilized research method – FTF interview.


2018 წლის ივნისში თბილისში ჩატარებული გამოკითხვის მიხედვით მოსახლეობის 58% მიიჩნევს, რომ ქალისათვის ოჯახის შესაქმნელად ყველაზე სასურველი ასაკი 25 წლიდან 30 წლამდეა, იგივე ასაკს ასახელებს რესპოდენტთა 70% მამაკაცის დასაოჯახებლად ყველაზე ოპტიმალურ პერიოდად. ამის მიუხედავად, გამოკითხულთა მესამედზე მეტი მიიჩნევს, რომ ქალმა უფრო ადრე უნდა შექმნას ოჯახი, ვიდრე მამაკაცმა.

რაც შეეხება ბავშვზე ზრუნვას, ამ შემთხვევაშიც უმრავლესობას (77%) მიაჩნია, რომ პასუხისმგებლობა თანაბრად უნდა განაწილდეს ცოლ-ქმარზე; თუმცა, მაშინ როდესაც 22% აზრით ბავშვზე ზრუნვა მეტწილად დედის მოვალეობაა, იგივე პასუხისმგებლობას მამებს მხოლოდ 1% აკისრებს. აღსანიშნავია, რომ ამ მოსაზრებასთან დაკავშირებით გენდერული განსხვავებები არ გამოვლენილა.
რაც შეეხება ოჯახის მატერიალურ უზრუნველყოფას, თბილისელების 63%-ს მიაჩნია, რომ ქალმა და მამაკაცმა თანაბრად უნდა უზრუნველყოს ოჯახის ფინანსური მდგომარეობა. ამის მიუხედავად, გასულ წელს ეისითის მიერ ჩატარებული კვლევის შედეგემბა აჩვენა, რომ ოჯახის შემოსავლის 65% მოდის კაცზე და მხოლოდ 35% ქალზე (ბმული).

*კვლევა ჩატარდა თბილისის მასშტაბით, შემთხვევითი შერჩევის გზით 400 ზრდასრულ თბილისის მოსახლეს შორის, 2018 წლის 2-3 ივნისის პერიოდში. მონაცემთა სტატისტიკური ცდომილება საშუალოდ 3.0%-6.5%-იან შუალედში მერყეობს. გამოყენებული მეთოდი – პირისპირ ინტერვიუ.


According to the study conducted in June of 2018, 56% of population uses fast food restaurants with different frequency. Fast food restaurants are the most actively used by young people aged 18-24 (88%) while only 24% of respondents aged 65 and above visit these kinds of food places. In addition, it is worth mentioning that fast food places are more popular among men compared to women (60%, 25% respectively).

The majority of respondents (57%) spend up to 10 GEL per one person during a visit in fast food place. As for those main reasons why respondents visit fast food places, respondents name tasty food 52%, promptness of service 31% and convenient location 15%. It is also worth mentioning that only 8% of respondents visit fast food places for low price of service.


According to the June 2018 research conducted in Tbilisi, 86% of the residents are fans sport fans. It’s noteworthy, that most of the fans are men and 24+ respondents. Football (34%), rugby (23%) and basketball (9%) were the most popular sports among the respondents. Interestingly, Football is more popular among men, while rugby and basketball is more often named by women as their favorite sport. The age difference between fans of these sports has only been revealed in rugby case, as research finds, rugby is the most popular among 18-44 respondents.

Most of the respondents (72%) believe that rugby is the most developed sport in Georgia. It is followed by football (9%) and judo (7%) with almost similar indexes.

* The research was conducted in Tbilisi by random selection between 400 adult Tbilisi residents during the period of June 2-3, 2018. The statistical error varies from 3.0% to 6.5%. The method used was face-to-face interview.


According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June, 2018, when purchasing food products, every third resident of Tbilisi (33%) almost always tries to find out whether the product is genetically modified or not, while the same quantity (30%) never pays attention to this issue.

It is quite interesting that origin of food products is more important for women than for men – women pay more attention whether the product is genetically modified or not and compared to men, more women think that this kind of food is harmful for health.

In general, genetically modified product is believed to be very harmful for health by the majority of Tbilisi residents (74%). However, it is quite interesting that level of concern increases together with older age – elder citizens are more concerned that genetically modified food products are sold on the market.

The survey was conducted in Tbilisi among 400 adult residents using random selection technique, on June 2-3, 2018. The statistical margin of error ranges from 3.0% to 6.5%. Utilized research method – FTF interview.


According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June, 2018, every third resident of Tbilisi (33%) has travelled abroad at least once. 27% of Tbilisi residents travelled abroad for personal reasons and 11% for business trips. The most popular destinations are Turkey (47%), Russia (36%), Germany (34%), Azerbaijan (23%), and France (21%). It is quite interesting that travelling in Turkey is especially popular among young people up to 24 years, elder residents (55+) of Tbilisi prefer to travel to Russia, while middle-aged citizens (25-34) choose Germany.

Based on the study conducted by ACT in 2016, we can conclude that interest towards EU countries has drastically increased among travelers which should be the result of visa-free regime

The majority of Tbilisi residents save money for travelling during entire year, the majority of those who cannot travel declare that they cannot afford it.

Interesting differences have been identified between men and women. As confirmed by the study results, women mostly travel with family members while men mostly travel with friends. In addition, men spend slightly more money when being abroad than women.

*The survey was conducted in Tbilisi among 400 adult residents using random selection technique, on June 2-3, 2018. The statistical margin of error ranges from 3.0% to 6.5%. Utilized research method – FTF interview.









In the XXIth century, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has become one of the most important and influential person in a company. It is exactly CMO who helps company to determine user attitude, opinion and preferences as well as to develop the right strategy for communication and sales. At the same time, CMO' role and scope has been expanded nowadays - they no longer act exclusively as heads of advertising campaigns, but also assist overall development of a company and market by implementing innovations. It is worth noting, that due to the existing demand and challenges on the market, the list of practical skills, competence and experience that are crucial for success has been increased.

The well-known business magazine Forbes has released its 2019 list of The World’s Most Influential CMOs, who have best understanding of costumer needs and respectively, create value for them. CMOs were evaluated according to specific indicators such as social media engagement (Twitter, Linkedin) brand awareness and brand loyalty index. The Top 10 Most Influential CMOs represent very successful brands: Linda Boff (GE), Leslie Berland (Twitter), Antonio Lucio (HP), Raja Rajamannar (Mastercard), Ann Lewnes (Adobe), Phil Schiller (Apple), Dean Evans (Hyundai), Kristin Lemkau (JPMorgan) and Marc Mathieu (Samsung Electronics America). Interestingly, CMOs of famous brands such as Procter & Gamble and Marriot were ranked as 48th and 50th according to Forbes Magazine.
Source: Forbes


On February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries across the world. Although this celebration, which is considered as a day of love, is neither a secular nor a religious holiday, according to a survey conducted by ACT in 2017, 25% of the adult population celebrated this day and the majority of them bought a gift.

It is unknown by how much has the number of people who celebrate Valentine's Day increased or decreased by 2019. According to the old data, 74% of the people who were celebrating Valentine's Day, were buying a gift. Since the perfumery products are consumed in total by 66% of Tbilisi's adult population, we can assume, that perfume was and is one of the most desirable gifts.

"ACT" was interested generally what type of perfume or cosmetic product Tbilisians bought for the last 1 year and for that reason, interviewed 400 adult residents of Tbilisi.

Turned out, that in 2018, the top three choices made by Tbilisians were the perfume, face cream and lip gloss.

The results of the survey revealed that, during the last 1 year, perfume or cologne were bought by 85% of Tbilisi residents, face cream or moisturizer were purchased by 55 % and lip gloss - by 54 %.

* The survey was conducted in December 2018, among a random sample of 400 adults who reside in Tbilisi. Margin of error does not exceed 4.9%. The method used - telephone survey.


In order to evaluate standard of living and economic level of population, it is important to analyze not only revenues, but expenses as well.

“ACT” was interested how much Tbilisi residents spend on food products per month and, therefore, what is their purchasing power.

According to survey results, average montlhy cost of food products amounts to 569 Gel.

About 30% of respondents are those consumers who spend a minimum amount of money on food products per month, more precisely - less than 300 GEL. The monthly expenses of a third of the Tbilisi population (34%) vary between 300-500 GEL. The rest of the respondents, (36%) spend a relatively large amount on food products on a monthly basis - their expenses exceed 500 GEL.

In addition, the average monthly household income of the respondents amounts to 1238 GEL.

*The survey was conducted among a random sample of 800 adults who reside in Tbilisi and are responsible for purchasing food products in family. Margin of error varies between 3,5-4,2%.


Every year, the capital city celebrates Tbilisoba during the first weekend of October. Based on opinion poll conducted by ACT, 88,4% of Tbilisi residents believe that Tbilisoba is an important event for the capital, 6.8% of residents believe that this holiday is not important while 2.9% do not have any determined position on this matter.

ACT was interested to find out how actively residents attended events held within Tbilisoba this year. Only 23% of inquired respondents attended events, the highest attendance was reported on concerts (44%), exhibitions (19%), agricultural market (16%), entertainment activities for children (9.4%), plays (6.4%) and festivals (5.4%).

According to general tendency, 22.1% of inquired respondents attend events held within Tbilisoba day every year, 24% of them do not attend at all, while 53.3% of respondents attend in different frequency.

*Survey was conducted with 400 adult residents of Tbilisi via random sampling in October of 2019. Statistical error data averagely does not exceed 4.9%. Utilized method – telephone interview.


Our new reality is very much alike if you get up 15 minutes earlier to work day, go to “home office”, work, mix personal and work time, head over to your own kitchen during lunch, come across with shopping list when working on projects and mostly spend your weekends on the balcony. New reality makes our behavior and work principles homogenous. In the environment where homes are turned into offices a circle is formed where routine is repeated every day for everyone. How is it possible under these circumstances to keep your work motivation or even increase it?

When speaking about motivation, we most definitely need to mention Abraham Maslow, founder of motivation theory, whose pyramid cannot be avoided by any organization. On initial stage of keeping employees motivated, Maslow considers basic needs: physical environment and safety, following level is taken by psychological needs: belonging, love, recognition and finally, he sees the need of achieving one’s full potential and self-actualization.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy, organizations that fully meet employees’ needs from basic needs to top level, significantly increase their motivation. However, this classic model was altered by the pandemic. Now, employees who had their physical environment covered in terms of basic needs, have an upside down situation: they make stocks of food, pile up hygiene and medical products, stay at home and take care of their own and family member’s health. Under these changes, pyramid is completely altered and it becomes necessary to discuss changed tactics of employees’ motivation.

In Georgian reality, “upside down” pyramid appeared to be most simply adaptable for those companies whose organizational strengths became transferable into remote service as they already had digital processes well-established. To motivate employees, these and other companies had to make decisions based on the stage where large portion of their employees were at.

We are sharing an example of our organization – ACT, how it manages to preserve the bottom level of pyramid so that based on the central part, it supports lower and upper levels and respectively, increases employees’ motivation.

Love, friendship, family, belonging – central part of the pyramid, psychological factors largely affect motivation of employees. As far as ACT’s management follows direct, consistent communication, uses open, free, less bureaucratic approaches, acceptance of their decisions is already quite high. In addition to this, the majority of employees has long history of working for the company, thus, the feeling of love and belonging, supporting each other stands high on psychological level. A feeling of belonging is enhanced during a crisis, when people love to be united, to be in the same boat, this strengthens them mentally and simplifies acceptance of novelties, new initiatives. Being united against the problem from the company’s perspective is perceived as ultimate motivator, while being united around the idea is a powerful tool in the pursue to achieving goal. 

Physical environment – new fears emerged in terms of physical level: preserving a job, salary, mobilization of finances for meeting basic needs, physical place to effectively do your job. These fears compromise lower level and to terminate this, organization needs to have timely and right communication with employees. To address this problem, ACT made certain changes in terms of staff/salary, which resulted in preserving jobs for every employee. This decision, on one side eliminated fears in terms of safety and physical environment and on the other side, on central level, built level of basic needs on membership of one big family. Employees became motivated to create safe working environment for them and their colleagues, thus, the company shortly became entirely digitalized.

Self-actualization – some of ACT’s employees were on the level of meeting the need of self-actualization, while part of them, with right allocation of resources, were given a chance to show off their “hidden” skills during the crisis. Opportunity to demonstrate their potential additionally motivated people to receive recognition from colleagues and level up to the last step of pyramid where by fully realizing their skills, they could turn the challenge into an opportunity. Clear demonstration of this is a new consulting platform of ACT – www.act-strategist.ge formed with the idea of supporting other businesses under corporate responsibility.

When evaluating the steps we made, organization was able to obtain a larger picture through a feedback tool (internal study), based on which motivation of employees has remained the same for 57% during crisis considering the decisions made by management while motivation increased for 33% of employees. Inquired staff members also believe that changes will not affect company’s work: on expectation level, they perceived that company would work in regular regime, while they feel optimistic towards the future operation of ACT. As verified by this example, if psychological needs are met, organization culture and feeling of being united is in place, building values on them becomes quite easy, which is particularly important during crisis.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is often a topic of discussion for business circles as well as for broader audience. This topic is particularly important today when the world is united against one common challenge- fight against Covid-19.

Clearly, governments are obliged to do their best to fight against pandemic, to save lives and keep economy going. This is their core responsibility. However, as demonstrated by this process, effort of officials is not enough to tackle the situation. While #stayhome campaign requires responsibility of each citizen, it is interesting what is the role of business in fight against Covid-19?! What does companies, as parts of our society do for common good? Or what can they do better?

According to webpage created for the purpose of preventing spread of Coronavirus in Georgia – Stopcov.ge, 170 companies operating in Georgia already demonstrated high social responsibility in the process of fighting against the pandemic. Amount of money transferred to special foundation created for the purpose of Coronavirus prevention already exceeds 131 million GEL. This clearly is something to appreciate but Georgian companies did not express their social responsibility only in this form. There were quite many companies engaging other activities under social responsibility – including profile activities (e.g. providing doctors with food or fuel; restructuration of loans, etc.) and activities out of their profile. It is a pity that in some cases, due to insufficient communication, socially responsible steps of these companies could not reach consumers and took away the opportunity of establishing positive reputation based on reciprocal usefulness.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Georgian society, including consumers of specific brands are quite critical towards social responsibility exercised by large companies, intensiveness of charity activities carried out by them. To put it in other words, consumers set much higher standards of civil sense to businesses than a large portion of companies imagine.

We often talk to consumers to evaluate image of leader companies in various fields and their work in general through focus groups, telephone or face-to-face inquiries (note: this form of inquiry was completely replaced with telephone method in ACT due to new agenda set by Covid-19) and here is what they tell us:

,,I try to be and cooperate with companies which have high social responsibility and does at least something to help Georgians, tries to help and make improvement”. [Woman, 26 years old]

 „Commercial organizations do not feel certain idea. Their main idea clearly is to earn as much as possible, get more profit, but we should not forget social responsibility”. [Man, 37 years old]

Together with meeting basic steps of social responsibility, important component of brand’s reputation is believed to be other benefits brought to broader society.

Basic steps of social responsibility include:

  1. Bring benefit to consumer: offer good product or service, every possible comfort
  2. Pay taxes in respective manner, fill country’s budget
  3. Develop jobs and create safe working environment for employees, taking decent labor conditions into account.

Upper levels of CSR impose broader, more global responsibilities to companies, as integral parts of our society. Such approach is called civil sense of business or corporate citizenship which implies effort to improve economic, environmental and social situation of the community where business was founded and/or is in interaction considering other factors. In Georgian reality, due to smaller area of activity, this community implies entire country and its residents. Respectively, business is challenged to offer types of activities which will be vivid and at the same time, useful for entire Georgian society or any group of it.

It is also worth mentioning that consumers’ memory on the projects implemented by Georgian companies under CSR is quite scarce and is mostly limited to charity projects. Furthermore, there is perceived severe social condition of the country and thus, desirable directions of CSR ultimately imply charity and more specifically, sensitive fields such as funding for cancer patients, allowance for socially vulnerable families or children. Considering high sensitivity of society and urgent need, we can also include monetary transfers made to Coronavirus prevention fund under this category.

However, respondents separately mention need of campaigns with long-term effect in the fields which will bring broader benefit to the country and society. These fields are perceived to be education, investments in technology and economic development. In Georgian reality, tourism and agriculture are particularly sensitive fields of economy.

It is important activities implemented or planned under CSR to comply with three main criteria defined by final evaluators – consumers:

  1. Greater goal –  it is important for companies to mobilize financial and other resources for initiatives that are related to actually big, important benefits. In our reality, coping with Coronavirus and accompanying difficulties clearly is such challenge.
  2. Sustainability – consumers agree that companies with true social responsibility and aspirations carry out not one-time, but consistent campaigns and their ethical nature is tested by time. Thus, instead of one-time donations, society may be more assured by unified strategy developed in response to specific challenge (in this case: Covid-19 or one specific problem caused by it) and respective chain of activities, which implies that companies allocate not only financial, but intellectual, physical and time resources and points out their long-term intention.
  3. Relevance with competence – third desirable but non-mandatory criterion implies that CSR activities chosen by the company to be in compliance with its field of activity, its competence or even refer to those members of society with whom this organization interacts more. In the current situation private medical institutions, pharmaceutic and insurance companies are clearly given the opportunity to show off their social responsibility. However, naturally, other companies can contribute in common good too and do it more effectively than before if they allocate their resources to the aspect of the problem which is more correlated with their field of activity.

Considering inevitable regress of our economy due to fight against Covid-19, we can clearly say that preserving country’s economic health is no less important challenge than coping with a virus. Regardless the steps made by the government and international donors, business initiatives in this field may act as important boosters of economy. This can become the position business should pick in order to more effectively manage utilizing its potential under this crisis to benefit the society.


Evolution progresses in spiral way, which means that the mankind moves forward and development stages repeat themselves or are very similar to each other. In 21st century, on the background of growing technological and personal development achievements, equipped with personal computer and smartphone, human had to lock himself in “the cave” again and this way, we temporarily stopped and only on expense of intellectual resource, kept developing the idea of inhabiting parallel planet to live. People hope to get routine everyday life back where one has breakfast in the morning, then heads over to work, then goes to café for lunch, from work to market, from market to home, from home to a bar and then makes breakfast again in the morning. Humans have been building this simple life chain for centuries, eventually developed it and now nobody wants to start over. Pieces of the chain are tightly connected and are independently operational units, small, medium and large business fields the majority of which are now in waiting mode. We were interested to find out whether the perception of social responsibility has changed in the crisis or not. We conducted in-depth interviews with representatives of companies of different size operating in Georgia, based on which we created the following anthropological picture of perceptions:

1. In own cave

Sense of danger and unclear situation outside, made human find a shelter in the cave and return back there every time as he already knew the way. Having a roof as an opportunity to protect from natural conditions and hide from outside threat, brought a human the feeling of getting used to own place – one specific environment and he found more or less calmness in this environment. People left alone because of the pandemic headed over to their homes – their forever and well-known cave. Corporations are managed from homes, so in the beginning of the crisis, companies used one of the topical, practically inevitable form of social responsibility – to “transfer” employees to their homes and made sure they stayed there. According to inquired respondents, they made the decision of terminating their work in real regime and switching employees to remote mode alongside the recommendations issued in the country. Quality of social responsibility is determined based on when the business implemented the said – when the relevant recommendations were issued or when the pandemic was already severely spread. But for now when every corporation whose work can be done remotely at least partially, tries to manage remote work of their employees in a way not to lose the sense of team work neither to decrease the interest towards work. This form of corporate responsibility is ultimately based on caring for health of one person and has various forms in various corporations – this could be social package of unified insurance developed in the crisis or equipping employees with protective items at home or organizing special trainings so that when performing work (signing agreements in old form) their health is maximally protected. The least company can do to this regard is to provide licensed version of Zoom meetings absolutely necessary for remote work so that employees can easily work from home.

2. The scene of hunting mammoths 

After getting known with the cave and settling down in it, man started using this cave as a mean of communication. First historically proven ancient drawings on cave walls depicted what man saw and did beyond the cave. Man used to scrap mammoths on cave walls for two reasons – in order to classify (in simple form) i.e. to distinct mammoth from tiger and in order to share it for others. Depicting actions helped human to better plan hunting, have better perspective of animal anatomy, simple ways of hunting them, to do its job properly. To become a “professional” and then share this plan and knowledge with others so that others could hunt better too. In this context, revaluation of social responsibility is defined with the motif to save yourself, to continue work in future and to save neighbor companies as hunting is better together, chances are higher to hunt bigger animal and survive if attacked. As believed by inquired representatives of businesses, influence of international B2B corporate responsibility is eventually taking its position in Georgia. The majority of respondents representing large businesses emphasize importance of supporting quick development and sharing specific advices in crisis, necessity of which drastically changes in narrative of small business representatives. Respondents confirm the assumption that in this context, small and medium size business are most vulnerable, this is why social responsibility of large business is to offer them support. From Georgian reality, so far these are only a few examples such as support in establishment of e-commerce platform or providing consulting on business matters. Launch of ACT business consulting platform served exactly this purpose – to share our knowledge and experience to those who are in desperate need of our support now to survive in long-term perspective and to turn into large companies commissioning us after this crisis so that we hunt down mammoth together.

3. Shared bonfire 

After discovering the fire, man started using it for different purposes. In order not to lose time for starting a fire every single time, he tried to have it on all the time. As together with people “making friends”, perimeter of the caves narrowed, fire appeared in the center of the caves and each member had the responsibility to keep the shared bonfire on. The most frequent and prevalent form of social responsibility is to contribute in this common bonfire, if we imagine that fire is country’s economy or common welfare, corporate responsibility of company is to support separate segments of the society around this common fire (to help vulnerable groups, to support sport or cultural activities). During Covid-19 crisis this had a form of creating unified platform of fight against pandemic and millions of GEL transferred to it. Corporations donated money for common welfare. In addition to this, in separate cases companies financially supported or if relevant to their field, provided their product (food, fuel) to National Center of Disease Control and Infectious Hospital as frontline units in fight against Coronavirus. As explained by companies selling construction and oil products, such purposeful use of money simplifies engagement in social responsibility activity and ensures them from making a mistake – define the most vulnerable group and its needs in this crisis. This form of CSR, similar to its symbolic face – fire, has an effect to spread, on one side, it sets an example for other corporations and motivates them to donate money to cope with the common enemy and on the other side, if we generalize on the example of the specific construction company, CSR can be implemented through such activities which could involve not only corporations but ordinary citizens while business would act as a mediator. For instance, if you purchase real estate under the promotion, part of the amount you pay will be transferred to Covid-19 fund.

4. Thigh bone 

A student once asked famous American anthropologist Margaret Mead what she considered to be the first evidence of civilization. Among expected answers from scientific point of view student considered that Mead would say clay vessel, hunting tools or fire as a mean of communication, but anthropologist answered: a human thigh bone with a healed fracture found in an archeological site 15, 000 years old. This bone is the largest in human body, forms the hip joint which is absolutely necessary for a human to walk, if fractured, this bone needs average 4-6 months to heal. As explained by Mead, when an animal breaks a leg in wild nature, he dies because he cannot hunt for food, cannot move to escape from the attack, is unable to find water. Mead points out that healed femur fracture tells us that someone spent time and resources, took care of the person in need, healed him, brought him food and water, and protected or moved to a safer place before he was healed. This is where civilization starts – with healed femur fracture – with care for others.

Revalued perception of corporate responsibility which changed from simple one-time charity to taking care of employees, sharing knowledge and experience with others, and providing purposeful funding for activities oriented on common welfare, is eventually developing in Georgian reality, but we believe that first sign of civilization for social responsibility is corporate healed thigh bones – those employees whose jobs could be preserved and who will return to workplaces after the crisis is over because they were not abandoned in time of need and were taken care of; because exactly healed femur fractures will be counted after Coronavirus is over, this will be a measure of moral damage done by the pandemic beyond human lives and health and each of us will think about how many healed bones are on us.  



Coronavirus which has been spreading all over the world and making it upside down for three months now, makes practically every field of occupation face significant challenges. People of various professions are already assuming that the pandemic has changed the world and rules of play not only for now. They expect, that still fully unexplored virus can forever alter some behaviors and everyday life of people.

New reality required businesses to provide answers to seemingly already familiar, already answered questions, while marketing as mediator between business and consumer, appeared one of the first on “frontline”. It is assumed that Covid-19 will result in need of updating the role and approaches of marketing so that under force-majeure, companies can better feel consumer’s heartbeat and needs, not only to respond to their requirements, but create this requirement and manage it.

Considering the importance of the topic, to discuss challenges and future tendencies of marketing, ACT gathered professional marketers working in various sectors. What did Coronavirus change? What is now a tendency in the sector and what lost its importance? How did companies adjust to new reality? What new needs does a consumer have? How will consumer’s behavior change in future and how will he try to meet needs? – these were main topics of discussion.

A meeting was held in the form of online focus group and involved representatives of different fields such as banking and gambling business, sales of food products and hotel business. For those who are familiar with Georgian marketing, will most definitely know names of David Birman, Nino Egadze, Katia Absandze, Misha Kurdadze, Lasha Gogua and Khatuna Mamadashvili. Obviously, we could not involve every interesting respondent in the discussion, but the approach ensured to choose field professionals from completely different sectors in order to obtain maximally diverse opinions. The given article briefly reviews results of discussion on opportunities and challenges of new reality which marketing field had to face.

As believed by markets, now, as never, it is important “marketing to stay relevant and minimize “bullshit” in communication”; to adjust to necessary requirements without becoming artificial and losing connecting with consumer. At the same time, marketing today has to explain and financially prove reasonability of every action.

Under these circumstances, one of the main challenges of marketing is believed to be quick digitalization and as noted by marketers, how well various sectors will address this challenge significantly depends on their previous experience and in general, on specific nature of business, quality of digitalization of its work. For example, banking sector appeared to be advanced from this point of view, while quick transition to online space seems problematic in the sector of food products (lack of so called delivery services, unorganized management of stock, etc.). In sectors where digitalization is organic part of process this did not cause significant revision and changes of marketing strategies. However, marketers described digitalization as a quite complex process requiring specific expertise and companies with less experience in digitalization face the need of enhancing relevant resources. As repeatedly noted during the discussion, “digital is not just boosting on Facebook”. 

“Consumer behavior will change and business needs to respond to it, it needs to adjust respectively which requires human resource. This is problematic nowadays. And I think that this is the chance for business to use this pause to adapt, adjust… If you see that consumer asks for digital, then provide digital. It just requires expertise how to provide digital”. [Lasha Gogua, “Europebet”].

Another new reality noted by marketers is the requirement marketing to be more rational than emotional. Digitalization itself helped the marketing to be more numbers now than before, because effectiveness can be better measured with digitalization. As believed by marketers, role of marketing will become more practical and they expect more vivid benefits from it.

Measuring effectiveness of TV commercial has been a complicated task in this country for over 20 years and this is more or less simple in digital. I believe that now is the time for marketing to being speaking with numbers more than it has ever been before… all these image campaigns and steps taken to play with emotions which can equally be pleasant for founder and client are minimized this time and functions directly supporting sales are mostly activated”. [David Birman, TBC, Football Federation of Georgia, Domains.ge]

Marketing was eventually being digitalized without digitalization of product, but now marketers speak about “accelerated digitalization of products, business”; switching to online space as partially irreversible process. Marketers do not expect offline trade to be fully replaced with online shopping, but they all agree that component of online shopping will be enhanced in every sector. This is backed up by their observation that demand on creating online stores and adding completely new functional to websites has increased to great extent.

Transformation period for businesses may impose more radical changes – expansion of their work or revision of profile. As an example of the best adapted businesses during pandemic, marketers repeatedly named Glovo and Wolt which maximally adjusted to consumer’s needs (even with certain technical gaps). As believed by marketers, these companies managed to maximally utilize opportunities – they not only thought about survival, but diversified their offers during crisis and acted as rescues for those staying at home. Example of more radical changes in future may appear some eateries which may enhance delivery service component and completely remove in-house service. In these case, marketer’s role is to feel and predict market’s demand with skin.

Changes resulted from Coronavirus acted as a spur for companies to promptly switch to digital platforms, adjust to e-commerce. However, marketers assessed reaction as partially belated, dictated from outside. They believe that not being appreciative to e-commerce and postponing digitalization process cost businesses lose years. As believed by respondents with more critical attitude, from this point of view, marketers were significantly late in responding to opportunities and “raising the alarm” when they could create this demand years ago.

„I think marketing was late in responding reality in many sectors. Challenge of digitalization was already obvious before COVID-19, but many businesses and many marketers too preferred to remain in traditional format. For instance: we see the development pace of e-commerce service, this service was available before, but many companies did not even have website in their priority not to say anything about e-commerce and delivery. One more observation is that players of the sector need to develop the sector, every player has its share of educational and innovative role. These insights and signals were a bit forgotten but clearly sent by the market but responses were made to so many things only after bumping into the crisis”. [Nino Egadze, TBC] 

Professionals of marketing field speak about re-consideration of the role of marketing, its organizational function. This is one of the key challenges of modern marketing and at the same time, inevitable outcome. Marketing has become greater part of organizational structure, expanded its objectives and to some extent, got involved in “execution” processes too. Marketing does not exist independently from other organizational units. It more often has to unite consumer experience, brand, management, digital and non-digital communication; it does not view events “in narrow marketing perspective” but is a part of broader picture. Marketers more often consider marketing as functional and effective in tight cooperation with other units. From this point of view, the most serious challenge for companies may become finding professional and multifunctional staff. Depending the level of the respective staff on the market, companies will make decisions what competences to develop on their own and what services to buy.

„Marketing will play altered role in the company… there were companies not aware of digital, not aware of the function of marketing. They said it is simple to respond to messages in Inbox of Facebook page. There are companies where marketing and sales do not work together, without realizing that every penny spent is a big support for sales. Every department works in the company, each of them has their goal, so it will be much more united now, marketing’s function will become wider and other departments will probably appreciate it more…” [Katia Absandze, Le Meridien Batumi”] 

On its part, marketers have hard time predicting how consumer will change after pandemic hurricane goes away. They noted that to do so, marketers have long observation ahead. However, in this case too, they agree that business will play important role in “growing up” the consumer as business creates demand and draws interest of a client.

It is believed that it’s still early to observe any specific changes in consumer behavior. It is hard to predict, because of euphoria of the given period on one side and on the other side, impossibility to foresee what habits will be forgotten by consumer and which of their current behaviors will “turn into a habit”. However, what marketers can clearly predict, is increased use of digital services as trust towards them will increase during this period and respectively, demand will raise in future; marketers expect that behavior of spending money online will reinforce. Each of us may feel the result of this – for example, by minimizing the need of receipts, when paying utility bills online will become a routine for people. This perspective may feel a bit strange now, but an example from nearest past makes it fully realistic – how taxi drivers who were used to completely different reality promptly headed over to online apps and turned them into integral part of their work.

„I think it will be a new mix of online and offline judging from what happens now and what we are observing. People who had problems with digital now get known with it. Us, who use digital cannot imagine that someone does not use it, but now is such a crisis, people are getting familiar with benefits of digital who were afraid of it in the past, I mean they had hard time spending money online”. [David Birman, TBC, Football Federation of Georgia, domains.ge] 

Marketers are even more careful to discuss and practically unable to predict what changes consumer’s lifestyle may endure. For example, no one can tell whether abstaining from ordinary leisure (attending concerts of football games) for months will leave consumers loyal to once favorite activities or not. It is even more difficult to tell how consumers’ needs will change to not emotional, but more rational needs. For instance, will consumer who are thirsty for face-to-face interaction will eagerly attend physical trainings or seminars or will they prefer to participate from online space already turned into a comfort zone and save money. Marketers predict altered habits of consumers, but no one knows where it will bring us to.

The universe is still carefully observing spread of Coronavirus and changes resulted from pandemic, but this situation, together with lots of difficulties, may become a source of opportunities and inspiration as well.

*ACT continues series of meetings with professionals of various fields, stay tuned for our next article on Georgian brands engaged in export of their products and services. 


On November 9, 2018, “Regional Network Conference of local unions engaged in rural development of Ajara” was held in the hotel Castello Mare, Tsikhisdziri. Up to 120 representatives of Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Active Citizens’ Local Unions (known as AMAGs), municipality city halls, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and non-governmental organizations participated in the event. Conference participants and speakers discussed the fundamental challenges as well as future plans of rural development. Part of the event was dedicated to reviewing the results of the project – “Strengthening Capacity of Rural Population in Adjara”, Which was implemented by UNDP in partnership with the company “ACT” from December 2017 to October 2018. The project was implemented with the financial support of the European Union.


We support large corporations, donors and government to implement largescale infrastructural project in a most environmentally-responsible manner and use wisely available natural resources. Our sustainably and environmentally-friendly approaches are most up-to-date, in line with international policies and thereby tailored to local context.


With up to 20 years of experience of collecting and analyzing data, ACT is a regional leader in research and data provision. We make data a working too for every policy decision and provide our partners and clients with the most reliable research data and statistics in a manner that fits best their needs and policy objectives.


Delivering policy recommendations and valuable advice on how to improve livelihood of minorities and vulnerable groups is our responsibility, not only a job. We work closely with donors and government agencies to make sure that the voice of those in need is heard at policy level and appropriate decisions and in place.


Behavior of Tbilisi residents has drastically changed in terms of various activities during the pandemic in 2020. We were interested to find out how has the behavior changed compared to March 14-15 of 2020 as the regulations became stricter. 

According to the study conducted in December of 2020, the majority of inquired respondents changed their behavior in many directions, such as: 51% of respondents cut down and 12% of them completely stopped using cash; 36% of respondents stopped visiting parks and squares; as for physical activity (working out at home, in the street, sportsground), only 22% of inquired respondents quit this activity.

According to the study conducted in March of 2020, 40% of inquired respondents stopped visiting others while share of such respondents was 55% as of December 11-13 of 2020. Respectively, as of March, 36% of respondents do not invite guests at home any more, while number of such respondents is 56% in December.

As for attending birthday parties and funerals, respondents were even less active in this activity in December of 2020. 43% of respondents in March and 60% of respondents inquired in December reported on carrying out this activity less frequently or not at all.

*The inquiry was conducted through random sampling with 403 adult residents of Tbilisi on December 11-13 of 2020. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9%. Utilized method – telephone interviewing. 


The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected people’s lifestyle and financial condition. According to the study conducted in the end of 2020, in the month of December, 60% of respondents reported on worsened financial condition of their family. 34% of respondents believe that their financial condition has not changed, while 3% reported on improved financial situation.

Cutting costs is noticeable in the perspective of monthly expenses, during the pandemic, 47% of respondents spend less than before the pandemic. 30% of respondents spend the same amount of money as they used to before the pandemic and 23% of respondents now spend more than before the pandemic.

It is worth mentioning that the majority of respondents – 34% now spend more on food and beverages. 27% of respondents now spend more on household essentials (detergents, hygiene, self-care items), as for the healthcare costs (doctor, tests, medications), the 27% of respondents now spend more. the majority of respondents (75%) explain that they have to spend more because prices of products went up.

Every second respondent now spends less on transportation (transportation fee, fuel). As for large purchases (apartment, summer house, furniture, car, household appliances), six out of ten potential buyers avoid making large purchases.

The inquiry was conducted through random sampling with 403 adult residents of Tbilisi on December 11-13 of 2020. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9%. Utilized method – telephone interviewing. 


Curfew and other regulations in everyday life that are focused on limiting the spread of virus and prevention still remain topical. After the end of critical second wave, regulations set in force by the government throughout Georgia are gradually lightened, but curfew after 9 p.m. still remains as a painful topic for Tbilisi residents among restriction of the movement of public transport on holidays and online format of educational institutions.

After severe epidemiological situation, virus outbreak and increased death rate as well as high pressure on the healthcare system that occurred during the second wave, the government does not hurry to completely lighten regulations set in force.

ACT conducted another interesting research on this topic covering the residents of Tbilisi. As a result of the study, it turns out that as assessed by Tbilisi residents, in the process of managing epidemiological situation the government is not completely effective, particular criticism came from 18-34 year-old residents of the capital city, their assessment of the government’s effectiveness is 5.25 on 10-point scale. In addition, every second (51%) respondent from this age group believes that the measures taken by the government are too strict compared to the severity of the epidemiological situation.

Loyalty of citizens in assessing effectiveness of the government in managing the pandemic situation increases along with the age, 55+ Tbilisi residents believe that the government effectively manages epidemiological situation (6.12) and measures taken by the government are relevant to the epidemiological condition. Overall, Tbilisi residents rated effectiveness of the government with 5.75 points, while opinions split when assessing the strictness point – almost half of respondents (45%) believe that measures taken by the government are relevant, while the other part (43%) declare that measures are too strict compared to the severity of situation. This assessment does not coincide with Georgia’s rating on the Oxford Coronavirus Government Response Tracker, where the country is on the second step (75-85) of strictness on 100-point scale.

What do Tbilisi residents believe is the most important regulation in the process of fight against the pandemic and which regulation is the hardest to fulfill for them?

As believed by inquired respondents, top three most important regulations against the pandemic are: 1. Restriction of entertainment and cultural events and ceremonies (6.56), 2. Restriction on international flights (6.50) and 3. Restriction on visiting restaurants and food places (6.32). The picture is different for different generations – in 35-55 age group, restriction on visiting restaurants is replaced by the curfew, in addition, this regulation appeared to be lighter than others for 55+ Tbilisi residents, while the most painful regulation is restriction (6.06) of public transportation. 

Residents in 34-55 age group believe that the hardest regulation is closure of kindergartens, schools and universities and switching to online format, because logically, number of parents is prevalent in this generation who have to personally cope with this regulation. This generation also painfully perceive restriction on international flights which is also explained by active travelling. Among all the regulations set in force by the government, millennials name regulations associated with socialization as the most important restriction, this imply restriction of entertainment and cultural events, international flights and visiting restaurants.

The study clarifies that youth agrees with parents’ generation on restriction of study process at educational institutions and also are disappointed because of the curfew which is related to active night life lived by this generation. In addition, 18-34 year-old youngsters perceive the said regulation as less effective in the fight against the pandemic similar to restriction of domestic transport and winter resorts in the winter. Such attitude demonstrates that young people do not perceive those three regulations as effective and have high expectations they will be abolished soon. They think that in active fight against the pandemic, it is important to set regulations on entertainment and cultural events, international flights and educational institutions.

The government of Georgia already announces additional relieve of restrictions, presumably, the country’s index on Strictness Tracker will change from March.

Index: https://ig.ft.com/coronavirus-lockdowns/?fbclid=IwAR36DBziFFkfV4T1O_ifZME_ThY5J9-bs5AFDbrCq6uSEz_rK9VAlPtwxfk

The inquiry was conducted through random sampling with 414 adult residents of Tbilisi on February 16-18 of 2020. Utilized method – telephone interviewing. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9%.


The efficacy of combating Coronavirus declared as an invisible enemy is gradually becoming tangible. While the global vaccination campaign continues, according to Bloomberg, the vaccination process has begun in 111 countries with a total of more than 279 million doses of vaccine entered. Some countries were capable to accomplish the full course of vaccination (2 vaccinations at several-week intervals), with a total of 28 million people worldwide already completely vaccinated.

According to the world map posted on the Bloomberg website, which shows the progress of vaccination by country, Georgia is still left without any data, no vaccine produced by any country has been imported into the country at this time so far. 

Before the introduction of the vaccine in the country, ACT interviewed the citizens of Tbilisi and inquired about their attitude towards vaccination and readiness for specific vaccines.

Covid-19 VS Vaccine

80% of Tbilisi citizens believe that the vaccination process will have a positive effect on improving the epidemiological situation. There is a high level of awareness about vaccination among the population, every second citizen has some information about the vaccine. This can be explained by the urgency of the topic and existing high expectations.

The most active source of information is the Internet, accordingly, 70% of the population of Tbilisi names it as the main channel of information. There exists a high level of information provided through television, especially among the older generation (55+), 18-34-year-olds are mainly informed about the Coronavirus through Internet, but unlike other generations, sharing of information with friends and relatives is higher, every fourth citizen discusses or receives information about the vaccination against coronavirus from a close friend or relative.

Will the Vaccine become Godo indeed?!

Every third citizen of Tbilisi aged 18-34 believes that he will have to get vaccinated next year. Citizens aged 34-55 (26%) are optimistic to plan to get the vaccine in the fall of 2021 if it is in place. 23% of the 55+ older generation also think they will get vaccinated in the fall of 2021. Research shows that, unlike the people who are not at risk and the people with special needs, the ordinary citizens are not probably like to get vaccinated in the spring. However, the small percentage difference in the overall picture and the percentage of "I do not know" answers (12%) shows that the population is confused and is not clearly determined when the full vaccination of the population is likely to start in the country. (კვლევის თარიღი ?)

To Get Vaccinated or Not?!

Vaccination readiness by generation is highly expressed among citizens aged 55+ (43%). This can be explained by the understanding of being at risk at this age. However, every fourth citizen of this age has not yet decided to be vaccinated, and every third is not going to get vaccinated against the coronavirus at all.

The highest rate of ambiguousness regarding getting a Vaccination or not is observed among the millennials, with 32% not knowing if they need to get vaccinated. Only 41% of millennials are saying they are ready for the vaccination process, and 26% of respondents are not willing to be vaccinated at this stage.

The percentage ratio of respondents in the overall picture of citizens’ readiness for the vaccine indicates that the population of Tbilisi is not yet convinced about the uttermost need for vaccination, every third citizen is not ready (31%) for the coronavirus vaccine or has not yet been decided (29%).

The survey shows that in the process of decision-making Tbilisi citizens are likely to consider the opinion of the following community groups: medical staff (59%), familiar competent medical workers (32%), and the church representatives (12%).

Good or Soon

The main reason for abstaining from vaccination, according to the survey, is distrusting the COVID-19 vaccine (34%), which is mostly demonstrated in people aged 55+ (40%). Every third citizen is concerned with the side effects that may bring the vaccine (32%). 13 percent of 18-34-year-olds say they are not worried about getting the coronavirus at all.

Against the background of general high distrust, it is of interest to know which vaccine is the most trusted by Tbilisi citizens and which are they categorically against getting. ACT was interested to learn what is the attitude of citizens toward all the famous vaccines existing on the market. The survey found that among the most reliable vaccines are American-made Pfizer and Moderna (50%) and European-made vaccines - Bio-N-Tech and Astrazeneca (46%). The majority of Tbilisi citizens are not ready to get the Russian and Chinese vaccines, moreover, 63% of citizens say they will not accept the Russian-made Sputnik V under any circumstances, and every second citizen (53%) refuses to be vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine – Sinopharm.

*According to the Kovacs platform vaccine distribution plan, Georgia will receive a total of 215,000 AstraZeneca and Pfizer / Bio-N-Tech vaccines’ supply in two stages, although the plan does not specify when the vaccines are to be delivered to the country. Therefore, against the background of high expectations and existing distrust, it becomes important to provide additional information to the population about the vaccination plan and its positive effects.

*Kovacs platform vaccine distribution plan: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/act-accelerator/covax/covax-interim-distribution-forecast.pdf?sfvrsn=7889475d_5

* Survey was conducted through sampling method among 414 adult residents of Tbilisi on 16-18 February, 2021. Methodology used – phone survey. Statistical deviation rate not exceeding 4.9%. 



This way we help our clients to become stronger, to be able to fully utilize the company’s potential and maximize the realization of their aspirations.





Through partnership and collaboration with management, we help companies in developing specific, clear plans for maximizing profit. Our team’s “know-how” is an equally important factor for each organization and our unique holistic approach that implies studying the company in 360 degrees and analyzing it in the broader context, results in a thorough identification of its problems and opportunities. In order to achieve this, on the one hand we use analytical methods and on the other– a workshop-collaboration format. Over the course of the analytical works, we study and analyze every business domain of the organization, and afterwards, through collaboration with our partner company we form the company’s long-term perspective and unique strategy tailored to its business model. This approach enables us to help client companies in achieving greater success and to be important contributors to this crucial process.


Our approach focuses on tackling the specific task of whether this is updating or creating a product, the process of the business model, as well as on incorporating innovation as a continuous process in the organization. We believe that only one constant exists –continuous change! We believe that only those companies that will be able to effectively manage those changes and turn them into opportunities will survive and thrive.



Crisis caused by new Coronavirus accelerated pace of digital transformation even more and forced businesses to include remote work and development of e-commerce into the “agenda”. The other side of the market – consumers remained without digital influence. E-commerce became a replacement or filler of physical shopping for them and presumably, these changes will make deep roots in their behavior and will continue in post-pandemic period as well. However, background of these processes is even more interesting – did every business mange to timely and properly respond to digital challenges, what do international statistics say and what is the vision – did the pandemic landscape of retail trade give businesses time and resources to adapt?

International trends – are businesses ready for digitalization? 

It’s been a long time since change in consumer behavior and their readiness to engage in e-commerce processes became one of the main focus of studies conducted by international organizations. For example, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNICTAD) annually measures B2C e-commerce index, which combines levels of internet consumption by individuals, share of protected internet servers and data on owning accounts in financial institutions. Similarly, International Tele-communication Union (ITU) offers information and communication technologies (ITC) development index [1], which is also oriented on online shopping behaviors of consumers and channels utilized in this process. This list also includes statistical data gathered by Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

If we have a look at e-commerce report called “E-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic” conducted by OECD in October of 2020, we will clearly see that online commerce is very quickly developing. According to the report, retail sales (orders) made through e-mail and internet in EU member countries increased by 30% in April of 2020 compared to the previous year. Trends are similar in USA, where e-commerce orders increase by 14%-16% (see chart N1). The said report also highlights dynamic development of e-commerce in Europe, Northern America and Asia-Oceania regions in the first half of 2020.

[1] The ICT Development Index (IDI)

Source: OECD, E-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, October. Calculations are based on EUROSTAT statistics. 

UNICTAD report “COVID-19 and E-commerce” published in summer of 2020 shows quite an interesting picture, incorporating experience of 257 companies from 23 less developed countries [1]. Some of the identified trends truly deserve our attention:

  • Fully digital business models (60% of third party online marketplaces) turned out to be more resistant to the pandemic than e-commerce companies that appeared relatively less prepared for new challenges.

  • Use of social media and number of web-pages definitely increased in focus countries. Rapid growth of these sales channels started in the beginning of the pandemic crisis. In this direction, Facebook platform turned out to be particularly important.

  • The pandemic intensified problems previously existing in the ecosystem of e-commerce. Delays in supply chains and logistic processes, absence of internet access appeared to be main challenge for more than 60% of respondents.

  • As noted by more than half of inquired respondents, improvement of e-commerce development policy and strategy is the top priority and needs to be actively handled.

  • The pandemic challenges affected investment capacities of companies in ICT direction. Respectively, company representatives believe that out of all support programs offered by their governments, update of the national e-commerce strategy and its promotion in the society is the most important one.

[1] These countries mostly cover Africa and Asia – Pacific Oceania regions.

Source: UNICTAD, COVID-19 and its impact on e-commerce of businesses, 2020

ACT’s role – experience from even broader geographic area 

The 2020 pandemic and economic crisis enabled ACT through cooperation with different countries and international organizations (EBRD, World Bank, UNDP, USAID) in various projects to contribute globally in increasing sustainability of business sector and identifying pandemic channels affecting them. The said projects enabled us to study e-commerce development issues in focus regions (Caucasus, Western Balkans, South-East Europe, Central Asia and South and East Mediterranean) and do a research on the impact of the pandemic on businesses. As expected, business operating in focus regions shows different types of readiness for digitalization (chart 3). However, regardless of such different results, it is important to mention the overall attitude inquired respondents had in common – small and medium-size businesses have a desire to involve in e-commerce but they hesitate because of lack or complete absence of information and digital tools.

Source: ACT Research, 345 SMEs inquired in Caucasus, 827 SMEs inquired in the Western Balkan region 

Our team had a chance to additionally study challenges of small and medium business operating in Central Asia, South-East Europe and SEMED countries during the pandemic within the scopes of the EBRD-sponsored project “Impact of COVID-19 on small and medium businesses”. As a part of the given study, we asked respondents representing small and medium-size businesses what percentage share of the company’s sales switched to online platforms after the pandemic started. Overall picture is also very interesting, as declared by the majority of small and medium businesses from the listed regions, sales did not switch to online shopping at all, while only a very small part of companies managed full digitalization. Businesses operating in South-East Europe (chart 4) appeared to be the most prepared for such transformations, this can be explained by the fact that logistic services were already well-developed and organized in this region and already established practice of e-commerce.

Source: ACT Research, 570 SMEs inquired in SEMED, 598 SMEs inquired in Central Asia and 184 SME inquired in South-East European region 

Unplanned changes with long-term results 

The new Coronavirus pandemic turned digital development into inevitable reality. When searching for answers, we clearly saw that this seemingly simple way is actually quite complex process and to pass this road, only “desire to digitalize” is not enough. Businesses had to cope with all the problems which already accompanied the process of switching to a new platform: absence of relevant experience, lack of resources or infrastructure. Even though supporting business became main migraine for every government, the majority (more than 50%) of businesses participating in different studies unanimously admit that unfortunately, their government, when working on development of priority sectors, left this part behind and online commerce still remains as unsolved issue.

It’s a fact – digitalization has not entered our lives just temporarily. These are more unplanned changes which will bring prolonged, long-term results.


When entire country was impatiently waiting for WHO authorization on Sinopharm vaccine, that was exactly when we decided to conduct another study which would clarify reality related to vaccination among Tbilisi residents and enabled us to compare collected data with the picture received 2 months ago. May in this maze, we would be able to have better understanding what Tbilisi residents think about vaccination and identify their readiness to get vaccinated, to find out what happens to us if we continue moving forward at this pace. 

Whole world today tries to cope with the Coronavirus with the only weapon available – vaccine. This fight entered active phase and based on international research center Bloomberg, more than 1,48 billion doses of vaccines have been distributed in 176 countries all over the world. This means that approximately 24.5 million citizens get vaccinated a day. [1]

Source of information for Tbilisi residents 

In order to identify attitudes towards vaccination among Tbilisi residents, research and consulting company ACT conducted two studies before the country got its first batch of vaccine (in February) and 2 months later (in April). [3] It is interesting to see what were expectations of our citizens and what is going on today, when vaccination has started.

Unlike the study conducted in February, awareness level of Tbilisi residents in regard with vaccination increased by 33% in April. This time around, 70% of citizens reported on being sufficiently informed about Coronavirus vaccination and expressed readiness to make a decision. Even though main sources of information remained the same in both studies: internet, television and friends/family, the second inquiry showed slight increase (by 6%) in case of television (total of 67%) and 11% increase when naming friend/family (total of 26%).

If we have a look at age groups, we will discover that 80% of 55+ citizens prefer television as a source of information, while internet is number one choice for 87% of 18-34 age group. it is quite interesting that rate of listing friends and family as reliable source of information equally increased in all age groups, which is presumably result of recommendations provided by vaccinated citizens.

Main barrier against vaccination 

The majority of Tbilisi residents expect that their turn to get vaccinated will be in 2022 and expectations have slightly changed compared to the previous wave. 79% of Tbilisi residents believe that vaccination undoubtedly is the only way to improve epidemiological situation.

Readiness of citizens to get vaccinated increased by 7% compared to the previous wave and now 45% of Tbilisi residents are ready or is certain to get vaccinated. It is interesting that readiness to get vaccinated is most actively expressed among citizens that belong to 35-54 age group (48%) and almost every second citizen in this age group is ready to get vaccinated. However, regardless of this slight increase, 44% of respondents still hesitate (either undetermined to get a vaccine or against vaccine) and main reason they provide is overall distrust towards vaccines and possible side effects.

It is also worth mentioning that compared to the previous wave, fear of possible side effects increased by 6% and reached 38%. On one side, it is logical and connected to a few cases when vaccination procedure resulted in drastic deterioration of patient’s health or death both worldwide and in Georgia. However, on the other hand, it seems to be arguable because in some cases connection between these two facts has not been confirmed and everything is based on opinions and presumptions. Death of a newly vaccinated citizen in Georgia soon after the vaccination process started in the country, was directly connected to vaccination process and the specific vaccine. Afterwards, investigation that started against the doctors involved in this specific case revealed signs of belated medical response, but delayed and ambiguous communication of this fact could not fully obviate objections towards the established perception. That was the reason why the majority of respondents abstained from getting Astra-Zeneca vaccine.

As the world experience demonstrates, one of the important factors that assist continuous process of vaccination is extensive information campaign and mobilization. Israel is the perfect example – this country managed to fully vaccinate 56,3 percent (5,09 million) of its citizens and become a green zone in five months. Israel started vaccination campaign as early as December 19 of 2020 when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vaccinated on live TV and led the information campaign where he answered every question Israeli citizens had in regard with vaccination in video clips. In less than two weeks, more than 10% of citizens had already had their first shot of vaccine.

About preferred vaccines

Our country uses 3 types of vaccine: American Pfizer (since March 30), British Astra-Zeneca (from March 15) and Chinese Sinopharm (since May 4). It is interesting to have a look at attitudes of Tbilisi residents in regard with each vaccine. It turned out that:

The most trusted vaccine is still Pfizer - 27%, followed by Astra-Zeneca – 15% and Moderna – 15%. The least trusted vaccines are Sputnik – 4% and Sinopharm – 4%.

Number of respondents who sharply refuse to get Astra-Zeneca vaccine increased by 14% compared to the previous wave. Barriers against getting Astra-Zeneca include possible side effects (33%) and lack of information (26%) in case of Chinese vaccine. Regardless, it’s a fact that as early as on May 4, before Sinopharm was authorized by WHO (this vaccine got authorization on May 7), the vaccination booking platform almost had no free spots. Such a big demand on Sinopharm can be explained by two possible reasons: first – citizens were confident that Sinopharm would most likely get authorization and booked their appointment in advance and second – authorized or no, it was most important for citizens to see vaccination process getting started and return to ordinary life. Number of citizens registered to get the said vaccine is 25000 as of today. Booking portal can no longer handle the traffic, demand on vaccine is higher than the available limit which once again confirms readiness of certain part of citizens. They realize that vaccination is the only way to survive and they may waste time waiting for the preferred vaccine. Time, that is too valuable in the pandemic.

In search of the way out from the maze 

We asked Tbilisi residents to tell us whose opinions do they take into consideration most of all. The following groups were identified:

  1. Health professionals - 49%
  2. Familiar, competent health professional - 27%
  3. Family/relatives/friends - 19%

Compared to the previous wave, share of considering what health professionals recommend decreased by 10%, while share of taking opinions provided by family/relatives/friends into consideration has increased by 11% which once again confirms the importance of increasing number of vaccinated citizens. It turns out, that increased number of vaccinated acquaintances automatically increases number of those who are eager to get vaccinated.

As the study demonstrates, citizens made up their mind to do pre-vaccination preventive diagnostics and be ready for the vaccination procedure. 90% of respondents plan on visiting immunologist, 86% plans on doing blood test, while 83% of respondents want to get coagulation test to check the blood clotting system.

Based on the study, we can conclude that attitudes of Tbilisi residents towards vaccination have changed after 2 months since the process started. We see increased readiness of citizens to get vaccinated and an effort to find the way out from vaccination maze: get vaccinated with available vaccines, do pre-vaccination procedures, retrieve information from different sources on their own not to lose what matters the most – the only chance to return back to normal life.


Author: Tatia Bregvadze

Analyst, ACT Research



[1] https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/

[2] https://stopcov.ge/

[3] შემთხვევითი შერჩევის პრინციპით პირველ ტალღაზე თებერვალში ჩატარდა 414, ხოლო მეორე ტალღის ფარგლებში,  აპრილში – 401 სატელეფონო ინტერვიუ.


Public opinion polls conducted in recent years clearly show the positive attitude of the Georgian population towards European and North Atlantic integration. At the same time, for the last two decades, the Georgian authorities have always confirmed the country's aspirations towards European institutions. Moreover, the current government has loudly stated that the country is preparing to apply for EU membership by 2024. There is an expectation that this promise was made in advance coordination with European partners, which increases the expectation of a positive outcome.

One of the most effective tools for rapprochement with the EU is the Eastern European Partnership political initiative, which aims to deepen and strengthen relations between the EU member states and their six eastern neighbors: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The Eastern Partnership platform, on the one hand, enables countries to join efforts to move closer to European institutions, on the other hand, is an effective tool for the EU to assess countries' progress and plan appropriate policies.

At the same time, the European institutions are actively monitoring the population of the Partnership member states and their attitudes towards both European integration and these institutions themselves. Since 2016, ACT has been actively cooperating with international organizations and monitoring public opinion in the Eastern Partnership countries. One such study was conducted in the spring of 2021, the results of which allow us to draw interesting conclusions about the attitudes and preferences of the population, as well as the different picture in these six countries.

63% of Georgia's adult population is positive about the EU

According to a survey conducted by ACT in all six Eastern Partnership countries in March 2021, the majority of Georgia's adult population (aged 15 and older) is positive towards the EU and, as it turns out, Positive attitude of Georgian population is the highesе among the six Eastern Partnership countries. Interestingly, the number of neutrals is not small either (35%), while only 1% evaluate this institution negatively.

What is your attitude towards the European Union? (%)

Source: Eastern Partnership Public Opinion Survey, 

Sampling Size - 6000 Respondents, March 2021, ACT


The majority of Georgia's adult population (76%) trust the EU, regardless of whether they like the institution Interestingly, there are even more people who may not like this European institution, although the fact is, they still trust it. In this regard, the level of trust in the European Union is the highest among the population of Georgia.

The results of the public opinion poll in the Eastern Partnership countries have already been heard in Brussels, at the Eastern Partnership and EU headquarters. It is also planned that by 2024, ACT and its international partners will provide Brussels with the results of a survey of the population of all six countries each spring. Ultimately, time will tell the results of the Eastern Partnership countries in fulfilling their commitments to the European institutions.

Confidence in the EU (%)


We strengthen companies in establishing a HR analytics system which enables management to clearly see the connections among different issues, make important conclusions in terms of the effectiveness of HR policy and plan the respective strategic steps.


Our Approaches 

Establishment of customer centric analytics is a complex work which requires tight cooperation with a client and consideration of industry’s specifications. ACT’s business analytics team is comprised of experienced specialists: data sciences and engineers, analysts and visualization specialists. We apply Data Science, Machine Learning and AI instruments to offer the best technological and architectural solutions to our clients. 18 years of experience in data analysis and statistics certainly comes in hand to do the job comprehensively.

We speak the language of business which is particularly important in terms of business analytics. Our business consultants and project management team is a valuable asset that is capable of translating business tasks in technical language, plan their enforcement and turn project-based, short-term cooperation into long-term mutually beneficial partnership.

In addition to data processing and modelling, ACT establishes business analytics tools (BI Tools). The given tools provide data visualization in interactive and simplified form that makes it easier to make business decisions and provides comprehensive picture of the processes taking place in business.

Establishment of business analytics implies transformation of technologies, technical infrastructure, processes, human resources and workplace in the company. ACT team helps clients utilize results collected through consumer analysis as effectively as possible and ensure fully successful digital transformation.


In addition to data-driven digital transformation, in enforcement part, ACT offers establishment of customer centric analytics and BI tools.

Our project management methodology is based on the golden standard of the industry (CRISP-DP – Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) which is actively applied when managing Data Science and Machine Learning processes and comprises of 6 phases:

BU (Business Understanding)


Understanding data processing goals and business tasks.

Analysis of data structure, quality assessment and description of exchange mechanism.

DU (Data Understanding)


Data organization, processing, formatting and unification.

Choosing the technique, building the model and generation of test design.

DP (Data Preparation)

D (Deployment)

Evaluation of results, Alpha testing, planning integration in unified system.

Beta model testing, integration in unified ecosystem, development of monitoring and system maintenance plan and full deployment in the product.

Together with standard process, project team is guided by agile approaches based of which works are divided into short-term sprints. Concentration on each spring makes gives a feeling of success to the team which boosts motivation and expectation towards the following stage. But in some cases, it happens that we go back if needed, we go back to the previous process and go through it again, more thoroughly. All of this is done in order to achieve the best results.


Historically, Georgian tele communication market has always been diversified into mobile operators’ and internet providers’ businesses. As years passed, penetration of mobile as well as internet providers has increased, respectively these two segments of tele communication overlapped. On its side, this fact made the tele communication business face new challenges and respectively, new opportunities. What has been the trend for years – separate operation of mobile operators and internet providers, changed. Namely, tele communication service market witnesses the tendency of companies merge over the past years. Examples are merge of Magti and Caucasus Online in 2016, Silknet and Gecoell in 2018. As a result of this merge, Magti and Silknet now offer full tele communication service which turned out to be quite beneficial for us, consumers who can now use combined/convergent products and simplified, unified form of payment.

As a result of studies undertaken by ACT over the past 2 years, it turns out that in addition to low service fee rates, key selection criteria of mobile operators, internet and television providers are as follows: for mobile operators – wide coverage area and speed/quality of mobile internet. in case of internet providers, these criteria are quality of internet and speed. In case of television – quality of transmission, rewind function and diversity of channels.

As speed of internet is one of the main requirements consumers have for internet providers, growing tendency of using high speed internet is identified in Tbilisi as well as in regions. Consumers mostly choose 10-29 MBps (in case of physical entities in Tbilisi 64%, regions – 67%). As for technologies, consumers mostly prefer optical-fiber technology (FTTx). Speaking of television broadcasting transit, as consumers pay attention to the quality of broadcasting and rewind function, they mostly choose IPTV (74%) and number of consumers choosing the said technology shows growing tendency.

As consumer shares on the tele communication market, here in this new reality, as a result of consolidation of players, Magti and Silknet hold the leading positions in terms of mobile as well as internet and television services. Beeline which has relatively growing tendency compared to 2018 competes with these brands as a mobile operator and gets one fourth of entire market in terms of number of consumers.

As for fixed broadband internet, Magti and Silknet are mostly competed by small companies which do not have wide coverage area in the country. The largest among them is Akhali Kselebi which holds 7% of the market according to number of consumers.

Revision of companies according to their consumer shares clarifies that there are 3 leading companies on Georgian tele communication market at this point – Magti, Silknet and Beeline. Magti and Silknet are main players and the reasons why most consumer choose these companies are diversity of products (combined packages) and quality and at the same time, wide coverage area. Based on the studies conducted by ACT, we can conclude that each tele communication company has its specific place on the market. Namely, Magti is mostly described as tele communication company having high quality and expensive service.

Silknet is positions as an innovator which has stronger positions in the television aspect. More specifically, it is distinctively described as a provider offering comfortable, convenient (menu, remote control) and diverse (channels) television service. Beeline is positions as a company offering affordable tariffs and frequent promotions/offers.

It is quite interesting from where those specific characteristics of each brand originate and how companies keep them. Specific action made by the brand, product/service features, packaging or communication form certain characteristics on the brand among its consumers. The longer this brand carries assigned characteristics, more it strengthens and preserves them.

Based on our observation, perception of Magti as high quality and expensive brand originates from very early years of its operation when the company was clearly distinguished for wide coverage area and carried out the respective communication (e.g. its advertising campaign: “I have coverage even here”). Perception of this brand as an expensive brand may come from lack of discounts/promotions compared to competitors. In reality, Magti’s sub-brands – Bali and Bani were more affordable brands but their characteristics were not transmitted to Magti because the influence of mother brand appeared to be stronger in the formation of Magti’s image, as mobile operator brand.

Perception of Silknet as innovator brand comes from pioneering IP television/rewind function. Offered innovations strengthened this image even more and Silknet still keeps this position on the market.

As for beeline, from the day it was introduced on the market, this brand was distinguished for its youth-oriented advertising campaigns and promotions which are still active and respectively, Beeline has solid positions on the market as a company with affordable rates and frequent promotions.


What kind of service does modern consumer want? - this is one of the most important questions everyone engaged in service field is concerned with. On highly competitive and mostly saturated market, high quality – consumer-favorite service may become company’s advantage.

After years and years of research done by our company and analyzing feedback provided by consumers of various fields, it turns out that according to modern consumer, formula of high quality service is as follows: being friendly + professionalism + attentiveness + hard work +speed. 

  • Being friendly – naturally benevolent personnel / environment
  • Professionalism – professional staff / properly functioning operational system
  • Attentiveness – true expression of empathy in the process of providing service and desire to help, individual approach to consumers 
  • Hard work – staff members who do their job with love and enthusiasm, who are patriotic – love the company they work for
  • Speed- quick service / minimized bureaucracy   

Naturally, the said factors have different weights of importance in assessing service in various fields. For example, speed can be critically important in the field of fast food, retail trade, while the same consumer may consider professionalism as the most important factor in medical, insurance, banking fields.

Nowadays, service field representatives face quite a big challenge – how to improve quality of service to gain competitive advantage on the market. In order to tackle this challenge, we offer companies two strong instruments: quality service monitoring carried out through mystery shopper method and consumer satisfaction study. Assessments provided by Mystery Shopper enable us to show companies objective picture of strong and weak sides of processes and services in their company. As for the consumer satisfaction study, through face-to-face inquiry of visitors leaving the target location, it enables us to define the most important factors making influence on satisfaction of consumers of the specific field as well as to measure weight of their importance. By integrating these results with the results of service quality monitoring, we give additional opportunity to companies to always assess their service through real consumers’ eyes.

Consistent monitoring of the service quality provides the following opportunities: 

  • Improvement of service standards and processes – it is important the service standard guideline to additionally focus on the issues that make major impact on consumer satisfaction level
  • Development / improvement of personnel training module – over the course of constant monitoring, training module should be designed / redesigned in compliance with information obtained as a result of the study. Important aspects of service seen by the company and consumers often differ from each other. Company may waste effort to develop skills that are among less important issues for consumers. Results of Mystery Shopper provides the best opportunity to re-assess priorities; 
  • Activation of employee motivation scheme / improvement of the existing scheme – motivated employee expresses love and respect to the employer as well as towards his/her job and consumers. This enthusiasm will surely be noticeable for the consumer. Employee who loves the employer brand and product he/she sells provides the consumer with the highest quality of service, also spreads love and loyalty towards the brand; 
  • Identification of new ideas / opportunities – results of mystery shopper act as one of the important sources for generating ideas on how to improve consumer satisfaction / experience of interacting with the company. 

Based on international experience, in companies where service quality monitoring is consistently carried out and necessary measures are actively made in compliance with obtained results, sales may boost by 30%.


Growth of informational technologies significantly affected human lifestyle who now daily performs operations in various directions by means of personal computer or telephone. It is important for us to have remote access to real time information and services – this simplifies movement, saves time, energy and money. Brands and companies try to respond to needs of consumer. In future strategies of companies their service or product definitely implies remote service too if not fully, but at least with physical sales as this acceleration makes business change communication algorithm with consumer, it is not enough anymore the consumer to go to the brand or vice versa, the brand to go to consumer with its offers, in compliance with modern challenges, when consumer moves, product he loves and needs moves along with him.

Remotely received service is eventually developing in Georgia. As we are getting used to standing in endless lines and checking quality of product or instructions on use at site, it is hard to adjust to psychological fact that in reality, companies are well-aware (based on current experience and observation) what to offer us, how to make amends or change our attitude if we are not satisfied. Main challenge companies face in terms of offering remote offer is the first try of consumer when he begins to realize benefits caused by saving time and receiving comfort, then the challenge is active involvement in his everyday life remotely. To this point, in our reality delivery companies and banking fields are the most successful in implementing this concept.

Daily renewable pace and needs of life results in increased requirements of the consumers towards banking field: convenience of working with the bank, quick access to bank service and promptness of service. In order to meet these requirements, bank needs to offer service and products in every single space where client expects it. Today, this is activation of remote service.

Imagine buying new shoes and leaving house in the morning thinking:

  1. “Want to do it all”

It is no longer enough for the client to receive this or that banking service – now clients are interested in the quality of terms of obtained service and most importantly time spent on receiving the said service. Nowadays banks offer quite a broad spectrum of remote services: internet and mobile banking, outdoor services (terminals, ATMs), telephone and video banking, you can use these services to pay bills, make necessary transfers, receive information on bank products or access to products such as deposit, loan, credit cards, etc. In order to perform each operation, you will need exactly that amount of time you can spare.

  1. „Need to concentrate and localize” 

Clients find it more and more important to minimize live interaction with banks, to avoid lines and communication with operators and at the same time, to increase opportunity of using the fastest and most reliable partner – yourself; as in the concept of modern bank service, consumers know best during what part of the day, how fast and how simply and usefully they can perform bank operation they need.

  1. “Spend less”

Remote service acts as an alternative of the value of so called tear of shoes. Consumers no longer need to visit the bank – spend money for commuting and wasting time because in the world of technologies time is equivalent to money and each minute wasted on standing in line or waiting for operator is lost GEL or USD for consumer.

Bank representatives try not to fall behind consumers’ thoughts and transform along the way in terms of remote service. Beyond consumers’ interests, switching to remote service is important for banks as geographical expansion of bank branches cannot be unlimited. Together with accelerated development of technologies, banks try to come closer to client on the expense of technological achievements which is managed through remote methods of specific bank services; furthermore, technological development and switching clients to self-service reduces costs of banks in terms of human resources, this enables them to invest this financial resource in improvement of the said technologies and fast development and walk one step ahead to competitors.

For those banks which already started development of remote services, created and improved remote products and defined further improvement of remote service as a priority in strategy of upcoming years, this current crisis will accelerate multi-year strategic plan and minimize it to months, consumer will have to better learn how to use remote services under force-majeure and bank will try to make this learning and testing process simpler and user-friendly, exactly actively involved consumer will accelerate the development process. 

As for those banks for which switching to remote service was future perspective, this situation will become a huge challenge. For example, banks that have special segment (age or social segment) will have to do it altogether – manage quick technological development and ensure development of consumer too, teach clients use of remote channels, this is a double objective but manageable and considering future tendencies, this is what will bring benefit for everyone in the end – for bank and for consumer.

As estimated by analysts of Juniper Research[i], as of 2018, 2 billion consumers had access to bank service by means of various gadgets: smartphone, tablet, PC or smart watch. Human life with global ambitions was localized to the specific gadgets, from the agenda saved in smartphone to information on persons that are part of network, from the specialist of specific field to alter-banker. As quality/desire of remote engagement is this high and establishment and implementation of innovative products is done through people (bank employees/clients), companies have to start big things in a simple way – by caring about “shoes” of service personnel and consumer – time, energy, money.

[i] https://www.juniperresearch.com/press/press-releases/digital-banking-users-to-reach-2-billion


It is quite interesting what kind of mood Tbilisi residents have towards New Year during the pandemic. We asked our respondents to assess their mood and feeling on 10-point scale where “0” means “I don’t have festive mood at all” while “10” means - “I have very festive mood”.

As of December 11-13 of 2020, festive mood of Tbilisi residents is assessed by 5.15 points. Compared to the last year, 66% of inquired respondents feel less festive, while 10% of respondents feel more festive.

According to the study conducted in December, New Year’s preparations and behavior have significantly changed compared to the past year. 61% of inquired respondents spend less on preparing festive dishes than last year, in addition, 43% of respondents spend less on Christmas gifts and 32% reported on spending less on Christmas decorations.

* Survey was conducted through random sampling among 403 adult residents of Tbilisi on December 11-13 of 2020. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9%.  Utilized method – telephone interviewing.


In 2002, for the purpose to promote books and reading, UNESCO started a large-scale project – “World Book Capital” when one specific city is nominated each year to be designated as the world book capital. On April 23 of 2021, this honorable status was designated to our capital city and consequently, Tbilisi will turn into world book capital for a year.

We all agree that during the world pandemic, Coronavirus to some extent helped us to push forward topics that are top priorities for us. Each of us had different ways to balance aggravated stress level by means of relatively pleasant activities, however, the choice was limited by the pandemic. Fortunately, reading books is on the small list of activities which, together with gaining knowledge, is a great way to relax.

If we say that the pandemic changed life for many of us, logically the question arises – did it make in influence on our habit of reading books?! In reality, did this suddenly spared time pushed our society to read more or in contrary, elevated stress turned us into passive readers?!

“Consistently studying change in the behavior of readers is well-established practice all over the world. Georgian market also needs such constant monitoring, as collected information acts as a foundation for right development of the book market. This topic is particularly important during the pandemic, which made significant changes in publishing industry” –declares executive director of Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association, Tinatin Beriashvili.

In compliance with a joint request of Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association and House of Writers, ACT conducted a large-scale study on the Georgian book market, certain tendencies have been identified based on the study results.

  • Reading books once a year, once in 2-3 months or every day 

According to the study conducted in February of 2021, our society is divided into two exactly equal groups: half of respondents who managed read fictional or non-fictional literature in 2020 and the other half, who could not read even a single book throughout the year.

Study results also clarify that more than half (56%) of readers read books at least once a week, among them – 19% managed to read intensively – every single day; almost one fourth of respondents reported on reading quite passively – once in two-three months at maximum. Number of such passive readers is even bigger in regional cities compared to Tbilisi.

It was of course interesting to get an answer on one of the main questions and find out whether the frequency of reading changed during the pandemic. As it turns out, the pandemic did not make any impact on reading habits of half of our reader respondents, while one third of respondents “blamed” pandemic for reading more frequently. 15% of respondents noted that unfortunately, they can spare even less time to read books.

Readers manage to read averagely 13 books throughout a year (the list starts with Georgian and translated literature leaving books published in foreign language in the minority), however more than half of residents (55%) report on reading 1-6 books. The study tracked some differences between those living in the capital city and regions – number of books read by Tbilisi residents is two times higher than number of books regional residents read during a year.

  • Favorite in locked space – fiction 

It is interesting to find out what is major factor when selecting the book to read? How popular the book is or something else? 46% of inquired respondents are guided by recommendations of friends and family when selecting a book, 42% of respondents focus on the contents and annotation of the book while 31% of readers make choice on their favorite authors.

As the study demonstrated, a vast majority (86,5%) of respondents prefer to read fiction mainly, while 13.5% of respondents love reading non-fictional literature. The most actively read categories of fiction over the past 1 year include modern literature, classic literature and detective/horror/mystics. As for non-fiction, readers are mostly inclined to books covering historical, political and cultural thematic.

“The pandemic did not affect my choice of fiction I read” – days 9 out of ten inquired respondents. However, the pandemic drove the remaining 10% of readers towards science fiction/fantasy/utopic and detective/horror/mysticism.

  • Where do we read, where do we buy 

It is quite logical that bookshops are prevalent among all other places where books are sold. Before the pandemic, 75% of readers would visit them, followed by the attendance rate on book fairs (18%). As for libraries, our respondents were even less active in visiting libraries. Not to say anything about the pandemic period, 77% of respondents did not have experience of visiting libraries even before, which they mostly explain with lack of time and need.

We were interested to find out what respondents think about updating their personal library in near future. According to the results, 14% of respondents are less likely or completely exclude the possibility of buying books this year. However, it’s not that bad, because 6 out of ten readers (64%) are still ready to visit places where books are sold, half of them (31%) are sure of it.

Regardless of the turbulent zone we are all in now, fortunately, books are still in demand and readers still intend on buying them. As it turns out, this new pace of life did not make any significantly negative impact on reading habits. However, it is impossible not to notice that half of residents cannot read books at all. This makes it even clearer and obvious, that habit of reading books needs to be encouraged and promoted.

As noted by consultant of international projects at House of Writers – Natia Lursmanashvili – “House of Writers is a living organism and publishers as well as readers are its beneficiaries. Accordingly, change of their behavior over the recent years (including the influence of the pandemic) is directly connected to defining future strategy of the organization”. 

* Survey was conducted through random sampling among 1000 adult (16+) residents of Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Telavi, Gori and Zugdidi in February of 2021. Utilized method – FTF interview. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.4%.  


COVID-19 outbreak caused one of the most severe crisis in the history of mankind and entire world still tries to cope with it. As of now, number of infected individuals exceeds 158 million, while number of deaths caused by the virus is more than 3,2 million. The pandemic changed entire world and alongside, severely affected all the existing industries. Its results were reflected in global economic recession, including bankruptcy of small and medium businesses, increase of unemployment rate, crisis in tourism sector, record fall on stock exchange, etc.

Economic recession during the pandemic 

Global economy was severely hit which was caused by regulations set in forth for prevention of the virus outbreak. As soon as the pandemic started, it drastically changed lifestyle, occupation and in general, our everyday life. Soon enough, the majority of countries announced strict lockdown as the most effective tool against the virus and social distancing as the best way to protect each other. These regulations made huge impact on the global economy and left millions of people jobless. According to the 2020 report issued by World Health Organization, 114 million individuals were left without job all over the world this year. In total, 8.8 percent of global working hours were lost throughout the year which is equivalent to 255 million full-time work. The given rate is approximately 4 times higher compared to working hours lost as a result of global financial crisis in 2009. Loss of the resource on labor market was naturally caused by bankruptcy of companies or compulsory slim down of personnel. In 2020, Gross Domestic Product globally decreased by 3.7 trillion USD, which equals 4.4. percent decrease. Process of economic improvement is particularly hindered by regulations related to social distancing which were set in forth due to airborne transmission of the virus.


Immunization as the way of survival 

Work on Covid-19 vaccines started in different labs as early as in 2020 and as for today, vaccination process is actively implemented in the majority of countries. In order to restore social gatherings and return to office space, it is clearly most important to minimize health-related risks. At this point, this can be achieved only with help of herd immunity, which means that more than half of country/world population needs to be resistant to the virus. Only mass vaccination will make it possible to achieve this goal. However, it is a fact that generation of herd immunity requires significant period of time and medical resources. In addition to this, there is lack of citizens’ readiness to get vaccinated which sometimes prolongs the said process even more. All these, added up together results in delayed immunization process and economic recession goes on indefinitely.

Potential effect of mass immunization 

More than 2,02 billion doses of vaccine are used in the world and more than 443 million people are fully vaccinated. More than 11 percent of world population is vaccinated at least once and 5,7 percent of population is fully vaccinated. Even though it takes certain amount of time after mass vaccination to generate herd immunity, but looking at the examples of some of the countries, we can already speak about first results and positive tendencies coming from vaccination.

Israel holds the leading position in population immunization process where more than 63 percent of citizens have at least one dose of vaccine and more than 56 percent of citizens are fully vaccinated. This enabled the country to generate herd immunity and restore activities in public spaces or offices which will definitely make its impact on the economy. Vaccination level is so high in Israel, that it is no longer required to wear a mask outdoors and regulations are significantly lighter. In addition, schools are now open and fully vaccinated people can freely visit restaurants, attend cultural and sports events, concerts in large halls and celebrate religious holidays in mass gathering spaces. As a result of relaxed regulations resulted from vaccination, service field has already started working in the country and companies operating in this sector already make their first steps to cope with financial crisis.

51 percent of population in United States of America got at least one dose of vaccine  and more than 41.5% is fully vaccinated. Part of strict regulations are abolished, including: fully vaccinated people are allowed not to wear a mask indoors and outdoors unless it is required by the law of the specific state. In addition, it is no longer compulsory to do COVID test or stay in self-isolation for domestic or international travels. This helps to revive the tourism and allow companies and their employees operating in this sector to go back to economic activity.

With help of high level of vaccination, these countries manage to open economy, restore everyday activities and enable business sector to work fully – this supports generation of new jobs and is the first step to restoring country’s economy.

From tough challenges to new opportunities 

We all know the world before the pandemic, but we can only assume what it will be like after the pandemic is over. Based on past experiences of overcoming crisis situations, such was big depression in 30ies, global economic crisis after World War II, economic recession after the collapse of Soviet Union or world financial crisis in 2009-2010, together with world leading analysists/experts we can assume that the end of this pandemic will be followed even more changes:

Altered consumer behavior – the pandemic has already drastically altered consumer behavior and this change will become even more distinct in long-term perspective. When coping with instability, people had priorities, requirements and values shifted. Consumers’ expectations towards companies will change, they will want new way of receiving service and purchasing products. Respectively, companies will have to remodel their working methods and presumably, role of e-commerce, remote services and automatization of processes will grow even bigger in future.

Labor market – remote format of work provides new challenges and opportunities for employers and employees. Nowadays, more and more employees have a desire to work remotely or choose hybrid format of work implying shift of remote and office formats. It is presumable, that employers will consider switching their employees to remote format in the post-pandemic era which will enable them to cut costs.

Business sector – many industries face inevitable changes and in order to cope with the pandemic, companies had to beat off rather painful hits. Such change of the environment pushed businesses to revise their strategy. Traditional methods of doing business turned out to be ineffective in many industries, while business companies showed insufficient flexibility and adaptation ability. Companies like that will have to develop renewed business models, remodel their strategies and adjust to new requirements of consumers which need to be appropriate to the post-pandemic era as well.

Digital era – digitalization process of business sector started even before the pandemic, but COVID-19 outbreak drastically accelerated this process. Digital transformation is inevitable in today’s reality and its need will be even more obvious after the pandemic is over. It was digital technologies that made it possible to remotely work, study and in general, communicate in a new way during the pandemic. Intense investment in the sector of digital technologies will continue after the pandemic too and new services or completely new industries will inevitable emerge.

The Coronavirus Pandemic made the mankind face a variety of challenges and opportunities at the same time. Fighting against the virus is a complex process where you can only gain advantage through joined forces. In the process of coping with the pandemic, economic rates may get equal or even exceed pre-COVID results, but considering its tremendous size, the pandemic thoroughly changed external factors and people’s mindset as well. Even though no one knows for sure that the new world will look like, but it is vitally important for all of us to realize that mass vaccination is not a simple solution to the problem and key to improve global/local economic condition. Vaccination just gives us a chance to live with fewer regulations, return to social space and restore economy with our bare hands. To say it in other words – mass vaccination will help us pass the road together from immunization of population to regeneration of economy.



Our approach suggests tackling specific tasks by means of digital methods as well empowering organizations to implement digital transformation. Our consultants assist companies to gain a deeper understanding of their capacities and to utilize the potential they have to create a business of the future.


As the Coronavirus pandemic started, economic downfall made society face threat of unemployment and loss of incomes. Drastic decrease of incomes is directly connected to purchasing capacities and considering tendency of growing prices on food products, the picture is not that pleasant. It’s a fact, that this situation hits low income families the most who spend the majority of their incomes on food.

When compared to the previous year, prices on food globally increased by 14% in 2021 (World Bank, Food Price Index 2021), Georgia did not fall behind this negative tendency. In April of the current year, ACT got interested in the impact of increased prices and inquired respondents on the dynamics of costs spent on food and frequency of using different products over the past 6 months.

Growth rates 

In the spring time, social media was overflowed by record growth of oil price and this became a popular topic for discussions or jokes. Even though the price of oil reached its historic maximum price since 2008, unfortunately, oil was not the only main character in this story and the pandemic appeared to be pushing prices up and up on food products. Based on National Statistics Office of Georgia, prices in food category went up by 0.3% in April compared to the previous month which was reflected in 0.1% growth in 7.2% inflation rate. In good categories, prices of fruit and oil, fish and sweets showed the biggest growth rate:  

The majority of 401 respondents we inquired, confirmed drastic increase of prices and declared that they have to spend more and more on food recently. If we look at data in age perspective, the picture is similar for all age groups – the majority of respondents (averagely 75%) in 18-34, 35-54 and 55+ age groups report on noticeable growth of prices in food category over the past 6 months.

According to the study results, the most frequently used products (everyday, several times a week) include bread and bakery, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and sweets for the majority of respondents. Relatively less frequently consumed products are frozen and canned meals, fish and oil, butter, sugar and cheese. If we compare this list to the dynamics of prices provided by GeoStat, we’ll see that most frequently used food products are now more expensive. The products listed below take the majority of space in consumer basket according to frequency of use.

Impact of the shock

To sum up briefly, the pandemic and its negative effects on the economy was not unexpected – breach in food supply chain and delaying processes logically follow similar crisis. The Coronavirus pandemic caused delays in functioning of global food value chains, which affected every phase of food supply. This all originated from the restrictions and regulations set in forth by governments of different countries.

For now, food prices have to cope with the shock caused by the pandemic. Prices increase from month to month, as well as annually. Even though developing, food importer countries are number one target for price growth caused by the pandemic, however, in import-depended Georgia where other external economic factors are actively making impact, including depreciation of the national currency, growth of prices on food products is even more evident and noticeable.


Practice shows that effective decisions and successful outcomes come from precisely that kind of collaboration when both parties are involved in the process: on the one hand, a company’s experienced management team that is well familiar with the company and its internal flows and on the other, an external consultant who has an unbiased, and completely new kind of vision.


ACT is an international company with 19 years of multi-profile experience and regional offices in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Through our local offices and a network of partners, we implement projects in more than 25 countries. Expertise and knowledge of our team covers the best international practices of business management, regional specifications and knowledge of peculiarities on how to do business in these markets.


Areas of Expertise: European integration, EU, NATO, Democracy, Human Rights, Governance, Media, Policy Making

Client: ECORYS

Funded by: The European Union

Start: January 2016

End: September 2020

Countries: Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova

About the Project 

The ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ project aims to increase the understanding within Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries about EU support, through improved communication. The overall objective of the project is to improve public perceptions of the EU, as well as to ensure a better comprehension of European policies and their impacts, particularly with respect to the regional and bilateral EU support and cooperation programs in the EaP countries.

Our Role 

The ACT team assists the ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ project by gathering opinions and gauging the level of information that citizens of EaP countries have obtained about the EU in general and about EU-funded cooperation and development programs/projects specifically. Since 2016, we have been working in the six EaP countries to trace program intervention outcomes in each country year-on-year.

Project Outcomes

The project has developed information and communication materials, has entailed the carrying out awareness-raising and information campaigns, and has assessed the perceptions of the EU and the support it provides through opinion polling and media monitoring.


Areas of Expertise: Monitoring & Evaluation, Capacity Development, Education, Infrastructure

Client: MCA-Georgia

Funded by: MCA-Georgia

Start: December 2017

End: November 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

On 26 July 2013, the Government of Georgia (GOG) and the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), signed a Compact Agreement for a US$140 million grant to alleviate poverty and boost economic growth, employing the MCC’s assistance to strengthen good governance, economic freedom, and investments in Georgia. The five-year Compact entered into force on 1 July 2014. The objective of the Georgia II Compact is to support strategic investments in the Program, which consists of three Projects: (1) Improving General Education Quality (IGEQ); (2) Industry-led Skills and Workforce Development (ISWD); and (3) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). These projects respond to constraints affecting economic growth and aim to improve the poor quality of human capital in Georgia.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (M&E Unit), established within the MCA-Georgia, is implementing a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (M&E Plan) developed by the MCA-Georgia in collaboration with the MCC to conduct program performance monitoring and evaluations. Accordingly, the MCA-Georgia regularly updates the M&E Plan in which data quality reviews represent a critical component.


Our Role 

The ACT team verified the consistency and quality of data among the Program’s implementing agencies and other reporting institutions. The data reviewed included administrative data collected and reported by government entities and consulting firms contracted by the MCA-Georgia.

  • The specific objectives of the data quality reviews were to:
  • Verify baseline and historical data for monitoring indicators;
  • Identify where external data sources have been used and confirm their accuracy on the ground and/or between data sources or reports (if their accuracy could not be confirmed, the objective was instead to identify alternative local sources of data);
  • Identify where new data are required, and suggest an appropriate method of data collection as well as appropriate sources of data; and
  • Identify capacity needs for data collection and make recommendations regarding the most appropriate data collection, storing and management tools and systems for the MCA-Georgia and IE/consultants, as well as outlining any training needs.

Project Outcome(s)

ACT conducted a quality review of the data generated by the MCA-Georgia, the GoG, and the MCA-Georgia’s consultants against data quality standards and criteria set out in the M&E Plan. The review covered two main aspects: indicators and baseline data used to develop program logic which are included in the MCA-Georgia’s indicator-tracking tables (monitoring indicators only); and verification of the data on school conditions and cost assessment.


Areas of Expertise: Institutional Development, Capacity Building, Economic Development, Rural Development, Capacity Development, Policy Making, Business Start-Ups

Client: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Funded by: European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD)

Start: November 2016

End: October 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

As part of its Rural Community Capacity Building Program, the UNDP supports rural citizens, and particularly AMAGs, to diversify their activities and switch from engaging in purely agriculture-focused activities to embrace some other activities that boost the rural economy in general.

The overall objective of the Project was to build community capacity and to enable individuals, groups and community activists in rural areas of Adjara to develop the confidence, understanding, and skills required to influence rural policy dialogue, and decision-making through established AMAGs. This was to include: enabling communities to provide and manage local actions to meet rural needs; and enabling communities to have a real influence in the planning, delivery, and quality of mainstream municipal services related to rural development, as well as specific initiatives such as those aimed at achieving six priority goals for the integrated rural development of Adjara.

Our Role 

The ACT team elaborated and delivered an interactive training program for members of AMAGs across Adjara, and, based on an open competition, then developed business plans regarding the initiation of local economic activities.

Project Outcome(s)

189 representatives of AMAGs were trained in:

  • Leadership and teambuilding;
  • Community-Led local development (CLLD) and CLLD in practice: the relationship between strategy, partnership and area(s);
  • Analytical and critical thinking skills;
  • Economic issues;
  • Environmental issues; and
  • Social/employment issues.

The ACT team comprising business developers assisted individuals or groups of individuals representing AMAGs to devise business plans. Some of the initiatives were funded by the UNDP, and the AMAGs are still being supported in an effort to ensure sustainable rural development.


Areas of Expertise: Rural Development, Capacity Building, Skills Development, Institutional Development, Strengthening Local Government 

Client: The UNDP

Funded by: The EU

Start: August 2018

End: January 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

Rural development has an important role to play in the overall sustainable development of Georgia. The need for rural communities to approach development from a more open-minded perspective has heightened the emphasis on a broad range of development goals rather than merely incentivizing agricultural development. Under ENPARD II, the UNDP is implementing a project entitled “Support to Rural Development in Georgia.” The Project aims to establish and implement rural development strategies for Georgia, including its autonomous region of Adjara.

On 17 May 2016, the 2016-2020 Rural Development Strategy of AR Adjara was approved, aimed at increasing the quality of life in rural areas, promoting vibrant, resourceful and enterprising rural communities, enhancing the sustainable management of natural resources, and assisting the diversification of the rural economy. In this somewhat novel approach, the emphasis is placed on following European experiences of supporting rural areas through fostering knowledge, innovations and applying a bottom-up participatory process, leading to sustainable rural development outcomes.

The strategy’s adoption was followed by the establishment of the Rural Development Council of Adjara (RDC) within the Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara. The new council required adequate capacities among the individuals and institutions involved in rural development policy development. In 2018, under the EU-funded ENPARD Project SRDG initiated a public policy leadership and management training program.

The overall objective of the capacity development support was to build the capacity of the Government of AR Adjara (as well as member institutions of the RDC) through offering a range of results-oriented joint inter-agency trainings and hands-on support to targeted institutions to strengthen their capacity to independently develop, implement and monitor respective programs and measures pursuant to sustainable rural development.

Our Role

As part of the UNDP’s capacity development support to address the challenges faced by RDC member institutions with regard to efficient execution of the Rural Development Strategy, ACT has provided workshops/trainings to provide:

  • Support in policymaking through policy analysis and learning;
  • Support in the policy-planning process (an applied framework);
  • Support to active citizens and the Government of AR Adjara (communications strategy);
  • Support in the establishment of a mentoring system for project development;
  • Support in project management reinforcement and relevant processes; and
  • Support in the introduction of risk management practice and framework.

Project Outcome(s)

The capacity development support strengthened cooperation within and among different RDC agencies and boosted confidence levels and work efficiency in various areas.

As a result, 54 civil servants of the Government of AR Adjara have been trained on the following aspects:

  • Project management;
  • Policy planning;
  • Policy analysis and learning;
  • Communications strategy; and
  • The establishment of a mentoring system for project development.


Areas of Expertise: Business, Start-Ups, Institutional Development, Capacity Building, Economic Development, Rural Development, Capacity Development, Policy Making

Client: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Funded by: The European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD)

Start: July 2018

End: October 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project

As part of the Rural Community Capacity Building Program, the UNDP supports rural citizens, and particularly AMAGs, to diversify their activities to enhance the rural economy in general.

The overall objective of this activity was to identify active members of AMAGs and to help them to develop business plans that would spur local economic activities.

Our Role 

The ACT team implemented information campaigns, conducted consultation meetings with members of AMAGs across Adjara, and announced open calls for proposals for economic initiatives. Following a review of the proposals submitted, interviews with applicants were arranged and detailed analyses of each project were undertaken. Ultimately, more than 30 successful candidates were selected. Each selected applicant was assigned a tutor who helped them to develop business plans that would eventually be presented to project stakeholders.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the activity, business plans were developed for 30 projects initiated by individuals or groups of individuals representing AMAGs. Business proposals were presented to the UNDP and the main stakeholders. Some of the presented initiatives were funded by the UNDP, and AMAGs are still being supported in an effort to ensure the sustainable development of their projects.


Areas of Expertise: Community Welfare, Child Poverty, Education, Regional Development, Policy, Social Assistance 

Project: Welfare Monitoring Survey (WMS)

Client: UNICEF

Start: July 2017

End: August 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project

The Welfare Monitoring Survey (WMS) 2017 is the fifth study in a series that commenced in 2009. It is part of a concerted effort by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to provide relevant information with regard to monitoring the welfare status of children and their families in Georgia. The WMS is a biennial longitudinal survey covering all government-controlled regions of the country.

The aim of this particular study was three-fold:

  • First, to review recent socio-economic trends in Georgia;
  • Second, to assess the dynamics of key welfare indicators and compare the findings with the results of earlier rounds of the WMS; and
  • Third, to capture the effects of Georgia’s Targeted Social Assistance (TSA) reform and provide policy-makers with detailed information on developments that have taken place since the introduction of the new methodology and benefits scheme.

Our Role

The fifth round of the WMS was nationally representative, with 4,697 face-to-face interviews completed throughout Georgia.

Based on the data obtained from the fifth round of the survey, the study examined the prevalence and distribution of issues such as consumption poverty, material deprivation, subjective poverty, and social exclusion, and made particular reference to the role of social transfers and the well-being of children. The study also examined trends with respect to people’s perceptions of being in poverty and how it affects the education of children.

Project Outcome(s)

The study results served UNICEF and other project stakeholders by outlining positive and negative trends in relation to key welfare indicators, with a particular focus on children, and supported them to build future strategies aimed at improving people’s well-being and reducing child poverty.


Areas of Expertise: Economic Development; Private Sectors and Value Chains Development; Policy Advice; Organizations’ Capacity Building; Strengthening Associations; Tourism Development; Visitors’ Data Collection; Analysis System Improvement. 

Project: The USAID Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI)

Client: Deloitte Consulting Overseas Projects LLC

Funded by: USAID Georgia

Start: January 2011

End: September 2014

Country: Georgia

About the Project


The Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) project, with a budget of US$40 million, implemented by Deloitte Consulting Overseas Projects LLC and funded by USAID Caucasus, was the largest economic development project in Georgia to take place during the period of 2011-2014. The Project aimed to increase the competitiveness of Georgia’s economy at country, industry and enterprise levels. It closely worked with different government, private and non-governmental organizations, agencies, and institutions, involving key stakeholders in the implementation process. More specifically, the primary objectives of the Project were to increase turnover, increase exports, attract investments, increase productivity, and increase employment in targeted sectors in agriculture and non-agriculture value chains. This multi-sectoral and multi-component project was composed of four main pillars:

  • Non-agriculture/manufacturing and services;
  • Agriculture;
  • Business-enabling environment (BEE); and
  • Crosscutting.

The manufacturing and services component of the Project focused on value chains development pursuant to the above-stated objectives in the following sectors: general tourism; MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions/events) tourism; wine tourism; apparel; paper packaging; ICT (software); transport and logistics; business development services; and construction materials.

The agriculture component concerned the following sectors: mandarins; hazelnuts; vegetables (including greenhouse vegetables); and berries.

The sectors for both of these components were carefully selected beforehand through a private sector analysis undertaken by Deloitte Consulting, applying a value chain assessment instrument on 25 sectors in Georgia to gauge their potential to increase productivity, exports, investments, turnover, and employment.

The business-enabling environment component was designed to support the improvement of the general business environment of Georgia with a focus on specific reform areas such as: land registration; intellectual property rights (IPR); tax and customs; investment climate; state procurement system; and trade and transit analysis.

The cross-cutting component connected the other components and supported the beneficiaries and stakeholders in terms of: skills development; strengthening the role of women in NGOs; access to finance; agro insurance; private pensions fund scheme feasibility study; and public-private dialogue.

Our Role

The ACT team applied its expertise to support the Project in the following ways:

  • Provided– institutional capacity building of public-private-non-government tourism stakeholders to improve tourism administration, outgoing and incoming visitors’ data collection, and the corresponding methodology and analysis system in Georgia;
  • Provided technical assistance to the manufacturing and services component of the Project in developing an international visitors’ survey and a methodology for effective data collection to improve tourism in the country in general;
  • Assisted the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA) and the EPI project in inbound and outbound visitors’ data collection system development and supported its implementation;
  • Introduced best practices and knowledge-sharing to promote a deeper understanding of visitors’ analysis and provide statistically valid templates for more effective tourism policy development within the public and private sectors in tourism, including capacity building of key stakeholders therein;
  • Conducted face-to-face interviews at a variety of border-crossing points (road, airport, port, and railway) with 1096 international visitors who left Georgia between 26 August and 5 September 2011; and
  • Supported the BEE component in the country’s general business environment improvement reform by developing and delivering a household and business competitiveness perception survey, data collection, and countrywide analysis in targeted groups of SMEs.


Project Outcome(s)

  • The Project has delivered an improved methodology and statistically valid templates for data collection and analysis of visitors to Georgia for key stakeholders in the tourism sector of Georgia, including the GNTA;
  • The work undertaken in the course of the Project improved the accuracy and transparency of data analysis and tourism administration policies; and
  • Improved Georgia’s compliance with the European Union (EU – Eurostat) and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) obligations regarding data collection and analysis standards.


Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure, Economic Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Evaluation

Project: Urban Services Investment Improvement Program

Client: United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG)

Funded by: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Start: May 2015

End: 2022

About the Project

In the course of the Urban Services Investment Improvement Program, funded by the Asian Development Bank, the United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG) aims to improve water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in secondary towns of Georgia. The Program includes the following activities:

  • Infrastructure improvement to rehabilitate, improve, and expand WSS services;
  • Enhancing institutional effectiveness to improve the UWSCG’s technical and management capabilities to provide efficient WSS services, and to develop sector regulators’ capacity to regulate tariffs, services standards, environmental protection, and drinking water quality in the long term; and
  • The provision of implementation support for the Program.

Our Role 

The ACT team provides consultancy services as part of the Project Performance Management System (PPMS) for the ADB. The main goal of the consultancy is to gain a full understanding of all elements of household water management and sanitation practices and to further inform the development of the water supply network.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the project, 356 000 households will have better access to water and sanitation services.


Areas of Expertise: Rural Development, Organizational Performance Improvement, Regional Capacity Building, MSM Development

Project: Evaluation of the Effect of Agro Loan Mobile App on Organization’s Performance

Client: Vision Fund International

Start: May 2018

End: June 2018

Country: Tanzania (Africa)

About the Project 

With an estimated population of 45 million, Tanzania is one of the most-populated countries in Africa. However, it also one of the poorest with around 33% of its population living below the poverty line. The Tanzanian economy depends heavily on agriculture, which accounts for almost half of its GDP and provides 65% of its exports.

In 2015, Vision Fund Tanzania, the fourth-largest growing microfinance institution in Tanzania, which supports low-income families and communities by providing agro loans and other financial services, introduced a mobile IT platform to make the internal processes of agro loans and savings account applications paperless. The system biometrically tagged and GPS-marked all clients and internal transactions to reduce opportunities for fraud. In 2017, this app was amended to include an MLC Agro Lending Application, aimed at increasing the efficiency of information collection and processing.

To assess the efficiency of the app and to measure its impact on targeted communities, as well as to identify gaps for improvement, the VFT commissioned a study in 2018, which was carried out by ACT.

Our Role 

The goal of this project was to evaluate the effect of the agro loan app on the performance of the organization and to provide recommendations for improvement.

The research covered two main target groups: the staff of the Vision Fund Tanzania (business center/branch managers, credit officers, IT department staff, and change managers) and farmers who had used the VFT’s agricultural loans. This was a qualitative research, entailing in-depth interviews and group interviews.

The study identified:

  • The general context and pattern of the agro loan mobile app’s usage (including usage of the VFT’s tablet app);
  • Positive and negatives aspects of the agro loan app;
  • All changes and improvements attributable to the introduction of the agro loan app;
  • Good/bad preconditions affecting the VFT’s tablet app usage;
  • Desirable changes and recommendations regarding the agro loan mobile app and suggested updates/improvements to the VFT’s tablet app;
  • Local attitudes towards the practice of using mobile money;
  • Attitudes of local farmers towards the agro loan app and its impact on their lives; and
  • Farmers’ wishes and recommendations regarding agro loans and their conditions.

Project Outcome(s) 

Based on our recommendations, VFI improved the management of the agro loan disbursement process and provided local farmers with a more user-friendly app. The recommendations covered four different areas of improvement: development, functionality, process, and support.


Areas of Expertise: Decentralization, Local Self-Government, Sustainable Development, Public Sector, Civic Engagement, Public Services, Education, Healthcare, Road Infrastructure, Tourism, Agriculture, Local Economic Development

Client: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Funded by: The Austrian Development Agency (ADA); the Swiss Development Agency (SDA)

Start: September 2019

End: June 2020

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

In the course of the Fostering Regional and Local Development (FRLD) project in Georgia, the UNDP is focused on regional and local development. The project aims to support the Georgian government's ambitious reforms in the field of regional and local governance development through strengthening the capacities of central and sub-national authorities. Phase 2 of the FRLD project is focused on supporting and promoting the ongoing reform, focusing on decentralization, local economic development, civic engagement and increasing the capacities of national and local institutions to deliver quality services at the local level.

Our Role

The ACT team determined and analyzed the level of satisfaction among citizens with respect to the services currently provided at central and local levels. Furthermore, the study analyzed the performance of local and regional authorities in general, as well as issues of civic engagement and participation in the local decision-making process. The study provided a comparative analysis of data from different survey years (2013, 2015, and 2017).

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the study, the level of satisfaction among citizens, as well as specific reasons for their dissatisfaction with public services as well as local self-government authorities, were identified. The study results are expected to support the UNDP to assist Georgia in the process of building strong and competent local self-governance institutions that will act as catalysts in stimulating regional and local economies, and will foster the inclusion of people in the policy-making process for the benefit of all citizens.


Areas of Expertise: Gender Studies, Women’s Issues 

Client: The Council of Europe Office in Georgia

Funded by: The Council of Europe

Start: March 2019

End: May 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

In the project entitled Support to the Judicial Reform in Georgia, the Council of Europe aimed to support Georgia in implementing a strategy for court system reform and to enhance the functioning of Georgia’s court system in compliance with Council of Europe standards in terms of independence, transparency, accountability, and efficiency. The project entailed the provision of support to enhance gender sensitivity in courts, inter alia, by identifying reasons for the under-representation of women in managerial positions, along with analyzing the involvement of women in administrative decision-making process.

Our Role 

The ACT team assessed the main factors contributing to the under-representation of women among judges in Georgia. Within the study, attitudes towards the criteria and procedures for appointing court/panel/chamber chairpersons in the court system, as well as the contrasting opportunities for men and women to succeed therein, were assessed. Moreover, key factors hindering women judges from gaining promotions and potential measures to support the appointment of more women judges in the court system were also identified.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the assessment, recommendations were issued, including on how to address the issues identified and the most suitable measures to be taken to enhance gender sensitivity in the courts of Georgia. The assessment results could be used by the Council of Europe Office of Georgia to implement activities in line with human rights, such as the integration of gender issues and the rights of minorities in the court reform process, as well as to issue its own recommendations on how to take those rights into account.



Areas of Expertise: Youth Issues, Youth Policy, Local Self-Government, Local Development, Sustainable Development, Civic Engagement, Education

Client: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office

Funded by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)

Start: August 2019

End: December 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

In order to study the challenges related to youth policy implementation in Georgia, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office and the Sports and Youth Issues Committee at the Parliament of Georgia commissioned a study to analyze the implementation of youth policy by self-government bodies to address obstacles and to support relevant authorities at the local level to promote and supervise the policy implementation process.

Our Role 

The ACT team assessed the existing policy documents and implemented projects, and identified youth’s needs and the extent to which these were being met by existing projects. The study also assessed the cooperation between central and local government, as well as between self-government authorities and civil society. Based on this assessment of youth policy implementation in Tbilisi and the Imereti region, ACT provided analytical insights and recommendations designed to improve youth engagement, as well as enhance the performance of local authorities in policy implementation.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the assessment, recommendations were provided on how to improve both youth engagement in the decision-making process and youth policy implementation at the national and local levels. The assessment results stimulated public debate about youth policy issues and could be used by stakeholders to implement the policy at the local level and to support self-government authorities to put the policy in action.


Areas of Expertise: Youth Issues, Youth Policy, Education, Civic Engagement, Behavioral Studies, Attitudes

Client: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office

Funded by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)

Start: January 2016

End: December 2016

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

Through the study, the attitudes and behaviors of the generations who grew up after the break-down of the Soviet Union in an independent Georgia were collected and studied to facilitate a better understanding of the country’s transition into democracy and a market economy from the perspective of young people. The overall objective of the project was to identify the needs, attitudes, perceptions, levels of awareness, and expectations of young people regarding social, political, cultural, and educational issues. The study results served as evidence of the challenges faced by young people and the urgent action required in both society and politics.

Our Role

The ACT team studied the views of young generations on various issues like leisure and lifestyle, religion and social affiliations, family and friends, concerns and aspirations, education and employment, democracy and politics, governance and development, and national and world politics. Commonly held attitudes towards the issues mentioned above as well as specific behaviors were identified, while analytical insights were established and given based on the study results.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the study, an illustrative account of today’s reality for Georgian youth was drawn, revealing the challenges faced by young Georgians in terms of their private, economic, and political lives. The study represented a starting point for deeper analysis and discussion on how to tackle these challenges to ensure that the country’s development potential is harnessed rather than subdued.



Areas of Expertise: Environment, Environmental Management, Skills Development

Client: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Funded by: The Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Start: August 2018

End: October 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

In the course of the project entitled Harmonization of Information Management for Improved Knowledge and Monitoring of the Global Environment in Georgia (hereinafter, CCCD in Georgia), efforts were exerted to make the best practices and most innovative approaches available and accessible through national development policies and programs for meeting and sustaining the three Rio Conventions (the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity). The project was intended to develop individual and organizational capacities at the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) to improve the monitoring of environmental impacts and trends for the elaboration of collaborative environmental management.

Our Role 

In the scope of the project, workshops and trainings were conducted to strengthen the individual and technical capacities of engaged parties. The ACT team assessed how the project participants’ improved their level of understanding and skills with regard to monitoring global environmental issues via the conducted training and workshops. The team also examined the extent to which the project had reached its target in terms of improved capacities, and to evaluate the capacity development progress in general.

Project Outcome(s)

The study revealed how specific activities affected the improvement of understanding of global environmental issues as well as identifying areas in which knowledge and skills were still considered challenges. The study results and recommendations provided could be used by stakeholders to identify suitable subsequent steps to ensure future improvements in the process.


Areas of Expertise: Agriculture, Environment, Natural Resources, Energy Resources, DRR Management, Tourism, Rural Development, Forest Management, Gender Issues

Client: Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Funded by: The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)

Start: May 2019

End: Decemebr 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project

As part of the project entitled Promoting Sustainable Forest Management for Climate-Resilient Rural Development in Georgia, CENN aimed to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty and to assist in the delivery of commitments made by the GoG under the SDGs, the NDC and the EU-Georgia Association Agreement concerning sustainable green growth. The overall objective of the activity was to enable the environment and effective interagency coordination for improved forest and watershed management, sustainable rural energy solutions, and diversification of rural income opportunities.

Our Role

The ACT team conducted a baseline survey to identify practices of using various forest resources and services economically, as well as the production and supply of forest products and services. The baseline survey also analyzed the production and consumption of fuel energy resources, identified the attitudes towards the state approach to disaster risk reduction management. The role and representation of women formally or informally engaged in the process was also identified in the project.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the study, a baseline database was developed for project indicators in line with the project’s log frame. The baseline survey report was presented to CENN and the main stakeholders. The database and survey results were to be used to monitor the project’s progress against the set indicators throughout the project’s implementation. As a result of the project, in four targeted regions - Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, AR Adjara, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, and Kakheti - pilot activities were planned to ensure effective cooperation in forest management, energy efficiency, and diversification of income sources.


Areas of Expertise: Good Governance, Policy Analysis, Private Sector, Sectoral Analysis, Market Analysis

Client: Japanese Tobacco International

Funded by: Japanese Tobacco International

Start: August 2019

End: October 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

Tobacco taxes are recognized as an effective policy tool to reduce tobacco consumption and improve health outcomes; however, in many cases the attainment of the budgetary and regulatory goals of tobacco excise tax regulation is not straightforward and the expected benefits thereof often do not materialize. The project on tobacco sector indicators in response to the new tobacco excise tax regulation in Georgia covered this issue in detail and observed the tobacco market development dynamics in the country in response to the tighter excise taxation policy introduced in 2019.

Our Role 

Observing the development trends, the ACT team shed light on the complexity of the tobacco excise tax regulation, particularly the increase of the illicit tobacco market. The non-existence of a precise plan as well as inconsistent and unequal taxation has further escalated the problem. The analytical document prepared by ACT focused on the following four main parts: tobacco control policies and EU-Georgia Association Agreement requirements, as well as tobacco excise tax developments in the country; EU and regional experience in implementing tobacco control laws; the dynamics of the tobacco sector indicators in Georgia; and the stakeholder and citizen interviews gleaning their attitudes toward the new regulations.

Project Outcome(s)

The key takeaways and recommendations were drawn by ACT for the relevant policymakers. Recommendations included the need for a more enhanced set of complementary policies to encourage consumers to quit tobacco products, and to target comprehensive interventions to fulfill the main goals of the regulation.


Areas of Expertise: Good Governance, Public Sector, Vocational Education, Skills Development

Client: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Funded by: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Start: 2019

End: January 2020

Country: Georgia

About the project

The study of a new VET system’s coordination and set-up for Georgia referred to the bottlenecks in VET development with regard to enticing more business and local government engagement, and improving decision-making and removing inefficiencies.

Our Role

In the scope of the assignment, the ACT conducted a feasibility study on the current vocational education system of Georgia, analyzed best international practices, and developed three development scenarios. The scenarios were presented to a wide range of the stakeholders and final recommendations, including a financial analysis, were presented based on the feedback received from the stakeholders. 

Project Outcome(s)

The three scenarios proposed in the study were all designed to improve VET coordination and to lay the foundations for intra-industry partnership as well as to develop VET programs keeping pace with current labor market requirements. Attaining excellence in vocational education and training, perceived as one of the key instruments for economic development, specifically in developing countries, will allow Georgia to obtain a high-quality workforce to compete globally in the future.


Areas of Expertise: Private Sector Development, Market Development, MSME Development

Client: Embassy of Sweden in Georgia

Funded by: Embassy of Sweden in Georgia

Start: December 2019

End: 2020

Country: Georgia

About the Project

ACT’s Impact Business Climate Survey for Swedish companies in Georgia aimed to identify the prospects and bottleneck factors in the Georgian business climate for Swedish businesses to take into account if considering development and expansion in the country.

Our Role

Within this assignment, ACT conducted a desk review and analyzed existing secondary data. A qualitative study entailing in-depth interviews with key informants and representatives of Swedish businesses in Georgia, as well as a quantitative study comprising an online survey of Swedish businesses in Georgia, were reflected in the report. This project formed a basis for Swedish promotion activities and for dialogue with the Georgian government and state agencies. The survey was helpful for Swedish companies looking into the possibility of investing in Georgia.

Project Outcome(s)

Studying the profiles of Swedish businesses enabled us to identify key sectors where Swedish investment could be attracted. Furthermore, the research revealed the types of barriers in the Georgian business environment for Swedish investors to bear in mind, and also looked at ways to overcome them.


Areas of Expertise: Good Governance, Public Sector, Vocational Education, Labor Market Analysis, Skills Development

Client: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia - Vocational Education Department

Funded by: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Start: November 2018

End: December 2018

Country: Georgia

About the Project

In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia began implementing a study on the vocational education program graduates (known as the “Tracer Study”), which serves as a results assessment tool for the systematic analysis of important and long-term changes (positive or negative, planned or unplanned) that have taken place in the lives of graduates in terms of their employment.

Our Role

In the course of this assignment, ACT studied the following issues: graduates’ satisfaction with the vocational education program and the institutions; future educational plans of graduates; graduates’ level of education before enrolling in the vocational education program; collection of information on graduates’ activities (employment/self-employment/internship/continuation of studies and other activities) after graduation (if a graduate was unemployed, the reasons behind their unemployment were identified); employed graduates’ satisfaction with their working conditions; the connection between education gained in a vocational education institution and graduates’ careers; identification of factors that have helped or have interrupted graduates (employment/self-employment/internship and/or continuation of studies); and the graduates’ assessments of different aspects of vocational education.

Project Outcome(s)

The survey provided information on how graduates proceeded with their careers in different directions (e.g. education, employment, self-employment, or unemployment). Data includes both factual information about graduates as well as their perceptions and assessments. The goal of the Tracer Study was to study changes in the lives of graduates after they have completed their studies.


Areas of Expertise: IDPs, Economic Strengthening, Psycho-social Services, Final Evaluation, Vulnerable Households 

Client: SOS Children’s Villages Georgia (SOS-CV Georgia)

Funded by: The Austrian Development Agency (ADA), SOS Austria

Start: September 2019

End: January 2020

Country: Georgia (Zugdidi Municipality)

About the Project 

The overall objective of the project under evaluation was to minimize the risk of child abandonment in Zugdidi Municipality and to support the Georgian government in the implementation of Georgia’s National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan (NHRSAP). The purpose of the final evaluation was to assess the project under the relevant OECD DAC evaluation criteria (relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability) with respect to two main purposes: a) to measure the extent to which project has achieved its objectives; and b) identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project in terms of management, implementation and monitoring.

Our Role 

In order to achieve the evaluation’s main goal and objectives, ACT has undertaken the study in close cooperation with local stakeholders, using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods. In particular, the qualitative components (desk review of available project documents, key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus-group discussions (FGDs)) were carried out at the initial stage of the evaluation, the results of which informed the quantitative components of the study that targeted 100 beneficiary households.

Project Outcome(s)

ACT developed a final evaluation report providing in-depth analysis of the project’s results, achievements, lessons learned and recommendations according to all five evaluation criteria (see above), that will be used by the donor as well as the client representatives and local authorities to ensure better planning of similar projects.


Areas of Expertise: Financial Systems, Economy, Policy Making, Financial Empowerment, Consumer Protection 


Client: OECD

Funded by: Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands

Start: May 2019

End: November 2019

Countries: Georgia, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Republic of North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, and Romania

About the Project 

The OECD/INFE is a leading a five-year (2018-2022) Technical Assistance Project for Financial Education in the Constituency Program of the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands. The main objective of the OECD/INFE is to provide policymakers with guidance to establish an efficient financial education strategy as a complement to appropriate consumer protection and financial inclusion.

With this goal in mind, and in order to support countries to achieve concrete measurable improvements in financial literacy, the OECD/INFE carries out a regular survey of financial literacy competencies. This helps participating countries to establish/improve financial education strategies at national level as well as to benchmark their progress against that of other countries.


Our Role 

ACT assessed the adult population with respect to its prevailing levels of financial knowledge, attitudes and behavior as well as levels of financial inclusion, and indicators of financial well-being. This allowed ACT to gauge the current level of financial literacy within different target groups and to track changes across different populations to see how these compared with other countries.

Data collection activities performed entailed the obtaining of nationally representative samples across seven countries of the Dutch Constituency Program: Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, the Republic of North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, and Romania.

Project Outcome(s) 

The study results have been used:

  • To improve the financial literacy levels across targeted countries;
  • To support the development of effective financial empowerment policies and explore further the differences in financial literacy according to gender, age, social background, as well as financial well-being and consumer protection; and
  • To support the design and/or improvement of the national strategy for financial education and to measure its effectiveness.


Areas of Expertise: Capacity Building, Vocational Education, Agriculture, Market Analysis, Proposal Writing 


Client: The UNDP

Funded by: The Swiss Cooperation Office in Georgia (SDC)

Start: 10 June 2019

End: 12 June 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project

To support the institutional development of vocational educational institutions and to assist them in implementing new authorization standards, the UNDP allocated small grants for VET institutions and other short-term training providers (e.g. NGOs). Grants were allocated as part of the Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) system related to agriculture in Georgia VET Phase 2. Parallel to this initiative, as part of the capacity-building support, the UNDP commissioned creative sessions for the representatives of vocational education and training/retraining institutions.

Our Role

ACT’s role was to organize and facilitate creative sessions with the ultimate goal to enhance the capacity of VET institutions in developing grant proposals. More specifically, the project aimed to support VET institutions to evaluate their technical and human capabilities as well as to better understand the existing market demands. At the same time, sessions intended to support VET representatives generate creative ideas for grant proposal submission and to develop competitive offers.

Pursuant to the above-stated objectives, ACT applied different tools and techniques in the course of the sessions. In particular, sessions covered the following:

  • Mission statement analysis;
  • Identification of opportunities/strengths in each region;
  • Identification of market demand;
  • Assessment of the capacity and resources of each VET institution;
  • Generation of new ideas for grant proposals; and
  • Training in the development of competitive grant proposals.

Project Outcomes 

The creative sessions supported VET institutions to identify opportunities in their respective regions and to better understand market demand in relation to the grant project requirements, keeping in mind their capacity, resources and sustainability. In addition, training improved the proposal-writing skills of VET representatives and enhanced their competencies in designing a project’s scope, budget and timeline.

On the other hand, the creative sessions also identified gaps that VET institutions faced in terms of personnel qualifications, market analysis, and promotion of VET programs.

The project outcomes have enabled donors to plan future capacity-building activities and to address existing shortcomings of VET institutions.


Areas of Expertise: DCFTA, Waste Management, Environment, Policy Planning, Participation

Client: Georgia’s Environmental Outlook (GEO)

Funded by: UNDP

Start: September 2019

End: November 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

The overall goal of the project entitled Supporting E-waste Management Capacity Development in Georgia (hereinafter, the sub-project) is to continue supporting Georgia in its implementation of the Waste Management Code (WMC), which was adopted in December 2014, in which a number of new requirements were imposed on various public and private organizations. More specifically, the sub-project aims to support the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle defined by the WMC with a specific focus on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Georgia.

Our Role 

ACT created a dataset of waste collectors throughout Georgia. A map of informal and formal operators was created using a GIS format and was subsequently shared with the main stakeholders to implement further policy planning and communication activities. Moreover, the project evolved the dissemination of information among operators regarding upcoming regulatory policy issues and the new requirements of the WMC.

Project Outcome(s) 

GEO developed an outreach strategy to communicate with waste aggregators.


Areas of Expertise: Migration, Trafficking, Policy Making, European integration, the EU, NATO.

Client: Public Service Development Agency

Funded by: The EU

Start: February 2017

End: July 2019

Country: Georgia

About the Project 

The project was implemented as part of the “Supporting The State Commission on Migration Issues for Sustainable and Effective Functioning” initiative and envisaged the study of migration issues over time. The study covered the following topics: the visa-free regime and its effects; illegal migration and trafficking; labor migration; asylum process; and emigration plans and experiences.


Our Role 

In 2017 and 2019, ACT conducted large-scale national studies with q special focus on the regions of Georgia with large populations of ethnic minorities. In close cooperation with the State Service Development Agency and with the involvement of the main stakeholders, ACT developed profile of the average migrant and identified the main gaps and challenges that should be mitigated by the relevant agencies.

Project Outcome(s)

The survey outcomes have been used by line ministries and international stakeholders to develop relevant policies, to refine action plans, and to inform partners.




In April, people or organizations interested in the matter are particularly active in their effort to draw attention of wide society to issues related to autistic spectrum disorders. As decided by UN General Assembly, April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day recognized by many countries of the world since 2008.

As reported by US Center of Disease Control and Prevention, as of March of the current year, frequency of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) prevalence in babies and young children increased by 10% compared to the last year. If frequency of ASD prevalence was 1 out of 59 children in April of 2019, for April of 2020, this frequency is already 1 out of 54 children. Frequency of ASD prevalence has increased by 40 and more times over the past several decades which is partially explained by improved diagnostics and awareness.

Source: www.autismspeaks.org

There is no precise statistics of children with ASD in Georgia. Based on various data, there might be approximately 7 000 children with ASD. The first Autism Center in the country was formed with cooperation of Autism Association of Georgia and Ilia State University in 2010 where initially only 10 beneficiaries received therapy. Now up to hundred beneficiaries are recipients of the therapy.

First autism Habilitation State Program came into force on 1st July of 2015. Within the framework of the said program, Mayor’s Office of Tbilisi Municipality provides funding for services relevant for 2-15 year-old children. In 2020, upper threshold for beneficiaries of the program has increased and became 18 years instead of 15. Habilitation State Program is available for children with ASD not only in Tbilisi, but in several municipalities of Georgia.

In April of 2019, a decision was made to build National Center of Autism in Georgia which will serve 16+ individuals with ASD and assist them in developing skills necessary for independent life. The center is being constructed by “Autism Research and Support Foundation”. To this day, only one out of six cottages envisaged in the project is constructed. As construction of the center is mostly funded by private individuals and companies, it is unclear when necessary financial resources will be available, respectively, there is no set date for completion of construction.

For development of various skills and integration in society, it is critically important for children with ASD to attend various therapy courses, which together with language and speech therapy may involve occupational therapy, sensor integration or development of academic skills. Success of the therapy significantly depends on its regular and systematic character. Due restrictions introduced because of pandemic situation related to Coronavirus all over the world including Georgia, children cannot attend therapy courses in centers. If we also take into account that one of the main challenges for people with ASD is adaptation with social environment, it is crucially important to have a routine of interacting with this environment. Due to spread of Coronavirus and related restrictions, people who suffer from ASD are under disproportionally high risk as even temporary cancellation of therapy courses makes negative impact on their development and may significantly worsen achieved progress.

Leaving house is critically important for people with ASD so that the environment they feel doubtful about not to become a scary place. In response to existing challenges, in Italy where citizens are under lockdown for weeks and can leave house only under special circumstances, a new regulation was activated in the city of Rimini – namely, children and adults with autistic spectrum disorder are allowed to walk around one of the parks of the city for several hours per week. As decided by the government of UK, citizens with ASD are allowed to leave the house several times a day and walk nearby their houses even under lockdown. According to specialists, such practices are important as it helps preserving the routine of leaving house. However, therapy is still believed to be particularly important.

As demonstrated by international practice, one of the most efficient mechanisms during self-isolation is therapy intermediated by parents. Organizations working on ASD issues use so called tele-intervention and by engaging parents, they offer distance therapy courses to people with the respective needs. If we take into account that one of the main challenges people with ASD face is adaptation with social environment, working on development of the said skills remotely is even more difficult objective. However, it is also worth mentioning that not attending the therapy is far serious challenge than attending the therapy course remotely.

As it turns out, practice of distance therapy is used in Georgia too. Based on international experience, “Mental Health Center” offers two services to people with special needs. Namely, the center will be offering tele-consultations and tele-interventions from April 1. Doctors, psychologies, therapists with various specialization will be providing tele-consultations while tele-intervention enables behavioral and other types of therapies intermediated by parents. For those families who, due to several problems, are unable to attend online consultations or intervention, the Center posts relevant recommendations on its Facebook page. Currently 95 beneficiaries utilize remote therapy.

Attending therapy course in physical environment is much more effective than remote therapy, but specialists believe that attending some of therapy courses even in online regime is critically important. This way, it is possible to preserve achieved progress and keep different kind, but still routine, which is crucial for individuals with ASD. Apart from the fact that availability of online services engages children in activities, it also helps them to keep in touch with therapists, which is also crucially important. Furthermore, availability of online consultations enables parents to receive advices on managing various situations or behaviors.

It is less likely remote therapy to replace physical therapy or even be as effective, but specialists may utilize remote therapy as additional, auxiliary mechanism of therapy. Furthermore, remote therapy may appear ultimate therapy for those who do not have access to respective centers because of various reasons (e.g. lack of financial resources, remote location and absence of centers near home). It is quite possible this practice to spike in realization of various interesting ideas and therapy to be used by far more children or adults, than it is available nowadays.


COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the entire world. Businesses were forced to face new challenges while the society had to adjust to a new lifestyle.

 As 2020 is about to end, we were interested to learn about anxiety level of Tbilisi residents caused by the pandemic situation. Respondents were asked asses how concerned they are on 10-point scale where “0” means “I am not concerned at all” while “10” means – “I am very concerned”.

As of 11-13 December of 2020, average anxiety level of Tbilisi residents is 5.92 points. According to the study conducted by ACT on March 14-16 of 2020, average anxiety level was 4.9 points which means that concern level has increased by 1.02 point since the pandemic started.

Based on the study conducted in December, anxiety level varies by representatives of various age categories. As it turns out, average anxiety level increases along with the increase of age: concern rate equals 5.3 points for 18-34 age group; 6 points in 35-54 age category while the anxiety level reaches 6.5 points in 55+ residents.

*The survey was conducted through random sampling with 403 adult residents of Tbilisi on December 11-13 of 2020. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9% on average. Utilized method – telephone interviewing.


You have probably asked yourself this question many times for yourself and those gathered with friends, you have often talked to yourself - when will we be able to travel? We check the list of co-safe countries on the Internet and read, "Are we on the list of countries with red or orange status now?" On the street we are watching for a small groups of tourists and we surprised of their courage.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020, everyday life around the world has changed radically. Among the affected sectors, tourism has been named as one of the most "dangerous" activities, and if we borrow the OECD study, in 2020, even about 80% decline in international tourism worldwide was expected. But tourism is one of the important sources of economic growth in Georgia. If we look at the numbers, we will see that the revenues from this sector increased from 5% to 18% of GDP during 2010-2019, which significantly increased the budget. One is the budget, and the other is the people, who have found a source of income in this sector.

The tourism during Covid 19 like swinging on the waves - a reduction in regulations is often followed by an increase in the number of flights, overcrowded hotels, which seems to revive it. However, each new wave of pandemics detected from time to time makes today's fragile environment even more unreliable and puts the country back in a state of uncertainty. What solution remains when the environment is so volatile and the tourism sector is completely dependent on it?

The general answer to this question might be to adapt, to adapt tourism to the existing reality. However, today, traveling as a tourist does not sound very attractive. The reason for this is the feeling of insecurity, the constantly changing rate of the covid-infected, the risks of closing the borders again in a foreign country, and so on. It is at this time that domestic tourism becomes relatively promising, which avoids certain risks and allows for short-term travel.

Based on the data of the National Statistics Office of Georgia in recent years (2016-2020), it can be said that about half of the residents aged 15 and older travel within the country primarily to visit friends and relatives. It lags far behind the number of travelers for other reasons (shopping, treatment, etc.). And even 10% of our citizens do not travel locally for leisure and entertainment. It is true that this number almost doubles during the summer, but the fact is that travel in own country for leisure and fun remains a very unpopular topic. Anyway, it was like that before the pandemic and it is like that now, even in the first quarter of 2021. As expected, Tbilisi, Imereti and Adjara A / R are among the most actively visited places. By the way, in the conditions of the pandemic, compared to previous years, the number of people wishing to spend their vacation in cottages has almost doubled (up to 16%).

"I remember being proud and enjoying my lifestyle, constant travels and adventures: Berlin, Paris, Dhaka, New Delhi, Kerala ... different countries, cultures and news," said Salome, who traveled abroad quite often before the pandemic. - "Once, a friend came from Bangladesh and called me to meet him for a while. The whole evening, he was talking about Racha, Svaneti and even some lakes in astonishment. He was asking me with round eyes - what? You don't know it?. A few months after the start of the pandemic, I realized that now was the time for me to get to know my country. I have a plan - I have to visit all the national parks of Georgia this year! Reserves, see lakes. I have already been to Tskaltubo, to Kazbegi. In Samtskhe-Javakheti I also saw birds of strange beauty sitting on the lakes and I know, that now I am planning go at Chiatura. "

ACT wondered how ready Tbilisi vacationers like Salome are to travel inside the country or abroad this year? Where are they going to rest and how much did the pandemic affect their decision?

The survey showed that 28% of the population aged 18+ have no plans to leave the capital at all in the summer. 9% of them refused to leave Tbilisi this year because of the pandemic, citing the risks of safe vacations and declining incomes as the main reasons. 12% of respondents have not yet decided whether to rest, which is mainly attributed to the job or lack of finances.

Most of the respondents, at least 60%, consider traveling in the summer, although very few of them plan to spend the summer abroad (6%). The research showed that those who want to leave the city in summer are mostly under 54-year-olds from Tbilisi. Among them, young people under the age of 34 are mainly going to spend the holidays at the sea or in the mountains, while the population aged 35-54 is equally desirable to spend the holidays at the sea and at the family / relative's cottage.

It should come as no surprise that due to the pandemic, more than half of the population is quite confused about summer plans, which is related to the selected vacation spot, duration and, most of all, budget. One-fifth (20%) of the respondents had to change their vacation location, mostly people who had visited both sea and mountain resorts before the pandemic and / or were actively traveling abroad. It was also revealed that due to the complicated economic situation due to the pandemic and the lack of desire to stay in a foreign environment for a long time, a large proportion of travelers prefer short-term travel to long-term vacation.

Although the creation of the vaccine has raised positive expectations in the society, the problem in the tourism sector is still relevant for Georgia and the world. Moreover, the OECD predicts that in 2021 we will have to live in "survival mode" again and return to the usual mode of tourism, will remain a matter of the future. Against this background, the importance of such factors as the availability of vaccines, the increase in the number of vaccinated people, the removal of restrictions in the face of mitigated pandemic waves, etc. is becoming increasingly important. All this is directly related to the activation of tourism processes, which is vital for a country like Georgia. For a country for which tourism is one of the most important ways to deal with unemployment.

* A survey was conducted in June 2021, by random sampling, with 411 adult residents of Tbilisi. Method used - telephone interview. The statistical error of the data does not exceed 4.9%.


The Covid Pandemic has accelerated our digital transformation. The digital solution is becoming more and more in demand in everyday life. Our major expectation is the possibility of remotely doable actions. Covid changed the usual perception of work, education, medical care, social connections, fun and leisure. Any services or products associated with Covid's needs were re-evaluated according to how well it is set up to provide a guarantee of our ability to stay at home.

Gadgets of Modern Parents

The impact of the pandemic on online services is changing in the long run and will never bring us back to the world we have known so far. Sophie Bukia is a successful journalist whose life changed on the eve of the pandemic, as the twin babies appeared in her family. At the stage of Covid's empowerment the babies were less than a year old. The lockdown trapped her in a locked apartment with newborn babies.

"We found ourselves completely isolated and largely at mercy of the courier services of Glovo and Wolt. They became the main connection thread with the outside world. When it comes time for children to sleep and you suddenly find out that you forgot to buy milk for them, then the moped courier becomes a superhero who brings you cherished treasures," - said Sophie.

Sophie has turned into one gadget the usual ritual of infant’s parents - with or without children sleeping in shifts - rushing to markets and pharmacies and leaving with a week-long supply. Gadget is used for several services: delivery service applications for products; baby care supplies and toys; medical application for paediatric consultation and to purchase necessary medicines from a pharmacy; including a taxi call service for a nanny.

Frequently Used Services

Research and Consulting Company ACT took an interest in how much the behavior of Tbilisi residents changed towards online services in a way Sophie did. According to a survey conducted last month, one of every three citizens has significantly intensified their use of digital banking services (online transfers, utility payments, card orders, etc.), with 22% of respondents calling for ready-made food more often than before the pandemic. In addition, online ready-made food applications are most often used by young people aged 18-34, in total, every second young person orders ready-made food online.

At this stage, Tbilisi citizens are not using entirely the opportunity to buy food online. 83% of the older generation do not use the online store at all, and most of the respondents traditionally buy food in the markets or in the neighborhood store. A small proportion of 18-34-year-olds (13%) have also intensified their use of online pharmacies, although the digital version of this service does not dominate the cases of visiting a pharmacy.

It is quite of interest what stimulates the customers to prefer to leave the house to buy food and medicine, maybe it is the probability of product selection on place, assortment evaluation, and in the case of medicine, the likelihood of a time factor or obtaining pharmacist’s consultation. Providers of these servicres can get the answers to all these questions based again on observations and research of customer preferences.

Those Who Stand Behind the Scene of the Applications Used

Delivery service was distinguished as a part of comfort before the pandemic, where some people were not much eager to pay money for. The pandemic has created an environment where delivery service has gone from luxury to daily necessity. In isolation, food delivery services from the market and medicines / hygiene products from the pharmacy became important for the population along with ready-made food.

Increased demand for online services enabled the startup businesses in this field to grow rapidly through diversifying service categories, increasing scales - adding staff and partner services or products, and constantly upgrading the services offered. All of these companies are now studying digitally active consumers to calculate what will be relevant tomorrow for those who, for objective reasons, are reluctant or unable to get out of their homes today.

Gadget Applications likely to Survive

Are the Buying Behaviours Conditioned by Pandemic Sustainable?

Based on the survey, after the end of the epidemic situation, citizens who have returned to normal life will continue to buy digital banking products (94%) and ready-made food (86%) online. They still plan to buy food and pharmacy products in stores and pharmacies.

Although, there are consumers like Sophie who already feels the apparent benefits of developing sustainable online buying behavior: “I used to buy products after the work before the pandemic. I hardly remember that time, but it was so. And it was a horrible process - in one store they do not have cottage cheese, in another - bananas, in the third - something else. You had to travel to so many places. Then you had to carry it all to the car. The same with Pharmacies, so I'm crazy about an app that looks for all the products in one store. It does not matter whether there is Lockdown or not, I will use Glovo and Wolt services. I can not do without them”.

The Customer Walks Less

Problems such as late delivery, faulty system, which makes the courier often contact the customer to verify the address, incomplete orders or deficiencies in the payment system, do still exist and make problems for Sophie and other customers using online services, however. Though, in a changed reality, needs for healthcare and increased comfort demands the customers to find more positive things about these services and hopingly wait for the improvements of digital "move."

Right before that, keeping oneself safe in a pandemic continues at home, in the biggest castle. Like many others, Sophie tries to make up for a busy day at work and parenting: “At the same time - I'm at home and I'm not. I say goodbye to my family members in the morning as before leaving for a work - then I close the door of my room and work there until evening. I can hear the voices of my family members in the background. I'm getting used to know they are at the other side of the wall. " Digital transformation rushes at a rapid pace, and just like centuries ago, people tend to bring everything they need into this castle to feel more secure and comfortable.


About the transformed higher learning process

Adapting to covid-reality has become a necessity of the present. People have to learn to live with it, and countries have to determine the consequences of a pandemic and work actively on it. The sphere of education did not lag behind this covid chaos. This sphere received a rather strong blow. First the learning process was stopped everywhere and then, all over the world had to continue the learning path in a new format.

The World Bank released a special report in 2020 on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education. As a result of the situational analysis of Europe and Asia, the report identified several important problems that affected the higher education institutions of these two continents as a result of the pandemic. It has been found that the problem of internet delivery is equally troubling to people on different continents - low speeds fail to provide a dynamic online learning process, and better quality service is an expensive pleasure for many of them. In addition, access to personal computers was a problem. Added to all this was the fact that the higher education institutions themselves did not have the necessary infrastructure for online teaching, which would have been targeted at a large number of users, nor were members of the academic team ready to fully digitize the lectures. In addition, the World Bank report also states that distance learning is not always effective, especially during activities such as discussions, interactive group work, and more. That is, everything that helps the student to develop the necessary skills. The report also noted that the focus on cognitive skills was often at the expense of socio-emotional skills, which is also a significant challenge.


According to international studies, the pandemic has affected the lives of more than 200 million people worldwide, including more than 157,000 Georgian students. Along with the main actors in the field of higher education - students, members of the academic and administrative teams of universities also found themselves in this whirlpool of uncertainty. Following in the footsteps of the transformed learning process, at ACT we decided to find out how ordinary Tbilisians value online learning and what they consider to be the biggest problem. As the results of the survey conducted in June show, in general, taking into account all the factors, the surveyed Tbilisians evaluate negatively online learning [out of a maximum of 10 points, this impact is assessed at 4.1 points]. Assessing the specific impact it has had on our country's higher education, the answer is even more negative [3.3 points out of a maximum of 10 points].

Difficulties of online learning

We asked our respondents what the difficulties were / are related to the transition of universities to online education due to the pandemic. 18% said that not everyone had / does not have access to the Internet; The other 18% cited the lack of the necessary material and technical base for online learning as the main difficulty, which combines the lack of a personal computer, lack of workspace and other technical problems. Among these difficulties, unequal access to the Internet was named as the "most problematic" for 19%.

Chart # 1. Difficulties Faced with Higher Education Institutions Switching to Online Education Due to Pandemic

At the end of last year, we conducted a survey for the United Nations Population Fund to assess the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on young people, and it is interesting to note that similar views and problems were identified with young people directly related to online learning. Young people living in Tbilisi, Imereti, Kakheti, Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti participated in the study. Difficulties with online learning were cited as low readiness and technical problems for students and academic staff in online learning: low access to the Internet and lack of the necessary material and technical base for online learning. The latter problem was particularly acute in families with several members having to study and work online.

Another result of our survey is interesting - according to one in ten Tbilisians surveyed, the transition to online education has turned out to be quite negative for a certain group of society, which is associated with asociality and related stress. 11% of respondents named the lack of socialization as a serious problem, which in the future may create mental health problems for both young people and people of different generations. Incidentally, this challenge was also named as one of the topical problems in the above-mentioned survey conducted for the UN Population Fund.

About the positive effects of online learning

It is true that online learning has been and still is associated with many difficulties, however, this method also has its advantages. We asked Tbilisians what they think is the positive effect of online learning. One in ten respondents found it difficult to assess this (12%), and 21% do not think that switching to online learning can have any positive effect at all. However, when talking about the benefits of online learning, the majority of respondents identified two important factors - saving time by 21% and protecting against the spread of the virus in a pandemic, or safety by 20%.

Graph # 2. Positive effects of online learning

As it turns out, online learning directly for young people also has its positive effects - in addition to saving time and financial resources, it allows students to easily combine learning for other jobs. These positive aspects of online learning were revealed by a survey of young people at the end of last year. The same study then also showed that because of the advantages listed, the transition to a hybrid learning model was considered important by young people.

Talking about the positive aspects of online learning, young people mentioned one more thing - the introduction of this new format has increased the opportunity and made it accessible to both Georgian and international online training courses. This is an important and strong argument for those who want to learn and develop.

Teaching format in post pandemic reality

Respondents were also asked what they thought the university teaching format should look like after the pandemic ended. It was found that the majority of Tbilisians surveyed (57%) support the idea of only offline (audit) teaching. However, the hybrid learning format also has enough proponents - 39%.

Graph # 3. What should be the format of university teaching after the end of the pandemic

Despite the difficulties associated with online learning, the idea of hybrid learning is uniquely welcomed by young people. Because the main positive effect - "combining learning with other things" turned out to be quite a weighty argument for them. That is why it is quite natural that young people will be happy to meet the existence of a hybrid learning format in the post-covid reality.

However, despite the positive attitudes of young people towards hybrid education, the transition to such a model of the Georgian university system may be premature. At this stage, the mixed model of teaching in universities is a forced response to the challenge and not a new format of teaching, which was developed to create an effective university education system.

And finally - what will happen tomorrow?

According to the World Health Organization, the pandemic will not only be defeated, but will regain strength by the fall, and there is a high probability that distance learning and work will become an inevitable reality in the near future. That is why, with regard to the future prospects of online learning, the European Commission has developed the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) for the coming years, which outlines the priorities to be focused on outcome-oriented learning. Conducting more digital specialists, as well as creating user-friendly mechanisms and secure platforms that adhere to e-privacy and ethical standards.

Naturally, all these issues will be relevant for Georgia as well, and we can confidently assume that distance learning will become an essential component of higher education. Only time will tell how our country will be able to cope with this challenge and provide quality education for future generations. However, one thing is clear - the need to switch to forced online learning will at least help increase the digital competencies of both students and academics, enhance digital capabilities by universities, improve software, and create quality content for e-learning. It undoubtedly has the advantages that can be used effectively and boldly in the post-pandemic reality of education.

[1] COVID-19 Impact on Tertiary Education in Europe and Central Asia

[2] საქსტატი

[3] Farnell, T., et al., 2021. The impact of COVID-19 on higher education: a review of emerging evidence. Analytical report. European Commission. EU Publications.

[4] Assessing the Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on Young People in Georgia

[5] Assessing the Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on Young People in Georgia

[6] European Commission Digital Education Action Plan


2 years of loneliness

"I want to get vaccinated because I'm afraid to die."

"I don’t want to be vaccinated because I am afraid I will die."

In fact, the whole difference between these two sentences is in one word, behind which is hidden a huge fear and a dark tunnel. This "no" means- to receive the vague, information-deprived fear and let it into you; recognizing people, who speak dogmas instead of sound arguments and emphasizing, that we put ourselves above the public good. On the one hand, there is nothing unusual in this, because man is a rational but selfish animal who once found the easiest way to survive by uniting in society. However, I wonder what can happen when being in a team no longer guarantees survival? Then he goes and starts watching alone from the cave. We have been watching the world from the "cave" (from homes, the Internet) for 2 years now, and periodically, separate opportunities to go out only intensify our natural desire - not to be alone and not to be locked up.

The fourth wave of the tsunami

Registered cases of coronavirus have exceeded 200 million worldwide, with more than 4 million deaths. The spread of the virus is facilitated by 1) the gathering or socialization of people, 2) the disruption of distancing, or the attempt of people to be closer to others, 3) the rejection of vaccines, or the non-recognition of science, which is based on a collective mind and is smarter. According to the New York Times Coronavirus World Map, the blast of corona occurred most recently in six countries, including Georgia (Fiji, Botswana, Cuba, Georgia, Malaysia and Spain).

Source: NewYorkTimes

In order to survive, the virus undergoes constant mutation. At this point it is actively spreading as a delta variant, which is more contagious. Mitigating restrictions and resistance to Delta strain vaccination have led to a rapid increase in the number of people infected with the virus worldwide; Including in rich countries with high vaccination rates. However, the main effect of vaccination is to reduce the number of hospitalized patients who pass the disease at home in a relatively simple form after vaccination. This means easing the pressure on the healthcare system, which is a difficult challenge for rich countries and an almost insurmountable challenge for developing countries.

There are currently more than 4 billion doses of the vaccine registered worldwide, with an average of 55 doses per 100 people. Most rich countries have already been able to get full (double) vaccinations for an average of 80% of the population, while the rate for poorer countries is no more than 5%.

Source: NewYorkTimes

This world map counts the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the highest rate - 100 covid-infected, our country has. According to the data of August 14, Georgia is in the first place in the top ten of the world rankings with the spread of the disease, the dynamics of deaths is also high. From July onwards, the death toll rises daily or fluctuates above the upper average. In these statistics, Georgia has another negative indicator - only 5.7% of the population has been fully vaccinated, which ranks the country 113th (5.7%) in the overall ranking of double vaccination rates. The single vaccination rate is only 13%, while for European countries this figure has long exceeded 50%.

If there is a vaccine, is the desire to be vaccinated?

As early as June, before the US government donated half a million doses of Pfizer to the Georgian people as part of the Biden-Harris administration's global vaccination initiative, ACT conducted a study. According to the survey, every third (33%) of the surveyed Tbilisians were hesitant to get vaccinated, while 22% peremptorily said they would not get vaccinated. If we add to the above-mentioned ambiguity all the negative factors influencing the decision, which the respondents named, it becomes clear that the vaccination process is hindered by the lack of information. Against this background, there is a high degree of distortion of scarce information ("vaccination changes the genetic code", "causes infertility") or interpretation (vaccination is designed to "chip" the population, "5G technology is activated in humans after vaccination), which is experienced by most people.

One in three respondents who could not decide whether to get vaccinated cited a possible allergic reaction to the vaccine as the main reason for the rejection. Other impediments are again related to lack of information - the population a) worries about the quality of the vaccine imported into the country (28%), b) thinks that the vaccine will be harmful to his health (10%), or c) it can't protect/alleviate his condition when infected ( 7%).

More information about vaccination side effects - World statistics and degree of complications Increase in the number of people vaccinated and their observation, successful and recognized vaccines - As it turns out, Tbilisians pay attention to all these factors to make sure they need vaccination and expect information on these topics. , Those who are still thinking - whether to be vaccinated or not.

Communication as an action strategy

When filling the information vacuum, those in charge may take into account that most of those who hesitate to get vaccinated do not trust any source of information. A small number of them trust the World Health Organization, doctors / infectious disease specialists and the Ministry of Health of Georgia. Recommendations of relatives and acquaintances has a low rate, although it is slightly higher than the percentage of media and healthcare authorities. Understanding these data makes it clear that people need to receive official information from those responsible in this field and expect very specific explanations from them.

And those citizens who do not plan to be vaccinated in no case do not trust any source of information at all. In communicative language, this means that the stereotypical threshold is quite high and people block access to information themselves - every fourth respondent against the vaccine finds it difficult to name any specific, credible source of information; They also have low expectations of receiving information from officially responsible organizations or structures. However, this part of the respondents expresses the most trust in personal contacts and therefore, it is possible to work with them by activating this personal information field.

Overcoming loneliness

The fact is, that our country at this point stands out negatively in the overall ratings related to the corona. It means that something is not going right. Covid management consists of many components, however when we all rely on the main, human factor and the responsibility of each of us, then, the main tool of action again are the people, their involvement in the process and, consequently, the right communication with them.

If we listen to them and respond to the biggest fear in the world - the fear of loneliness, which we have been feeling for two years now, we can build a strategy based on the following points:

Talk to those who are complaining. The logic is simple, it is time to let go of those who categorically refuse and focus all our time and energy on people who are unable to make a decision for various reasons. In total, including these people we get to the necessary 60% that we need to defeat Corona

Use official data as a reliable source for them, and healthcare associates as communicators

Instead of appealing to the pros and cons of vaccination, focus on the knowledge of managing side effects and improving that knowledge.

We must activate the information campaign in the context of recognized vaccines

Increase communication with emotional parameters - give a promise to defeat the pandemic, return to normal life and get out of the cave, out of loneliness. Encourage people to feel - how they can take care of their personal health and well-being while at the same time protecting their closest people. Let's do all this so that we are not left alone again and again near the entrance of the "cave".

As long as the people in charge take care of this, you also have the leverage: if you want 2 years of loneliness to end soon, your share of the vaccine bullet must be fired right now. Even from the "cave".


Covid Insurance - Luxury or Necessity?

An integral part of the trip, such as a passport, wallet and handbag, has already bevome the sanitizer and a mask. They will soon be joined by the COVID-19 insurance policy.

This is a new opportunity for insurance companies to create new customer-focused offerings as more and more countries demand mandatory reimbursement of health costs in the event that visitors become infected with the coronavirus.

Most important, however, is knowing how well the traveler is protected from being infected in a foreign country and whether there is a guarantee that he or she will receive proper attention.

ACT, a research and consulting company, inquired about the global epidemic situation, whether Tbilisians are planning a trip and how much they know about the travel insurance conditions in relation to Covid.

The ACT survey found that the majority of respondents (79%) have information that the cost of medical treatment for infection with covid19 is not covered by the usual travel insurance and epidemiological risk is in standard exceptions.

Taking into account the current situation, Georgian insurance companies have developed insurance packages, which specifically removed the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus from the exceptions and offered consumers to reimburse the costs incurred in case of accidental infection with the virus. The assumption of this exception, of course, also affected the cost of insurance due to the high risk, and the cost of one day of insurance increased by an average of 5 times.

"Covid-19 insurance has become mandatory for those entering European countries and the United States, there is a demand, and we, one of the first, offered a travel insurance package to Georgian consumers and partner travel companies, where Covid risk is included in a certain limit that meets international standards." - Tinatin Stambolishvili says, a member of the Vienna Insurance Group and director of communications for the insurance company GPI.

According to Irina Gorashvili, Director of Alternative Channels Development at Imedi L Insurance Company, they also responded quickly to the request and developed a travel insurance package to cover the risks of Covid. However, it is thought that this product is short-lived and soon, with the development of the vaccination process and the cure, the risk of covid19 will decrease and special insurance will no longer be necessary.

Abroad, with rare exceptions, as well as in Georgia, costs related to cash insurance are reimbursed by the state only for citizens and / or persons with permanent residence.

Tourist Covid-experience

Our first protagonist is a graduate of Business School Salome, she as a responsible citizen, has already been vaccinated twice in the summer. To celebrate graduation, before starting a new phase of life - the first job, the parents handed over a specially designed amount to celebrate this joyful event, and a special surprise - a tourist trip to America, in July 2021. Personally, he had no information about Covid insurance, it seems that no one asked for it and he did not have a problem entering the country at the destination. However, unfortunately, she became infected by Covid during her stay there. Thanks to the vaccination, she got sick with the virus easily and today feels completely healthy, although his travel plans have been turned upside down.

Salome had to stay in isolation for 10 days, where she was required to take a quick test once every 3 days ($ 40 per test), as well as a mandatory PCR test that cost $ 250 on the spot, at her own expense.

It is well known, that while Covid is positively, it's prohibited to travel, than Salome had to extend her travel period, what meant the additional hotel expenses. Also, she had to re-purchase the return ticket as it was impossible to exchange the purchased ticket. In total, the expenses of Salome due to Covid was close to $ 5,000.

The second story is about Sopho, who was also infected in America, found out that he had information from local acquaintances that in case of infection, by calling a special hotline number, the US government would finance the costs related to Covid, and therefore the unpleasant moment during his trip was relatively alleviated. Sopho's fairly comfortable transportation to and from the Covid Hotel, three meals a day during the isolation period, doctor and nurse services, rapid, PCR tests, and other treatment costs were reimbursed by the U.S. government itself. However, America, in this particular case of New York State, is a rare exception that bears the costs of treating and managing a tourist infected with Covid19 on the spot. The main part of other countries of the world imposes the mentioned expenses on the tourist himself.

World, Covid and Travel

For the second year in a row, the Covid infection has been raging in the world, and states are fighting it more or less successfully, although the fact is that we are still far from winning over the new virus.

The field of international tourism is one that has suffered the most from the Covid pandemic and is still the most difficult to rehabilitate.

According to the website of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), according to official data, in January-March 2021, compared to 2020, international tourist traffic decreased by 83% due to high travel restrictions and the caution of tourists to protect themselves from infection.

According to a recent survey by a panel of experts organized by the UNWTO, with the intensification of the vaccination process, industry confidence has slowly increased in the May-August 2021 period. Particularly noteworthy is the EU Digital Green Certificate, which provides a common electronic database on coronavirus vaccination and immunity, which aims to promote free and safe travel to the EU during a pandemic. The certificate will operate successfully in 27 EU member states and 16 non-member countries, including Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, etc.

At this stage, Georgia is still in the red zone, which is a specific obstacle for visitors, however, for Georgian tourists who want to travel and are fully vaccinated, a Covid card is issued, on the basis of which the so-called travel abroad is made - "Apostille", which confirms the authenticity and validity of the document. For this, it is necessary for the interested person to apply to the House of Justice with a relevant request.

However, it should also be noted that due to the current pandemic and the rise of new strains, uncertainty is still high, travel restrictions still exist and this is facilitated by the uneven pace of vaccination in different countries.

According to the ACT survey, given the current situation, every fifth Tbilisian still plans to travel abroad, although the share of those wishing to travel abroad decreases with age. This trend is explained by the fact that relatively old people are a risk group for Covid-19 and therefore refrain from traveling, while young people who traveled more actively before the pandemic are now planning to become tourists despite the high risk.

When traveling, to enjoy the news and adventures, health and financial security are paramount. That is why coveted insurance is no longer a luxury and it is a necessary item for travel and a guarantee of peace of mind.


Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.


Backsliding occurs when there is no progress. Stability does not equal the absence of change, it is only the result of sustainable development. In the digital age, the world is changing at an astonishing rate, and businesses are left with two choices: to either glide on the waves of change like surfers or to disappear under them.

The pandemic has accelerated the cascade of change even more – it changed people, their emotions, social life, and priorities. As a result, the business ecosystem and the rules of the game have also changed, including different industry perspectives, demand for products and services, consumer behavior and preferences, product/service selection criteria, supply channels, brand communication content and style: to put it concisely, everything has changed.

As a result, it is hard to come across a business that does not require a business model or organizational transformation in order to survive or, conversely, to seize new opportunities. The success of a business today is directly related to how timely it acknowledges the need for transformation and how well it manages this very process.

There are multiple signs that indicate the need for transformation in a company's business model or organizational setting. 6 unmistakable symptoms are as follows:

  • Failure to seize the potential of the market and unsatisfactory growth rate;
  • Slowing down of the growth rate/tendency of downsizing;
  • Declining of the dynamics of efficiency and profitability;
  • The outflow of valuable staff or an unhealthy organizational climate;
  • Lack of creativity and innovation;
  • Feeling of stagnation, “walking in circles” or backsliding;

Let us be more specific: if you have not enjoyed the results of your business or the situation in the company for a long time, but despite various attempts, you are unable to change the unwanted status quo, know that the company is in a desperate need of transformation.

Recognizing and acknowledging the need for transformation is a necessary but insufficient condition for the success of a business. It is important for the company’s management team to understand that transformation is so much more than a change of individual parts; rather, the transformation has to be complete.

Analyzing several cases of failure reveals that most companies make a fatal mistake at this very point: they are trying to localize the problem, solve it effectively with minimal costs, or seize the opportunity with minimal resources and outdated approaches. Behind this, of course, are rational motives such as saving time, cost-effectiveness, following a path that has been taken before, the ambition to find the quickest solutions, and more.

However, this approach is ultimately very costly for the company due to it being impossible to achieve large transformational outcomes with small changes. As a result, the company will have wasted its resources or even worse: with the unsuccessful attempts, the company’s management team becomes frustrated, ultimately leading to the shaking of trust and sowing nihilism among the employees when it comes to the company’s management and its future in general.

We have been observing the process of business transformation in ACT for 19 years both in and outside of Georgia. We have accumulated experience and have created a unique model of organizational transformation and management, which we call “the Power of Three”. According to the philosophy of PWR3, the success of any kind of transformation depends on the unity, balance and permanence of these three forces: the power of creativity, the power of order and the power of change.

In the organizational context, we consider three main driving forces of company development and success: (1) vision – (creativity), (2) culture – (order) and (3) execution – (change).

According to our approach, the transformation of a company begins with the renewal of its vision. The second stage of change is the formation of an organizational culture relevant to this new vision, while the third stage of change regards the transformation of organizational systems, processes, and the mobilization of resources needed to achieve new vision and goals.

Our model offers the organization leadership to think and make decisions consistent with regards to these three dimensions: vision, culture, execution. We believe that the decisions bringing the best results are the ones that: 1) serve the company’s vision and main goals, whilst 2) aligning with the company’s values and taking into account the interests of its employees, and 3) the company has to have tangible resources needed for the execution. In other words, PWR3 is not only a model for the transformation of the organization, but also for its effective management, helping the management of the company make consistent and effective decisions, which, in turn, contributes to the sustainable development of the company.

THE POWER OF THREE®’s unique philosophy, model and working principles enables ACT to play a special role in transforming its customers. As a result of PWR3®, the signs of transformation in the organization are clear and visible:

  • Employees ignited by the sense of mission.
  • Common vision and priorities, effective managerial solutions.
  • Organizational values and norms of behaviour are respected and shared by all employees.
  • Increased creativity and innovation.
  • Processes for people and results, not process for the process itself.
  • Focus on customers and creating maximum value for them.
  • Achieving goals, growing and developing.
  • Establishing self-confidence, development and awareness of success in leadership.
  • Improving financial performance.

PWR3 is the power of change that, on the one hand, helps organizations become more resilient in the face of new challenges and, on the other hand, boosts their creativity and openness towards opportunities. We believe that along with a sense of the uniqueness of the mission, it is these qualities that make good companies into extraordinary ones.

See the original article here.


# ANEWNORM: How to Turn a Transformation Process into a Guarantee of the Company’s Success?

Research and Consulting Company ACT has launched a video column #ANEWNORM, where the current issues of modern days are discussed. For instance, why are changes inevitable today and how can you turn a transformation process into a guarantee of success for you and your company? In just five minutes, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT's Vision Lead will talk to you about it.


„Culture is not just one aspect of the game – It is the game. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value.“
Lou Gerstner, Jr. – IBM

We often come across of such a statement, in today’s world a transformation is not a choice, it is a new norm and whether you want it or not, the companies could not survive without it. But when is the best time to really transform an organization? Is it enough just to look at and look through the future of the industry and develop a new vision of the company to meet a new reality? Obviously, taking steps without having the right vision is more like wandering blindly in the forest, though in line with the vision it is most important to guess how sufficiently equipped we are; how much our values, competencies, skills, systems, or any other resources are capable to support us to follow the path to our future company with minor losses and essential creativity.

It is probably no news to anyone to say that the real transformation begins with one’s self. By realizing and analyzing the company's own leadership qualities, values, limiting beliefs and thoughts, and feeling its role and importance in the new vision of the company, the internal shifts that lead us to the first steps on the path of the change begin.

The key questions in the transformation process sound like this - where am I today and where do I want to be? What prevents me from getting where I want to get? What will help me to walk this path with minor losses and an environmentally friendly way? What are my leadership qualities and skills and what is my leadership energy like? In which role can I best demonstrate them?

These questions are quite difficult to answer, and if the company could not afford to create a field where the internal search process is invigorated, then the answers might also be superficial. Creating this field is the basis of a transformational organizational culture, and only on such a basement can a culture be built that can breathe with live, create and make a system shape accordingly to ensure the realization of a company's vision through the realization of individual human capabilities. The values in such a culture have a leading role where there is a vivid consensus in understanding them. All this is translated into the language of common game rules in daily activities, which is one of the major conditions to achieve the best results.

In today's fast-paced and unforeseeable world, revision of the structures and positions of the companies that have been successful for years but have lost their flexibility is now even more urgent and can no longer adequately respond to the challenges faced in the surrounding environment. Today it can be that in the same position, in the same company, different competencies and skills are prioritized for different time periods and that too is never enough. That is why it is extremely important to understand the roles together with the positions, to strengthen the team leadership along with the individual leadership, to meet the expectations instead of writing the detailed descriptions of functions and duties, to bring in the best results, to create projects to be done and to execute them as it is supposed according to project rules.

Too often in the companies where hierarchical systems are strictly determined, employees feel like being trapped within their own positions, often finding it difficult to see and recognize that the organizational vertical limits their ability to fully express themselves and their interests, while the brilliant results are achieved through flexible systems based on teamwork principles. In such hierarchical systems, the rules are canonized while the employees do not understand their importance, and the rules are followed without any enthusiasm, where it is forced, or even ignored, while horizontal arrangement and team principles vitalize the rule. The rule and the system can be understood not as a punishment, or as a hindrance, but as a support in order to do our job best. These are the changes that ACT underwent in the first stage of its transformation, as a result of which the organizational culture in the company today is a clear example of a living order.

Team play is seen as an integral part of a transformational organizational culture. It requires understanding and respect for your own and team members’ strengths and weaknesses. Successful team play is impossible without the ability to open up, recognize failure and success, share and self-reflection. It is also important to know how to speak a common language so that we do not lose our uniqueness; how to balance each other and overcome a task, the success of which often depends on the competence, skill, responsibility and concerted work of many people. Team leadership also implies the understanding of the fact that even the best qualities of a person can become a barrier if he is not in the right place and in the right role, and that all qualities are equally important for a magnificent success.

The Companies where equal importance is given to both the results and the way in which these results are achieved; as well as the Companies that are equally centered on the outside and the inside environment, achieve more glorious results, are innovators, and are resilient to storms threatened from the outside world.

ACT's unique management model, named The Power of Three, allows us to simultaneously see and implement the need for management and transformation in three areas. A real transformation is possible only if you have a clear vision of where you are going, and share the relevant values needed to realize that vision while they should come right from your heart. This could be done best through the development of systems and enforcement mechanisms. In such a model, the culture is congruent and organic to each employee of the company and ensures the maintenance of vitality and sustainability.


Manage the cause, not the result – this phrase belongs to the founder of Total Quality Management, William Edwards Deming. Total Quality Management is a concept, designed to create such an environment for the entire organizational staff, where the employees are given the floor to continuously develop and build their capacity and skills in order to born valuable products and services for their customers. Even though this phrase sounds short and simple, it dramatically transforms the behavior paradigm dominating nowadays.

Literary, in almost every organization we find a manager who does not like to hear about problems, and the employee bringing that issue to the agenda is usually doomed to be placed off. The way how a Manager behaves, in this case, serves as a sign to others meaning that talking over the issues is supposedly far not appreciated. Accordingly, all the employees use to try to represent any point in a positive context and whenever an issue arises due to mistakes made or due to an unaccomplished project, the Manager rebukes the employee, in another case, detains part of his salary or even dismisses him altogether. All the said above serves as a good example of Managing the Result and the way how to combat it. In some organizations, such behavior is so much appreciated, that rebuking the employee and/or posing sanctions on him is considered a “good management” example so far. Such behavior, as a rule, restrains from identifying a real cause, meaning that the issue cannot be solved and it will inevitably show up again.

Transformation of the existing paradigm actually starts when a process becomes the main target, instead of assessing the employee’s fault. The processes taking place within the organization are the very place where the causes keep generating while leaving the space for the employees to make mistakes and perform their work inefficiently. Any process within the organization should serve to the creation of values for the customers and/or to the reduction of the risks of making mistakes at least. Thus, any process or any part of the process which does not serve to achieve either of these two goals mentioned above can be qualified as a loss. This kind of loss being accumulated through the flow of the processes usually causes a decline in the efficiency of the company and hampers the accomplishment of major goals.

To identify and manage the losses found in the processes it is necessary to learn the opinions of the employees actually involved in those processes, as they are carriers of the valuable information required for finding the actual causes. The fact is that whenever an employee is scared by the “follow-up punishment”, he tries to share possibly less information in consideration that each extra word uttered can eventually lead to more severe “punishment”. Therefore, the first priority of the company is to give the employees a sense of security. To achieve the above, we need to openly announce that mentioning the deficiencies and losses existing in the process will in no way lead to the punishment and setting off the employees concerned. It is most important to each employee to know that his voice is heard and he can express his opinion freely without any restrictions. It is significant that this process should not be shaped into the talks about winning the mark and endless complaints, though each deficiency or deviation discussed should be grounded and based on actual facts.

While having the said discussions it is important to depersonalize the processes and the steps undertaken. This approach can easy the way the employees talk over any action or when a certain employee refers to a specific action or a part of the process as a loss. It never causes a sense of discomfort or does not lead to conflict situations in most cases. It is important that everyone agrees on that if any action undertaken in the process is acknowledged as a failure, it does not inevitably mean that the employee who made it, is of no good.

As a rule, discussing the processes and the conversations around the topic take place in the meeting room or at the Manager’s Office. This is where the employees often dispute over the ways of the flow of the processes. To avoid such meaningless and ineffective disputes would not it be better if simply everyone just starts observing the process and agrees that the process is like the one that everybody sees. This behavior may even help the Manager sitting in his office to see and feel what are the challenges his employees have to deal with. While “overseeing” the processes the questions put by the Manager should in no way imply the threat within but indicate the readiness to show support and compassion. The openhearted and sincere gratitude expressed by the Manager to his employees for their answers and their time will significantly grow the confidence of the employees towards the process.

As soon as the agreement on the process and the losses identified within is achieved, there comes the necessity of making changes. It is important to ensure the involvement of the employees in planning for the changes as this will make them feel more responsible for the process is a part of it and when the process is successful they even may feel proud of it. Fear of changes is common to all humans and you can often hear the accompanying words like “it is of no good,” “it will not work” etc. To avoid such an approach, it is important that the employees involved in the process understand that everybody is “on board” (“in the same boat”) and they all share the responsibility for its success or failure. Make efforts to promote the way of thinking, where the questions like “how it could be done?”, “What is needed to make this possible?”, “What is the cost of this getting accomplished?” or “let us try and then discuss will it work or not” dominate.

The next powerful enemy to the possible changes to be made to the process and a spot generating causes for losses definitely - is the inheritance of the actions within the process. We often come across the mechanical actions performed by the employees unconsciously. This is peculiar to the kind of organizations where putting of the question “Why?” is not much appreciated. The organization’s aim is to ensure that each employee is motivated and encouraged to put a constructive question “Why?” To put this question in a due manner and to appreciate it means that everyone in the organization is constantly watching and finding the losses and brainstorming on how to correct the issue.

General Diagram of the constant process of identifying the losses and making improvements looks like the one below:

On the long way of constant changes to the process we should always remember the following:

Acknowledgment of the problem means getting it solved by 70%

99% of the problems are caused by the poorly organized process and not by the employees

Wisdom and experience of the many weigh way too much rather than that of one man

Make a try first and only then say whether “it does work or not”

There are no limits, improvement of the process can be endless

According to Heraclitus: “The only constant in life is change.” Today these words make more sense than ever. The changes can be painful but they are inevitable.

Relying on the support of the executive branch, a united effort of the employees on the way towards the improvement of the process is actually the key to a successful accomplishment of the company’s goals. Research and Consulting Company ACT tested this concept first within its own organization and only after shaping it into the unique transformational and management model PWR3, which is widely offered now to the company’s clients. Back in 2021, the company launched a great transformational process, where the main three forces – Managers and their philosophy, employees and the organizational culture, and well-administered processes collaborated to make the common mechanism work. It is obvious, that rearrangements to move to the said mode of thinking and starting transformational processes will not be that easy, though everybody agrees that changes are needed for moving forward and achieving greater goals.

If you get the same results as last year and you guess you need improvements, we are here to remind you, please, could you appraise: how actual is the point of view of Heraclitus today, regarded as The New Norm.


The air had long been filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the whole world was anxiously waiting for what would happen, but in the morning of February 24, it came as a surprise - Russian troops invaded Ukraine and launched the large-scale hostilities. The last drop of hope that common sense would prevail over ambitions of "big-country", was lost. The "demilitarization and denationalization" of Ukraine, dubbed as a special operation, tuned out a ruthless and aggressive war against a sovereign country for two weeks now.

The war in Ukraine is of the highest interest and excitement in Georgia, where the protests in support of Ukraine, the organization of humanitarian aid, and various acts of solidarity keep continuing. On the one hand, the perception of sharing a similar fate and common threats and on the other hand, the unprecedented fighting spirit and heroism of individual people vastly demonstrated by the Ukrainians have brought this war very close even to ordinary Georgians and made it a part of everyday life.

ACT could not stay away from the hot topics in the country and polled the population with regards to the Russia-Ukraine war. The research aimed to find out how our fellow citizens see this war, what are their expectations like, and how can be valued the level of solidarity towards the parties involved in the war. The telephone survey was conducted on March 4-6, 2022 and it covered 809 respondents. The sampling error is 4.2%.

Though we are accustomed to the endless polarization of views of the population regarding current internal issues and events, The war of Russia with Ukraine revealed the unanimous and clear position of Georgians. The consensus regarding this war is being demonstrated in a way never seen before.

And yet, who is Russia?

The vast majority of the population - 84% - openly state that "Russia is the enemy." The number of those who do not share this opinion does not exceed 11%. Russia is perceived absolute unanimously in Georgia, which leaves no questions about its aggressive nature. A surprisingly large number of people sharing this attitude leads us to the thought that this issue overgrew the internal controversy and united the people having different views.  

The vast majority of the country's population (91%) has no doubt that the developments taking place in Ukraine are nothing but a war crime committed by Russia. It is clear, that the position of Georgians is unanimous and solid regarding where the truth rests.

How can things develop in Ukraine?

The survey shows that at least half of the country's population (49%) did not expect Russia to start a war and invade Ukrainian territory. 17% expected hostilities only on the territory earlier occupied by Russia or in their vicinity, and one out of three respondents expected that the war would extend to the entire territory of Ukraine, including Kyiv (31%).

Every 2 out of 3 respondents predict the victory of Ukraine in this war (63%), while 12% seem more pessimistic for Ukraine and expect that Russia may win. One out of five respondents is confused and has no decent answer to this question (20%). Some believe that there cannot be any winner in this war (5%).

9 out of 10 respondents strongly support Ukraine and wish to witness Ukraine‘s victory in this war (88%). The extremely small number of the country's population - 1% - is wishing Russia’s victory.

How may the Russian-Ukrainian war impact Georgia?

The results of the research prove that the war initiated by Russia on the territory of Ukraine is the most sensitive and painful topic for Georgians. Almost all respondents believe that the current developments taking place in Ukraine are completely or partially related to Georgia (96%). According to the research, it is difficult to argue that when answering this particular question, the respondents meant any political, economic, military, or another type of impact on the country, although it's clear, that for them this war is not a thing happening somewhere far distanced from their country having no links and echoes.

The more specified questions answered by the respondents with simply expressed agreements or disagreements showed that:

  • 87% of the country's population thinks that "the war in Ukraine is our war as well."
  • 72% of the country's population expects that "if Russia wins over Ukraine, then Georgia is the next target." In addition to human solidarity, the research plainly demonstrates the highest importance which the respondents attach to Ukraine's victory in this war.

Half of the surveyed respondents (51%) expect the forthcoming problems from Russia in any case. In their view, "regardless of how events unfold in Ukraine, Russia may still invade Georgia." Russia does not need any extraordinary reason or favorable environment to invade the country with tanks.

Georgian people are watching closely the hostilities being continued in Ukraine and are looking for a glorious victory of Ukraine. Time will show to what extent the existing drive of the population may transform into adequate actions and attitudes, though the messages for decision-makers are completely clear and unambiguous.


Ukraine has been defending its homeland and freedom for 22 days now, with the rest of the world virtually involved in the war. Activation of mass media enabled bringing more clarity about the ongoing war in Ukraine to all parts of the world. It is obvious that the world has already shaped out the winner of this war and this is Ukraine.

The world is descent and radical in its actions. Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been subjected to unprecedentedly high-ranking and large-scale sanctions, and the process has not yet stopped.

All the said above created an expectation that sanctions would have rapid and devastating effects and the war would stop immediately. However, the reality showed up differently – though the imposed sanctions are disastrous for Russia, the war is still going on.

Winged Sanctions Against Winged Missiles

As defined by experts, the purpose of the sanctions is twofold - in the short run, they would cause an economic shock to Russia and lead to the awakening of Russian citizens by exposing them to terrible discomfort, while the citizens in their turn are supposed to force their government to step back.

In the long run, the sanctions aim to derail the Russian economy in order to completely tip the economic balance for an extended period of time, through reducing Russia’s military strengths as its key priority – distracting Russia’s military reinforcement, and killing the ambition of rebuilding the Soviet Union.

Default at Russia's Doorstep

Let us see how did both of the above goals translate into the results: the Russian economy is already facing a technical default. According to Fitch (www.fitchratings.com), the risk of possible Russian default in 2022 constitutes 71%. Default is of technical nature as Russia cannot be able to meet its foreign liabilities promptly, not because of lack of finances (at this point) but because of its inability to manage its existing finances as the country's central bank accounts are frozen.

Russia has considered 175 billion of its reserve fund as a security cushion. Part of the money preserved in this fund is placed in the bonds of the countries that imposed sanctions on Russia, therefore, it is inaccessible. The rest part is kept in gold, while the current image of Russia makes finding its buyer in today's market almost unthinkable.

Russia, trying to maintain a spark of optimism at least within the country, started discussing the Ministry of Finance’s "smart plan", according to which certain new accounts will be set up to accumulate the sums required for the payment of debts in Rubles. Russia plans to address its "debtors" telling them that “the requested money is in place but it is in their national currency (though Rubles are not accepted anymore). The challenge is that if they want to receive it in other currency, then they need to unblock foreign currency accounts for Russia."

Experts of the Russian ‘Empire’ believe in this plan, while independent Russian experts, on the other hand, clearly realize that these tricks cannot help the country to avoid its nearing economic collapse. As the independent experts predict, the economic downturn is inevitable, where Russia's economic indicators may drop to that of the early 90s.

The Domino Principle

The sanctions have already born their short-term consequences in Russia - the production chains are broken; the manufacturers depending on imports of products from other countries have to stop or rush to find alternate suppliers. Reassembling the chain may take time but experts believe the sanctions will affect this process as well, and here’s why: If earlier, Russia could choose the most lucrative of several offers, now the reality has changed considering the new restrictions and the country is forced to choose whatever is accessible, while that option can be far more expensive. In supplement, each delayed or unsuccessful chain will lead to a drop in production and raise the unemployment in the country.

The long-term perspective looks even more hopeless for Russia. It is expected that after the end of the war, the sanctions will not be lifted for yet undetermined period of time though even in case they are lifted, the risks now exposed will be necessarily taken into account while planning any financial transactions. This, in turn, will hinder possible major investment or partnership opportunities.

Georgia – as an Economic Parking Zone

As a result of the sanctions, any economic activity in Russia will become more expensive, and people will face more and more poverty. Certainly, such a prospect does not look attractive to those already anticipating the effects of sanctions.

This is why some Russian citizens decided not to lose time and immediately flee from the country, some trying to escape poverty and others to maintain their financial status.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia - Vakhtang Gomelauri, up to 25,000 Russian citizens crossed the Georgian border in the last two weeks, of which 3,000 are still staying in the country.

Shortly after the start of the war, Levan Kiladze, the founder of one of the largest real estate platforms in Georgia (ss.ge), presented data stating that "the number of website visitors from Russia increased sharply after the start of the war in Ukraine." Furthermore, more than 300 companies owned by Russian citizens have officially registered in the National Agency of Public Registry of Georgia.

The following question arises: Why did Russian citizens decide to use Georgia as “an economic parking zone”, the country they are in a long-term conflict with (20% of Georgian territory is currently occupied by Russia). What is the reason? Could it be the effect of a position “not to join the sanctions” and the declared list of “non-friendly countries to Russia” (where Georgia is not listed)? With this in mind, could they get the impression that Georgia can serve as a cozy nest for Russian "migratory birds"?

We do not have a clear answer to this question, though we own the reliable data confirming that 7 out of 10 residents in Georgia assume that the flow of people wishing to move to Georgia from Russia will definitely increase.

According to the research, the biggest concern of the population is the possible prospects and plans of Russian citizens for staying in Georgia. In total, 70% of the population stands in favor of imposing at least one or more restrictions on Russian citizens with regard to entering the country.

When Caution is the Parent of Safety

The aforementioned cautious attitude seemingly formed within the country of Georgia is not accidental. Russia's actions push those civilized countries under the potential Russian threat, to be more cautious due to Russia’s habit to “track” Russian citizens living in other countries and, based on fake threats proposedly they are exposed to from the host country, invades the foreign country’s territory to “liberate” Russian citizens. Having said that, the authorities of many countries keep imposing cautious restrictions on Russian citizens, on one hand, for security reasons, and on the other hand, in order to avoid collaboration with the aggressor.

„At the moment, Russians are not much-desired guests here”, said the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration in Belgium – Sammy Mahdi, referring to the restriction of visas for Russian citizens, and called on the European Union to do the same.

Later on, the Baltic states - Estonia and Lithuania - also restricted tourist visas while as an exception, only those who travel to their relatives or for medical treatment are allowed.

Sanction - an Effective Weapon in Hybrid Warfare

The people of Georgia agree that the sanctions imposed on Russia by the Western countries are effective. According to ACT poll, 70% of citizens consider these sanctions to be very or somewhat effective.

Believing in the effectiveness of sanctions and taking into account the impending threats, the population of Georgia demands protective mechanisms, specifically those allowing to impose more control over the property issues and strict filtering of inflows from Russia. International demand is to impose sharing sanctions which could become a clear signal coming from a country standing at the doorstep to EU membership.

Those who believe in the effectiveness of sanctions, keep in mind the old Chinese proverb - If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by. Let us remind you what the ACT survey shows: 84% of the Georgian population is well aware of who is expected to show up in the river.


In the light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, due to the geopolitical and economic challenges, it is becoming critical to assess the probability of provision of Georgian population with a sufficient food supply. It is important to use the existing agri-food supply potential, maximizing its effective use while accurately planning for the country’s food supply chains.

It is known that the National Statistics Office of Georgia determined the following basic food products to be of strategic importance and essential for the human organism: wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, grapes, meat (including beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry), milk, dairy products, and eggs. Analysis of existing data on the mentioned highly nutritious products, the current situation, and predictions enable us to answer the questions on whether the country has the potential to deal with the existing challenges and whether it should take steps to put a crisis plan in action.

The Self-sufficiency Ratio 2020

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food security can be assessed by the self-sufficiency ratio, which measures whether to what extent is the country capable to meet the demand for the given product by relying on local production. Food security is influenced by the economic and natural resources of the country.

While food makes up the highest portion (30.23%) of Georgia’s consumer basket (Geostat; Consumer basket product category weights 2022), it is of most interest to know whether the local economy can meet the supply-demand of the population on food containing the essential nutrients? How much does the country rely on imports, and for which products?

The self-sufficiency ratio is calculated by the following formula: Local production divided by, local production plus import, minus export, multiplied by 100.

In the case of a positive trade balance (if the export value exceeds the import value), where other variables remain constant, the local production growth has a positive effect on the self-sufficiency ratio. In a configuration as such, an increase in imports causes a decrease in the self-sufficiency ratio, making us more dependent on other countries. As for the exports, the self-sufficiency ratio rises in line with the increase in export volumes.

As of data from 2020, in the list of the aforementioned highly nutritious products, grapes have the highest self-sufficiency ratio of 145%, as well as the highest export rate, which seems quite reasonable, as, in case of surplus production, the product can be exported abroad. Wheat takes the last position at the bottom of the list, with a self-sufficiency ratio of not more than 15%, compliant with the same 2020 data. While placing these data in a logical chain consisting of the following: (i) the raw material values and the frequency of their use; (ii) the negative expectations born by the war; (iii) the sanctions imposed on Russia being our main importer at this stage; and (iv) the new economic environment built in our country. Based on the aforementioned, it can be assumed that to avoid a sharp increase in bread price, it might be necessary to look for a new trading partner to compensate for the product shortfall.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food security can be assessed by the self-sufficiency ratio, which measures whether to what extent is the country capable to meet the demand for the given product by relying on local production. Food security is influenced by the economic and natural resources of the country.

While food makes up the highest portion (30.23%) of Georgia’s consumer basket (Geostat; Consumer basket product category weights 2022), it is of most interest to know whether the local economy can meet the supply-demand of the population on food containing the essential nutrients? How much does the country rely on imports, and for which products?

The self-sufficiency ratio is calculated by the following formula: Local production divided by, local production plus import, minus export, multiplied by 100.

In the case of a positive trade balance (if the export value exceeds the import value), where other variables remain constant, the local production growth has a positive effect on the self-sufficiency ratio. In a configuration as such, an increase in imports causes a decrease in the self-sufficiency ratio, making us more dependent on other countries. As for the exports, the self-sufficiency ratio rises in line with the increase in export volumes.

As of data from 2020, in the list of the aforementioned highly nutritious products, grapes have the highest self-sufficiency ratio of 145%, as well as the highest export rate, which seems quite reasonable, as, in case of surplus production, the product can be exported abroad. Wheat takes the last position at the bottom of the list, with a self-sufficiency ratio of not more than 15%, compliant with the same 2020 data. While placing these data in a logical chain consisting of the following: (i) the raw material values and the frequency of their use; (ii) the negative expectations born by the war; (iii) the sanctions imposed on Russia being our main importer at this stage; and (iv) the new economic environment built in our country. Based on the aforementioned, it can be assumed that to avoid a sharp increase in bread price, it might be necessary to look for a new trading partner to compensate for the product shortfall. 

Should We Re-evaluate the Major Consumer Products?

According to research conducted by ACT in 2021, the majority of Tbilisi residents consume bread and breadstuff, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and eggs on a regular basis (every day / multiple times a week). The consumer basket consisting of these products matches with most of the highly nutritious products on the list. The most significant factor here is the frequency of consumption of bread and breadstuff. Most individuals consume bread daily. Taking into account wheat’s low self-sufficiency ratio and the current scenario which makes the prospects related to wheat even more unpredictable, it is quite possible that individuals will either have to change their consumption patterns or pay a higher price for this essential consumer product.

The same applies to vegetables, which are the runner-ups in terms of frequency of consumption in the consumer basket. The self-sufficiency ratio does not get our hopes up either: according to 2020 data, the ratio is 63%, with imported goods making up one-third of all stocks.

Georgia's Two Largest Trading Partners Are at War

The war between Russia and Ukraine brought to the table the importance of the role of the two warrior countries as our top food suppliers. As seen in the preceding data, Russia and Ukraine are often among the top importers and exporters of highly nutritious food products and appear as operating trade partners for Georgia. With economic activity plummeting since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, businesses and individuals have experienced steep economic plunges. Predictably, Georgia dealt with a few export countries. By 2021, businesses became capable of gradually adapting to the pandemic, responding to challenges, and increasing their economic activities as evidenced by the real GDP growth of 10.4% in 2021 (Geostat).

Russia still continues to be Georgia's primary wheat and corn supplier. In 2021, 94% of our wheat and 79% of our corn supply came from Russia.

Ukraine supplies Georgia mainly with dairy products (milk powder). Imports of these products from Ukraine and Belarus accounted for 37% in 2021. Ukraine is Georgia's third-largest importer of eggs and poultry and the second-largest importer of meat.

At this point, we have to consider the current state of both countries, as well as their potential as importer countries.

The major issue in Russia's case is the severe economic sanctions imposed on the country, the effects of which are already visible in Russia (disruption of the production chain, shortage of products, devaluation of national currency). Furthermore, a ban on other countries’ currency circulation in one of the trade partner countries creates a trade barrier. Here rises a question, which currency should we pay for the imported products?

Beyond the economic concerns lies the moral dilemma facing the country and pushing it to speed up the process of exploring alternative channels of import. The dilemma is obvious: the West believes that trading with Russia is what keeps the Russian army afloat, and it urges others to join the sanctions and cut off their economic ties with Russia to exclude dependency.

In the case of Ukraine, the nation being at war, it is logical that the chain of imports from the country can be interrupted, and in the long run, we could expect reduced volumes of supplied raw materials or increased prices. . In an interview with the BBC, the president of France Emmanuel Macron noted that a food crisis may be expected. According to him, "Ukraine and Russia are the two key players in food exports, but production has been hampered by the war. Because Ukrainian farmers may become disabled to sow new crops and the situation may deteriorate in 1-1.5 years." Particularly notable is the statement of Ukraine's Minister of Agriculture, Roman Leshchenko, who stated that the 2022 spring crop sowing area could be halved because of the Russian invasion.

A study by Galt & Taggart predicts that, in the worst-case scenario (considering the restrictions imposed by the US and the EU, including the cutting of Russia from the SWIFT system and the sanctions on Russian oil and gas, plus repercussions of the prolonged war situation), by 2022 in Georgia, imports may be reduced by 504 million dollars, with real GDP decrease (-1%) and inflation increase from its baseline of 4.9% to 9%.

Export Potential

Georgia's export activities face challenges of different scales, though with identical contexts. For example, grapes and grape products (including wine) are marked with high domestic production and export rates. Russia accounts for the majority of these products' total exports (up to 60%), while Ukraine and China claim significant shares (on average between 10% and 8%, respectively). It's worth noting that the share of other countries in the export of grapes and grape products, in general, is steadily increasing (from 21% in 2018 to 28% in 2021). Given current challenges, it becomes of utmost importance to look for more diversified export markets for grape products and move toward more intense trade patterns with other countries around the world.

The vegetables are also marked with a high level of export. The top exporter of vegetables (excluding potatoes), has been Russia (64%); Exports of potatoes (85%) and corn (39) have been heading to Russia as well.

When it comes to exports, based on the same study by Galt & Taggart, it is anticipated that in the worst-case scenario discussed earlier (restrictions imposed on Russia by the US and the EU, including the cutting off Russia from the SWIFT system and the sanctions on Russian oil and gas, plus repercussions of the prolonged war situation), Georgia may face a reduction in exports by 462 million US dollars by 2022 in comparison with 2021. At the same time, the current account deficit is expected to increase from a baseline of 7.9% to 10.9%. According to Galt & Taggart, the overall external flows from Russia and Ukraine (exports, remittances, tourism, and FDI) constituted 9.6% of Georgia's GDP in 2021. According to the assessment of these flows, exports and tourism may be exposed to the largest negative impact. As for the remittances, Russia's share of remittances has dropped drastically in recent years, while Russia and Ukraine's shares in foreign direct investment (FDI) in Georgia remain at an average annual low indicator.

Anticipated Threats and the Ways of Insurance

The fact is that, even in the case where the supply of the foreign product does not shrink, the prices will still undoubtedly increase, as it will be much more expensive to build an alternative supply chain. As a result, it is critical that the essential consumer basket, stocked with highly nutritious food, is somehow maintained.

This graph displays that the Self-sufficiency ratios of the key agri-food products, such as wheat and poultry rank below 50% representing the main challenge for Georgia in ensuring sustainable food security. In a pre-pandemic or pandemic context, observations in dynamics reveal that the Self-sufficiency ratio for the majority of products keeps floating around the same benchmark.

The choice is ours – (i) we can be optimistic and assume that food security and the Self-sufficiency ratio in 2022 will remain at least unchanged and the population will not have challenges related to their daily consumer basket due to product shortages or higher prices; or, (ii) we can be realistic and start insuring against the risks retroactively.

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The present material is prepared by ACT's team of economists:

Lika Goderdzishvili

Nestan Gaprindashvili

Akaki Mosakhlishvili

& Nino Kalandia
Strategic Communications Expert



From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, it was difficult for the whole world to imagine what courage, courage, patriotism, and desire for freedom the Ukrainian people have. Although the strategy of the Russian aggressors was to capture Kyiv within 72 hours after the invasion of Ukraine, and according to American experts, it should have taken 96 hours for the occupiers, Ukraine has achieved success and continues to fight for independence and national values for 4x days.

Thanks to their incredible courage and patriotism, they are able to repulse the enemy, and return objects of strategic importance, often at the cost of their own lives delaying or slowing down the advance of the Russian invaders. Beyond the perseverance and heroism of the Ukrainian people, we see the impact of effective leadership.

Every person has the potential to become a hero, and we see this every day in the example of Ukrainians. It is also important to note that in a crisis situation in the minds of every person there is a constant struggle between fear and courage, and in this case, the greatest importance is attached to leaders, i.e. people who show initiative and do not surrender to the enemy, fighting for their freedom and, in this case, their country. We can say that it was President Volodymyr Zelensky who turned out to be such a courageous and unshakable leader, who ignited in the Ukrainian people the desire and attitude to fight for freedom and the defense of the Motherland. In addition, regardless of our origin, social status, or any other data, watching the ongoing events, each of us is convinced that anyone has the opportunity to become a true leader.

Given the current situation, it is noteworthy that business industry leaders can see many interesting and useful insights in Zelensky's leadership style. If you observe Zelensky's actions during the hostilities, you can identify the characteristics of his leadership effectiveness, which strengthens the Ukrainian people and, despite the victims, does not reduce the fighting spirit.


Together with citizens for freedom

After the escalation of the situation, Zelensky’s negative response to the proposal to leave the country for security reasons became one of the cornerstones of the Ukrainian spirit. The President addressed the West with the following words: “The battle is going on here [in Kyiv]; I need ammunition, not help to escape" ["the fight is here [in Kyiv]; I need ammunition, not a ride" (source)]. It was a great opportunity to inspire others by your example. After all, the leader, inspiring his own courage, inspire others to show courage. It is clear that his attention is not focused on fear and fueling his own ego, but on strengthening the capabilities of Ukrainians.


Simple and effective communication

Amid misunderstandings and misinformation by Russian propaganda, Zelensky and his team are actively trying to stop any attempts at speculation and deliberate misrepresentation of people, as Russian leaders are constantly trying to bring confusion and chaos into society. The President of Ukraine and members of the government team are broadcasting live from the streets of different cities in order to directly inform citizens about what is really happening. Thus, they call on the citizens of their country to show courage and show their support and support not only in words but also in deeds. And they point out to the enemy that no one is going to run away from the front line, because not imperial goals are at stake, but the democratic state of Ukrainians.

The form of communication between Zelensky and his team is also characterized by a very direct, constructive, and leitmotiv style in the international arena. Whether it is online participation in parliamentary meetings of different countries, speeches at the summits of international organizations or just being active - the fact that the Ukrainian government team is well aware of the importance of strategic communication and is actively spreading the message - Ukraine will not stop fighting Russian aggression.


Empathy and authenticity

It is important for leaders to show empathy and perceive the emotions of other people. One only needs to listen to one speech to notice Zelensky's charismatic manner of speech and emotional words, which are even more acutely perceived in the crisis situation Ukraine is currently in as a result of the actions of Russian imperialism.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, President Zelensky retains his face, and remains authentic in any situation without any show or formality - whether it is a briefing with journalists, a speech in a military T-shirt at international summits, or a harmless joke about the phone calls he wants. He simply shows the Ukrainian people and the whole world that he is an ordinary person and experiences the usual emotions for everyone, which echoes with any person and also causes an emotional connection.

It is clear that this is not a complete picture and description of what leadership qualities Vladimir Zelensky showed, and much more can be said. However, for today's business leaders, you can really see interesting and powerful insights. Using the example of Ukraine, we can conclude that the charisma of leaders attracts attention, their courage is admired, and their dedication and perseverance inspire people to fight for their ideals and values. It is also clear that people support leaders who fight for them, but make sacrifices for the leaders who serve them.


Every morning my child starts the morning with a milk breakfast. Of course, when purchasing dairy products, I try to make the best choice, no matter how much they cost.

Well, in the evening, when purchasing repair materials for the house, I often give preference to those markets where there are various preferential promotions and where the price is acceptable to me. This is the best choice for me.

When buying, there are often cases when we physically or mentally sort the desired product by price and thus come to the optimal choice. Therefore, the price of a product is an important lever that a business can control.

Price, in addition to determining the market value of a product, is used as the primary means of communication in today's rapidly changing business environment. Depending on how the price is relevant to the solvency of the segment, brands interact with customers, "befriend" or, conversely, build a "wall" between the product/service and the customer.

Now, in times of war, inflation, and post-pandemic, price and related communications are becoming increasingly important for the modern market, as prices are constantly changing along with the global agenda. Prices are rising for everything: bread, fuel, gold, both basic necessities and luxuries, goods and services.

However, according to the latest market research conducted by ACT, in many industries, price is the leading factor for consumers. For example, if we look at the pharmaceutical market, then a quarter of its buyers (24-26%) decide to choose a pharmacy that offers an acceptable price. Thus, for almost a third of consumers in the retail market, price is the most important factor when making a purchase decision.

How do businesses manage this leverage today?

Price changes, of course, often lead to negative/critical feedback from the consumer, which business in Georgia, as well as in the world, in some cases tries to neutralize with well-known marketing "tricks":

  • Rule 9.99 - An incomplete indication of the price subconsciously signals to the buyer that 9.99 is a more affordable price than 10 ₾, while the difference is “more than” 1 tetri;
  • "Secret" price - often used by businesses to communicate a change/increase or a perceived high price. Brands prefer not to publicly announce the price and inform the customer in case of greater involvement on his part (often simply - “write me personally”);
  • Pricing communication of accessories - sometimes brands offer the buyer prices for individual parts (for example, for a bed frame, cabinet, etc.), rather than the price of the entire kit/product since such communication is associated with a more affordable price in the mind of the consumer.

These tactics are worn out in today's market and can be said to be "deciphered" by the user. For brands seeking to connect emotionally with customers, transparent and timely pricing information must be the key link.

How to use the price list for effective communication with customers?

5 golden rules:

Offer value, not price. The cost repeats the brand and its identity. The customer needs an idea, status, or emotional benefit that he will receive in exchange for paying a certain amount. Businesses that sell a product/service sell the benefits that the end-user will receive through it. Depending on the value of the product/service, brands tell customers what they can become the owners of after purchasing their product/service. This means that when buying Apple products, we buy status, when buying Nike boots, we buy victory and energy, and Reiban glasses for us are a journey and a good mood. When stating the price, we must emphasize what life/everyday problem the consumer will solve with it. At the same time, in branding and communications, the emphasis on values increases the consumer's resistance to possible price changes, making the segment more emotionally attached to the product/service. For example, Coca-Cola is a happiness/family holiday, do you remember its price?

Find out the best price for your customers. To achieve this goal, price elasticity research is effective, which gives the business information about what price will be acceptable/optimal for its audience, in other words, in which case they buy a product/service. Research is critical:

  • Start-up/for new market players - provides information on the market penetration strategy, preferred price, and solvency of the segment;
  • In case of offering a new product or service to the consumer market;
  • In the event of a price change, how relevant is the change? Is there readiness in the segment? What are the benchmarks, upper and lower limits, and how much can the price change?

Remember the communication triangle. Price communication is just as important as the end-user:

  • With employees – often the company's employees are the strongest/most trusted representatives of the brand, transparent communication provided to them increases the positive evaluation of the product/service;
  • With partners - the business environment in which the brand operates, it is desirable to be aware of the price/price changes in order to spread the desired messages / value-value communication in the business community.

Tell the cause, not just the result. Now, with constant changes in public life, the economy, everyday life, and a sense of instability, price changes can be perceived by consumers more painfully than business thinks. In the event that a business changes its price/sets a new price, it is important for healthy communication to provide the customer with a reason for the new price. It is understood that the audience is interested in why the price is changing, will it change again? Because of what? This gives him emotional comfort and readiness. In order for communication to be as transparent as possible for him, the business should try to imagine that price communication is not a monologue of the brand, but a dialogue with the buyer. Follow the rules of the dialogue:

  1. The rule of truth - be open, and provide buyers with only reliable, verified, and real information about what caused the price increase;
  2. The rule of quantity. Provide the buyer with the required amount of information. For example, if pricing is associated with an increase in the cost of local production, it is not worth talking about global trends in this direction;
  3. Relevance rule - the client is interested in communication based on factors related to the topic/price. For example, do not use content that is irrelevant or inappropriate for communication.

Finally, it is important for businesses to be prepared for any feedback, since the audience, among other characteristics, is distinguished by its loyalty and degree of price stability. However, the dialogue should be ongoing and the next steps the brand should determine in addition to other important metrics based on the feedback received. Thus, price is an important communication channel. As a result of dialogue with customers, the business receives information for improvement, and this process is continuous and iterative.


For most companies 2022 started with the question – How to deal with post-pandemic and the war? 

To answer this question we firstly need to look closer to the challenges most companies are facing now: global crisis caused by pandemic resulted in limited operations in many companies; staff members stressed and exhausted due to pandemic situation - suffering by less sleep hours, lowered motivation and longing for live relationships, etc.; inner state of the people full with compassion towards the Ukraine – being present here physically and mentally, with their hearts beating for Ukraine; blocked trade channels and roads, etc. caused by the war.

 All the aforementioned and many other emerging challenges need to be confronted with the new approaches so far. Consequently, the number of companies with similar problems came up to understanding that now there is the right time for significant changes and put the Organizational Transformation issue on their agenda.


Transformation in itself means making significant changes within the organization which inevitably will result in the effectiveness of the company. The question is how to ensure positive results? We would suggest a way similar to that of how you would increase the probability of conquering the peak of Everest – i.e. you need to go through the necessary preparational process and build a reliable team. Consequently, the people with whom we team together to conquer Everest, need to be exactly the ones we can rely on in the process of the company’s transformation!

The Team of Leaders will Unconditionally Conquer the Everest!

Following the organizational structure, we can only find the formal leaders, who in consideration of their obligations and responsibilities may have a specific positional impact. Though, we cannot even dream of making a step to the Peak Everest, backed up only with positional impact, can we?! Consequently, we need to extend the searching area and look for informal leaders among the employees in any positions.

Through spotting the informal leaders the company can afford to identify those employees who can leverage the transformational process. These persons:

  1. Are the opinion and competence leaders;
  2. Represent professional and social leaders;
  3. Can be the ordinary staff members with leadership potential;
  4. Already have impact on a certain number of company employees;

How to Spot the Informal Leaders?

A number of companies may apply the different organizational researches, though none of the traditional internal organizational research is capable to solve this issue.

In order to spot genuine leaders in the company, the ACT team has invented a new innovative tool for the managers and HR specialists – A Leadership Scanner®.

However, one of the most important functions of the Leadership Scanner® is explained by the title itself – scanner of leaders – which on a basis of specifically designed query and ONA scans the company and reveals those employees who can be thought of as the most reliable during the crisis or transformation periods.

The query is designed in a way that requires the answers which are: 1) non-conflicting – no need in praising performance or efficiency of other employees; 2) objective – impossible to artificially put the informal leaders forward; 3) evidence-based – revealing the existing facts, not suggestions.

The results can be viewed based on easily understandable visual materials/schemes/networks and interactive platforms, enabling high flexibility of the analysis.

It is quite possible to view not only the total picture of the company but also to observe the results at specific departmental and individual levels while obtaining the unique insights and analytics (where rests the unrealized potential; which department is in more need of professional development; where are the weak delegation or micromanagement issues spotted; where the strain is observed; where does the company need the empowerment of the intermediate link, etc. )

Relying on the team of spotted informal leaders and based on insights and analytics, the company is well-positioned to inevitably conquer Everest or any other peak of success.


Over time, the icon of the businessman has emerged in the public perception as serious men dressed in suits, with huge responsibilities, working in a stressful environment and applying a constructive dialogue format. Does such a perception of a business leader correspond to modern trends? It is essential that all businessmen speak the diplomatic language?

In the postmodern world, a businessman’s role was transformed, which influenced the style of communication accordingly. Business leaders are increasingly trying to position themselves as a part of society and use humor to communicate. This obviously is associated with positive emotion, having an immediate effect on a person’s attitude leading at the same time to a long-term effect. Consequently, strategic humor has become a trend in business communication.

What Is the Meaning of Strategic Humor?

Humor is a simply understandable spoken language focused on key messages. Jokes are easy to remember, while being spread quickly throughout the community they can easily relief a crisis situation. (Meyer, 1990). Result of humor can be instantly seen due to its indicator – an unmistakable emotion - a smile. The humor makes easy to harvest the desired feedback in the target audience, while the emotion received gives us the clear answer to the question of how the set strategy worked. (Hudson, 1979).

The unique qualities of humor and the fact that humor can have a serious influence on a person's attitude shape it into a convenient tool for communication.

Consequently, the area of application of strategic humor is quite wide. It is used in different fields for different purposes:

შესაბამისად, სტრატეგიული იუმორის გამოყენების არეალი ფართოა. მისი გამოყენება ხდება სხვადასხვა სფეროში სხვდასხვა მიზნით:

  • Diplomats apply the strategic humor to conduct successful negotiations;
  • Presenters use it to make interactive, productive and interesting presentations;
  • Leaders use it to demonstrate their self-confidence, high emotional intellect and humanity (Sourcehumor that works).

What Is a Purpose of Using a Strategic Humor by the Leaders?

"If we make people happy, they will write stories about us, so we will not have to spend a lot of money on advertising," said Elon Musk, one of the most influential businessmen and innovators of the XXI century.

Lately, Elon Musk's eccentricity and the way he is applying strategic humor is clearly observed by everyone. The use of contextual humor for a specific mission has become an authentic style for Musk. Creativity expressed in humor and simple way of communication make him one of the most popular persons of our times. Musk's laconic jokes can change a public agenda and make a business clock move counterclockwise.

Could you name another famous person who can just with a five-word joke bring financial benefits to a business, affect the currency exchange market, and/or significantly change the share value of the companies?!

Use of strategic humor and unique communication style makes Elon Mask:

1. The Strongest Business Influencer

The power of Musk's humor is translated into financial indicators. He can establish effective communication with customers, increase sales and share the value of the company at minimal costs. In addition to his own business, he manipulates the global business sector as well using strategic humor. Specifically, Musk's broken heart emoji significantly reduced the market value of the world's first cryptocurrency (see Twitter 1), and the price of one of the least known cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin, rose from 0.1 cents to 72 cents in 5 months (see Twitter 123). ). (Source: economictimes). In supplement, Twitter has also become the target of Musk's satirical humor. Posts on the social network significantly reduced the market value of the platform and eventually led to its acquisition. (See Tweet 12).

2. An Informal Political Leader 

Sharp wits give Elon Musk charisma along with his popularity, which makes him a strong political figure in the eyes of the public while valuing his other characteristics as a leader. Elon Musk can make political weather, as evidenced by recent developments. Musk played an important political role in the Russia-Ukraine information war, where he of course did not forget to use humor. Musk responded to the threat of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov against him with humor, and in response to the way he was addressed by Kadyrov, changed his name to Ilona on Twitter.

3. Optimistic Entrepreneur

It is worth mentioning that being one of the top entrepreneurs he is never discouraged even in case of failure and affords to ease the tense situation with creative humor. He is accustomed to acknowledging his own mistakes and looking at them in humor, while others may perceive them as a tragedy. (See Tweet 1)

What Conclusions Can We Draw from Musk's Example?

Humor is acknowledged as a universal form of easily perceived communication that positively affects a person and creates a positive mood. Consequently, the strategic use of humor by a businessman can increase trust in him and supports in winning people's sympathy. All this leads to a positive effect not only on the personal image of the business leader, but also on his business activities, which ultimately helps to increase awareness and sales.

Considering that the use of strategic humor can bring a lot of benefits to a business leader, it is important to remember that it needs to be used correctly and contextually, as joking about sensitive topics can turn positive emotions into negative ones and lead to bad reviews.

In conclusion, we can say that simple and creative language of communication can establish an emotional connection with the audience and build the perception of a strong, successful business leader.


To provide a European perspective and assess how Georgia meets the conditions for obtaining candidate status - this was the verdict of the European Commission of June 17, 2022, which all of Georgia was waiting for. But "Companions" Ukraine and Moldova, together with the prospect, also received a recommendation for granting the status of a candidate for EU membership.

According to the same recommendation, Georgia will become a candidate for EU membership if it manages to pull itself out of the quagmire and implement the already repeatedly demanded reforms in the judiciary, eliminate political polarization, achieve de-oligarchization, effectively investigate crimes, promote the creation of a free, professional and independent media, etc. 

The recommendation published by the European Commission on June 17 was a disappointment for many of our compatriots. The opportunity that arose against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the feeling of not using it; Anger at the government or at our own helplessness and a faint hope in our hearts that the Council of Europe will not heed the recommendation of the European Commission - this is probably an incomplete list of feelings and hopes that each of us experienced on June 17th.

The optimistic expectations regarding the status of the candidate for EU membership and the unconditional perception of the advantages of the European choice were once again demonstrated by the survey of 802 respondents conducted by ACT. It is noteworthy that the fieldwork on the study was completed the day before the meeting of the European Commission on June 17 and covered the period from June 11 to 16. The sampling error of the study was 4.2%.


Georgian people against Napoleon

Geography is destiny - this phrase is attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. However, outstanding Georgians believed in changing this fate centuries ago and believe today when we are trying to become members of the European family, despite the fact that we do not have a direct border with it. Europe not only gives many advantages for us in specific areas, but also embodies values that bring us back to the path of our ancestors.

Therefore, the vast majority of respondents have no doubt that the status of an EU candidate - as a path to full EU membership - is important: 84% of respondents think so. The number of those to whom the status of a candidate for EU membership seems insignificant does not exceed 11%.

In your opinion, how important is it for Georgia to obtain the status of an EU candidate?

At the same time, every second respondent expects to receive the status of a candidate member of the EU in the coming months (50%). 33% do not hope to get the status, and 17% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question.

Associated Trio - Together Until the End

The associated trio of countries - Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova - along with their declared aspirations for European integration have a common heavy Russian legacy and lost territories. A similar context and a distinct orientation towards EU membership at first glance seem to have similar prospects, although the recommendations of the European Commission of 17 June confirmed a somewhat different perception of Georgia. Moldova, which has pulled ahead, has become a kind of disappointment against the background of the fact that the country does not participate in hostilities, and there is definitely no leap forward seen by the naked eye.

The fact that the chances for EU membership for Georgia and Moldova, from the point of view of the population, were very similar, was also confirmed by the study. According to the data, respondents emphasized Ukraine's high chances of obtaining candidate status, while Georgia and Moldova were rated roughly the same.

It can be assumed that in the case of Ukraine, which is at war and daily reflects Russian aggression, the decision could be taken for granted to some extent.

But in relation to Moldova, the perception of equal opportunities and the result contradicted the expectations of the population. They believed, that Georgia will also become a candidate for EU membership.

How do you assess Georgia's chances of obtaining EU member status? For Ukraine? For Moldova?

An indirect confirmation that the population was waiting for the EU candidate status is the response to the statement “Georgia is closer to EU membership than ever”, with which almost 4 out of 5 respondents (76%) agreed, and only 1 respondent disagreed ( 21%). 3% of respondents could not answer the question. It is possible that agreeing to the position would also mean seizing a favorable moment in the world political arena, which the country was unable to take advantage of. This is evidenced by the opinion of 2/3 of the respondents that “if Georgia does not receive the status of a candidate for EU membership in the near future, then it will not have such a chance for a long time” (66%).

Do you agree with the following terms:

Merits and Responsibilities for Expected Status

The question of whether the country will receive the status of an EU candidate and whose merit it will be, showed how discredited the political class in the country is and how much citizens remain confident only in themselves. In particular, in the case of the status of a candidate for EU membership, the majority of respondents see the merit of the people, not politicians (40%). In general, the role of the Georgian government in this process is 2 times less - 20% of respondents. 14% point to the role of the parliament, the prime minister and the president as a whole. 9% of respondents talk about the role of Western/European partners.

In the event that the country does not receive the status of a candidate member of the EU, the responsibility, according to 4 out of 10 respondents (38%), lies with the government of Georgia. According to 16% of respondents, the Parliament of Georgia, the President, the Prime Minister and Bidzina Ivanishvili are also responsible for the current situation. 12% of respondents also see the opposition parties as guilty.

In your opinion, if Georgia receives the status of a candidate for EU membership, whose merit will it be?

In your opinion, if Georgia does not receive the status of an EU candidate, who will be responsible for this?

EU membership is equal to the developed future of the country

The benefits of EU membership for the population are quite obvious. In particular, for 9 out of 10 respondents, EU membership directly means a developed future for the country (90%), greater interest and motivation of abkhazs and Ossetians citizens to join Georgia (72%), protection from Russian military aggression (66%). Moreover, not only membership in the EU, but even the status of a candidate for its membership for the vast majority of respondents (84%) is a clear signal for Russia that the country has chosen a Western course. It can be assumed that for this part of the respondents, the failure to obtain the status of a candidate for EU membership indicates, if not directly the opposite, then it may still indicate a dubious foreign policy orientation of the country.

Do you agree with the following terms:

As for the benefits of joining the EU by industry, the respondents most of all expect positive things in the economy (57%). This answer is far behind, although in terms of frequency of mention, the second or third place is occupied by education (42%) and the protection of human rights and the rule of law (41%). The top five also include benefits in healthcare (35%) and military (36%) – the perception of the EU's role in the latter is likely due to events in Ukraine.

It should also be noted that the absolute majority of respondents - 89% perceived the granting of the status of a candidate for EU membership in the near future as a fair decision in relation to Georgia. Therefore, it is important that the decision of June 17 does not increase the feeling of apathy, and that the country's authorities do everything possible to implement the package of recommendations and stand on the right side of history.


Ancient Chinese merchants were among the first entrepreneurs. They have found a unique way to manage risk in international trade. They distributed their goods for sale on several ships and released at sea. Thus, if one ship was sunk or became a victim of pirates, the rest had a chance to survive. In this way, Chinese merchants safely transported most of their goods to the market of the neighboring city and avoided serious financial losses.

In the 21st century, the export-oriented business is no longer threatened by pirates, but it continues to face other challenges. In today's world, the political, economic and social environment is changing so rapidly that the most difficult task for any company is to find and retain a loyal customer.

The main conclusion that a business must make in the current reality is this: Chinese merchants learned this centuries ago - they realized how much risk the principle "Put all your eggs in one basket" contains. Inspired by an old adage, this concept perfectly explains the importance of market diversification. Its relevance is growing day by day for international marketers and it is clear that Georgian companies are no exception. The Russian-Ukrainian war once again showed us what we have already witnessed many times - how dependence on the market of one country interferes with business.

No one disputes that market diversification is the best solution for risk insurance. However, the implementation of this principle in the modern world requires much more effort than "several cargo ships". Even in the case of the local market, there are many challenges - finding a relevant target customer, winning and maintaining his loyalty. It is even more difficult to fulfill this mission in the international arena. So when we discuss reducing risk and increasing capacity for export-oriented enterprises, the question is not what? but the question is - how?

How companies can better find and develop an unknown market or, at best, markets? It is obvious, and it can be seen with the naked eye, that it will be difficult to succeed only by watching the trends. The most effective tool for planning an international marketing strategy is market research, and consumer research occupies one of the main places in this process.

Well, if you are a business owner and want to expand, open up new markets, consumer research can be the most necessary and useful tool for you.

opportunities for consumer research:

  • Find out who your customer is and what they want.

The number one task in the process of finding a new market is to find out if the buyer needs the offered product or service at the offered price. For a company, entering a new market without consumer research is like wandering through a maze. Obviously, a business can have a rough idea of the needs of foreign customers, that is, of where and to whom it will be profitable to export this or that product. However, these ideas are largely based on intuition and may well not correspond to reality. After all, any foreign market is unique and differs in many ways from the local market - its buyers live in a different geographical area, speak a different language, have special requirements, opportunities and preferences. Accounting for all these factors is a prerequisite for success, in which consumer research can be of great help.

The survey provides the business owner with detailed information that:

  • in what segments of the population there is a demand for this product;
  • What is the consumer behavior of the specified segment
  • What preferences, explicit or hidden desires do users have;
  • Who are the competitors and what is their marketing strategy;
  • How does the buyer feel about the price.

This is not an exhaustive list of the knowledge that can be obtained through consumer research. If it is analyzed correctly, the business will have the opportunity to get to know the new market well and find the right target segment - the client who is most likely to buy his product or service. In this case, the decision to enter a new market is made on the basis of evidence, not assumptions, which significantly reduces risks.

ACT actively helps Georgian and foreign companies to develop foreign markets. One example of this is a consumer survey conducted in Yerevan commissioned by a supermarket chain. ACT has conducted a study of consumer preferences and consumer basket in Armenia. Analysis of the research results allowed the customer company to offer the client a product that takes into account the needs of the target segment. Thus, consumer research helped the business to insure the risks, due to which it established itself rather painlessly in the new market.

  • Grab the attention of the target use.

Finding a target customer is the first step in entering a new market. The next and no less important task is to attract the attention of potential customers. To do this, the business needs to properly pack the product and deliver it to the customer in such a way that it arouses his interest. The role of research is also important at this stage of the development of an unknown market. Research, in addition to the rational motives of human behavior, also reveals what topics potential customers react emotionally to, what excites them, likes or annoys them. Having received this information, the business will be able to offer the product to the buyer, taking into account his wishes and develop an effective way of advertising.

A good example of this is the entry into the Georgian market of several foreign shopping centers. By their order, ACT conducted a study - studied the consumer behavior of Georgians, brand preferences and consumer attitudes towards the proposed product. According to the results of the study, the companies adjusted their marketing strategy, offered the buyer a product that meets his requirements, and earned the location of the target segment. Thus, research-based solutions ended up being effective for them.

  • Constantly keep abreast of the user.

The key to the success of any business is a satisfied customer. As soon as a customer buys a product or service, a timer starts. The business really wins if the customer comes back to buy again and again. This will be a sign that the brand has received the most important award - customer loyalty. However, loyalty is not permanent. People's tastes change every day, new needs and desires arise. In fact, the success of a business depends on how well it listens to its customers. An effective tool for maintaining their loyalty is customer research. This allows the company to constantly keep abreast of the buyer - not to miss a single change in his mood and always be aware of trends.

This consumer research opportunity was successfully used by one of the representatives of the banking and financial sector from Georgia. ACT conducted several stages of consumer research for him in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. In order to identify the preferences of local consumers, the study was conducted both before and after entering an unknown market. As a result, the company managed to take a worthy place in the financial sector of the foreign market.

As we can see, consumer research is a necessary and useful step for a company that wants to expand and open up new markets. This allows business owners to make informed decisions, which greatly reduces the risk of opening, exploiting and maintaining new markets. However, businesses should not forget that the “stopwatch that starts when entering a new market” runs continuously while the company operates in this market. Thus, entering the market of a foreign country is not a one-time decision. Business must constantly be in the process of research and analysis of experience.


The seasonal concern of summer is to plan a vacation so that during the long-awaited vacation we can do more or less everything - have fun, relax, be active, visit new places, visit family members and friends. Since spring, many questions have arisen in our heads: where to relax? For how many days should we book a hotel? How to travel? How much money should I set aside for shopping while traveling? Do we have savings? And most importantly, where can we find peace of mind?

The only question we can answer without hesitation this year is that we definitely need a good rest. Waves of the Covid pandemic, economic turmoil, the Russian-Ukrainian war, a stressful work environment, and existentially charged personal relationships are the main causes of stress. For most people, tourism is the main source of relaxation and positive emotions.

Rest on Russian background

According to the National Tourism Administration of Georgia, 387,781 foreign visitors entered the country in June 2022. Compared to the same period last year, this figure increased by 164.4%. According to statistics, 90,239 visitors came from Russia and 62,192 from Turkey.

In June, 252,656 arrived by land, 131,534 by air, 2,122 by rail, and 1,469 by sea.

It is noteworthy in these data that the top ten countries included Russia (in first place), Armenia (in third place) and Belarus (in ninth place), and also that the increase in the number of visitors from these countries compared to the same period last year is the highest (502.9%, 364.5% and 222.5% respectively).

From Russia and Belarus, the increase in tourist flows raises many questions among the local population. Dissatisfied with this situation, especially those whose personal or family economic situation does not depend on the growth of the tourist flow (does not own a rental area or other commercial facility). For this part of the population, the abundance of tourists, on the contrary, brings more negative results than positive ones. This is due to the fact that prices for products, services and rental housing are rising in resort areas, which makes rest even more inaccessible for many of our compatriots.

A significant part of the surveyed population (84%) expects an increase in the flow of Russian tourists to the country (including resort areas) this year, which does not cause discomfort for 70%. 3 out of 10 citizens call the abundance of Russian tourists in resort areas the cause of personal discomfort.

Russian tourist - guest or host?

Although the majority of the population does not openly express dissatisfaction with the large number of Russian tourists vacationing in the resort areas of Georgia, the majority of them (57%) believe that the Georgian government should restrict Russian citizens from doing business. on the territory of Georgia (including tourist areas), because:

• Russia is an enemy of Georgia (40.6%);

• Companies founded by Russian citizens in Georgia compete with local firms and as a result reduce their income (37.9%);

• Russia is waging war against Ukraine (11.1%).

Creating a favorable business environment for Russian "tourists" in Georgia poses a direct economic threat to local businesses, as this fact significantly increases competition in the country's market and, therefore, negatively affects the expected financial well-being. The victims of the process are those businessmen who year after year wait for the tourist season and whose economic power is built on the principle of distributing seasonal income throughout the year.

ACT conducted a survey of the population on tourism issues from 11 to 16 June 2022. More than 800 randomly selected citizens of Georgia aged 18 and over took part in the study.

40% of the population's financial situation has deteriorated over the past year

To assess the financial readiness of the population of Georgia for the holiday season, it is first of all important to know that more than 40% of the population say that the economic situation of themselves and their families has worsened or significantly worsened over the past 1 year. As for the population's expectations regarding current events in the country, it is indicative that, according to about half of the population (45%), events in Georgia are developing clearly or in many respects in the wrong direction. This makes them feel even more exposed to financial risks.

Every second person in Georgia does not have a plan for a summer vacation

According to the survey, despite possible obstacles, 40% of the population plans to go on vacation this summer, and even more (55%) do not have such plans. At the same time, the number of those wishing to go on vacation decreases with age - 2.3 times more young people (18-34 years old) plan to go on vacation compared to representatives of the older age group (55+) (54% and 24%, respectively). It should also be noted that residents of the capital plan to go on vacation much more often (56%) compared to the population living in the regions (slightly more than 1/3).

The duration of planned rest is mainly limited to 1-2 weeks (65%).

More than half of the population plan to relax in the country house or with relatives

In addition, 58% of the segment of the Georgian population who are going on vacation are planning to spend their holidays at their own or with relatives in the country, more than 40% are considering seaside resorts in Georgia, and 23% are considering mountain resorts in Georgia. Only 16% of respondents intend to go on holiday abroad.

According to the results of the study, the majority of people (60%) who plan to spend the summer in their own home cite the lack of sufficient funds for recreation as the reason. The rest say they have to give up vacation for personal reasons (27%) or lack of vacation (9%).

More than 8% of the population plans to leave the country for vacation due to the large number of Russian tourists gathering at local resorts.

Among those who plan to spend their holidays abroad, one in four chooses prices that are lower than those of local resorts. And 1 out of 10 citizens decides to spend their holidays abroad because of the best price and quality. The majority (42%) of those wishing to spend their holidays abroad associate their choice with the desire to see a foreign country. Every third person is planning a vacation abroad for the simple reason that his friends, relatives or loved ones live there. It is significant that more than 8% of the population cited the large number of tourists of Russian nationality in the resorts of Georgia as the reason for leaving the country on vacation.

It is also indicative that, according to the study, 10% fewer people plan to go on vacation this year compared to previous years (38.1% and 48.6%, respectively). To what extent all this affects the health, ability to work, motivation, quality of work and social life of tens of thousands of our citizens is the subject of another study. Explorers don't rest.


Have you ever thought that a cup of coffee with a colleague in the office in the morning, questions about yesterday evening's news or plans for the day can affect your efficiency during the day?

What answers do we get when we ask our team members about the behaviors and actions the company uses to improve the organizational environment and improve employee performance? Most of you will probably answer: team building that took place last year or is planned in the near future, monthly meetings to check the current status of projects, corporate events, trainings, etc.

Despite this, few employees will be able to name rituals that exist undeclared in the company. Using them, smart executives effortlessly:

  • Increase employee engagement and efficiency
  • Create strong bonds between company team members
  • Stimulate desired behavior
  • Reduce stress levels

Increasing Engagement

Rituals help team members translate values into their daily activities. Returning to the coffee cup example, having an honest conversation with a colleague early in the day about plans or tasks for the day can be an incentive to be more active and bold in group discussions throughout the day, as well as being more receptive to other people's opinions.

Organizations that incorporate their declared values into daily rituals attract people whose values these rituals correspond to. On the contrary, interaction problems often arise in organizations where declared values are not embodied in rituals.

Building Strong Relationships

People who feel connected work more effectively together. Shared rituals help bring together a diverse workforce and reinforce the culture of an organization.

Rituals increase the sense of belonging and trust between team members. This is especially important in organizations where there is relatively less communication between different departments and positions.

A well-known example of corporate culture is the Grundfos Olimpics Olympic Games, where Grundfos periodically brings 1,000 employees from 55 countries to Denmark to participate in the "Olympics". During this period, employees from different countries live with their Danish team members, which greatly contributes to the deepening of interpersonal relationships.


Stimulate desired behavior

The implementation of small, even insignificant rituals often has a significant impact on improving the effectiveness of the organization.

An example of such a ritual in the research and consulting company ACT is the so-called “Muda Competition” (Muda), which is based on the principles of Lean Management. This competition is held periodically and serves to reduce, and in the best case, eliminate unnecessary costs (including time, human resources, etc.) in the organization. Its main idea is to improve the existing system from the bottom up, at the initiative of those people who have to deal with this or that process in their daily activities and most objectively assess the shortcomings in them. Accordingly, all employees take part in the competition. The competition provides for various nominations - "The chosen Muda for exile", "The most original Muda name", "The most reasoned explanation" and "The simplest solution to the Muda issue".

The winning teams of the competition are rewarded with various prizes, and the reduction in identified costs is reflected in an increase in the overall efficiency of the company.

Reducing stress levels

In a rapidly changing environment, organizations need to remain as flexible as possible. Often this adversely affects their results. In the midst of ever-changing economic, political and other changes, it is important to maintain the strength of organizational culture.

Rituals help to ensure the internal stability and resilience of the organization. They help team members stay focused on the main goal, despite difficulties, and not fall into despair. Rituals have proven to be a guarantee of organizational health for many organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of such rituals are virtual holidays and Happy Hour.

Organizational rituals are often found in the cultures of well-known companies such as Google, Zoom, Zappos and others.

For example, an example of such a ritual at Google is the weekly open meetings (so-called TGIF) with high-ranking executives, where company employees from all over the world can ask questions on topics of interest to them and get comprehensive answers.

Zoom's organizational culture is distinguished by its focus on people. The management encourages employees to bring family members to the office, which helps to preserve the health of the team, on the one hand, and the personal life of employees, on the other.

Zappos stands out for its creative organizational rituals. The “strange talent show”, which has become a symbol of the company, serves not to discover stars, but to reveal individualism. Each employee is given the opportunity to enjoy their uniqueness and share their strange or uncomfortable talents with team members.

At the end of this article, I will share with you some undeclared rituals, some of which may already exist in your company, and you can learn about the benefits they create for your company:

Morning coffee meetings - every day in the company should begin with the phrase - "Hi, how are you?". Each of us needs to relax and wake up, which allows us to talk on general topics. A 5-10 minute conversation with an employee often turns into a discussion of plans for the day. Such dialogues often end with the questions “What are you working on today, what are you going to do today?”, which creates a general idea of \u200b\u200byou or your colleague's plan for the day.

15-minute stand-up meetings with team members - sharing information about plans for the day and their projects - one of the most important rituals that creates a general idea of what stage the team is at, whether additional resources have been freed up somewhere or whether anyone needs Any help to complete the project on time.

Circle of acquaintance - the team forms a circle and shares with each other information about themselves that the rest of the team does not know. The existing ritual is often performed in conjunction with the coffee ritual, but in a relatively small circle, the latter requiring the participation of the entire team. This creates a kind of bond between team members, which helps in the coordinated execution of common projects.

Adaptation of a new employee. All new employees must adapt to the work environment and team. Change is not easy for everyone, so it makes sense to plan some type of team-initiated activity with a new employee, one of the simplest examples of which is organizing a Pub Crawl evening.

Knowledge sharing - team members periodically meet and share their experiences (mistakes and positive experiences), which contributes to the overall growth of team members. Also, team members realize that mistakes, to a greater or lesser extent, can make everything, which leads to a decrease in the level of stress caused by the fear of mistakes.

Perhaps some of these rituals have already entered your daily life. In addition, think about what other rituals exist in your company? How do they affect the efficiency of you and the company as a whole? When or who created them? The main thing to remember is that rituals are not created by themselves, but are created, strengthened and initiated by people.


Many years ago I started my career in one of the Georgian family businesses. The first emotional shock for me was that, despite the scale of the company, it did not have an executive director, and the founder fully combined the management function. When I say "management function" I don't just mean setting strategic priorities, but deciding which blinds to buy for a particular departmental space (Like, literally).

As a result of micromanaging, protracted decisions accumulated endlessly in the form of delays and tensions. Accumulated to do list on the desktops of employees, accumulated on our tables and in the rooms.

Then I discovered that the premise of micromanaging was not the desire to control all decisions as such, but the fear of failing a the "business raised like a child", which ultimately cost employees time, energy and nerves in daily work, and in the long run - the company's efficiency.

Then for the first time I had a question:

Where is the tipping point for the family business when the founders have to question the old ways and start thinking about institutionalizing the business?

What distinguishes a family business from other types of business?

Generally speaking, it's a business owned and operated by one or more family members (Handler, 1989; Hollander & Elman, 1988). In other definitions, a family business is “an organization in which one or two family members influence the direction of the organization through a combination of managerial roles and ownership” (Davis and Tagiuri, 1982).

Family business is one of the most widespread forms of business in the modern world. They make up a significant part of the GDP of different countries. For example, the share of family businesses in US GDP is 64%.

In Europe and the USA, there are many large family businesses that have gone through a difficult path of development and have become well-known and successful companies. The best examples of such business in Europe are wine companies from Italy and France such as Antinori, Frescobaldi, Bollinger and others.

What makes a family business successful?

Compared to other businesses, the main advantage of a family business is the strong personal ties between family members and the shared values that flow from them. These values, together with the sense of pride associated with the business, create a high degree of loyalty and are often the key to the success of these businesses in difficult times.

While managers of various businesses often have to implement complex and innovative initiatives to motivate employees, members of family businesses are very enthusiastic. Thanks to the feeling that the business is a symbol of the family and serves as a continuation of its name, even working overtime makes it enjoyable.

The "immortality" of the surname creates the basis for relative stability in the long term. However, it should be noted that the same factor can become an obstacle to a flexible response to changes in the external environment.

The success of these enterprises is also expressed in financial terms, in particular, such enterprises are often characterized by reduced costs, since, unlike other employees, family members often agree to financial “sacrifices” for their business and, if necessary, for example, in case of problems with cash flows, they accept relatively low wages.

What threatens the success of the family business?


The challenges facing today's family business are more complex than ever. In the face of fierce competition, rapidly changing political and economic conditions, they have to fight for their survival and success in the same way as their competitors, and in some cases even more painfully.

Family businesses must balance the psychological parameters that are characteristic of them, in which members of the same family work together. The main task in this dimension is to maintain a balance between business and family affairs - family conflicts affect everyday business decisions, and business problems are often discussed at the family dinner table.

Because most family businesses start with little human and financial resources, long-term strategic planning—the (re)formation of various systems, structures, and management styles—becomes vital at a certain stage of growth.

The need to reform management style often entails a change in business manager. For the owner of a family business, transferring control to a “successor” is a big problem.

However, founders are often "lone wolves" who face business challenges alone, no matter how serious they may be. They are often skeptical of people who come "from outside" and receive professional advice from them, as they tend to do business "within the family." While this approach is understandable, it can be misleading in some cases. External consultants with extensive experience in managing a complex business development process are an important support for a family business when it needs to transform and move to a new stage of development.

Relationship between founder and business

According to various studies, there are several types of founders depending on their attitude towards the family business.

(1) For the founder, the business is both his "child" and "mistress" - the main object of the founder's interest is the business and its "well-being", and all employees are perceived as tools to achieve this goal. Any decision arises only in the mind of the founder and is carried out only with his permission, since there is a fear that others may harm the interests of the business. Once an employee shows a desire for more power, he or she is likely to leave the company. Such enterprises most often cease to exist after the death of the founder, because no one but them knows what this business was created for.

(2) For the founder, the business is a continuation of himself, the realization of "I" - the entire success of the business is the personal success of the founder. In these cases, it is much more interesting that the business survives even after the death of the founder to perpetuate his name.

Statistics show that 30% of family businesses successfully make it to the second generation, 13% to the third generation, and only 3% to the fourth. Therefore, for the long-term success of a business, much more is needed than selfless care for the company, “raised like a child” by the founder, and making all decisions yourself.

The Path to Business Institutionalization

In the wake of business growth against the backdrop of complex family relationships, it is a wise decision to institutionalize it, which means managing a business in accordance with certain standards and rules and freeing the management process from specific individuals. Such a system allows the business to become more adapted to rapidly changing environmental factors.

It is important that family members trust each other and be ready to let go of the reins of day-to-day operations without fear of being sidelined.

Such a transition becomes much easier if appropriate strategic objectives are defined and roles and responsibilities are assigned. The new environment also defines the role of family members/founders, they remain in the role of owners and participate in making important strategic decisions, although they are much less or not involved in the day-to-day management of the company.

This situation creates an opportunity for managers in the face of declining personal interests to make the business more flexible and competitive.


As the new year approaches, I remember John Lewis's Christmas commercial and I think I'll dedicate an article to advertising with the emotions I've received.

Christmas and New Year, sometimes with snowflakes, sometimes without snow. Red cheeks from the cold and a feeling of pleasure from home warmth. Lighted streets, business people, quick steps and unexpected joy from colorful Coca-Cola cars.

A period when, if not everyone, then almost everyone, tries to celebrate Christmas and New Year in their ideal or close to ideal environment. To gain symbolic charm for the December holiday, people dress up as a fictional Santa and express their care and love to someone important to them. The impatience to give gifts is growing day by day, because this is a well-deserved adrenaline rush from long reflections, getting to know the wishes of the addressee and giving him pleasure. Why not? If a brand like John Levis can help us convey emotion. The Art of Attraction ad is a story about Christmas seen through the eyes of a little boy and an emotion that is hard not to translate into action.

Finding characteristics that are valuable to most people and then combining them into one small creative piece of content can make an ad attractive and special to the public. Since the starting point is a specific product, advertisers sometimes prefer to attract potential customers with humor, and sometimes the balance of aesthetic elements is crucial. They say that simplicity is perfect, but it's not easy to convince hundreds of thousands of unique people through advertising that using this particular product will satisfy at least one of a long list of needs.

Seligman and Peterson agree that curiosity is a valuable need, otherwise they would not have proposed curiosity as a subcategory of wisdom in the developed character strengths model (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Naturally, the creator of the product and the consumer have a strong desire to understand, or to know - how does eating chocolate make a lady in a cafeteria feel? Maybe the girl prefers to walk with Frank Sinatra in cool weather in the evening in new shoes? What is the familiar environment for a person who wants to try a new whiskey? By responding to the interests of similar topics, advertising becomes a concept filled with value, and research becomes a key tool to help the product developer develop a new vision based on valid and reliable data.

We can say that a study conducted on hundreds of people is a kind of insurance that the product is successfully adopted in society. This is indicated by the fact that in addition to consumer research, the researcher receives information about what may be predisposing behavior before consuming the product, what hidden messages are best used in the process of communication with the target segment, and other valuable information. Details that become so important for understanding how people communicate through advertising. Analyzing consumer behavior gives companies the ability to understand what their audiences think and feel, and at the same time find an explanation for what drives existing attitudes. The valuable components that consumer research considers are:

Market Analysis - What is the existing market doing? What is the trend?

Product content. What are the key features that differentiate the product from other similar products?

The product in the eyes of the buyer - what value does the product create for the buyer? What is the motivating factor for the consumption of the product for the target segment?

Based on the information obtained as a result of the study, companies are given the opportunity to improve communication with buyers, which is directly related to a change in buyer behavior and, accordingly, to an increase in sales.

Research companies use a variety of traditional and modern methods to uncover consumer sentiment, but the ad creation process doesn't end there. The second, no less important step is to test it on a small group of the target segment before it becomes available to the general public. At this stage, the main work is completed (the concept and communicative messages are determined), however, based on the results of the study, it is possible to make small changes to the advertisement regarding sound, music, colors and other less important details.

Advertising testing is mainly carried out on focus groups. The moderator presents the advertisement to the target group, which is estimated by the respondents - conditionally, what is the initial impression of the advertisement, how effective is the visual side, musical arrangement and voice acting, how well the main message is perceived, what is attractive to them, what needs to be improved, and so on. Based on the information received, the analyst analyzes the results and issues appropriate recommendations based on valuable “insights”. In general, the feedback received from the user is also an indicator of the eventual success or failure of an advertisement. Defining the role of advertising testing, we see the main advantages:

1. Saving resources - advertising that has passed the testing stage gives some idea of the expected reaction of the public. This reduces the likelihood of creating ineffective advertising and saves time and financial resources spent on it.

2. Increasing efficiency - preliminary research of advertising is a means of correcting its shortcomings, which, in turn, increases the chance of conveying the message desired by advertising to the consumer.

In the ACT archive, you can find studies of commercials from many successful local and international companies, the purpose of which was to test them in several ways before launching on television. The results obtained allowed companies to take into account the opinion of potential customers and bring their advertisements as close as possible to the ideal.

One of the latest successful studies in the list of projects involved testing an advertisement for a new Liberty Bank credit card. As part of this project, Liberty Bank investigated what potential customers think about the video as a whole, its music, communication messages, etc. Based on the results of the study, the bank made a specific decision to voice the commercial.

“The study was very useful and interesting for us. The proposed research design and methodology helped us make the right decisions related to the planned campaign,” Nino Beridze, Head of Customer Experience at Liberty Bank.

The process of creating compelling ads links research data to a storytelling that sometimes activates the same areas of the brain enough to convince people to use the product. By understanding consumer behavior and visualizing their views in advertising, an emotional connection is established between the audience and the product, which becomes a crucial link for a committed relationship.

“Today is December 31st. A day of feeling special gratitude for the old year. It is a strange feeling to cope with the sadness and euphoria of waiting for the new year at the same time. I'm glad. 365 days ago, I had no idea what an interesting person I could be. I was able to believe in my own abilities.”

1. When a diary is more than just a word written on paper, 2022.

Watch the Christmas Ad


Along with the rapid development of digital products and the IT industry in general, Agile methodology is gaining popularity, which is an iterative and collaborative approach to project management and software development, focused on flexibility, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. Agile is already a well established approach as it enables teams to create high quality products that meet customer needs in a rapidly changing marketplace. While Agile is most widely used in the IT industry, this approach can be applied to a wide range of businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Given their size and specificity, it can be said that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face unique challenges that require different and innovative approaches in their day-to-day operations. Such an approach can help the SME sector to better respond to a rapidly changing business environment and achieve better results, especially when organizations have limited resources and are forced to act at the pace of changing external environment.

In this article, we will introduce you to the best practices for using Agile for small and medium businesses.

Start with small steps

The best way to implement Agile in small and medium businesses is to start the process in small steps, because the entire organization cannot immediately migrate to a new operating system. Therefore, it is better to create an experience according to the Agile methodology, for this, choose one project or team that will be led by Agile. Gradually expand/share the experience gained with the rest of the company, which will give employees the opportunity to gradually and deeply comprehend the Agile methodology. This approach reduces the risk of disruption to the entire organization and allows team members to gain the necessary knowledge, practical experience, and generally increases their readiness to use innovative methodologies.

Involve all team members in the process

An integral part of the Agile methodology is collaboration and communication between team members, stakeholders, and users. Encouraging everyone to participate in the work process will help everyone get a clear idea of the project goals and their own vision of how they will contribute to the success of the project. This will also help minimize misunderstandings and improve the overall quality of the project.


“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

Give priority to flexibility

One of the core tenets of Agile is the ability to respond quickly to change – Responding to change over following a plan. Small and medium-sized enterprises often face drastic changes in environmental factors and need to be able to quickly and efficiently adapt to the new reality. It is often important for managers to create a “perfect” product/service, but in the face of constant change, focusing on excellence is not always an effective solution. In other words, the pursuit of excellence can prevent a company from creating value for its customers.

 “Done is Better Than Perfect."

Focus on "Creating Value"

Agile is an iterative-incremental and cyclical process - it is important to divide the workflow into time intervals (sprints), this process is continuous and with each iteration a part of the product is created. During each sprint, the team creates tangible value, albeit minimal, but still tangible. This focus on value allows small and medium-sized companies to better understand the needs of their customers and respond to them quickly and efficiently. This focus allows the project team to focus energy on collaborating with the client, - Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. 

Delivering a product or service in small chunks allows companies to avoid wasting time on features or services that do not provide value to the client, and instead focus on providing the most valuable features or services.

„Focus on what the customer needs, rather than what you think can be delivered.“

Be more simple

At first glance, the Agile methodology seems complicated, so it is important that the implementation process is simple and straightforward. Avoid overcomplicating the process with unnecessary bureaucracy and stick to the core principles of Agile. This will help minimize confusion among employees and ensure that the company's workflow is focused on creating value for the customer.

„Working software (product) over comprehensive documentation.“

Assess steps taken

It is very important to monitor progress regularly and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that everything is being done correctly to achieve the project goals. This will help to identify potential problems at an early stage and initiate the necessary actions. By using continuous measures of success, SMEs can better understand what approaches are working or not working for their organization and make the necessary changes to improve results.

Encourage an organizational culture focused on continuous development

Promoting a culture that values development and continuous improvement is critical to the successful implementation of Agile in small and medium-sized companies. This means giving team members the opportunity to develop their skills, get out of their comfort zone and not be afraid of new challenges. By encouraging a culture of continuous improvement, SMEs can even more professionally focus on delivering a product/service that delivers value to their customers.

In summary, the Agile methodology is a powerful approach for SMBs to better adapt to a rapidly changing and constantly changing business environment. By using this methodology, SMBs can deliver the most important value creation for their customers and increase the level of collaboration and collaboration within their team.

It is clear that Agile is most actively used in the IT sector, although the benefits of this approach can be used in other areas. This requires all companies to find their way through the agile transformation, which will help them strive for the right approach and continuous improvement to remain competitive and achieve their goals.


Work-life balance, fair pay and equal values are what Generation Z wants and is willing to leave the company if they don't get it.

It's probably no news that Gen-Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, is the most popular generation at this stage, making up a third (30%) of the world's population. And this means that the share of their capital in the labor market is large and in the coming years this figure will increase even more (by 2025, their number in the labor market will be 27%). But what do they want in terms of career and what values are important for Gen-Z when choosing an employer, and have employers thought about this?

Technological changes and the establishment of new norms in the work process lead to transformations, both at the organizational and individual levels. Technological developments are changing the rules of work in and of themselves, but perhaps a more important change is the arrival of a new generation on the scene who plans to act on their own rules and leave a new mark on the employer-employee relationship.

Leading companies have already begun to take care of how to attract the talents of future generations. “Generation Z is an important part of the ACT workforce. They are the future of our company and country, and we are well aware of how to meet their expectations, which are somewhat different from the expectations of other generations. Their demands naturally flow from their core values: freedom, equality, an inclusive and sustainable environment. They do not want to work in companies that do not recognize equal, fair approaches and attitudes towards any employee in all aspects: communication, labor relations, development, career growth, salary, etc. It is also important for them to create a diverse and inclusive environment, which implies such an involvement of the employee in the organizational context, when he gets the feeling that he is accepted, respected and understood, taking into account his unique personality, abilities and experience. ", - Tea Shamatava, Head of Human Resources and Organizational Development, ACT.

How is Gen-Z different from previous generations and what do they want?

While everyone wants to do interesting work with decent pay and conditions, to have the opportunity for career growth and development, there are still several characteristics that distinguish Gen-Z from their predecessors: millennials, generation -X and baby boomers. This is the first digital generation that grew up with little or no memory of a world without technology and the Internet. This generation has been called the first "Global Generation", a member of a society where access to global content and information is more free, and e-commerce activities from anywhere in the world are considered the norm. Therefore, for them, remote work, freelancing and finding the right career opportunities for them is a familiar process. You might think this is a generation motivated by more pragmatic comforts and guaranteed wages, but that's not always the case.

Generation Z talent emerged when flexibility is not only possible but inevitable, digital connectivity is ubiquitous, and employees have more power to demand what they want from companies. According to a recent RippleMatch report, Generation Z can change jobs 10 times between the ages of 18 and 34. The old concept of a career ladder that starts at the lowest rung and ends at the executive rung can be replaced with something more flexible. According to the 2022 TalentLMs survey, 82% of working Gen Zers prioritize work-life balance and mental health, while 74% choose hybrid or full-time remote work. Seeing that other generations in the workplace are constantly running out of time, burn out at work and lack adequate economic security, Gen Z is demanding more free time, the ability to work remotely, and greater social responsibility from organizations. After poor pay, burnout and a lack of work-life balance were the top reasons they quit. Many of these values were millennial preferences, but for Generation Z, this is a need, this is what they expect from their employer, and if their demands are not met, they will leave the company. Often referred to as the anti-capitalist generation, Generation Z wants everything at once, but at the same time is ready to spend as much as possible in the workplace for the right employer.

According to popular belief, this is simply a generation that responds to contemporary social movements and makes good use of the lessons learned by the previous generation in the career planning process.

In the GOBankingRates survey, 19.6% of Gen-Z's other priorities are career passion, while 16.5% are salary. Although in some cases other benefits were mentioned before the financial interest, salary still matters a lot among the young people interviewed. They want to work in jobs that interest them and earn a fair salary, and they also want to feel connected to their organization. For businesses, this means they need to be transparent about building their employer brand, talking loudly about the benefits they offer to employees, and how they create a positive work culture. This means that employers will have to change their strategy for attracting, hiring and developing talent, which will lead to changes in the labor market as a whole and will benefit not only this particular generation, but any generation.

Where is the disparity between Gen-Z and employers?

In a 2023 Deloitte Digital study, Gen-Z employees and their executives were surveyed to see if they understand each other's priorities. As a result of the study, three main problems were identified:

• Conflicting views on the meaning of empathy

Gen-Z values their leaders' empathy and sees it as a necessary condition for engagement, but managers surveyed did not find empathy as valuable. It is important for this generation to be seen as a personality in the workplace and not just a KPI force.

• Different views have emerged on the impact of work on mental health.

Representatives of Gen-Z believe that their mental health is not properly maintained. Their ideas about how work affects mental health differ from those of their leaders. Less than half of respondents say that their supervisors help them maintain a normal workload, and 28% believe that they have mental problems because of the boss. It is vital for them not to think about work after hours and not feel overwhelmed.

• Different ideas about the importance of work in defining personality.

Gen Z views work less as part of their identity, while for most of their managers, this connection is strong, and for 86% of them, work is part of their identity.

The reasons for this gap of different views can be:

• Management doesn't understand what Gen-Z wants

• Managers are aware of the desires of generation Z, but do not agree with them

• Both groups agree that changes are needed, but there is no clear vision of how these changes should occur.

To fill each of these gaps, leaders must take different actions, and these actions necessarily involve change. Generations and their values change, which naturally leads to corporate and organizational transformations. In this process, it is vital for modern companies to communicate more with employees, ensure their involvement in the decision-making process and create platforms where they can express their opinion on a particular issue in the organization.

A catalyst for change?

Each generation has its own unique style, needs, goals and characteristics. That's why it's so important to create an environment where all employees feel engaged, inspired, energized and able to express themselves, collaborate and learn from each other. This is why it is important for companies to offer first work experience programs such as internships and various project opportunities. Instead, Generation Z brings new skills, innovative ideas, and diverse perspectives.

Every generation changes the workplace, from the arrival of women in the workplace during World War II, to millennials who have raised awareness of fundamental issues such as mental health, equality and inclusion, decent working conditions, and more. But Gen-Z as a workforce is emerging after the historic Covid-19 pandemic and at a time when fundamental changes are taking place in terms of technological development, values are changing and people are no longer dependent on one employer, so what Gen-Z is looking for and what they prioritize today is likely to largely determine the labor market and lead to long-term change. Preparing for change starts today.


The complexity, ambiguity and rapid change of the modern world are the biggest challenges for both individuals and organizations. Each of us feels the difficulties of adapting to change on our shoulders, and this pressure manifests itself in different ways in our daily lives, whether it be confusion, stress or burnout. One of the main questions of today is - how to deal with all this? What do we most need in order to achieve the desired results in the light of the current reality, without losing the feeling of fulfillment and happiness that comes from being involved in the process?

In Gestalt psychology, development (life in general) is seen as the interaction of the organism and the environment, as a result of which the personality changes and grows. This attitude is called creative adaptation. The contact of a person with the environment is the more creative, the less it is conditioned by rigid formulas and schemes. Accordingly, its growth and development is greater. Creative thinking is even more relevant in a world where the pace of change is accelerating and where artificial intelligence will replace many routine tasks. One of the major challenges facing modern organizations is how to build an organizational culture that encourages creative and growth-oriented thinking, where employees themselves are change makers, where they are created according to a clear vision and values.

systems and decisions are made. To better understand the benefits of creative thinking, let's take a closer look at how it differs from reactive (fixed) thinking, what determines their formation. First of all, it should be said that both types of thinking have different rules of the game and both games are an integral part of our reality.

Reactive thinking works according to the rules of the outer game. This is an orientation towards external reality, this is the development of knowledge and competencies that the environment requires from us. It is our existing knowledge and experience, managerial, technical and leadership competencies adapted to the requirements of the outdoor game. As a result, the so-called "traditional ways" of adapting to the environment are formed and strengthened. Fixed or reactive thinking. Reactive thinking is defensively oriented, trying to play in such a way that it doesn't lose. Every day more and more energy is required to respond to the changing and growing demands of the environment. During outdoor play, a person's sense of security and worth depends on external validation. Since any knowledge today becomes obsolete, and the environment sets new tasks for a person, external assessments also change rapidly and are unstable over time. Adapting to them requires a lot of energy from a person. As a result, anxiety and feelings of pressure increase.

Fixed or reactionary thinking (same external game) reacts to problems,

It is possible to reduce the severity of problems, but not to bring about qualitative changes. This is one of its main limitations. When the outer game dominates and the inner game constantly follows it, the result is increased stress and tension, and a decrease in human happiness. The external game finds a corresponding reflection in the organizational culture. In fixed mindset organizations, innovation and innovative approaches are not encouraged or implemented, they are intimidated by competition, and they struggle to maintain their position. In conditions of reactive management, the “language of guilt” is often used, there are frequent conversations about problems and endless attempts to find their causes, although they cannot be eliminated, there is no qualitative change in the context that caused the problems. The employee is uninitiated and waits for tasks, is afraid to make a mistake, so he does not take a step towards innovations. In such an organizational culture, the worker is lost and depressed, unable to develop and realize his creative potential. Hence, his engagement and happiness index is very low. As for the inner game, this is a process directed from the inside out, which is based on self-knowledge, awareness of one's own desires. The focus of the inner game is “what I want, what worries me”, and not “what I need, what they will tell me”. Accordingly, it is development-oriented, in which case a person contributes to the valuable work for him with his unique “I”, unique vision. A person focused on the inner game has a vision of the future and consciously takes steps towards it. Indoor games develop creative thinking. At this time, with each contact with the environment, the individual creates a unique experience, creating something that did not exist before. Creative Thinking "It's a game to win with all your heart, with nothing to gain and nothing to lose" (Larry Wilson, The Game to Win). The "inside game" does not depend on external debt. In such cases, failure is also an experience and, as a result, self-esteem is not destroyed. The internal game is a complex internal system in which the individual ability to give meaning (who we are and how we see our own identity, how we see our role in the world) is built; Decision-making process (what are the values and beliefs based on which we make decisions), self-awareness and a high level of emotional intelligence. Inner play, also known as the growth mindset, combines skills such as dignity, sincerity, high self-awareness, cooperation, courage, humility, intuition, inner wisdom. It is these qualities that are vital for us to grow and develop in contact with the environment, and not vice versa, to be repressed and become hostile. These character traits develop creative abilities in us and create the right ground for the development of new competencies, a better mood, interest and openness.

Those organizations that focus on the internal game, attach the greatest importance to the vision and values, the coincidence of the values of the organization and the employee. Such organizations create space for development, gaining new experience, introducing innovations. Teamwork and collaboration are encouraged. In such a culture, they promote self-awareness and action with conscious motivation, choosing things in accordance with the interests of the worker. Welcome openness, changes and support each other in these changes. Today's complex, fast-paced and ambiguous reality requires individuals and organizations to pay more attention to the inner game as it is a more reliable system to navigate. Establishing a healthy relationship with the environment without a strong internal play structure is unthinkable. Understanding the importance of the internal game for the leaders of the organization and readiness for transformation is the first step, although the successful transformation of the organization is possible with an integrated approach, consistent and daily work. It is a process involving continuous and often painful decisions. Proper assessment of this process and appropriate preparation are prerequisites for the desired change. For simplicity, we can say that the successful transformation of the organization is associated with consistent changes in all three areas (vision, organizational culture and performance systems) and maintaining their balance. We share this approach in ACT, in the direction of management consulting ACT offers organizations a successful transformation model POWER3. The balance of the three forces achieved in the process of transformation can become a prerequisite for a harmonious transition to the inner game. Finally, if we can move from reactive thinking to creative thinking, we can create a vision that best aligns with our inner values. Values will energize us and give us the strength to master every day the work that best expresses our core message and brings us closer each time to the vision we created.


I really love to travel, I try to visit a new country at every opportunity, for the last four or five years all the stories of my vacation abroad are connected with Germany, the reason is my friends who moved to Germany, who settled in different regions of Germany in search of a better life.

It has become a trend around me when people close to me go or try to go to different developed countries, their main motive is to get better opportunities and quality of life, and the term of departure is indefinite or permanent - Anita, 27 years old: "I went abroad because life in Georgia every day is a struggle for self-preservation, there are social, economic and mental factors.I don’t want to spend my whole life fighting for survival, I want to enjoy life and be in an environment where I can develop, learn, have fun, etc.”

The list of long-term top reasons for leaving the country, cited as environmental ones, is long and includes mostly socio-economic factors: high cost of food and basic necessities, high real estate prices, low incomes, and so on. ., the feeling of hopelessness created in the country is important. Lack of access to relevant services is also related to the unstable atmosphere and the general geopolitical situation.

Due to the urgency of the problem, the ACT team decided to study the attitude of the population towards migration, their experience, as well as collect official information related to this issue, which we share with you, readers.

To see the overall picture of migration, we reviewed the official data obtained by the National Statistical Service of Georgia. According to the National Statistical Service of Georgia, 125,269 people emigrated from Georgia in 2022, it should be noted that most of them - 80.5% (100,802 people) were citizens of Georgia. The research team contacted Sakstat to find out for what purpose, for what type of work and to which countries the population emigrated from Georgia in 2022, but this information was not available. As for the level of immigration, according to the National Statistical Service of Georgia, the number of immigrants in 2022 amounted to 179,778 people, among them the share of Georgian citizens was 30.3% (54,405 people).

How to explain the positive balance of migration?

Although the number of Georgian emigrants exceeded the number of Georgian immigrants by 46,397, in 2022 the migration balance was positive, with 54,509 more citizens entering the country than leaving. The number of immigrants who arrived in Georgia from the Russian Federation in 2022 exceeds the number of immigrants from all other countries and amounts to 62,304 citizens. The number of people who migrated from Ukraine is high - 20,716 and from Belarus - 13,316. In total, in 2022, only the number of Georgian emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants, which suggests a positive migration balance due to the influx of citizens of other countries. Among them, the number of citizens of the Russian Federation is at least three times higher than the number of immigrants from all other countries.

Green card

With a positive growing migration balance, the population of Georgia is looking for different ways to leave the country. One of the most common forms of emigration from Georgia is participation in the drawing of a green card. There has been an increase in the number of people around me who have completed the green card or are considering moving to the United States of America as one of their alternative plans for the future. We were interested in the number of participants and green card holders from Georgia in the green card draw. According to the US State Department, from 2011 to 2021, the number of Georgians trying to get a green card almost tripled, from 39,253 to 112,464. In 2022, 2,071 Georgian citizens won a green card, and from 2002 to 2022, that figure reached 18,737. Eka, 43 years old: “I applied for a Green Card several times with my husband, I want to go to America for employment.” I have a job in Georgia. I also want to live and work in my country, but I feel unstable and insecure both in front of myself and in front of my husband. The reason for our departure is low income and unstable work. The backwardness of the country and the lack of future, development and progress.

Mood and plans for the future of the population

My sentiments about emigration coincided with the opinion of the majority of the population, the results of the EITI survey showed that the majority of the population of Georgia - 83% share the opinion that over the past 3 years the number of people who left Georgia to live abroad for a long time or permanently has increased. 9 out of 10 respondents believe that the main purpose of leaving is to find a job. As for the reasons for leaving, according to citizens, the outflow from the country is mainly related to social and economic factors: low pensions and incomes - 69%, lack of jobs - 62 %, expensive goods and services (food, clothing, etc.) - 42%. Almost one-fifth of the population - 18% - emphasizes the availability and low quality of health care, for 16% the main reason for emigration is a sense of social hopelessness.

A real experience of going abroad

As for the actual experience of respondents traveling abroad, over the past 3 years, every second respondent-citizen or a member of his family, or a respondent with family members, went abroad. It should be noted that this experience is more common in Tbilisi - 56% than in the regions - 41%. More than half of the respondents and/or their family members - 51% went abroad to work, a quarter of the respondents - 25% for vacation. 43% of those who left the capital went on vacation, and the bulk of the region's population - 61% - went to work.

Future plans and expectations

Recently, I have been considering going abroad as one of my future plans, for me it is more of a “forced alternative” than a real desire. It turned out that a quarter of the respondents - 25% also have a desire to leave for a long time or forever. The main reasons why respondents want to leave for a long time or permanently are still related to socio-economic factors, a relatively small number of respondents named such factors as a sense of hopelessness in society - 14%, inaccessibility of education or its low level. quality - 13%, inaccessibility of medical services or low quality - 12%, it is worth noting that access to education and medical services is relevant for most of the population of Tbilisi.

Due to the increase in immigration of foreign citizens, my Georgian friends/acquaintances are leaving for developed countries in search of a better life, mainly to Germany or the United States of America. According to the ACT study, one fifth of the respondents who want to leave the country for a long time or permanently, mainly go to Germany (20%) and the United States of America (20%), it should be noted that the number of people who want to go to Germany in the region is relatively large and amounts to 23 %, and a quarter of respondents from the capital - 30% want to go to the United States of America. Every third respondent (28%) finds it difficult to say where he wants to go for a long time or forever.

As for the prospects for the return of the Georgian population who left for emigration, every fourth (39%) respondent believes that the population who left the country will never return, this opinion is shared by half of the population of Tbilisi - 49%.

Despite the problems in our country, my favorite part of every trip is returning to Georgia, I often wish that the conditions, the environment would make me want to return to Georgia, and not very subjective reasons, although I am also aware that we are creating such environment together, of course, first of all by the mandate of trust that we give to those who are responsible for creating this environment, and on the other hand, by active civic activity, with the help of which we contribute to maintaining this responsibility.

Research methodology: ACT conducted a population survey on issues related to migration in June 2023. The study involved 801 randomly selected citizens of Georgia aged 18+. The average statistical error of the data is 3.5%. The method used is a telephone survey.

According to the Sakstat methodology:


A person who left Georgia and stayed in the territory of another state for at least 6 months (183 days) during the last 12 months. This number of days can be cumulative over several trips abroad.

In addition, for this person who left the country, Georgia must have been the country of permanent residence (i.e., he must have spent at least 6 months in Georgia in the previous 12 months before leaving the country).


A person who crossed the border of Georgia and stayed in the territory of Georgia for at least 6 months during the last 12 months. In this case, it is also possible that this is the total number for several trips. In addition, Georgia was not his country of permanent residence (i.e., he had spent at least 6 months outside of Georgia in the previous 12 months).

Migration balance - the ratio of people leaving the country and entering the country.


1.  https://publika.ge/2022-wels-saqartvelos-100-000-ze-meti-moqalaqe-wavida-emigraciashi-saqstati/ 

2. https://www.geostat.ge/ka/modules/categories/322/migratsia 

3.  https://www.usgreencardoffice.com/winners/DV-2023 

4. https://jam-news.net/georgians-in-america/#:~:text=And%20every%20year%2C%20more%20people,citizens%20won%20the%20green%20card.


Changes in consumer needs and the business environment, as well as the rapid development of the digital environment, have revolutionized our economic and social activities in recent years. New forms of digital interaction and information exchange are challenging businesses and pushing them to embrace different digital solutions. The Covid-19 pandemic and associated economic uncertainty have brought this issue to the forefront, forcing many businesses to determine their current and future strategy on their own. To avoid value chain disruptions and meet ever-changing customer needs, companies are using digital technologies to create new digital services and business models, strengthening strategies and governance to support change. This complex combination of people, processes and technologies involved in constant change is what we can call digital transformation. Researchers agree that digital transformation is a holistic process of organizational change driven by digital technologies.

Over the decades, academics, managers and consultants have recognized that transforming organizations is difficult, and digital transformation is even more difficult, and have been trying to create different models for successful practice. They modeled the role of leaders who set a vision and unite employees around a shared vision, emphasized the importance of organizational culture in this process, demonstrated the negative impact of downward communication on digital transformation, and called on companies to listen to employees and involve them in change and create an environment conducive to the formation of new ideas. However, research shows that in most organizations, two out of three transformation initiatives fail. The more things change, the more things stay the same. ( “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” - Jean-baptiste alphonse karr)

In reality, most companies fail to follow established guidelines at some point in time. It is important for change managers to know how to manage change in a specific context. Understanding and analyzing different approaches to digital transformation is the best basis for managing the changes brought about by the digital context.


And yet, what is digital transformation?

The concept of digital transformation (DT) is formed by the merging of personal and corporate information technologies and includes the transformative effect of new digital technologies, such as social, mobile, analytical, cloud technologies and the Internet of things. Some researchers understand digital transformation as the integration of digital technologies and business processes into the digital economy [Liu et. al. 2011) in a relatively broad sense, DT is perceived as a driver of change in all contexts, especially in the business context, and influences the improvement of all aspects of business (Kraus et.al, 2021). More precisely, digital transformation involves three organizational aspects: improving the user experience and changing its life cycle; Optimization of business processes and changes in organizational structure, which ultimately leads to the creation of completely new business models (Benlian et al., 2016).

Digital transformation is seen as one of the most real challenges regardless of industry. Although organizations understand its fundamental importance, they still face a number of obstacles that make it difficult to initiate digital transformation, let alone reap the benefits of this transformation. (Schuchmann & Seufert, 2015)

The growing number of opportunities brought about by the development of information technology also forces companies to “systematically identify new business opportunities at an early stage” (Kiel et al., 2016, p. 675) and requires managers to adapt to one or more business models, or even creating a completely new business model. In a recent survey on digital transformation (McKinse, 2018), executives reported that their leaders are “more engaged in digital transformation than ever before,” but at the same time they said that “their companies must first solve a number of organizational problems before how digitalization can have a truly transformative impact on their business.” In this context, it can be assumed that digital transformation de facto affects all processes within the company, as it influences corporate strategies and leads to the revision and adaptation of existing business models (Linz et al., 2017). However, the extent to which digital technology adoption impacts corporate performance and can lead to innovative business models depends on the resources and capabilities available within the company, and it will take time for business models to become more context-sensitive than technology models. Therefore, it is interesting what stages a business goes through on the path to digital transformation and how these stages should be managed.

The stages of digital transformation provide companies with different opportunities at each stage. The first two stages - digitalization (also called modernization) and general business transformation - involve changing the existing business and forming it anew. And the final stage focuses on creating new business and creating more value by opening up new opportunities. (E. G. Popkova, Y. V. Ragulina, A. V. Bogoviz, 2019)

Based on various literature and research works, it can be said that organizations face difficulties in all three stages and if the company moves to the next stage without completing any of the stages, the failure rate will be even higher. 

The first step (digitalization) involves simplifying and digitizing existing business processes using so-called ERP systems. This could be a customer relationship management (CRM) application, supplier relationship management (SRM) software, or other applications to optimize supply chain processes; In terms of employee experience, this could be automating HR processes or providing employees with a self-service portal, etc.

Is implementing these digital programs enough to transform an organization? - of course not. But this step is a critical foundation for organizational strength and rapid return on investment. This allows businesses to make more complex investments in their digital transformation journey.

The second stage (transformation of the entire business) is an attempt to change the complex cross-functional value chain. Steps taken at this stage for employees can be flexible transformation, creating a culture of continuous learning and development, improving the quality of customer service, this can be done by moving the product to digital channels, creating an application with integrated payment methods, delivery systems etc.

Can we call this an attempt at transformation? - Yes. Adapting the traditional organizational structure to changes, introducing appropriate management models, and taking care of talent development are the most important elements for the success of digital transformation.

Business-wide transformations typically focus on improving existing operations. But when successful, they often open up new opportunities to create value, for example by opening new markets or finding efficient new ways of doing business. That's why business-wide transformation is functional and complex, and the experience and knowledge gained at this stage is critical for companies on the path to digital transformation.

The third step (creating a new business) involves taking advantage of new opportunities to create value and create additional revenue streams. In terms of user experience, this could be the creation of a new business model, such as from selling a product or service to a subscription-based business model. On the operations side, this could be the use of data and analytics to accurately predict the operational performance of products or systems.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” -Winston Churchill

If we rely on neuroscientists, it is important to consider how habits are formed and how our brains respond to changing habits. To do this, companies often use the 7C model (Fig. 1), which assumes:


During the transformation process, everything must be certain. To reduce risks, the roles of managers and leaders must be clearly defined. The goals of digital transformation must also be clear. Unclear goals can add to existing anxiety because employees won't know whether they've achieved the goal or how to measure their progress toward it. This means that goals must be specific and measurable. For example, a task given to employees to improve productivity could be formulated as follows: “Write four reports in the next quarter.” This way, they will know exactly what they want to achieve and identify strategies to achieve that goal.


For effective digital transformation, this process must be continuous. This means that the conversion does not stop once it has started. Companies should plan for the next changes and get feedback on previous changes.

Employees often need time to process new information because most of the information received is quickly forgotten by the human brain. If the information is reviewed after a few days, it is much easier to retain. Therefore, when introducing digital products into an organization, training must be conducted and continually evaluated to ensure it is effective and maximizes its benefits.


Leaders need to convey the message that digital transformation is inevitable and that the company will continue to thrive. This feeling of security and confidence will reduce threat anxiety in the brain. Communication and a sense of security will keep employees engaged in the change process, increasing the chances of success.


There are theories that say that forming a new habit takes time. Change happens more easily when done consistently and in small doses. Leaders may want to make big changes to the company, but if they are focused only on achieving the end goal from the beginning and do not begin to implement these changes in small steps, the change process can be very difficult and painful.


Because the brain is a social organ, people can find comfort in interacting with others. Leaders can empower employees to create more work-oriented teams. In addition, it is necessary to involve them in the digital transformation process. Employees are more adaptable if they feel like they are the decision makers.


Many people may feel uncomfortable in a turbulent environment when a company changes. They may doubt their competence, their abilities, etc. This can lead to increased anxiety and depression. In contrast to these feelings, leaders must ensure that their employees' self-esteem increases. They need to show that employees themselves control the processes, make choices about what tactics to use to achieve the goal, etc.


Communication is key when it comes to transformation. Employees want to feel like they have a voice and that their voice is understood. When making changes, it is necessary to create platforms where employees will have the opportunity to share their opinions and be part of the changes as much as possible. Leaders must show empathy during stressful times and connect with employees on an emotional level. This communication can take the form of surveys, feedback sessions, or one-on-one conversations.


How should companies make the technological changes that differentiate successful digital transformation from the rest?

True transformation requires new ways of working, in which leadership plays a critical role as it involves moving from an existing operating model to a new one. Therefore, it is extremely important to have leaders who are well-versed in modern technology.

It is recognized that the top management of a company is responsible for the major strategic decisions of the organization. Senior management involvement in driving digital transformation and innovation management is an important part of corporate commitment to a company's strategic efforts and is positively correlated with the successful implementation of digital initiatives. Involving executives in transformation is critical because their specialized knowledge, skills, and experience are typically the greatest and most important organizational resources. Existing experience reveals the role of the executive, especially in conditions of high uncertainty.

One of the most important roles of chief executive officers (CEOs) is to mobilize employees to contribute to the company's strategic goals. In recent years, the concept of transformational leadership has become relevant, which promotes intellectual stimulation, creates idealized influence, inspires motivation and stimulates innovative growth. Transformational leaders manage to initiate reforms in the organization at a strategic level, inspire and guide people towards these changes. These leaders create organizational culture by placing greater emphasis on a shared vision, which leads to shared values between the company and its employees. In an organizational culture with such shared values, achieving a common goal is achieved much more effectively than in companies where there is no agreed-upon vision. Organizational development researchers argue that transformational leaders play a key role and have a significant impact on organizational culture and values. The role of leaders in bringing about change in their companies is essential, which means that without leadership there can be no change. They play a decisive role in accelerating or slowing down organizational change, so their tasks during a change management strategy can be formulated as follows:

Develop an organizational culture that encourages innovation at all levels. Creating an organizational climate that supports innovation and change is an important step forward for companies. Human capital, which is unique to every organization, needs to be encouraged. Management must address two broad issues. First, leaders need to understand the impact of their role behavior on digital transformation stakeholders. The second factor is the ability of leaders to cope with high levels of uncertainty while simultaneously stimulating innovation.

Digital transformation is impossible without thinking outside the box. Attention to creativity and divergent thinking has been especially focused in the 21st century, when the development of information technology has revolutionized our lives, work processes, communication, behavior, etc. Today, pragmatic and straightforward decisions are no longer valued as highly as they were during the development of manufacturing. According to research, as people reach adulthood, divergent thinking decreases, so people begin to think routinely and repeat what they have learned. Therefore, in the workplace, it is the responsibility of leaders to encourage the generation of original ideas and creative thinking. Since employees are given the freedom to innovate their tasks, it leads to both motivation and enthusiasm to work consistently and achieve innovative goals. The only serious problem with this process occurs when it is not supported by a strong value system in the organization that can guide activities in accordance with the overall goals of the organization.

Set short-term goals and celebrate small victories. Successful and sustainable digital transformation takes time, which means the distant prospect of an end goal may not motivate employees. Therefore, leaders must create an environment conducive to early success and visible improvement. Small achievements like these make many people feel enthusiastic and motivate them to do better.

Making transformation a personal goal. People are generally more enthusiastic about something when they think it was their idea than when they are assigned to do it. Therefore, if managers care more about a particular initiative, employees perceive it as their own. However, when employees understand how digital transformation improves their work processes, it becomes clear that their contribution to achieving the transformation goal increases.

Monitoring progress is not only beneficial for all stakeholders involved in a digital transformation project, but is also critical to strategy development. Key performance indicators and transformation management indicators highlight strategy weaknesses. By understanding what works and what doesn't, leaders can adjust the plan.

Too often, senior management forgets that they are not the only role models influencing employees; Informal leaders in organizations may have less influence on the energy levels of their colleagues if they are excited about the change agenda. Regardless of their official title and status, attracting such people increases the likelihood of change success by 3.8 times.

Here are steps companies can take during transformation to increase their chances of success:

  1. Rethinking the workplace. Successful digital transformation requires both digitally savvy leaders and the human capital to drive digital transformation change. Of course, companies will have to invest to develop radically different skills and abilities among employees or to hire new talent, but without this, change is impossible. One of the most important steps for organizations is to develop clear working capital strategies that will help identify the digital skills and capabilities they currently have and will need to achieve their future goals.
  2. Renewing the organization's culture. As digital transformation requires new ways of working, as well as changes to the overall culture of an organization, employees must be able to work differently and keep up with the faster pace of business. The introduction of digital tools and renewal processes, as well as the development of a flexible operating model, will facilitate these changes.
  3. Changing old ways of communication. Good communication has always been a key success factor in traditional change efforts, and it is no less important in digital transformation. In a digital context, companies must use more creative channels to enable new, faster ways of working and faster changes in thinking and behavior that digital transformation requires. One shift is a shift from traditional channels that support only one-way communication (such as company-wide email) to more interactive platforms (such as internal social media) that open the door to open dialogue within the organization.


Liu, D.Y., Chen, S.W., Chou, T.C. (2011) Resource fit in digital transformation: lessons learned

from the CBC Bank global e-banking project. Manag. Decis. 49(10), 1728–1742

Kraus S., Jones P., Kailer R. , Weinmann A., Chaparro-Banegas N., and Roig-Tierno N. (2021) Digital Transformation: An Overview of the Current State of the Art of Research

Benlian T. H., A., Matt, C., Wiesböck, F. (2016) Options for formulating a digital transformation strategy. MIS Q. Exec. 15(2), 123–139

Schuchmann, D., Seufert, S. (2015) Corporate learning in times of digital transformation: a conceptual framework and service portfolio for the learning function in banking organizations. Int. J. Adv. Corp. Learn. (iJAC) 8(1), 31–39

Kiel, Daniel & Arnold, Christian & Collisi, Matthias & Voigt, Kai-Ingo. (2016). The Impact of the Industrial Internet of Things on Established Business Models.

Dr. Linz, Carsten & Müller-Stewens, Günter & Zimmermann, Alexander. (2017). Radical Business Model Transformation: Gaining the Competitive Edge in a Disruptive World.





  • რამდენად ნათელია ორგანიზაციის განვითარების ხედვა კომპანიის მმართველ გუნდში?
  • რამდენად შეთანხმებულია სტრატეგიული პრიორიტეტები? რა სტრატეგიულ საკითხებში არსებობს სრული თანხმობა, და სად იკვეთება განსხვავებული მოსაზრებები?
  • როგორ აღიქვამენ ორგანიზაციის თანამშრომლები კომპანიის სტრატეგიას? რამდენად ნათელია მათთვის, საით მიდის კომპანია? რამდენად შეთანხმებულად და ერთიანად აღიქვამენს ისინი მმართველ გუნდს?


  • რამდენად ჯანსაღია ორგანიზაციული კლიმატი - ურთიერთობები, გარემო, თანამშრომელთა თვითრეალიზაციის შესაძლებლობა
  • რამდენად ეფექტურია მართვისა და ლიდერშიფის სტილი - პროდუქტიულობის, თანამშრომელთა ჩართულობისა და რეალიზებულობის თვალსაზრისით
  • რამდენად ლოიალურები არიან თანამშრომლები და რამდენად მაღალია მათი ჩართულობა ორგანიზაციის საქმიანობაში
  • როგორია კოლაბორაციის ხარისხი მიკრო გუნდებს შიგნით და გუნდებს შორის?
  • რა არის ის მნიშვნელოვანი ფასეულობები, რომელიც განსაზღვრავს ორგანიზაციის კულტურას?
  • რა არის ის კონტრ-პროდუქტიული ქცევები ორგანიზაციაში, რომელიც წინააღმდეგობაში მოდის ძირითად ფასეულობებთან და აზიანებს კულტურას?


  • რამდენად ეფექტური და თანმიმდევრულია კომპანია მიღებული გადაწყვეტილებების აღსრულებაში?
  • როგორია თანამშრომელთა პასუხისმგებლობის ხარისხი საკუთარი კომპეტენციების და პასუხსიმგებლობების ფარგლებში?
  • რამდენად ეფექტურად და ამოცანების ადეკვატურად იგეგმება რესურსები (ადამიანური, დროითი, ფინანსური, ტექნიკური)?
  • რამდენად ეფექტურია არსებული მართვის სისტემა და ორგანიზაციული სტრუქტურა კომპანიის მმართველი გუნდის და თანამშრომლების თვალსაზრისით?
  • რამდენად ეფექტურია ორგანიზაციის ცალკეული დომეინი (მაგ. HR, ოპერაციები, ფინანსების მართვა, გაყიდვები, მარკეტინგი და სხვ.) რა არის ამის მიზეზები?
  • რაში ხედავს კომპანიის მმართველი გუნდი ეფექტურობის გაზრდის შესაძლებლობებს?

POWER3 დიაგნოსტიკის ფარგლებში თქვენ შეძლებთ დაინახოთ ორგანიზაცია, როგორც მისი მმართველი გუნდის, ისე მისი თანამშრომლების თვალით; აღმოაჩინოთ მსგავსება და განსხვავებები მათ მოსაზრებებს შორის. ნათლად დაინახოთ ორგანიზაციის მართვის გასაუმჯობესებელი მხარეები და მისი განვითარების პოტენციალი.

გარდა სიღრმისეული ანალიზისა, POWER3® დიაგნოსტიკის ეისითის მიერ შემუშავებული უნიკალური ინსტრუმენტი რამდენიმე უმნიშვნელოვანეს ორგანიზაციულ ინდექსს მოგცემთ, რომელიც დიაგნოსტიკის შემდეგ ორგანიზაციაში გატარებული სამუშაოების შედაგად მიღებული პროგრესის მონიტორინგისა და შეფასების შესაძლებლობას მოგცემთ. ეს ინდექსებია:

POWER3® დიაგნოსტიკ კომპანიის ზომიდან გამომდინარე, 4-6 კვირა გრძელდება. დიაგნოსტიკური სამუშაოებისა და ანალიტიკური ანგარიშის გარდა, მისი მეთოდოლოგია ასევე ითვალისწინებს კომპანიის მმართველ გუნდთან ერთ დღიან სტრატეგიულ ვორქშოფს. ჩვენი გამოცდილება აჩვენებს, რომ ხშირად ორგანიზაციის მენეჯმენტის წევრები განსხვავებულად ხედავენ ორგანიზაციულ რეალობას - არსებულ გამოწვევებს, მათ წინაპირობასა და გადაჭრის გზებს. ეს ბუნებრივია, რადგან სხვადახვა პოზიციაზე მყოფი მენეჯერი განსხვავებული რაკურსით ხედავს ორგანიზაციას, ამას ემატება მათი განსხვავებული პროფესიული თუ პიროვნული გამოცდილების პრიზმაც. სწორედ რეალობის ეს განსხვავებული აღქმა ხდება გუნდის წევრებს შორის წინააღმდეგობისა და დაძაბულობის მიზეზი, რის შედეგადაც ფერხდება ორგანიზაციის განვითარება. POWER3® დიაგნოსტიკის ვორქშოფის მთავარი მიზანი, ტოპ-მენეჯმენტის მიერ სწორედ ამ განსხვავებების აღმოჩენა, ობიექტური მონაცემების საფუძველზე „ფოკუსის გასწორება“, ერთ რეალობაზე შეჯერება და შემდგომ ნაბიჯებზე შეთანხმებაა.

ჩვენ ამ ეტაპს „ბიზნეს-მომენტუმს“ ვეძახით. რადგან სწორედ ამ ვორქშოფზე ხდება ორგანიზაციის მმართველი გუნდის მიერ პრობლემის ანდა იმ კონკრეტული შესაძლებლობის გაცნობიერება - „მომენტუმი“, რაც მას მნიშვნელოვანი ცვლილებებისა და გარდასახვისკენ უბიძგებს.


A majority of the population wants the country to gain candidate status for EU membership, although only half the country hopes this will happen this year.

Desire and hope

A final decision on granting Georgia EU candidate status is due in December, but before then the European Commission will publish its annual report on enlargement, and the decision will largely be based on these assessments. There is one day left before the report is published.

The research company ACT conducted a study of Georgia's attitude towards accepting EU candidate status.

The population survey was conducted throughout the country on October 20-31, 2023, with 809 respondents aged 18-65 living in Georgia interviewed by telephone, with an overall margin of error of 3.5%.

According to the survey, 9 out of 10 Georgian citizens (87%) want the country to receive candidate status for EU membership. According to the study, 92% of residents of Tbilisi and 85% of the regions want to obtain candidate status for EU membership.

Almost half of the population of Georgia - 45% believe that this year the country will receive candidate status for EU membership. In the regions they are optimistic - 47% believe that the country will receive EU membership status this year, while in the capital expectations are lower - only 4 out of 10 citizens expect candidate status for EU membership this year.

EU membership means a developed future for the country.

The benefits of the country's accession to the European Union are obvious to the population of Georgia. According to a study conducted by ACT last year (June 2022), for 90% of the country's population, EU membership means a developed future for Georgia.

Citizens surveyed associated membership with a means of protection against Russian military aggression (66%), 8 out of 10 citizens believed that granting candidate membership status would be a clear signal sent to Russia that Georgia is committed to a Western course.

That is why last year's results coincide with the main data of this year's study and show the unshakable will of the Georgian people to become a member of the European family. According to a study conducted in 2022, every second citizen expected to receive candidate status for EU membership. According to the survey, the top three reasons for not receiving status were: violation of human rights (27%), an unclear position towards Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war (26%) and problems in the judicial system (26%). ).

83% of the population considered obtaining EU candidate status an important event and believed that Georgia was closer than ever to EU membership. Citizens believe that if Georgia does not receive candidate membership status in the near future, it will not have such a chance for a long time.

The choice of the people and the merit of the people

Last year's poll also showed who, in people's opinion, is responsible for not achieving EU candidate status - four out of 10 citizens (38%) believed that the responsibility lies with the Georgian government, and if the EU decides to give the country the status, 40% respondents believe that this will be the merit of the Georgian people.

On November 8, the European Commission will publish its annual report on enlargement, a finding that will form the basis for a decision scheduled for December. We already know what the majority of the country's population wants, but we do not know whether the expectations of optimistic citizens who believe that the glass is half full and the country is definitely on the threshold of Europe will be met.


If the growth of your company is not proportional to the growth of the result, If synergy is not created in the team, they do not talk about their mistakes and do not share their experiences. Then your organization may have an silo mentality and the organization itself is an silo organization.

What does a Silo organization mean?

A silo organization refers to a situationally small organization, divided into small, mechanical groups, where employees create a subculture adapted to them and, in some cases, develop terminology, a colloquial language characteristic of the subculture.

A subculture can be formed by departments, organizational ranks, and/or even a few individuals within a department. The steps, changes and sentiments made in such subcultures are unknown to the other group.

The formation of mechanical subcultures, the same silo subculture, is a hindrance to the organization because it separates it from the overall purpose or mission of the organization. At the same time, they operate with their own micro-interests in mind, reducing efficiency and synergy at the organizational or departmental level.


Why does a silo mentality develop?

Silo organization - formed by the style of silo thinking, originating from the archaic past, tribal principles.

People still retain the impulses of tribal organization and tend to form a small subculture, have a sense of belonging to this subculture and enter into competition with another subculture, “resist” it, these impulses dictate interaction in small subcultures and other subcultures. - Competition with cultures[1].

When an organization lacks the opportunity for communication and quality connections at a cultural or system level, when the organizational culture is not based on respectful relationships, and when senior management rewards only results-oriented and competitive behavior, it reinforces the silo mentality. For example, the principle of competition between departments increases disunity and kills the desire to cooperate. Tolerance of such an environment by management causes significant damage to the culture of the organization and leads to increased silo thinking/mentality.

Interestingly, silo thinking/mentality can form unintentionally when one team, a department, tries to quickly improve efficiency but fails to consider the processes and activities of other teams.

Why is silo thinking harmful?

Silo thinking has a major impact on organizational performance and can take several forms:


Low employee motivation and high staff turnover

Most of the team that leaves a job within a year of starting feels isolated, lacking the ability to collaborate and lacking a sense of unity with the team or leader.

Inefficiency, increasing number of unsuccessful projects

Teams with a silo mentality often fail due to a lack of communication and reluctance to share expertise, and their project completion rate is low and/or slow.

Missed opportunity

Silo mentality perceives the environment from a narrow perspective. Such teams are less likely to accept and share the experiences and perspectives of a new team member. In such an organization, there may be a feeling of missed opportunities, which can be expressed in words and/or actions, for example: “I already tried this method and it didn’t work,” “I tried talking many times, but it didn’t work,” etc.

Lack of alternative way to solve the problem.

Due to lack of communication and silo mentality, companies and teams miss out on alternative ways to solve problems and achieve goals. They lose the opportunity to creatively analyze the current situation.

Changing the Silo Thinking

There are several ways to change silo mentality, all of which involve improving collaboration and communication.

Let's look at some possible steps to help you change your silo organization:

Understanding the mission and vision of the organization by the team

An important way to overcome silo mentality is to define a clear, vibrant, authentic mission and vision. An equally important step in defining the mission and vision is to involve senior management in the development process and explain the importance of the mission and vision to each team member, showing their role in achieving the larger goal.

Leader's role

Silo mentality can be changed through an engaged and engaged leader who encourages employees. Ask questions and create appropriate platforms for them.

To change silo mentality, it is important for a leader to be a role model, empathetic and open to employees' ideas and initiatives.

Changing components of organizational culture

Changing silo mentality is very difficult without rethinking and changing the organizational culture and values in the organization. The main principle is to discover values that are organic to the organization and at the same time define success, emphasize it and take into account it in every process or standard of the organization.

In building culture, it is important to replace negative or neutral connection (causing silos) with high quality connection (HQC) in the organization. Also informal leaders in the organization, the so-called Involvement of cultural intermediaries and their support in changing the thinking of subcultures. Emphasizing the importance of cultural intermediaries in shaping organizational systems and making them a core component of the system.

Mobile organizational structure

It is an organizational structure that facilitates the organization and ability of departments to work together. The best example of such an organizational structure is the flexible structure.

When reviewing the structure and changing it, it is important to identify challenges in the organization, successful and unsuccessful examples of communication and collaboration, and establish an inclusive framework that will help:

• Establishing clearly defined roles and responsibilities;

• creating collaboration platforms and simple processes to get work done quickly;

• clearly define the responsibilities and powers of the organization's middle managers and strengthen them;

• clearly establishing the management style in the organization and uniting people around a common goal.

Cross-functional teams (also called tiger teams)

This arrangement of teams is fully consistent with modern business standards and involves bringing together people from different departments, functions, skills and knowledge to implement one common project and/or goal. The composition of cross-functional teams can vary depending on the goals and objectives. There are two types of cross-functional teams (“tiger teams”). In one case, the team meets once when a big problem arises. An example of this is the principle of teamwork in crisis management. In the second case, the team is more permanent in nature - for example, where a person on the team has a role parallel to his day-to-day responsibilities in the organization, for example, in an organization, the person may be a financial manager and at the same time be a member of a cross-functional team formed to share experience, whose task is development of organizational development and exchange systems. In both cases, periodic rotation of team members is desirable.

Information flow 

To avoid organizational silos, it is very effective to use a common management platform that will share news/information across the organization and reflect the status of completed and/or ongoing projects. It is also important to have a communications scheme in the organization, which will detail the principle of managing information flows, as well as the type and frequency of information dissemination within the company.

[1] The book "Cultural Puzzle" by Mario Mos, Derek Newberry and Greg Urban.


Believe in yourselves, dream big, and soar high because the truth is, for the potential of both men and women, the sky is the limit!

On November 8, a joint conference of the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA) and the World Federation of United Nations Associations Partnership for Impact Tbilisi Conference: from Blueprints to Breakthroughs took place.

The conference included a panel discussion "The Role of Partnerships in Advancing Gender Equality", where attention was focused on the multifaceted aspects of gender equality and women's empowerment. Panelists emphasized the need for women's active participation in public life, which leads to more stable societies. Challenging conditioned beliefs about male superiority was encouraged, and opportunities and empowerment were advocated without judgment. The need to support women to break the glass ceiling was acknowledged, and the importance of empowering women in technology was highlighted. Overall, the panel emphasized the importance of collaboration and empowerment as essential tools for advancing gender equality.

Tinatin Rukhadze, the founder of ACT, business leader and management consultant, served as a keynote speaker on the panel. During her speech, titled "From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women”, Tinatin Rukhadze addressed the prevalent challenges and barriers often experienced by women.

We're thrilled to share Tinatin Rukhadze’s inspiring speech, From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women, in its entirety, unaltered and powerful, as she shares her journey and insights!

From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women

Let me share my personal story, one that I hope will inspire you. I was fortunate to be raised by an incredibly strong woman, my grandmother, who played a leading role in our family. From a young age, I never perceived women as weak. This belief became the guiding principle of my life, and it led to remarkable journeys and accomplishments. Yet, to my surprise, one day I discovered that the most significant obstacle to my personal growth and the realization of my potential was tied to my own identity as a woman.

We founded our company, ACT, in 2002, and in the years that followed, we experienced rapid growth. By 2008, we became the largest research company in Georgia, and by 2014, we had expanded to include offices in Baku and Almaty. However, from 2014, our company's growth began to stagnate, and the old formula for success no longer yielded results. As the company's managing partner and visionary leader, I was deeply troubled by this. I continually asked myself, "What are we doing wrong? What changes are needed to reignite our growth?" But the answers remained elusive.

One day, I traveled to our Almaty Office for business. I chose to utilize the four long hours of the flight for a deep introspection. My thoughts were fixated on the same unresolved questions. "Why can't I generate new ideas? Why can't I find a solution?" I kept asking myself. After a series of "whys," my subconscious delivered a shocking response: "because you are a woman." I was taken aback by my own thoughts. How could I, an advocate for the strength and equality of women, harbor such limiting beliefs? I recalled instances where I had been told, "you have the brain of a man," "you think like a man," "you are brave like a man," and I realized that deep down, I had been conditioned to believe in the superiority of men. Despite "thinking like a man," I am not a man. So, I had unwittingly limited my own success, believing that, as a strong woman, I could never achieve as much as a man could.

The discovery and subsequent release of this limiting belief brought about radical changes in both my life and my business. With a new vision, we transformed ACT's business model and developed a consulting division. Today, the company is three times larger than it was in 2014, operating in 34 countries, and we believe there are no limits to our growth.

My journey and interactions with other women entrepreneurs have taught me three important lessons:

First: The most significant barrier to women's development is often their own limiting beliefs, which can be deeply ingrained and go unrecognized. These beliefs are often fostered by family, education, societal norms, and real-life inequalities. Common limiting beliefs include "I'm not good enough," "I don't deserve more success," "I can't do it," "I can't change," "It's not worth it," "I can't trust people," and "No one will help me."

The second major barrier is the fear of failure, the fear of societal condemnation (fear of being labeled as inadequate wives or mothers), and even the fear of success itself (fearing significant changes and societal disapproval for being seen as ambitious careerists).

Lastly, the third barrier is the lack of a supportive environment, be it in the form of people or systems that empower women, provide access to resources, or offer emotional support.

In closing, to empower women, I encourage you:

Don't say no; give us a chance.

Don't test us; share with us.

Don't judge us; empower us.

And, to all women, I would say: believe in yourselves, dream big, and soar high because the truth is, for the potential of both men and women, the sky is the limit!


In the year 2024, businesses are encountering significant transformative changes. Geopolitical instability and climate change have created an immediate demand for businesses to achieve self-sufficiency and foster resilience. Simultaneously, technological advancements, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), hold the potential to revolutionize every facet of our lives. Nurturing a business during this crucial juncture necessitates striking a careful balance between upholding sustainability, harnessing digital technology, and maximizing human potential.

The purpose of this article is to assist business managers in effectively managing these challenges and, furthermore, to offer them a guiding vision for successfully navigating and expanding their businesses within this intricate landscape.

Business Sustainability - Challenges and Opportunities

Sustainability becomes a strategic imperative for businesses in 2024. Resistance to change and environmental challenges, increased competitiveness, stable and long-term development are not only business needs but also the basic requirements of consumers and investors.

Below, we discuss important factors that will influence the formation of the business environment in Georgia in 2024 and, accordingly, the sustainability of business. One of the priorities for business managers should be to prepare to respond effectively to these anticipated challenges and opportunities.

Geopolitical Factors

Georgia is located in a complex geopolitical landscape in which regional reorganizations are taking place. In light of the Russian-Ukrainian war, there is growing concern for the stability of our country and the security of our borders. No less of a risk factor is the growing likelihood of conflicts in the Middle East. These factors may have a negative impact on trade, tourism, investment, and commodity prices. Therefore, businesses should be careful about geopolitical risks and develop action plans in emergency (crisis) situations. It should also be noted here that there is a need to tighten cybersecurity measures because security today extends not only beyond physical borders.

We cannot ignore the local political context – in particular, the 2024 parliamentary elections. Elections are always associated with political conflicts and growing uncertainty. This, on the one hand, leads to lower consumer and purchasing sentiment, and on the other hand, to increased investor caution. Consequently, businesses will need to mobilize more resources to communicate with both customers and investors.

Economic Factors

Among economic factors, one of the most important positive factors for our country is obtaining the status of a candidate country for the European Union. Positive expectations for the country's economic growth in 2024 are associated with this event. According to the World Bank[1], the country's economic growth is expected to be 4.8%, and inflation is expected to be within 2.5%. Economic growth and consistently low inflation are important prerequisites for business sustainability.

Georgia's free trade agreements with several countries and ongoing negotiations with other countries regarding access to foreign markets also present significant business opportunities. However, it should be noted that first the pandemic, then the war in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East, and the global economic slowdown caused significant disruptions in the supply chain (e.g. delays, funnel effect). This factor may hurt Georgian exports. Accordingly, diversification of export markets, strategic alliances, and the introduction of modern logistics technologies are becoming important strategies for business. Trade regulation is another issue that Georgian businesses should take into account. Navigating the complex web of sanctions against Russia and other potential restrictions poses a significant regulatory risk. Therefore, understanding and complying with the legal framework is critical. Here, we should not forget about EU trade rules, compliance with which will be one of the main challenges in the coming years.

Another important economic risk factor is dependence on Russian energy resources. Accordingly, it becomes important for Georgia to prioritize achieving energy independence through the development of renewable energy sources and deepening regional energy partnerships. Georgia's potential in hydropower and solar energy becomes even more important for energy independence and sustainability. This provides opportunities for private businesses to attract green investments and use green technologies.

Climate change, the environment, and security

Experience has shown that Georgia is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as floods and droughts. Accordingly, adaptation to climate change should be one of the country's priorities. On the other hand, businesses must ensure their security and resilience by ensuring climate risks and investing in climate change adaptation.

In 2024, food security and sustainable agriculture will be no less a priority for Georgia. Focusing on sustainable farming practices and local food production is becoming increasingly important, ensuring food security and reducing dependence on imports. From a business perspective, the attractiveness of agriculture and local food production will increase.

Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of business

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt industries like never before. It provides incredible results in terms of data processing and analysis, optimization, and automation of workflows. From personalized healthcare to smart cities, the possibilities of artificial intelligence are endless. However, as well as opportunities, this also creates the risk of occupational change, workforce movement, and increased inequality among employees. Businesses should, therefore, focus on reskilling and upskilling their workforce to ensure that everyone benefits from the technological leap. It should be noted here that the security of personal information and the ethical use of technology are particularly pressing issues, which require responsibility, transparency, ethical practices, and security measures regarding the use of technology.

The challenges and opportunities for technological development in Georgia in 2024 are as follows:

Integration of artificial intelligence (AI): The use of AI to automate tasks, analyze data, personalize user experiences, and streamline operations will increase. Thus, companies that are the first to embrace the power of AI will gain a competitive advantage.

• Data-driven decision-making: Integrating data analytics into organizational processes will enable businesses to make data-driven decisions at all levels. To take advantage of this opportunity, businesses must invest in developing relevant competencies within the organization. It will also be important to make changes to decision-making processes and systems.

• Cybersecurity: As mentioned above, increasing regional tensions increase the vulnerability of Georgian businesses to cyber-attacks. Investing in cybersecurity measures and increasing employee awareness is becoming critical.

• Cloud technologies: The attractiveness of cloud technologies will increase as they offer businesses scalability, flexibility, and cost-effective solutions.

• Digitalization and e-commerce: Dependence on online platforms and e-commerce is likely to continue to increase. Georgian businesses will have to adapt and invest in digital marketing and online business tools.

• Studying new technologies: The study of blockchain, metaverse, and other new technologies is becoming attractive due to the huge potential they have in terms of industry breakthroughs and new business opportunities. It is expected that we will see more startups in this direction.

• Potential as a technology hub: Georgia's low taxes, technological youth, and strategic location make it a potential IT and creative industry hub. Georgia has the potential to attract technology companies and stimulate innovation in sectors such as cybersecurity, financial technology, and artificial intelligence.

Human potential is the main capital of business

Artificial intelligence is more efficient than humans in analyzing data and performing repetitive tasks. However, it cannot replace the unique human qualities of creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. Overall, as the ability to use technology and artificial intelligence increases, so will the demand for human capital that can effectively interact with and use these technologies. Therefore, in 2024, it becomes important for businesses to develop these qualities and competencies in their employees. Companies that invest in employee well-being and development, encourage teamwork, and instill a culture of continuous learning will gain a competitive advantage. In the era of artificial intelligence, the true competitive advantage of a business will be its ability to adapt, innovate, and solve complex problems.

The main challenges and opportunities for business in Georgia in 2024 in the area of human capital are as follows Flexibility for hybrid and remote work: After the pandemic, many companies tried to return to traditional modes of operation. Some even implemented strict office-only policies. However, practice shows that this requirement is increasingly irrelevant today, and the flexibility of hybrid and remote work has become an important factor in attracting and retaining talent. Employees, especially the younger generation, are not ready to go back to the past and openly or quietly protest against it. Consequently, hybrid work models are expected to become the norm, forcing business leaders to think about new approaches and forms of communication for managing collaboration, engagement, and maintenance.

• Skills and upskilling: Technological developments have changed the education and skills paradigm. Today, education involves constant learning and development, mastering new competencies, and caring about increasing emotional intelligence. Hence, it is important for businesses to focus on creating a development-oriented work culture and invest in employee training and development.

• Prioritize employee well-being: Experience and research have shown that, despite high competence and extensive experience, people's performance suffers significantly when their mental or physical well-being is compromised. Therefore, creating a psychologically safe environment for employees, and prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, will be one of the most important business tasks. Accordingly, investment in training, mental health, personal development, and physical health programs will increase.

• Empathetic and people-oriented leadership: Gone are the days of charismatic, strict, "all-powerful," and "all-knowing" leaders. Today, the competence or ability to make decisions solely in the hands of a few poses the greatest threat to a business, as it loses flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly. Accordingly, maximizing human potential at all levels, providing maximum independence and autonomy to employees within their competence, as well as ensuring effective coordination between employees and teams, have become the main tasks of organizations today. Therefore, today's leaders must prioritize empathy, communication, and building trust with employees. Openness to feedback and developing a culture of teamwork will be key to business growth.2024 is not just an ordinary year - it is a turning point - a year of change. The choices a business makes now – at the intersection of sustainability, technological capabilities, and human potential – will determine its future. For business today, development means a paradigm shift, which forces it to reconsider its business model, development strategy, and leadership concept; becoming more ethical and responsible towards society and the environment, becoming faster, learning more to be able to take advantage of technology, and most importantly, becoming more people-oriented because it is human skills and potential that become increasingly important capital in the modern era. And if a business can cope with these transformative changes, it will not only survive but thrive and make significant positive changes in its environment.

Source: Forbes Georgia

[1] https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/global-economic-prospects


From the point of view of relationship psychology, our lives are largely determined by the style of our relationships with other people and how we want to see our place in a world that is constantly changing. The answer to these two questions determines to some extent the direction of our lives. There is no simple rational solution here. It is complex and is influenced by our upbringing, experience, childhood and, among other things, genetic factors.

The relationship matrix discussed in the article is based on the concept of the authors of “Humanistic Leadership Psychology” (Michel Paschen, Erich Diemeyer), where relationships are viewed from the point of view of two polarities. Specifically, we seek close relationships with other people and therefore strive for intimacy and involvement in relationships. Or we may want to separate ourselves from others and strive for individuality and autonomy. Thus, relationship-oriented individuals are open, team-oriented, and easily gain the trust of other team members, while autonomy-oriented individuals are individualistic, more competitive, and constantly strive to stand out from others.

Naturally, this orientation is expressed in different doses among individuals and can vary depending on the context. In some situations we may want closeness, and in others we may want separation. However, in individuals a leading orientation is often noticeable. This is especially noticeable during conflicts. If we observe the people around us and their relationship styles, we will undoubtedly discover the direction of a person's inner compass - individuality, difference and competition, or intimacy and inclusion. There are people who are characterized by the extremes of these two poles, so they are not able to distinguish themselves from others or do not know how to establish relationships.

These two orientations have their own fears. Relationship-oriented people fear loneliness and isolation. People are focused on autonomy - the fear of losing individuality and specialness. As strong as this fear is, so strong and visible is the energy that people expend trying to please and be accepted by others. With the fear of the other polarity, energy is spent on being the center of attention and emphasizing one's superiority whenever possible. These behavioral tendencies have a huge impact on our lives, including our leadership style.

To recognize a tendency in yourself, it is enough to ask the following questions: what is more important to me? Close, open, trusting relationships, common interests, equality with others, a sense of belonging, altruism or, more importantly, distinguishing oneself, achieving more, individuality and a life noticeably different from the lives of others.

The behavioral patterns that characterize both trends are presented in more detail below.

Relationship orientation

The main fear is loneliness and isolation.

When this orientation is strong:

Seeks intimacy with others;

Seeks tasks that are meaningful and help others;

He is open and sensitive to other people;

Emotionally attached to others and forgives other people's mistakes;

In relation to others he is inclined to altruism, communicates peacefully and modestly;

Prefers moral and humane behavior;

Suffering when he feels distance and rejection;

Tries to create a harmonious atmosphere in cooperation;

Doesn't criticize others.

Autonomy orientation:

The main fear is a lack of individuality and significance.

When this orientation is strong:

Seeks admiration and recognition in the eyes of others;

Particular importance is attached to unusualness and individuality;

Emphasizes the difference between them and others;

Extremely confident;

Avoids dependence on others;

Emotionally distant from others;

Treats others with criticism and skepticism;

Copes with conflicts without feeling significant personal burden;

In many situations, there is a feeling of competition with others.

The second fundamental question concerns our identity in a changing world. We can answer this question from two polarities. At one end of the continuum is creating a computational, predictive and manageable framework for yourself in a changing world. This pole is called the balance orientation. People with this orientation seek rules, regularity, predictability, and structure. The second polarity of the continuum is stimulation orientation. Such individuals want to fully experience the vicissitudes of the world. They look for novelty and change in everything; they are characterized by adventurism and curiosity.

Like the polarities of relationship orientation, these directions also have their own fears. Balance-oriented people fear uncertainty, spontaneity, and therefore freedom. This fear is addressed by creating an island of rules, control and predictability.

On the other hand, stimulation-oriented people have a fear of conforming to rules and being static. The worst thing that can happen in their life is to miss out on something important or great. Their fear is attachment, limitation and the impossibility of freedom and spontaneity.

If we look closely, we will find people around us who suffer from a lack of regularity in their lives, when unexpected events require them to be flexible, or when things don't go according to plan. Additionally, there are people around us who really worry about committing themselves to something or someone, be it a life partner, a lifestyle choice, or just a commitment. These people suffer when they have the impression that there is a closed door in their life that cannot be opened.

Focus on balance

The main fear is uncertainty and disorientation.

When this orientation is strong:

Striving for order and security;

Performs tasks conscientiously, thoroughly and tirelessly;

Looking for consistency;

Has established habits;

Is careful about risks;

Acts reliably and conscientiously;

Insists on compliance with rules and punishment for deviations from the rules;

Constantly controlling other people.

stimulus orientation

The main fear is obedience to rules and inviolability.

When this orientation is strong:

Avoids commitment and leaves many options open;

Copes with a variety of situations flexibly and spontaneously;

Leave the past behind and try something new;

Takes risks;

He approaches new topics and challenges with imagination and curiosity;

Ends relationships and starts new ones if it offers new experiences and adventures.

All orientations manifest themselves in each of us with different priorities and to varying degrees, and, naturally, this also applies to leadership relationships - leadership relationships, their different motivations and behavior patterns pass through these four orientations. Our dominant characteristics are most clearly felt in conflict. Therefore, it is especially important for leaders to understand the basic orientations and polarities in themselves, which in itself makes it easier to see and accept others, as well as prevent conflicts and manage them effectively.


What is digital transformation and why is it so important for business today?

In today's fast-paced business environment, “digital transformation” has become more than just a buzzword, but a strategic imperative. Businesses are faced with a stark reality: adapt or be left behind. The rapid and continuous development of technology has fundamentally changed people's lifestyles, work habits, and consumer behavior.

Consequently, to succeed in this dynamic landscape, the digital transformation of a business is a tough proposition, and its thorough understanding and implementation have become critical for sustainable and long-term business success.


Digitalization or digital transformation?

When discussing digital transformation, you will often also hear the word "digitalization", these words are used as synonyms, but they are significantly different from each other.

To better understand the essence of digital transformation, it is necessary to define the difference between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation.

  • Simply put, digitization means converting something from analog to digital format, which involves converting physical or analog data, such as text, audio, or visual data, into a digital format that can be stored and processed electronically. For example, scanning a printed document and turning it into an electronic version.
  • Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to improve business processes and increase efficiency and value. It involves using digital tools and technologies to perform traditional business tasks. For example, implementing digital tools such as a customer relationship management (CRM) system or implementing digital communication platforms to streamline business operations.

Digitalization is more than the digital conversion of existing analog data and involves the integration of digital technologies into a specific aspect of business.

  • Digital transformation is more than just using modern gadgets and software. It involves a holistic approach that integrates digital technologies across the entire organization and requires a reassessment of business domains - what is the business strategy in the digital world, and how is value created for the customer; It includes optimizing operations and processes, fostering a culture of innovation, and using data to make evidence-based decisions.

An example of digital transformation is the implementation of a telemedicine system in a medical clinic, through which patients can make virtual appointments, maintain an electronic health record, talk with doctors online and receive medical advice securely from home.

At its core, digital transformation is a larger and more complex process than the digitization of data or the digitalization of a specific business operation. It is impossible to successfully implement digital transformation if it is not preceded by the stages of digitization and digitalization.

Often, unsuccessful digital transformation attempts are due to an inconsistent approach where the digital maturity of companies is not properly assessed. But the possibilities are truly endless: with the right vision for the digital era and the adoption of digital capabilities, organizations can transform their business models to improve efficiency and unlock unprecedented growth potential.

Why is digitalization, or better yet, digital transformation, vital for business?

By using digital technologies, businesses can create future potential and gain tangible benefits today, more specifically:

Improving customer experience (CX) - In today's digital age, customers expect consistent, seamless, and personalized experiences from businesses. Digital transformation allows businesses to meet these expectations by automating routine tasks, providing self-service capabilities and real-time (LIVE) support.

Improved operational efficiency and productivity – Optimizing processes through digital transformation improves operational efficiency. Robotic process automation (RPA) and optimization lead to resource savings, lower costs, and overall increased productivity. It also reduces errors, saves time, and frees up valuable resources so employees can focus on more important activities.

Competitive advantage - Digital transformation provides competitive advantage through the use of advanced technology and rich data, allowing businesses to innovate faster, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in an ever-changing marketplace.

Data-driven decision making - The ability to use and analyze data to make informed decisions is a key benefit of digital transformation. Organizations can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends and internal processes, leading to more accurate and effective decisions.

Adapt to change – The dynamic nature of the business environment requires constant adaptation. Digital transformation fosters a culture of innovation and agility, enabling organizations and their teams to quickly respond to market changes, seize new opportunities, overcome challenges, and stay ahead of industry trends.

Beyond digital challenges

Of course, digital transformation comes with its challenges. Resistance to change, inadequate IT infrastructure and digital literacy, cybersecurity concerns and budgeting issues are just a few of the challenges a business may face. However, with a strong digital strategy, investing in the right solutions and developing a culture of continuous improvement, these challenges can be overcome.

Remember, digital transformation is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. The future is digital, and the decision about how businesses want to exist in this future lies in the hands of their leaders. However, the time to act is now as the pace of technological development continues to accelerate and the drive to achieve sustainable success matches the pace of development.

Start your digital transformation today and create the future success of your business. 


While a crisis management strategy is an integral part of any long-term business strategy, in today's fast-paced business environment, businesses are often faced with unforeseen events such as global pandemics, political conflicts or economic downturns, which effectively challenge business creators, requiring rapid adaptation and difficult decisions. . By studying these issues in depth, organizations can improve their ability to adapt, identify potential opportunities, and maintain growth even during a crisis. Strategic planning plays an important role in managing crises and ensuring long-term success. Important steps in this process are assessing the impact of the crisis, developing and implementing a plan and strategy for managing it.

Assessing the impact of the crisis

One of the key aspects of navigating an unpredictable environment is environmental analysis, which involves identifying new trends, changes in customer behavior and competition.

Based on the identification of current changes in the external environment, businesses must assess the immediate and long-term financial consequences of the crisis, which may be associated with disruptions in the supply chain, consumer demand and general, existing and expected changes in the market. etc. A thorough analysis gives organizations the opportunity to discover vulnerabilities that will be taken into account when developing a management strategy.

In addition to the financial aspects, it is necessary to assess the impact of the crisis on people inside and outside the organization. This includes assessing employee welfare, customer concerns and any impact on brand image and reputation. Understanding these factors allows organizations to act proactively to support their employees, maintain customer loyalty, and protect brand reputation.

Development of a crisis management plan and strategy

Once the impact of a crisis has been assessed, it is critical to proactively respond to it by developing a crisis management plan. The plan should include analysis of multiple potential scenarios based on different assumptions, allowing business owners to prepare for a wide range of possibilities and make decisions that maximize their chances of success.

One of the most important aspects of a crisis management plan is the creation of an effective crisis management team. This team should include representatives from various departments and positions within the organization, such as finance, operations, human resources, public relations, etc. By creating a diverse team, organizations can ensure comprehensive crisis management.

After assessing the environment, assembling a crisis management team, and analyzing scenarios, organizations must determine key crisis response strategies. These strategies must address short-term and long-term goals such as maintaining operational efficiency, employee safety, and business continuity.

Experience shows that crisis situations stimulate the development of creative thinking and innovation, and also force organizations to reconsider established norms and change the traditional paradigm. In this process, it is vital for organizations to have the skills to adapt to a crisis, which can be achieved by implementing a culture focused on continuous learning and improvement, creating space for innovation, openness and promoting collaboration.

Implementation of crisis response strategies

One of the key aspects of implementing a crisis management plan is developing a communications plan that outlines both external and internal communication protocols and establishes regular communication channels with employees, customers and other stakeholders.

During disruptions, organizations may also need to implement new approaches to maintain business continuity and operational efficiency, something that has become especially evident during the pandemic. These approaches may include implementing remote work policies, providing alternative sources of supply, creating reserve system, etc. By using business continuity-focused approaches, organizations can minimize the impact of crises on daily operations and maximize their ability to recover quickly.


In conclusion, strategic planning in times of crisis is essential to overcome uncertainty and facilitate adaptation and growth. By understanding the challenges associated with a crisis, conducting a thorough assessment, developing a holistic crisis management plan, and effectively implementing crisis response strategies, organizations can overcome difficult times and emerge stronger in the long term.


In the modern era, we are all witnessing first-hand the unprecedented speed at which technological advancement is changing industries. The evolving technological environment creates different business needs and requires new strategies to respond to them, for which often traditional strategic planning alone is no longer effective and it becomes necessary to use various technological advances, including artificial intelligence (AI). Integrating AI into the management and decision-making process of companies gives managers the opportunity to collect, analyze and make decisions based on the maximum amount of data.

Problems of traditional strategic planning

Strategic planning is the process of setting long-term goals, analyzing internal and external factors, and determining how to respond to them, allowing businesses to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in a rapidly changing environment to optimally allocate resources, expand market share, or achieve sustainable growth.

Accumulated consulting experience shows that different businesses vary in their level of adaptation of the strategic planning process, although even the best of them often have significant shortcomings in their strategic planning efforts, e.g.

• Planned events are carried out infrequently (once a year or not at all)

• When making strategic decisions, reasoning is often based only on the intuition and experience of management and does not take into account rational factors of the external environment (market, competition).

• The planning process does not use sufficient, accurate and objective data.

• Once strategies are selected and implemented, progress is rarely monitored.

What does AI offer businesses today?

Currently, artificial intelligence is already actively used at various stages of business management and operations. In its simplest form, it serves a descriptive function and is used to create analytical data such as graphs/dashboards for competitive analysis or to study the performance of different lines of business. More advanced versions of AI have diagnostic intelligence, which refers to the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between events and understand root causes and driving forces. Such algorithms can identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, market demand, or competitor strategies by analyzing historical data.

The third stage of AI development and the most progressive stage currently actively used in business is predictive intelligence, which has the ability to create forecasts for the future based on certain assumptions and analysis of past experience. Predictive intelligence is used to create scenarios based on various changes and scenarios, allowing business owners to assess the potential impact of these scenarios on their business and develop customized strategies to respond to them. Predictive intelligence can also identify potential risks, which through ongoing monitoring enable organizations to proactively mitigate their negative impact.

The next levels of AI integration into business include developing analytics-based recommendations, delegating certain decisions to artificial intelligence, and full AI autonomy, although the full integration of these stages into management is still a work in progress and will take some time.


Still, how can AI be used in strategic planning?

Despite the fact that the use of artificial intelligence is characterized by growing trends in such key areas of business management as marketing, human resources, logistics, customer service, etc., the degree of its implementation in the strategic planning process is still quite low, due to important features of this process. Unlike other processes associated with business management, the strategic planning process has a particularly high proportion of human involvement, decisions based on personal experience and intuition, emotions, historical and cultural context, along with rational factors.

Therefore, if we ask the question as follows, is it possible to completely automate the strategic planning process using artificial intelligence, the answer is no (at least in the current situation and the future perspective that can be imagined from this situation). However, observing the current business context allows us to confidently say that artificial intelligence is already transforming certain stages of the strategic planning process, as well as the approaches and thinking of the people involved in these stages.

In the strategic decision-making process, we can think of AI-human interaction as a three-step process, in the first step of which a human tells the AI a problem/asks a specific question that it wants to solve. At the second stage, AI processes and analyzes the database associated with the problem, as a result of which it offers the “customer” several options for solving the proposed problem. After this, the “customer” obviously has a choice - make a strategic decision based on the given options, entrust the decision to artificial intelligence, or modify the problem to accept other options.

In other words, AI can play an important role in the strategic planning process in making rational, fact-based and data-driven decisions, the further review and final evaluation of which is still subject to human influence.

Delegating rational decision-making to artificial intelligence will itself change the specificity of certain positions in organizations and will lead to an increase in employer demand for so-called “strategists” who will be responsible for aligning the recommendations generated by artificial intelligence with the values and goals of the organization . Particularly important in this process are skills that will help you make intuitive strategic decisions. An example of such skills is creative thinking, the ability to analyze not only facts, but also context and abstract thinking.

What benefits does AI bring to the strategic planning process?


Incorporating artificial intelligence into the strategic planning process offers companies several significant benefits, which include, but are not limited to:

• Automating repetitive and manual tasks – reducing the time spent on these tasks, optimizing costs and increasing business productivity and efficiency.

• Optimization of the decision-making process. AI algorithms can provide objective and data-driven insights, allowing business managers to make faster and more informed decisions.

• Increased forecasting accuracy – leads to a reduction in risks associated with strategic decisions, and through constant monitoring allows for the timely identification of various anomalies.

Which businesses will benefit most from using AI in strategic planning?

Let's start with the fact that all businesses, regardless of size and industry, have the opportunity to use artificial intelligence more than today. However, the advantages of artificial intelligence in strategic planning are directly proportional to the presence of a number of prerequisites. Therefore, before you begin this process, questions need to be asked (note: the following are some basic questions, although they are not exhaustive; the readiness assessment process will be much more complex):

• Do you have all the data (internal and external) that can influence your strategic decisions? - Remember, often even minor problems in the environment can have a significant impact on your strategy.

• How good is the data you have? - Remember that the result obtained using artificial intelligence will be of exactly the same quality as the information you provide. Therefore, ensuring data accuracy and reliability is critical for effective AI analysis, which in turn requires additional investment in data management systems.

• How flexible is your business? – AI-generated scenarios and recommendations enable you to develop rapid response strategies in a turbulent environment, but you must ensure that your business processes, systems, structures and your team's mindset support the implementation of these recommendations.

What are the potential risks of incorporating AI into strategic decision-making?

If you decide to incorporate artificial intelligence into your strategic planning process, it is important to remember that there is no universal AI that can solve all your problems. However, it is important to understand that artificial intelligence is not “magical.” Therefore, to avoid unrealistic expectations and poor implementation, it needs to be properly structured and contextualized. In other words, it needs to be “trained” to give correct answers and predictions.

When using artificial intelligence, the issue of ethics must also be taken into account. When making strategic decisions, managers consider various ethical aspects and human values, potential impacts on society and the environment, which may not be integrated into the artificial intelligence system.

Another challenge to using artificial intelligence in strategic decision making is accountability. In fact, only humans, not machines (even intelligent machines), can be held responsible for their decisions. This issue will increase the need for legal regulation of strategic AI decisions in the future. To create a regulatory framework for compensation for damage caused by the operation of artificial intelligence systems, it will be necessary to define the concept of artificial intelligence and its status in civil law relations.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence has already changed and in the future will even more fundamentally transform the strategic planning process. By using it, organizations can ensure that their strategies adapt to a rapidly changing environment to ensure long-term success. However, organizations must also take care to address the challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence and ensure that it is used responsibly in critical decision-making processes.


No one argues anymore that digital transformation, or at least digitalization, is a strict imperative for business, but what lies beyond this reality? How should businesses navigate their digitalization journey, and what potential obstacles await them? These are the exact questions we address in this article.

Organizations that proactively adopt digital technology and weave it into their workflows and operations stand to gain significant benefits; These include increased efficiency and productivity, enhanced customer service, increased revenue and a stronger competitive edge.

However, the path to digital transformation is not always easy. Many organizations encounter substantial barriers that hinder the dynamic transformation process and often lead to its failure. However, it is encouraging to know that the challenges associated with digital transformation are often similar across industries, allowing organizations to leverage proven strategies to overcome them.

Common barriers to digital transformation and ways to overcome them

The challenges companies face during digital transformation are frequently quite similar and with the right strategies, they can be effectively managed. Fortunately, organizations can "learn from others' mistakes" and plan their own digital transformation journey more efficiently. Let’s explore some typical barriers (and solutions) that businesses encounter on their path to digital transformation. By proactively addressing these common challenges, businesses can build a strong foundation for successful digital transformation.

Lack of clear vision and strategy

Navigating your digital transformation journey without a clearly defined strategy is like walking blindfolded. At such times, businesses find themselves in uncertainty – what technologies should be implemented? How should these technologies be used? And in general, what are these technologies for? This ambiguity and lack of strategic priorities frequently become the primary reasons for failure.

Involving the organization's key stakeholders is crucial in developing a clear digital vision. This strategy should turn into an actionable roadmap, namely:

1. Assessing digital readiness. Analyze your organization's digital readiness to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. This will help you see what your organization's digital landscape currently looks like and what steps you need to take to achieve your desired goals.

2. Joint workshops. Conduct workshops with key stakeholders from different departments (senior management, marketing, sales, IT, etc.) to generate ideas and define your organization's digital goals.

3. Mapping customer experience (CX). Analyze all key touchpoints in your customer experience to identify digital optimization opportunities that can improve the customer experience.

4. Define success metrics. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with digital goals that align with your digital vision to measure progress and track your transformation.

5. Develop a step-by-step roadmap. Break down your long-term vision into actionable steps, with clear deadlines and steps for each step. This incremental approach ensures flexibility and adaptability during digital transformation.


Resistance to change

Employees accustomed to traditional work styles may find themselves confused and frustrated when faced with new technologies and workflows. This conflict can lead to decreased productivity, which in turn affects the overall performance of the business.

Effective change management techniques are essential. Open communication and active communication of the main purpose of the transformation will help employees understand the need for the process and buy into the transformation. Remember that to create a culture of support for digitalization it is necessary:

1. Communication – clearly explain the purpose of digital transformation, clearly outline the benefits for both the organization and employees. Present this as an opportunity for professional growth and development.

2. Empathy. Focus on emotions and address employee frustrations during change. During change, it is important for people to understand that their feelings and emotions are taken into account, that each employee's point of view is valued, and that the transformation process serves everyone's interests.

3. Support. Involve employees in the decision-making process and encourage feedback. This creates a sense of belonging, motivates employees to participate and increases their contribution to the digitalization process.

4. Constant development. Create consistent training and education programs to keep employees up to date with new technologies. It is important to provide ongoing support and a mentoring system. This will help reduce resistance and develop a culture of learning and adaptation within the organization.

5. Celebrate achievements. Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements (even small ones) throughout the process. Sharing success stories builds momentum and makes the value of transformation clearer.


Inadequate budget and resources

There are often cases when company management clearly states the desire for digital transformation and justifies its necessity, but often this business requirement is not accompanied by appropriate further steps. The process of digital transformation requires investment in technology, increasing the competence of employees and, possibly, the support of external expertise. Ensuring sufficient funding and efficient allocation of resources is often a challenge for many organizations.

Carefully evaluate budget constraints and prioritize areas that align with digital goals and support your business strategy. Properly assessing digital readiness will help define strategic priorities, providing a digital roadmap that must be supported by appropriate budget and resources. To better allocate resources during the digitization process:

1. Digitalization budget. It is necessary to plan the necessary funds to achieve your digital goals for the appropriate period of time, since innovation and digital transformation without financial costs are unfortunately unthinkable.

2. Cost optimization. Optimizing IT costs may include renegotiating software licenses with vendors, merging vendors, or canceling unnecessary subscriptions.

3. Cost-benefit analysis. Analyze the costs and expected benefits of digital initiatives to prioritize initiatives that deliver the most value.

4. Resource distribution. Plan allocation of budget, human capital, and technology resources based on team skills, workload, and upskilling potential of existing employees.

5. Budget flexibility - plan for unexpected expenses or opportunities. Regularly review your budget against your priorities.


Inadequate IT infrastructure

Legacy technology systems can create compatibility issues with new digital tools and limit the scalability and flexibility needed for transformation. At the same time, an inadequate IT infrastructure is a serious stress for the team of a company undergoing digitalization and contributes to people's frustration.

Modernizing legacy systems can be an important prerequisite for any digital initiative. Therefore, pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Legacy Infrastructure Assessment - Assess all current hardware, software and applications. Analyze their compatibility with digital goals. Identify critical systems for modernization and phase out non-critical systems.

2. Modernization roadmap. Develop a step-by-step plan that takes into account budget, environmental factors, obstacles, and operational implications.

3. Modernization options - explore replacing existing applications with cloud-based solutions through API integration or the use of virtual environments.

4. Implementation of the cloud. Evaluate migration of legacy systems to cloud systems for scalability, cost-effectiveness, and data archiving or system recovery.

5. Data migration. Develop a secure and efficient data transfer strategy that takes into account data cleansing, mapping, and downtime.

6. Support system – develop a systematic approach to solving employee problems and provide the necessary training module for working in a modernized environment.

Database silos and security issues

Data scattered across different systems can make it difficult to use them effectively. In practice, there are often cases when an organization does not have a unified approach to storing and processing data. We often come across examples where confidential information is stored only on the hard drives of the laptops of different colleagues. Moreover, ensuring data security in a digital environment is of paramount importance and is often one of the least considered aspects of transformation.

Consider the following steps to properly manage your data and reduce security risks:

1. Data comparison. Identify all data sources, formats, and locations to understand the company's current data practices and identify data silos.

2. Data management. Establish data access, access and use policies, and security protocols for responsible data management.

3. Data integration. Break down data silos for integrated solutions to facilitate the seamless flow of information exchange and processing and improve data-driven decision making.

4. Cybersecurity. Invest in robust security tools, conduct regular assessments, and increase employee awareness of data security best practices.

5. Continuous improvement. Continuously monitor, analyze and update management policies and security protocols to adapt to potential threats and regulations.

Lack of digital literacy skills at company level

In addition to the need for specialized technical knowledge, successful digital transformation requires a high level of digital literacy skills within a company's team. This means that employees at all levels—from senior management to front-line staff—must feel comfortable using digital tools and platforms. Lack of these fundamental digital skills can create significant barriers to adoption, potentially leading to failure.

To improve digital literacy skills at the organizational level, it is important to consider the following steps:

1. Analysis of digital skills. Assess digital literacy at the company level, identify areas for improvement and prioritize competency development.

2. Multi-level training system. It is important to develop training programs for people with different levels of digital skills, from basic computer knowledge to complex tools.

3. Microlearning and gamification. Use bite-sized modules and gamification to increase employee engagement, allowing you to develop interactive learning experiences and increase employee enthusiasm and motivation.

4. Mentoring programs. Encourage a culture of knowledge sharing and mentoring to promote collaboration and effective use of the company's team's core competencies.

5. Constant support. Create a digital knowledge base, transcribe the knowledge and skills of the company's team and make them accessible manuals and essential user manuals for digital platforms and systems, providing ongoing employee support at minimal cost.


The locomotive of success - The digital transformation team

It is clear that the most common barriers, to one degree or another, contain the problems that your company may face on the path to digitalization. But the most common and perhaps classic mistake is when a company’s team tries to implement digital transformation using only internal resources. The process of digital transformation is complex and requires a holistic approach across the entire organization. Therefore, a transformation team is needed, consisting of people with relevant expertise and cross-industry experience, who have an equal understanding of business goals and technological opportunities.

Remember that a seamless digital transformation requires a clear vision, effective communication and an understanding of responsibility for creating the capabilities your organization needs.

How prepared are you to take that initial step on the path to digital transformation?


Marketing inspiration can dry up from time to time. Looking at never-ending data reports or thinking about many other routine tasks can stifle the creativity of even the most experienced marketer. Artificial intelligence (AI) exists for that. Forget dystopian visions of robots taking over your marketing department. AI is not here to replace you; Imagine a tireless assistant that can analyze large amounts of customer data, spotting emerging trends that might escape even the most observant eye. AI can become your powerful and indispensable strategic partner, leveraging human creativity to help you create powerful, data-driven, effective strategies, offer innovative campaign concepts and personalized messaging strategies based on real-time insights.

AI: Performance Enhancer

Imagine a world where the routine tasks that consume your time—analyzing data, planning social media, and creating accounts—disappear into automated obscurity. This is not science fiction; AI can handle the routine, giving you more time to develop strategy and creative campaigns. Perhaps we agree that the number of routine tasks can stifle innovation. Embracing this bold change helps us focus on creating innovative campaigns that resonate precisely with audiences.

From data to insights

AI goes beyond mere automation; It is the best helper in terms of data processing. Imagine a powerful artificial intelligence engine that observes and analyzes massive data, revealing trends. It's not just about key demographics; AI can explore the depths of consumer sentiment on social media, website interactions, and purchasing behavior. Result? A detailed and dynamic portrait of your ideal customer. With these insights, messages and offers can be personalized as much as possible for the best results. This in turn will lead not only to higher conversion rates, but also to a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving customer journey.

Case: Netflix's AI-powered recommendations

Netflix's success story using AI goes beyond simply suggesting shows you might like. It serves as a masterclass in using artificial intelligence to personalize the entire user experience and optimize content creation. This not only personalizes the user experience, but also facilitates content creation by identifying genres and topics that accurately reflect the interests of their users. In more detail:

  • The magic of micro-targeting: Imagine having a crystal ball that shows you what your audience wants - their favorite actors, their preferred genres, and even the times of day they're most likely to watch. This allows Netflix to show you thumbnails (small pictures) and recommend shows you might really like. Netflix uses AI to conduct A/B testing on a massive scale. Various thumbnails, trailers and even descriptions are presented to users and AI analyzes which ones generate the most clicks and views. This data-driven approach enables continuous optimization.
  • Content is King, and AI Knows the Court: Gone are the days when content development depended solely on instinct. Netflix's AI analyzes viewing trends and completion rates, even where scrolling occurred. This gives them the opportunity to create content that caters to specific audience segments and increases engagement. Similarly, AI can analyze consumer behavior and social media sentiment to predict what kind of content will resonate with your target audience, allowing you to develop marketing campaigns that are more successful.
  • Predicting the Unpredictable: Consumer behavior can be erratic, but Netflix's AI is constantly learning and evolving. By analyzing large amounts of data, it can predict which shows are likely to be hits and which ones might not. That same level of predictive power can be incredibly valuable to marketers as well. AI can analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and even social media feedback to help you anticipate customer needs and tailor your communications accordingly.

Adaptation and development in the age of AI

Marketing is constantly evolving, and AI represents a major shift that resistance to can hinder progress. Instead, we should look at artificial intelligence as an opportunity to improve skills to achieve greater success.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards AI is crucial. Focusing on the potential benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, deeper customer analysis, and the ability to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

We shouldn't be afraid to experiment with new AI tools and marketing strategies. "Fail fast, learn faster" approach allows for quick adaptation.

The indispensable person: creativity and empathy

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool, but it lacks the creativity and empathy of humans to develop compelling narratives that resonate emotionally. Understanding people's moods on an emotional level and making real connections with your audience remains your exclusive opportunity. Artificial intelligence cannot replace the human ability to translate data into compelling brand stories. Think about it - who will write an emotional brand story that you can't read without tears? It's you, the creative genius behind the wheel.

A masterpiece of collaboration: humans and AI in harmony

The future of marketing is not a competition between humans and artificial intelligence; It is a masterpiece of collaboration. Imagine: AI builds data-driven insights, uncovering customers' hidden desires and emotional triggers. You then translate this information into compelling brand stories that resonate with your audience on an emotional level. This synergistic approach leads to effective, data-driven marketing campaigns that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.

The future of marketing is collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence. You can discover a new era of marketing efficiency. This future promises not only efficiency and meaningful insights, but also deeper analysis of the customer journey map, allowing for the truly meaningful connections that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.


“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”
― Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

In the cryptic corridors of Plato's allegory of the cave, where shadows dance upon the walls, lies a profound metaphor for the journey from obscurity to enlightenment. Similarly, in the realm of commerce, businesses embarking on the path of platform models traverse a transformative odyssey, breaking free from traditional silos to sculpt interconnected ecosystems that unveil a spectrum of new opportunities.

The allegory of the cave, in which chained prisoners mistake shadows for reality, resonates in the world of digital transformation. Traditional businesses, siloed and internally focused, often lack understanding of the transformative potential of platform models. This article draws inspiration from Plato's metaphor and explores the complexities of platform success in today's digital landscape.

Delving into the academic realm, the concept of digital platform ecosystems emerges as a cornerstone of modern business dynamics. Unlike traditional linear models, where value is created through the production and distribution of goods or services, a platform business model serves as a facilitator, connecting multiple groups of users to create value for each other. Defined as interconnected networks of producers, consumers, and third-party developers, these ecosystems function as vibrant marketplaces where value creation and exchange flourish. Through the orchestration of data, resources, and services, digital platform ecosystems catalyze innovation, foster collaboration, and unlock new avenues of growth.

Platform-based business models encompass a range of specifications that differentiate them from traditional business models. Here are some key specifications, supported by citations:

Network Effects: One of the defining features of platform models is the concept of network effects. As more users join a platform, the value for all participants increases exponentially. (Parker et al., 2016) In scholarly discourse, network effects are regarded as pivotal for the triumph of platforms, fostering a cyclical pattern of expansion and user involvement.

Multi-sided Markets: Unlike traditional businesses that primarily serve a single type of customer, platform-based models often cater to multiple distinct user groups, known as multi-sided markets. (Evans & Schmalensee, 2016).

Data-driven Insights: Platforms are fueled by data, enabling them to gain deep insights into user behavior, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach empowers platforms to personalize experiences, optimize operations, and innovate continuously. (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2017). Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning enable platforms to extract actionable insights, predict user behavior, and automate decision-making processes, thereby delivering unparalleled value and driving competitive differentiation.

Ecosystem Orchestration: Successful platform-based models excel in orchestrating ecosystems of complementary goods, services, and stakeholders. This orchestration involves designing interfaces, establishing rules, and fostering collaboration among participants. (Zhu et al., 2019).

APIs and Openness: Platforms often embrace openness through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), allowing third-party developers to build upon the platform's infrastructure and create innovative offerings. This openness fosters creativity, accelerates innovation, and expands the platform's capabilities.

These specifications collectively define the essence of platform-based business models, showcasing their unique characteristics and competitive advantages in the digital landscape.

The Journey of Business Transformation through Platform Models

Breaking Free from Silos

Traditional businesses often operate in silos, with little interaction between departments and a focus on internal processes. This can lead to inefficiencies, a lack of innovation, and difficulty meeting the evolving needs of customers. Platform models, on the other hand, are designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration between different groups of users. This creates a more dynamic and innovative ecosystem where businesses can leverage the collective intelligence and resources of their users to create new value.

Finding equilibrium between algorithmic regulation and crafting personalized user experiences.

Unlike the single torchbearer in the cave allegory, successful platforms use sophisticated algorithms as conductors, orchestrating complex user journeys. A prime illustration of this is the implementation of recommender systems, which tailor the user experience and enhance overall satisfaction. Netflix's recommendation engine is perhaps the most well-known and widely used recommender system. It uses an algorithm to analyze a user's viewing history, rating, and search behavior to suggest movies and TV shows that the user is likely to enjoy.

Effectively managing platform dynamics, harmonizing the varied needs of stakeholders, and proactively mitigating risks necessitate astute leadership and strategic insight. Furthermore, fostering trust, transparency, and equity within the ecosystem is imperative for cultivating sustainable growth.

Platforms strive to create seamless experiences for customers, aiming to remove obstacles and optimize interactions to enhance satisfaction and loyalty. However, alongside this goal, there is a need for algorithmic governance. Platforms rely on algorithms to moderate content, manage transactions, and mitigate risks. Yet, excessive use of these systems can worsen the user experience, while insufficient regulation may jeopardize data protection and security. Therefore, platform operators must strike a balance between ensuring security with algorithms and delivering the best user experience. Achieving this balance requires platform developers to consider user needs, legal regulations, and ethical aspects carefully

Designing for User-Centricity

Designing for user-centricity is a pivotal aspect of successful platform models, rooted in the principles of empathy and understanding in the digital era. Just as the allegory of the cave underscores the pursuit of truth and enlightenment, businesses transitioning to platform models must embark on a journey to uncover the profound needs and motivations of their users. By placing users at the core of the design process, businesses can craft experiences that resonate deeply, fostering engagement, loyalty, and meaningful interactions.

Leading the Transformation

In an era defined by technological advancement, the transition from conventional to platform-driven models presents businesses with a definitive route to prosperity and expansion. This strategic evolution necessitates a systematic approach centered on three fundamental components:

  • Embrace a Platform Mindset: The journey towards platform success begins with a fundamental shift in mindset. Organizations must transcend traditional, linear thinking and cultivate an ecosystem mindset where value is co-created by a diverse array of stakeholders. Whether it’s creating new revenue streams, fostering ecosystems, or harnessing the power of data and AI, platform models offer a blueprint for innovation and agility in an increasingly interconnected world. By adopting a platform mindset, businesses can unlock new opportunities, forge deeper relationships with customers, and chart a course towards sustainable success in the digital age.
  • Master Platform Design: A deep understanding of platform design principles is essential for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital landscape. This encompasses the creation of dynamic, two-sided marketplaces that facilitate seamless interactions between producers and consumers. Moreover, mastering the art of incentivization and network effects is paramount for cultivating a vibrant and self-sustaining ecosystem. Through meticulous planning and strategic execution, businesses can unlock the full potential of their platform and position themselves as industry leaders.
  • Become an Orchestration Expert: Effective management and orchestration are critical components of platform success. Organizations must develop the capabilities to navigate the complexities of their ecosystem, balancing the needs of various stakeholders while maintaining operational efficiency and scalability. This involves establishing clear governance structures, fostering trust and transparency, and leveraging data-driven insights to drive informed decision-making. By serving as effective orchestrators of their platform ecosystem, businesses can create value for all participants and drive sustainable growth over the long term.

Platform business models represent a paradigm shift in the value creation equation of the digital economy. Leveraging networks, ecosystems, and data, platforms have the potential to not just drive business growth, but to transform entire industries. However, unlike Plato's cave, the digital landscape is a dynamic ecosystem in constant flux. Platform success isn't a one-time disruption, but a continuous performance demanding constant adaptation.

Rohn D., Bican P. M., Brem A., Kraus. S, Clauss Th. (2021) Digital platform-based business models – An exploration of critical success factors, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Volume 60.

Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M. W., & Choudary, S. P. (2016). Platform revolution: How networked markets are transforming the economy--and how to make them work for you. W. W. Norton & Company.

Evans, D. S., & Schmalensee, R. (2016). Matchmakers: The new economics of multisided platforms. Harvard Business Review Press.

McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2017). Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future..

Zhu, F., Iansiti, M., & Lakhani, K. R. (2019). Competing in the Age of AI. Harvard Business Review Press.


Just as individuals retain memories of significant events, organizations too possess a collective memory that shapes their present and future trajectories. Whether marked by triumphs or tribulations, these experiences become ingrained within the organizational psyche, profoundly influencing its evolution. This article delves into the realm of organizational trauma, shedding light on how certain experiences can hinder transformative growth.

Like individuals, some organizations glean wisdom from their encounters, while others remain ensnared by unaddressed trauma. Today, we explore instances where organizational trauma manifests as a barrier to progress and development.

Common Forms of Organizational Trauma:

  1. Partner conflicts: Conflict between partners often catalyzes significant organizational upheaval. At times, this conflict runs so deep that it results in the polarization of employees into opposing camps and eventual separation. Even after the resolution of partner conflicts, lingering traces of discord and mistrust among teams within the organization are not uncommon.
  2. Leadership Transitions: The upheaval caused by changes in leadership can instill fear and uncertainty, impeding both organizational and individual momentum.
  3. Reorganization: Significant structural changes, such as mergers or reorganizations, evoke feelings of instability and insecurity among the workforce
  4. Financial Crisis: It is often the case that companies are grappling with the lingering effects of the financial crisis over an extended period. Despite witnessing improvements in their financial standing, these companies frequently find themselves entrenched in a perpetual 'survival mode,' unable to transition into a proactive 'development mode.' Consequently, their capacity for innovation, product development, and overall business growth is severely hindered.
  5. Workplace Incidents: Tragic events, such as workplace injuries or fatalities, cast a long shadow over organizational culture, eroding psychological safety.
  6. Harassment and Discrimination: Instances of harassment, mockery, violence, and discrimination not only inflict trauma upon the individuals targeted but also sow seeds of fear, conflict, and hostility throughout the organization. Similarly, cases of favoritism can exert equally detrimental effects. Such preferential treatment isn't easily forgotten within organizational settings and frequently permeates across all levels, establishing itself as the norm and fostering the cultivation of a toxic culture.
  7. Leadership misconduct and unethical behavior - Unethical conduct by a leader has the potential to erode trust across the organization, instilling feelings of betrayal among employees. In such instances, not only are the company's values undermined, but also faith in its growth and promising future diminishes. This, in turn, triggers an exodus of valuable employees and fosters profound demotivation among those who remain, ultimately resulting in the degradation of the company.
  8. Critical events that result in significant reputational or financial damage to the organization – E.g. large-scale fraud, negative public reactions towards the brand or its communication efforts, or substantial fines imposed by regulatory bodies - often have a lasting impact on the organization. In such cases stress levels among employees escalate, giving rise to heightened mistrust, mutual accusations, and confrontations. Organizations that struggle to effectively manage crises often adopt a "victim" mentality, fostering pervasive distrust and relying on control and micromanagement as dominant management strategies.

Management within organizations frequently fails to recognize or acknowledge the existence of these traumas. The most effective approach to enhancing organizational awareness, akin to individual introspection, is through regular reflection. Organizations that prioritize self-reflection, possess well-honed analytical and evaluative tools, and foster a healthy organizational culture where "learning from mistakes" is embraced, are adept at identifying significant events associated with traumatic experiences.

In practice, instances occur where the management team's evaluation of different events significantly diverges. For example, decisions such as product discontinuation, company rebranding, the addition of new management personnel, or changes in leadership may be perceived positively by some team members while deemed irreversible mistakes by others. Such contrasting evaluations pose challenges in reaching consensus on future visions and strategies. Therefore, it is essential for the management team to reconcile differing opinions, thoroughly evaluate events from multiple perspectives, and ultimately unite around a singular vision to drive the company's progress.

In summary, much like individuals, organizations are susceptible to traumatic experiences. While it's crucial to prioritize risk prevention, it's also essential to acknowledge that eliminating all potential internal and external risks is practically unattainable. So, what's the solution? We believe, alongside risk mitigation efforts, fostering organizational resilience and a willingness to learn from adversity is paramount.

Every trauma comprises two components: pain and experience. Reactive organizations dwell on the pain, succumbing to prolonged fear and mistrust, whereas proactive entities swiftly rebound from adversity, leveraging their experiences to fuel growth and bolster resilience. By embracing challenges as learning opportunities, organizations can transform painful events into valuable experiences that fortify their foundations and propel them forward.


"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare

Thinkers in literature and philosophy have long pondered the importance of seizing the right moment. From the Stoic reflections of Seneca to the existential philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, the question of when to act has preoccupied thinkers for centuries. In today's rapidly changing business landscape, where every moment holds the potential for opportunity or stagnation, Shakespeare's timeless phrase takes on added meaning, especially when considering the main question: When should organizations start digital transformation?


Digital transformation has evolved from being a buzzword to a crucial strategy for businesses aiming not just to survive but to thrive in an increasingly competitive environment. The digital age has ushered in unprecedented changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and market dynamics, making adaptation imperative for any organization aspiring to remain relevant.

Customers now demand seamless online experiences across various touchpoints. Whether it's purchasing a product, accessing customer support, or engaging with content, expectations for convenience, personalization, and speed have soared. Businesses that fail to meet these expectations risk losing market share and customer loyalty to more digitally adept competitors.

Furthermore, in today's data-driven world, insights derived from analytics are invaluable for making informed decisions. Competitors leveraging data analytics gain a competitive edge by understanding customer preferences, optimizing operations, and identifying emerging trends.

Moreover, Rapid changes in technology, consumer preferences, and market dynamics require businesses to adapt swiftly to stay ahead of the curve. Traditional, rigid business models are increasingly being replaced by flexible, agile frameworks that enable organizations to respond promptly to evolving circumstances and seize new opportunities.

One common misconception is the belief that there exists a "perfect" moment for digital transformation. However, waiting for ideal conditions only serves to hinder progress and puts businesses at risk of falling behind. As emphasized in the ACT, without continuous progress, regression is inevitable. Organizations must adopt a proactive mindset and embrace digital transformation as an ongoing journey rather than a one-time event.

Here's why the time to act is now:

Strategic Positioning: Early adopters of digital transformation gain a significant advantage. They establish themselves as industry leaders, attracting top talent and refining their digital strategies before their competitors catch up. By implementing transformation early, organizations can position themselves as innovators and not just follow the pace of the industry, but set the pace for the industry in which they operate.

Ensuring Your Business's Resilience for Tomorrow: Embracing digital transformation empowers organizations with the capabilities and flexibility to adapt to future disruptions and harness the potential of emerging technologies. By proactively embracing change, organizations can maintain a competitive edge, foreseeing changes in the market landscape, and utilizing innovative technologies to foster enduring expansion.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Today's customers expect personalized interactions and seamless digital experiences. Digital transformation allows you to leverage data analytics to understand customer needs and tailor offerings accordingly, fostering loyalty and boosting brand reputation. By investing in digital capabilities early, organizations can deliver the tailored experiences that customers crave, building lasting relationships and driving long-term success.

"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do,"- Jean-Paul Sartre

"Three o'clock," which metaphorically represents any given moment, emphasizes that the perception of time is deeply context-dependent. It highlights that what may be an ideal moment for one may be completely inadequate for another. This subjectivity prompts us to reconsider our relationship with time and recognize that the meaning of time lies not in its objective measurement, but in its interpretation. In business terms, rushing into digital transformation without proper preparation can be as damaging as procrastination. Blindly following industry trends or deploying technologies without a clear strategic roadmap can lead to wasted resources, disjointed processes, and missed opportunities. Furthermore, artificially accelerating transformational change before the organization is culturally and/or operationally ready leads to resistance to change and alienation among stakeholders. Ultimately, this negatively affects long-term corporate sustainability.

Therefore, the decision to embark on digital transformation should be informed by a comprehensive understanding of the organization's current state, future aspirations, and competitive landscape. It requires careful assessment of internal capabilities, external market dynamics, and technological trends. Moreover, it demands strategic vision, effective change management, and cross-functional collaboration to navigate the complexities of transformational change.

While digital transformation is a marathon, not a sprint, taking that crucial first step is paramount. Here's how to get started:

Strategic Alignment: Formulating a strong digital business strategy is crucial for the success of digital transformation. A strong digital strategy ensures consistency and synergy across all operational aspects of a business. This integration goes beyond simply digitizing processes; it involves a shift in strategic thinking to leverage digital tools, strengthen core competencies, and create value.

It is important to assess the company's digital strategy in alignment with global business objectives, ensuring that digital initiatives are seamlessly integrated into the overall business strategy. Additionally, it is necessary to evaluate the adequacy of budget allocation and the ability to adapt the business model to effectively capitalize on digital opportunities. Taking a holistic approach like this ensures that a company's digital strategy becomes a catalyst for sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Digital Maturity Assessment: Assess a company's readiness for digital transformation across various dimensions of the organization, including leadership and governance systems, digital literacy, technology infrastructure, data management, customer interaction, and more. This assessment will enable the organization to pinpoint areas in need of improvement and implement targeted interventions to enhance capabilities and minimize the risk of digital transformation failure.

Opportunity Analysis: Conduct thorough market research and competitor analysis to identify emerging opportunities and potential obstacles. Proactively anticipate industry trends, consumer preferences, and regulatory changes to make well-informed strategic decisions.

Digital Transformation Team: Formulate a team comprised of experienced individuals with a clear vision to spearhead the transformation process. This may involve nurturing internal talent or collaborating with external digital transformation specialists.

Change Management: Effective change management plays a critical role in driving the success of any digital transformation initiative. Developing a robust change management strategy is paramount for fostering organizational alignment, mitigating resistance, and nurturing a culture of innovation. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the ability to adapt to change emerges as a critical differentiator for organizations seeking to thrive. As a representative of the Big Three management consulting company, McKinsey & Company's latest campaign titled "It's never just tech" illustrates the core principles of effective digital transformation management. It emphasizes that digital transformation is not solely about introducing new technologies, but rather about fundamentally transforming how organizations operate and how people work. By emphasizing the human dimension of transformation, the campaign underscores the pivotal role of cultural and behavioral factors alongside technological advancements.

In conclusion, the ever-changing business landscape demands agility, innovation, and data-driven solutions. Organizations that delay this process are missing out on opportunities. The time to act is now. By embracing digital transformation early, organizations can gain a competitive advantage, ensure business continuity, and improve customer experience. However, success lies not in blindly following industry trends, but in developing a strategic roadmap tailored to the unique needs and goals of the organization.

As Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Three o'clock is always too late or too early for what you want to do." The right time for digital transformation differs for each organization. Rushing this process without preparation may lead to failure. Therefore, organizations must find a balance between responding rapidly to change and being adequately prepared to ensure success on the digital transformation journey.


"Even the procurement of a simple teapot in our organization requires approval from the director," shared a manager of a prominent Georgian company during an interview conducted as part of an organizational diagnosis. Micromanagement and a lack of delegation are pervasive challenges among senior and middle managers. This management approach is one of the foremost barriers to organizational advancement. Let's explore its adverse effects on 3 levels: the employee, the manager, and the organization.

Employee Level:

Reduced Responsibility: Under constant control and task instruction, employees lose a sense of ownership over their activities. Consequently, they feel less accountable for the outcomes.

Decreased Work Quality: Micromanaged employees often lack a comprehensive understanding of their tasks' broader context and purpose. Without clear guidance from their manager, they struggle to deliver high-quality work that aligns with organizational goals.

Impeded Growth: When employees are inundated with detailed instructions rather than given tasks matching their skill level, their professional development suffers. Additionally, micromanagement discourages risk-taking and learning from mistakes, hindering personal and career growth.

Demotivation: Research underscores the importance of feeling valued and having autonomy in the workplace for maintaining high motivation levels. In micromanaged environments, employees feel neither important nor free within their areas of expertise. This lack of recognition and autonomy breeds dissatisfaction and can lead to increased toxicity in the workplace or even prompt employees to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Manager Level:

1. Stress and Burnout: Micromanagers often find themselves overwhelmed by the perceived irresponsibility of their team members. They bear the weight of decision-making alone, wondering why the burden of results seems to rest solely on their shoulders. This constant pressure inevitably leads to heightened stress levels and eventual burnout.

2. Relationship Deterioration: The stress and burnout experienced by micromanagers frequently spill over into their interactions with team members. Feelings of unfairness, anger, and frustration brew, souring the manager-employee dynamic. This can manifest as subtle hostility or open aggression, eroding trust and damaging relationships within the team.

3. Stunted Development: Caught in the cycle of micromanagement, managers have little time or energy to focus on their growth and development. Their incessant need for control precludes the exploration of new skills or opportunities for advancement. Additionally, their perceived indispensability impedes any possibility of transitioning to new roles or seeking promotion, leading to their career stagnation despite their desire for change.

Organizational Level:

1. Decreased Productivity: Micromanagement stifles employees' ability to fully leverage their skills and potential, resulting in suboptimal performance. Moreover, by burdening managers with excessive responsibility and control, the organization inadvertently creates a bottleneck that hampers its effectiveness. Consequently, overall productivity suffers, impeding the organization's ability to achieve its goals.

2. Diminished Creativity and Innovation: Under the constraints of micromanagement, employees find themselves spending more time awaiting directives from managers rather than exploring new ideas or initiatives. This stifling environment fosters a culture of passivity, where individuals hesitate to take initiative for fear of reprisal. Consequently, creativity is stifled, and innovative solutions remain untapped, hindering the organization's ability to adapt and thrive.

3. Unhealthy Organizational Climate: Micromanagement erodes trust between employees and managers, fostering mutual dissatisfaction and undermining collaboration. Low productivity and dissatisfaction with outcomes become the norm, fueling both, silent and open conflicts, within the organization. This toxic atmosphere becomes a daily source of stress for both - managers and employees alike, sowing discord and impeding progress.

However, despite the evident drawbacks of micromanagement, why do managers persist in adopting this leadership style? Based on my observations, micromanagement stems from three primary factors:

1. Belief: Managers strongly believe that constant oversight and task delegation are essential for ensuring work quality and achieving optimal results. They presume that by permanent monitoring and assigning tasks, they can maintain control and uphold standards.

2. Desire: Micromanagers harbor a deep-seated desire to feel indispensable and valued within the organization. Consciously or unconsciously, they consistently emphasize their importance, often expressing sentiments such as, "No one can do it like I can" or "Nothing gets done without me." These expressions betray an underlying craving for security and recognition.

3. Fear: Micromanagers are driven by an underlying fear of competition and the potential loss of their position within the organization. Subconsciously, they dread the idea of work progressing without their direct involvement, questioning their relevance and necessity. This fear of being sidelined or replaced fuels their need for control, leading them to tightly restrict their employees' areas of responsibility.

In essence, micromanagement is fueled by a combination of deeply ingrained beliefs, desires for validation, and subconscious fears. These factors perpetuate a cycle of control and restriction, hindering both individual and organizational growth.

Ultimately, the key lies in transforming a micromanager into an effective leader. If you resonate with the aforementioned insights, the roadmap to this transformation becomes clearer: To instill the art of delegation in managers, we must first address their underlying beliefs, desires, and fears.

The initial step entails guiding them to RECOGNIZE the detrimental impacts of micromanagement on themselves, their teams, and the organization as a whole. By illuminating these losses and negative effects, we pave the way for a paradigm shift.

Subsequently, we must present an alternative reality — a VISION of the possibilities that emerge once liberated from the confines of micromanagement. Helping managers envision a future where they play a more strategic and influential role fuels their motivation to relinquish control and foster the growth of their team members and successors. Encouraging them to visualize themselves in elevated positions or more engaging roles ignites the drive to pursue their development path fervently.

Lastly, consistent and tailored SUPPORT is paramount in nurturing their journey toward effective leadership. Equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills combined with ongoing guidance and mentorship ensures they navigate the transition with confidence and efficacy. By embracing this holistic approach, we empower micromanagers to shed their restrictive tendencies and emerge as visionary leaders who inspire and empower their teams to achieve greatness.


თანამედროვე ბიზნეს გარემოს მუდმივი ევოლუციის ფონზე, რისკის კონცეფციამ რევოლუცია განიცადა. ეს პარადიგმის ცვლილება კითხვის ნიშნის ქვეშ აყენებს სტაბილურობისა და კონტროლის ტრადიციულ ცნებებს, უბიძგებს ორგანიზაციებს გაატარონ ინოვაციური სტრატეგიები გაურკვევლობაში ნავიგაციისთვის და გაზარდონ მედეგობის უნარი. მუდმივი დინების თეორია გვახსენებს, რომ ცვლილება არ არის მხოლოდ დროებითი მოვლენა, არამედ არსებობის არსია. ეს მარადიული სიბრძნე, რომელიც გადმოცემულია "panta rhei-ს" "ყველაფერი მიედინება" (ჰერაკლიტე ეფესელი) კონცეფციაში, დიდ გავლენას ახდენს ორგანიზაციებზე, რომლებიც რისკებით გაჯერებულ თანამედროვე ბიზნეს ლანდშაფტში ცდილობენ ნავიგაციას.

ბიზნეს სამყარო მდინარეა - მუდმივად ცვალებადი, დინამიური და ყოველთვის სწრაფ ადაპტაციას მოითხოვს. ტექნოლოგიური წინსვლა, ბაზრის ცვლილებები, მარეგულირებელი რეფორმები - ეს არის მხოლოდ რამდენიმე ძალა, რომელიც იწვევს ცვლილებებს უპრეცედენტო ტემპით. ცვლილებების შიშის ნაცვლად, ორგანიზაციებმა ნორმად უნდა მიიღონ ცვლილებები და უნდა განავითარონ ადაპტაციის უნარი და ეჯაილური აზროვნება, რომელიც აუცილებელია გაურკვევლობის პირობებში წინსვლისთვის.

ორმაგობის მიღმა: რისკის პარადოქსის აღიარება

ჩვენი ტრადიციული აზროვნება ხშირად ეყრდნობა ორმაგობას - კარგი ცუდის წინააღმდეგ, უსაფრთხო vs სარისკო, წარმატებული vs წარუმატებელი და ა.შ. მაგრამ ბერძენი ფილოსოფოსი ჰერაკლიტე გვთავაზობს რადიკალურ იდეას: მოწინააღმდეგეები არა მტრები, არამედ პარტნიორები არიან. იგი ამტკიცებს დაპირისპირებულთა ერთიანობას, სადაც ერთი შეხედვით ურთიერთგამომრიცხავი ძალები ურთიერთდაკავშირებულია და აუცილებელია არსებობისთვის.

დაპირისპირებული მხარეების ერთიანობის იდეა გვახსენებს, რომ რისკი მრავალმხრივია - ის მოიცავს შესაძლებლობასაც და საფრთხესაც, სტაბილურობასაც და ცვლილებასაც. ამ ორმაგობის აღიარებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ განავითარონ ინოვაციური მიდგომები, მიიღონ ინფორმირებული გადაწყვეტილებები და საბოლოოდ მიაღწიონ ზრდის საუკეთესო შედეგებს.

გაურკვევლობაში ნავიგაცია სტრატეგიული მოქნილობით

რისკების მართვის ტრადიციული მიდგომები ხშირად ეყრდნობა ხაზოვან, დეტერმინისტულ მოდელებს, რომლებსაც უჭირთ მოერგონ დღევანდელ ურთიერთდაკავშირებულ ბიზნეს დინამიკის კომპლექსურობას. გაურკვევლობის პირობებში, ხისტი ჩარჩოები შეიძლება არაადეკვატური აღმოჩნდეს, რაც ორგანიზაციებს დაუცველს ტოვებს გაუთვალისწინებელი შეფერხებების მიმართ. ჰერაკლიტე ეფესელის ფილოსოფია გვიბიძგებს გადავხედოთ ჩვენს მიდგომას. მისი მუდმივი დინების თეორია შეგვახსენებს, რომ არაფერია მუდმივი გარდა ცვლილებისა, რაც უბიძგებს ორგანიზაციებს აითვისონ სტრატეგიული მოქნილობა, როგორც მედეგობის ქვაკუთხედი.

სტრატეგიული მოქნილობა კი იწყება აზროვნების ფუნდამენტური ცვლილებით - გაურკვევლობის მიღება არა როგორც ანომალიის, რომლის შიშიც უნდა გვქონდეს, არამედ როგორც გადაწყვეტილების მიღების თანდაყოლილი ასპექტის. იმის ნაცვლად, რომ ორგანიზაციებმა ძალისხმევა მიმართონ რისკის მთლიანად აღმოფხვრისკენ, მათ უნდა ისწავლონ ნავიგაცია და თავიანთი სტრატეგიების ადაპტირება ცვალებად გარემოებებთან. ეს კი  მოითხოვს გაურკვევლობის აღქმას არა როგორც საფრთხის, არამედ როგორც ინოვაციისა და ზრდის შესაძლებლობას.

სტრატეგიულ მოქნილობაში მთავარია სცენარის დაგეგმვისა და სტრეს ტესტირების ჩართვა. მრავალი შესაძლო სცენარის და მათი პოტენციური ზემოქმედების შეფასებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ უკეთ მოემზადონ გაურკვევლობისთვის და განავითარონ რეაგირების მექანიზმები, რომლებიც შეიძლება სწრაფად გამოიყენონ საჭიროების შემთხვევაში. ეს პროაქტიული მიდგომა საშუალებას აძლევს ორგანიზაციებს განჭვრიტონ გამოწვევები და გამოიყენონ შესაძლებლობები, თუნდაც გაურკვევლობის პირობებში.

რეალურ დროში რისკების შეფასების ინსტრუმენტებისა და ტექნოლოგიების დანერგვა შეიძლება დაეხმაროს ორგანიზაციებს მუდმივად აკონტროლონ და შეაფასონ რისკის ლანდშაფტი. ეს გულისხმობს მონაცემთა ანალიტიკისა და მანქანური სწავლების ალგორითმების ინტეგრირებას პოტენციური რისკების პროგნოზირებისთვის, რაც დროული და ინფორმირებული გადაწყვეტილებების მიღების საშუალებას იძლევა.

Agile მეთოდოლოგია: დინებაში ნავიგაციის გასაღები


ცვლილება არ არის მტერი; ეს არის ახალი ნორმა. ცვლილებების ამ მდინარეში ნავიგაციისთვის, Agile მეთოდოლოგია განიხილება წარმატებულ პრაქტიკად, რომლის მიხედვითაც რისკების მართვის ხისტი ჩარჩოები უნდა შეიცვალოს მოქნილი და ადაპტირებადი სტრატეგიებით. როგორც მარტინ ფაულერი, ექსტრემალური პროგრამირების ერთ-ერთი პიონერი, ამტკიცებს, "Agility means being able to adapt and respond to change... it means that you are nimble and your balance improves the more you are tested."  [1] (Fowler, 2002 ). ორგანიზაციებისთვის ეს ნიშნავს:

  • ახლად აღმოცენებულ რისკებზე პროაქტიულ პოზიციას

სწრაფად განვითარებად ბიზნეს ლანდშაფტში, რისკები შეიძლება წარმოიშვას მოულოდნელი გარემო ფაქტორებიდან. გუშინდელი საფრთხეები ხვალინდელ გამოწვევებთან შედარებით შეიძლება  გაუფერულდეს. ამ ცვალებად რელიეფში ნავიგაციისთვის, ორგანიზაციებმა უნდა გაატარონ პროაქტიული პოზიცია რისკის მართვის მიმართ. ეს გულისხმობს მოსალოდნელი რისკების ჰორიზონტის მუდმივ სკანირებას, მონაცემთა ანალიტიკისა და პროგნოზირებადი მოდელირების გამოყენებას პოტენციური საფრთხეების იდენტიფიცირებისთვის და სცენარის დაგეგმვაში ჩართვას სხვადასხვა სამომავლო სცენარების მოსალოდნელად. მრუდზე წინ დგომით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ თავიანთი პოზიციონირება, რათა ეფექტურად უპასუხონ წარმოშობილ გამოწვევებს და გამოიყენონ ახალი შესაძლებლობები, როდესაც ისინი წარმოიქმნება.

  • უწყვეტი სწავლის კულტურის ხელშეწყობას

ეჯაილური მიდგომები ვითარდება ისეთ გარემოში, სადაც სწავლა ფასდება და აღინიშნება ადაპტაციის უნარი. იმისათვის, რომ ხელი შეუწყონ ეჯაილურ მიდგომებს, ორგანიზაციებმა უნდა განავითარონ უწყვეტი სწავლისა და გაუმჯობესების კულტურა. ეს იწყება თანამშრომლების ტრენინგისა და განვითარების პროგრამებში ინვესტიციით, რომელიც პერსონალს აღჭურავს უნარ-ჩვევებითა და ცოდნით, რომელიც საჭიროა ცვლილებების ეფექტიანად ნავიგაციისთვის. ის ასევე გულისხმობს ჯვარედინი ფუნქციონალური თანამშრომლობისა და ცოდნის გაზიარების ხელშეწყობას, ბუნკერული ორგანიზაციის დაშლას, რომლებიც აფერხებენ კომუნიკაციას და ინოვაციებს. ექსპერიმენტების წახალისებით და წარუმატებლობის, როგორც სწავლის შესაძლებლობის მიღებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ შექმნან გარემო, რომელიც საშუალებას მისცემთ სწრაფად მოერგონ ცვალებად საბაზრო პირობებს და მომხმარებელთა პრეფერენციებს.

  • თანამშრომლების გაძლიერებას: გადაწყვეტილების მიღების დეცენტრალიზაცია

ბიზნესის სწრაფ სამყაროში გადაწყვეტილებები უნდა იქნას მიღებული სწრაფად და გადამწყვეტად. პასუხისმგებლობის ამ დონის გასააქტიურებლად, ორგანიზაციებმა უნდა მისცენ თანამშრომლებს ყველა დონის უფლებამოსილება, აიღონ პასუხისმგებლობა მათი კომპეტენციის ფარგლებში და მიიღონ ინფორმირებული გადაწყვეტილებები. ეს მოითხოვს გადაწყვეტილების მიმღები უფლებამოსილების დეცენტრალიზაციას, თანამშრომლების უზრუნველყოფას საჭირო ინსტრუმენტებითა და რესურსებით ავტონომიურად მოქმედებისთვის და დამხმარე გარემოს შექმნას, სადაც რისკი წახალისებული იქნება. თანამშრომლების უფლებამოსილების მინიჭებით, რეაგირება მოახდინონ ცვალებად გარემოებებზე, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ გამოიყენონ ახალი შესაძლებლობები და შეამსუბუქონ პოტენციური საფრთხეები რეალურ დროში.

  • შესაძლებლობების გამოყენებას: ცვლილებების კაპიტალიზაცია

ეჯაილური მიდგომა ეხება არა მხოლოდ შეფერხებების გამოვლენას, ეს ასევე ეხება შესაძლებლობების გამოყენებას. არასტაბილურ და გაურკვეველ ბიზნეს გარემოში, შესაძლებლობები შეიძლება მოულოდნელად გაჩნდეს. იმისათვის, რომ ორგანიზაციებმა გამოიყენონ ეს შესაძლებლობები, ამისთვის ისინი მზად უნდა ადაპტირებისთვის, სტრატეგიული ცვლილებებისთვის და შესწორებისთვის. ეს მოითხოვს ეჯაილურ მიდგომას არა მხოლოდ რისკების მართვაში, არამედ სტრატეგიის განხორციელებაში, რესურსების განაწილებასა და ორგანიზაციულ სტრუქტურაში. ეჯაილ მეთოდოლოგიის, როგორც ძირითადი ორგანიზაციული ღირებულების აღიარებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ დაპოზიციონირდნენ, როგორც პიონერები მუდმივად ცვალებად სამყაროში ცვლილებების გამტარად და ამით მოიპოვონ კონკურენტული უპირატესობა.

ცვლილებების, როგორც ინოვაციის წყაროს გამოყენება

მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ცვლილებას ახლავს რისკი, ის ასევე წარმოადგენს ინოვაციისა და ზრდის შესაძლებლობებს. დინამიურ ბიზნეს გარემოში, ორგანიზაციებს, რომლებიც იღებენ ცვლილებას, როგორც ტრანსფორმაციის კატალიზატორს, შეუძლიათ მოიპოვონ კონკურენტული უპირატესობა. ინოვაციებისა და ექსპერიმენტების კულტურის ხელშეწყობით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ გამოიყენონ ცვლილებების შემოქმედებითი პოტენციალი, რათა ხელი შეუწყონ ღირებულების შექმნას და აითვისონ ახალი შესაძლებლობები. ეს გულისხმობს თანამშრომლების წახალისებას დაუპირისპირდნენ სტატუს კვოს, ჯვარედინი ფუნქციური თანამშრომლობის ხელშეწყობას და ინვესტირებას კვლევისა და განვითარების ინიციატივებში, რომლებიც იკვლევენ განვითარებად ტენდენციებსა და ტექნოლოგიებს. ცვლილებების, როგორც ინოვაციების მამოძრავებელი ძალის აღიარებით ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ თავიანთი პოზიციონირება გრძელვადიანი წარმატებისთვის.

- - - 

შიშმა, ადამიანის ბუნებრივმა რეაქციამ გაურკვევლობაზე, შეიძლება ბიზნესის პარალიზება მოახდინოს. მოძველებულ სტრატეგიებზე მიჯაჭვულობა ჰგავს ცვალებად სანაპიროზე ქვიშის ციხესიმაგრის აშენებას. ცვლილებების ტალღა აუცილებლად გადარეცხავს მას. ანტიდოტი მდგომარეობს მოქნილობაში, გამუდმებით ცვალებად დინებებთან ადაპტირების უნარსა და ცვლილებებზე მორგების მზადყოფნაში.

ამრიგად, სტაბილურობის ხელახალი განსაზღვრა გადამწყვეტი ხდება. საუბარია არა სტატიკურ წონასწორობაზე, არამედ მოძრაობაში წონასწორობის პოვნაზე. ორგანიზაციები, რომლებსაც შეუძლიათ ცვლილებების ტალღაზე სერფინგი, გაუთვალისწინებელ ქარიშხლებში ნავიგაცია და ცვლილებების გამოყენება ინოვაციის პლაცდარმად, არა მხოლოდ გადარჩებიან, არამედ მიაღწევენ ზრდასა და განვითარებას.

[1] Fowler, M. (2002). Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley


Uncertainty is the cornerstone that defines the global marketplace and on which it ultimately depends. Conflicts such as political, trade, and social instabilities, among other factors, are known to upset this balance, presenting a challenge to international business. These disruptions could vary from direct supply chain interruptions to direct refusals of the consumption of the company's products, which can produce drastic effects in different corporations. Especially during such periods of uncertainty, communication, and marketing assets are vital instruments in weathering these storms and preserving the corporate image.

Modern Political Risks and Their Impact

For a long time, organizations were primarily concerned with operational risks, or more specifically, with economic and financial risks only. But soon, McKinsey & Company, in its Emerging Risks on the Global Agenda ([valid URL added]), presents political instabilities as one of the upcoming risk management concerns. This paper, informed by interviews with IT executives and the analysis of political risk data, highlights how vital it is for organizations to plan for political disruptions and need to have specified marketing communication plans. Politics, social issues, and the shifting geo-political landscape are key drivers that can challenge supply chains, undermine stakeholders' confidence, and diminish branding. These are some risks companies can face, and a proactive crisis communication and marketing strategy should not be lacking.

Crisis communication, a vital aspect in managing crises, is planning the type, content, channel, and timing of communicating and interacting with stakeholders during crises. This definition is also based on the standards of operation provided by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), which is recognized as the world's premier association for public relations professionals. It only takes one communication slip during an incredibly volatile political period to significantly harm stakeholder trust and company image. On the other hand, effective communication management is an invaluable tool with little or no adverse effects because the public gets a positive impression of a company's responsible behavior during a crisis.

Critical Considerations for Efficient Crisis Messaging During the Political Hard Periods

Appropriate measures of crisis communication establish the radar for organizations to continue their operations unhampered by the disruptions of storms of a political nature. Here's how companies can establish a foundation for clear and impactful communication: 

Proactive Risk Identification: Businesses must understand politics. They have to adapt and deal with it. For this reason, the different institutions must analyze possible political risks regarding operations to identify weaknesses.

Building a Rapid Response Infrastructure: Crisis communication cannot afford to be slow. Organizations must set up a crisis communication team to react quickly to incipient decisions and disseminate them correspondingly. This team should comprise personnel from different departments, among them public relations, legal, and marketing departments, in case any issues arise. Efficient operational plans for precise and fast reactions should be set and agreed upon beforehand to avoid confusion and the formation of weak links.

Transparency and Empathy in Action: Maintaining and promoting ethical business conduct throughout the crisis cultivates business and consumer goodwill (in line with the communication principles highlighted by the IPR, 2023). For instance, Patagonia, a company famous for being an active voice in environmental issues, seized a political crisis – the U. S government shutdown – to bring to light its dedication to promoting sustainable practices; this is because the company ceased every advertising campaign during the events.

Multi-Channel Communication Strategy: Stakeholders' communication must occur using a comprehensive communication tool kit. The best way is to develop different messages for every social network because each is unique in some way. While a press release can formally announce events, social media is timely, open, and personal, providing status updates.

Crisis management and business continuity

Crisis communication plans can only fulfill business continuity and crisis management. This plan should outline action procedures associated with communication during risk management and supply chain disruption and accommodate protocols for employee safety and disaster response (Disaster Recovery Institute International [DRII], 2023). You can be confident that crisis communication advocates an essential aspect of these strategies, which involves the timely and accurate flow of information to all key stakeholders.

Adapting to marketing plans and strategies during a crisis has become necessary as a managerial strategy. Crisis communication is an inevitable communication activity in organizations, and it should be aligned with marketing communication strategies to keep the masses constantly informed about the firm's brands and products. This may involve:

  • Adapting Marketing Messages
  • Utilizing Social Media for Authentic Engagement
  • Pausing Insensitive Campaigns

Delving Deeper: Crisis communication and marketing are two key aspects organizations must consider, especially when running a business.

The harmonization of crisis communication and marketing during hard political periods are critical strategies that should be employed to ensure reputation management. Here's how businesses can achieve this.

  • Maintaining Brand Voice and Values: Companies must ensure that when communicating during a crisis and with customers in general, they adhere to their brand's fundamental values and tone. Maintaining consistency is an essential factor since it helps people develop trust and credibility in the brand's response to the crisis that is being faced.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Crisis response is another factor that raises the importance of a strong CSR strategy, as it will become a powerful weapon when the company is to defend itself from the negative consequences of the crisis.
  • Building Brand Support Through Transparency: There is a great degree of trust put in companies that are transparent within the climate of crisis communication.

Today's world can be described as vague, with politics constantly volatile. Therefore, everyone should strive to employ an integrated approach to crisis management in the event of such storms.


For almost two months, our country has faced a serious political crisis. By initiating the so-called "Russian law," the government has openly opposed the Georgian people's desire to join the European family and democratic world. This decision was finalized on May 27. Growing up in the Soviet Union, I understand the realities of authoritarianism, restricted freedom, and inequality. Having witnessed and participated in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the building of a free Georgia, I deeply grasp the significance of democracy and European values. Based on experience, I can assess our country's risks and opportunities if the people's will does not prevail in this struggle. This is why all my thoughts and emotions now revolve around our country's fate and this political crisis.

The article addresses the challenges faced by organizational leaders during political crises. In light of current events, I aim to explore and answer several critical questions: What implications does a political crisis hold for leaders of private organizations? How can leaders manage stress effectively? How can they maintain or restore their leadership strength when they themselves are facing difficulties? And, how can they guide their team and organization through such turbulent times?

Challenges of Domestic Political Crisis

 First, we must agree that a political crisis within a country is significantly different from other types of crises, such as an economic crisis or a war with an external enemy.

During an economic crisis, the rules of the business game change, market conditions shift, and the private sector's status quo is altered. Businesses need to recognize the symptoms of a crisis in time, quickly adapt to changes, think creatively, and take bold steps.

In a war, all the factors of an economic crisis are present, with the added threat to organizations and people's lives. Faced with an existential threat, all other threats pale in comparison. Fighting an external enemy stimulates patriotism, unity, and mutual support. In this situation, business interests, ambitions, and goals take a backseat, and leaders focus primarily on the survival of the people and the country.

A domestic political crisis is very different in nature. There may not be an immediate economic or existential threat, but it is a war of values. Values are the foundation of our "self," and our identity and belonging (to relatives, colleagues, friends, or country) are under attack. If the crisis is not overcome in time, there is a long-term risk of an economic crisis, loss of freedom, and existential danger. In such a situation, people may have to fight for survival not against an enemy but with a loved one, as we have seen in recent Georgian history.

Therefore, in my opinion, an internal political crisis is the most difficult situation for leaders. To navigate it, leaders must have great inner strength, caution, and courage.

Leadership strategies

Fear, stress, anger, irritation, emotional agitation, a complete lack of energy, difficulty focusing on work, a feeling of weakness, a sudden desire to fight, the desire to give up everything, a sense of responsibility and shame for one's weakness, calling out to oneself, taking action, and then again fear, stress, anger... Do these emotional roller coasters sound familiar? If so, I'd like to reassure you that this is a natural reaction to the challenges described above. Moreover, this emotional background is common to everyone, not just leaders.

Now imagine an organization where all employees and leaders are in this emotional state... It's a bleak scenario indeed. Every leader realizes that finding a way out of this situation is their responsibility, but the main question is how. How do we lead effectively in such chaos? How do we maintain our emotional equilibrium, clarity of thought, and resilience? More importantly, how can we harness the energy of stress within our organization and transform it into a force for positive change and growth?

Reflecting on these challenges, I've embarked on a personal quest to uncover strategies that enable me to fulfill my leadership duties with clarity and purpose each day. And now, I invite you to join me in this exploration. Let's share our insights, our triumphs, and even our struggles. Together, we can navigate these turbulent waters and emerge as transformational leaders, guiding our organizations through the storms towards calmer shores.

1. Accept Reality: If there is no problem - there is no solution. Therefore, not recognizing what is happening to us—both the current events in the country and our emotional stress—means leaving reality. The first step is to accept reality. We must correctly assess the scale of the crisis, the risks facing our organizations, and the degree of stress on ourselves and our team members. Acceptance of an unwelcome reality serves as the foundation for effective problem-solving.

2. Stay Informed: In times of crisis, staying informed about current developments is imperative for making well-informed and prompt decisions.

3. Prioritize Self-Care: To support others, the leader must be resourceful himself/herself. Leaders often make the critical mistake of focusing solely on solving problems during a crisis and forgetting to take care of themselves. A leader's physical, mental, and emotional well-being is directly related to their resourcefulness. Self-neglect weakens and exhausts the leader, diminishing their ability to make effective decisions. Even amidst high stress, dedicating time to self-care routines can provide surprising strength. For instance, incorporating daily exercise, meditation, or pursuing personal interests can significantly contribute to maintaining physical and emotional resilience.

4. Create A Supportive Environment: Leaders, like everyone else, experience fears, anxieties, and vulnerabilities. During times of crisis, it's essential to surround oneself with a supportive network of individuals who provide strength and energy. Whether it's family, friends, partners, or professional support like psychologists, drawing upon external sources of support is crucial for resilience.

5. Share Responsibility: Effective leadership entails sharing both power and responsibility with the team. Particularly in times of crisis, leaders should not bear the burden alone. Trusting the management team, fostering open discussions about risks and challenges, making collective decisions, delegating tasks, and jointly assuming responsibility for outcomes are vital strategies for navigating crises and managing stress.

6. Empathy and Effective Communication: Internal political conflict is one of the most difficult crises because society is divided and opposed to each other. We should not forget that an organization is also a community—a community united around one idea and goal. Consequently, the division that exists in society is likely to appear in the organization as well (especially in large organizations). If the responsibility for stabilizing society and the situation across the country falls on the government, within the organization, this responsibility rests with the leader and the management team. Therefore, the leader and management team must ensure effective communication within the organization, eliminate conflicts and restore or strengthen trust among employees. This can be achieved by bringing common interests to the fore and relegating differences to the background. For example, “We all want this country to develop”; “We all want more stability and security”; “We are all in this crisis together, and the consequences (both good and bad) will affect everyone”.

7. Leading by Example with Values-Based Decisions: In the context of internal political controversy and such an underdeveloped democracy as Georgia, publicly stating an opinion contrary to the government's position is risky. The leader of any private company is aware of this risk, which is not only related to the potential loss of business or income but also to the jobs and safety of employees. Therefore, leaders who do not share the ruling power's position on the "Law on the Transparency of the Influence of Foreign Powers" (the so-called Russian law) face a big dilemma. If they raise their voice and openly protest the government's decision, they risk their own and the organization's well-being. On the other hand, if they do not speak out or support the ruling force contrary to their beliefs, they lose self-respect and the trust of their employees, ultimately morally destroying the organization.

Advising leaders on this issue is challenging. However, one thing remains clear: leaders will have to make a choice and assume responsibility for the associated consequences


წარმოიდგინეთ, რომ აპირებთ მოგზაურობას რუკის, GPS-ის, ინტერნეტის ან მკაფიო დანიშნულების ადგილის გარეშე. თქვენი მოგზაურობა სავსე იქნება გაურკვევლობით, გამოწვევებით და წარუმატებლობის მაღალი რისკით. სწორედ იგივე 'ეკლიან გზას' გადიან კომპანიები, რომლებიც პირველ ნაბიჯებს დგამენ ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის გზაზე მაშინ, როდესაც არ ესმით საკუთარი ორგანიზაციის გაციფრულების მზაობა.

სამყარო, რომელშიც დღეს ბიზნესი ოპერირებს, დღითიდღე უფრო მეტად ციფრულდება და შესაბამისად, გაციფრულების საჭიროება სტრატეგიულ მნიშვნელობას იძენს. Gartner-ის კვლევის თანახმად, ტოპ მენეჯერების 87%-ისთვის ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის ინიციატივები კომპანიების ტოპ პრიორიტეტებს შორისაა. რაც ცალსახად მეტყველებს გაციფრულების, როგორც სტრატეგიული აუცილებლობის ბუნებაზე. სწორედ ამიტომ, მრავალი ორგანიზაცია ცდილობს გააციფრულოს საკუთარი ბიზნეს პროცესები, სისტემები, ოპერაციები, რათა უფრო ეფექტიანად შექმნას მომხმარებლისთვის ფასეულობა. თუმცა ამავდროულად, McKinsey-ის კვლევის თანახმად, ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის მცდელობების 70% წარუმატებელია. ციფრული ოდისეა, ნებისმიერი ორგანიზაციისთვის, მართლაც თავგადასავლებითა და გამოწვევებით სავსე მოგზაურობაა, რომლისთვისაც კარგად მომზადება სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანია. გაციფრულების მკაფიო აღქმის გარეშე, თუ საიდან იწყებს და სად უნდა წავიდეს ორგანიზაცია ტრანსფორმაციის პროცესში, უღრან ტყეში უმისამართოდ ხეტიალს ემსგავსება.

ხშირად აღიქმება, რომ ბიზნესისთვის გაციფრულება არის საბოლოო შედეგი და 'ეფექტურად დანერგილი პროგრამა/სისტემა' განაპირობებს ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის წარმატებას. პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის დანერგვა, რა თქმა უნდა, განუყოფელი და მნიშვნელოვანი ნაწილია გაციფრულებისა და ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისთვის. თუმცა ციფრული ტრანსფორმაცია არ არის საბოლოო შედეგი, არამედ ის არის საშუალება თითოეული კომპანიისთვის, რომ საკუთარი მომხმარებლისთვის ფასეულობა შექმნას უფრო ეფექტიანად, ინოვაციურად, სწრაფად და მარტივად.

ტრანსფორმაცია ჰოლისტიკურ მიდგომას მოითხოვს, რომელიც აერთიანებს ციფრულ ტექნოლოგიებს მთელი ორგანიზაციის მასშტაბით და ბიზნესის ყველა დომეინში იწვევს ცვლილებებს. ეს ცვლილება მოითხოვს უფრო მეტს, ვიდრე უბრალოდ ტექნოლოგიის დანერგვაა - ის მოითხოვს თქვენი ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის სიღრმისეულ შეფასებას. ტრანსფორმაციის დაწყებამდე ციფრული მზაობის არ შეფასება გაციფრულების ინიციატივის საფუძველშივე აჩენს წარუმატებლობის განმაპირობებელ ბზარს.

მაღალი ციფრული მზაობა - წარმატების საწინდარი

ჩვენი ღრმა რწმენით ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის შეფასება არის პირველი ნაბიჯი წარმატებული ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის განსახორციელებლად. იმის გაგება, თუ სად იმყოფება კომპანია ციფრული შესაძლებლობების თვალსაზრისით, სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანია ციფრული ოდისეის სწორად დასაგეგმად და ეფექტურად განსახორციელებლად.

სწორედ ამიტომ, ეისითის ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის გუნდმა შეიმუშავა უნიკალური მოდელი Digital Wheel, რომელიც ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის შესაფასებლად გამოიყენება. Digital Wheel მოდელი ორგანიზაციას აანალიზებს ჰოლისტიკურად და მოიცავს შვიდ ფუნდამენტურ განზომილებას, რომლებიც გადამწყვეტია ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის შესაფასებლად:

1. ციფრული სტრატეგია

კარგად განსაზღვრული ციფრული სტრატეგია არის კომპასი, რომელიც ორგანიზაციებს ეხმარება ტრანსფორმაციის გამოწვევებით სავსე გზის გაგნებაში. ის უზრუნველყოფს, რომ გაციფრულების პროცესი არ შემოიფარგლოს უბრალოდ ტექნოლოგიური გადაწყვეტების და გაჯეტების დანერგვით, არამედ იყოს ორგანიზაციის ყოვლისმომცველი ხედვისა და მიზნების განუყოფელი ნაწილი. ციფრული ძალისხმევის ბიზნეს სტრატეგიასთან გათანაბრებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ თავიანთი რესურსების ეფექტურად წარმართვა, გაციფრულების ფრაგმენტაციის თავიდან აცილება და თანმიმდევრული და მიზანმიმართული ცვლილებების განხორციელება. ეს სტრატეგიული თანხვედრა გარდაქმნის ციფრულ ამბიციებს ქმედით, გაზომვად და ხელშესახებ ნაბიჯებად, რაც ორგანიზაციას უბიძგებს ციფრული ოდისეის წარმატებით წარმართვისკენ.

2. ციფრული ლიდერობა და მაინდსეტი

ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის პროცესში ლიდერშიფის გუნდმა უნდა მოირგოს კატალიზატორის როლს, რომელიც მთელ გუნდსა და ორგანიზაციას ცვლილებებისკენ უბიძგებს. ლიდერები ინოვაციური მაინდსეტითა და ახლებური მდგომებისადმი მზაობის გამოვლენით შთააგონებენ გუნდს და დიდ გავლენას ახდენენ ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის წარმატებაზე. ისინი ავითარებენ ინოვაციურ კულტურას, რომელიც არა მხოლოდ მოიცავს ტექნოლოგიას, არამედ ხელს უწყობს ადაპტაციას, მაღალ პროდუქტიულობასა და მედეგობას ორგანიზაციაში. სწორედ ლიდერშიფის ციფრული შესაძლებლობებისადმი ურყევი სწრაფვა და მზაობა უბიძგებს ორგანიზაციას თავისი ტრანსფორმაციული ხედვის მიღწევისკენ.

3. ციფრული წიგნიერება

ციფრული წიგნიერება სცილდება ტექნოლოგიების საბაზისო გაგებასა და უნარებს; ეს არის ციფრული ინსტრუმენტების გამოყენების შესაძლებლობა ბიზნეს პროცესების გასაუმჯობესებლად და ახალი შესაძლებლობების ასათვისებლად. ციფრულად მომწიფებულ ორგანიზაციაში თანამშრომლები არიან არა მხოლოდ ტექნოლოგიების მომხმარებლები, არამედ ტექნოლოგიური გადაწყვეტების იმპლემენტაციის აქტიური მონაწილეები. ციფრული შესაძლებლობების გამოყენებით მათ აქვთ პროდუქტიულობის გაზრდის, სამუშაო პროცესების ოპტიმიზაციისა და მომხმარებლისთვის ფასეულობის შექმნის უნარი. გუნდში ციფრული წიგნიერების მაღალი დონე ხელს უწყობს უწყვეტი სწავლის კულტურას და უზრუნველყოფს, რომ ორგანიზაციას შეეძლოს სწრაფად მოერგოს ტექნოლოგიურ წინსვლასა და მუდმივად ცვალებადი ბაზრის კონიუნქტურას.

4. მონაცემთა მენეჯმენტი

ინფორმაციაზე ორიენტირებულ სამყაროში მონაცემები ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის სასიცოცხლო წყაროა. მონაცემთა ეფექტური მენეჯმენტი გარდაქმნის მონაცემთა ერთობლიობას სტრატეგიულ ინსაითებად, რაც განაპირობებს მტკიცებულებაზე დაფუძნებული გადაწყვეტილების მიღებას და ინოვაციების სტიმულირებას. მონაცემების სისტემატური შეგროვებით, ანალიზით და გამოყენებით ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ გამოავლინონ ტრენდები იწინასწარმეტყველონ ტენდენციები და შექმნან პერსონალიზებული გამოცდილება თავიანთი მომხმარებლებისთვის. გარდა ამისა, მონაცემთა შენახვის, დაცვისა და კიბერუსაფრთხოების ნაწილში უმნიშვნელოვანესია ციფრული ტექნოლოგიების იმპლემენტაცია, იქნება ეს ორგანიზაციის შიდა წყაროებისაგან მოძიებული ინფორმაცია, კორპორატიული მონაცემები თუ სამომხმარებლო ინსაითები. მონაცემთა მართვის ძლიერი პრაქტიკა უზრუნველყოფს მონაცემების სიზუსტეს, ხელმისაწვდომობას და ქმედითუნარიანობას, რაც ორგანიზაციას საშუალებას აძლევს მყისიერად უპასუხოს ბაზრის მოთხოვნებს და შეინარჩუნოს კონკურენტული უპირატესობა.

5. IT/IS ინფრასტრუქტურა

მდგრადი IT/IS ინფრასტრუქტურა არის საფუძველი, რომელზედაც აგებულია ციფრული ტრანსფორმაცია და ნებისმიერი კომპანია ტექნოლოგიების ერაში. ის უზრუნველყოფს აუცილებელ საფუძველს ციფრული ინიციატივების მხარდაჭერისა და წარმატებით მასშტაბირებისთვის. მოქნილი და უსაფრთხო IT/IS ინფრასტრუქტურა საშუალებას აძლევს ორგანიზაციას შეუფერხებლად აწარმოოს არსებული ბიზნეს პროცესები, მოახდინოს ახალი ტექნოლოგიების ინტეგრირება, დაიცვას მონაცემები და უზრუნველყოს ბიზნესის ოპერაციული უწყვეტობა.

6. ოპერაციები და პროცესები

ოპერაციებისა და პროცესების გაციფრულება გულისხმობს სამუშაო ნაკადების (workflow) ხელახლა წარმოდგენას და გამარტივებას ეფექტიანობის, პროდუქტიულობისა და სისწრაფის გასაუმჯობესებლად. ყოველდღიურ ოპერაციებში ციფრული ხელსაწყოებისა და მეთოდოლოგიების დანერგვით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ აღმოფხვრას გაფლანგული დროის რაოდენობა, მინიმუმამდე დაიყვანონ შეცდომების დაშვების რისკი, დააჩქარონ გადაწყვეტილების მიღების პროცესი და ეფექტურად შექმნან და მიაწოდონო ფასეულობა მომხმარებლებს. პროცესების ეს ტრანსფორმაცია აუცილებელია მუდმივად განვითარებად ბაზარზე კონკურენტული პოზიციის შესანარჩუნებლად, რაც ორგანიზაციას საშუალებას აძლევს სწრაფად ადაპტირდეს ახალი შესაძლებლობებისა და გამოწვევების საპასუხოდ.

7. მომხმარებელთან ურთიერთქმედება

ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის ბირთვში მდებარეობს მომხმარებელთა ურთიერთქმედების გაძლიერების აუცილებლობა. ციფრული ტექნოლოგიები ორგანიზაციებს აძლევს შესაძლებლობას მომხმარებელზე ცენტრირებული მიდგომით საუკეთესო გამოცდილება შექმნან მათთვის. ციფრული ხელსაწყოების გამოყენება მომხმარებელთა უწყვეტი და დადებითი გამოცდილების შესაქმნელად არის წარმატების საბოლოო საზომი. მომხმარებელთა საჭიროებების გააზრებითა და წინასწარი ანალიზით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ უზრუნველყონ პერსონალიზებული, ინტუიციური და შთამბეჭდავი ურთიერთქმედება, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს ლოიალობას და ხელს უწყობს კომპანიის ზრდას. ციფრული ტექნოლოგიების ეფექტური გამოყენება გარდაქმნის მომხმარებელთა გამოცდილებას, ამავდროულად, აქცევს ყველა შეხების წერტილს შესაძლებლობად მომხმარებლებთან გრძელვადიანი და ლოიალური ურთიერთობის ჩამოსაყალიბებლად.

Digital Wheel წარმოადგენს უნიკალურ მოდელს, რომელიც იყენებს ჰოლისტიკურ მიდგომას ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის შესაფასებლად და გასაუმჯობესებლად. თითოეული განზომილება ურთიერთდაკავშირებულია და აუცილებელია ციფრული მზაობის მისაღწევად, ამავდროულად მნიშვნელოვან როლს ასრულებს ნათელი და ეფექტური ციფრული სტრატეგიის შექმნაში. გაციფრულების პროცესამდე ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის შეფასების ფარგლებში ამ სფეროების გააზრებითა და ოპტიმიზაციის გზით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის სირთულეების წარმატებით გადალახვა. Digital Wheel უზრუნველყოფს, რომ ციფრული ინიციატივები არ იყოს იზოლირებულად გაწეული ძალისხმევა, არამედ ინტეგრირებული, სტრატეგიული და წარმატებული ციფრული ოდისეის ნაწილი.

Digital Wheel - წარმატების მომენტუმი

ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის დაწყება თქვენი ციფრული მზაობის შეფასების გარეშე ჰგავს ოკეანეში უმისამართოდ ცურვას. ციფრული ტრანსფორმაცია არ არის მხოლოდ ტექნოლოგიური ცვლილება, არამედ ის არის სტრატეგიული და კულტურული ცვლილება, რომელსაც დიდი მზაობა სჭირდება როგორც ტოპ მენეჯმენტის, ასევე კომპანიის გუნდის მხრიდან.

Digital Wheel მოდელი მოიცავს ყველა იმ განზომილებას, რომელშიც კარგი შედეგის არსებობა წარმატებული ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის საწინდარია. შეაფასეთ თქვენი მზადყოფნა გაციფრულებისთვის, გაიგეთ თქვენი ძლიერი და გასაუმჯობესებელი მხარეები და დასახეთ კურსი წარმატებული ციფრული ოდისეისთვის.

და დასასრულს, ბორბალი, როგორც პროგრესისა და იმპულსის სიმბოლო, ნათლად განასახიერებს ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის დინამიკურ ბუნებას. ჩვენ გვჯერა, რომ ისევე როგორც ბორბალი უბიძგებს წინ სვლისკენ, Digital Wheel უბიძგებს ნებისმიერ ორგანიზაციას ზრდისა და წარმატებისკენ ციფრულ სამყაროში.


In the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, businesses increasingly recognize the need for digital transformation to remain competitive and meet ever-changing customer expectations. However, the road to digital transformation is full of challenges. We have been told many times that starting this process without a clear digital strategy can result in misaligned processes, untargeted use of resources, missed opportunities, and high failure rates. A strong digital strategy not only provides a roadmap for organizations but also develops a vision plan for digital transformation that aligns with the organization's overall goals. This ensures that all digital initiatives are targeted and deliver results.

According to the teleological doctrine, every object has its purpose - "telos" - the fulfillment of which determines its success, effectiveness, and significance. Applying Aristotle's concept of telos to the context of digital transformation means recognizing the importance of foresight in digital strategy development. This approach encourages organizations to anticipate future trends, technological advancements, and assess emerging market dynamics. This proactive stance allows them to strategically position themselves in the digital landscape, fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty.

By adapting teleological principles to their digital strategy, organizations cultivate clarity and confidence in their transformation journey. They have the ability to make informed decisions, prioritize initiatives, and mobilize resources to succeed in the digital age. This philosophical foundation not only sets the strategic direction of the organization but also enables alignment of digital transformation goals with overall business objectives and ensures concerted action at all levels of the organization.

Thus, based on Aristotle's concept of telos, the essence of digital strategy goes beyond operational planning. It is a transformational effort that aligns the overall purpose of the organization with the goals of digital initiatives. That is, the digital strategy should be developed taking into account a clear vision of the desired future state of the organization. This approach helps organizations envision a future where digital capabilities not only improve operational efficiency but also create a significant impact in a rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

Practical Implementation: Assessing the landscape through market and competitor analysis

Assessing the digital landscape through market and competitor analysis is crucial to transforming a philosophical vision into an actionable strategy. This involves conducting market analysis to identify trends, consumer behavior, and competitor strategies. Noise Analysis is a valuable tool that provides a structured framework for identifying competitive advantages and areas for improvement.

By utilizing NOISE analysis, organizations can identify both internal and external factors that can influence their digital strategy. This approach focuses on needs, opportunities, improvements, strengths, and exceptions, allowing organizations to comprehensively assess their current state and identify actionable steps to capitalize on areas for improvement and strengths. This holistic view ensures that digital strategies align with real-world conditions and organizational capabilities, enabling targeted and effective initiatives.

The advantages of noise analysis include:

- Comprehensive overview of the business: It offers a 360-degree view, leveraging strengths to address immediate needs, improvements, and opportunities.
- Accurate prioritization of tasks: Identifying potential opportunities alongside urgent needs helps strategically allocate resources such as time, budget, and team members.
- Identification of competitive advantages: Recognizing what sets a company apart from its competitors helps capitalize on unique strengths.
- Increased efficiency: Comprehensive analytics uncover potential bottlenecks, enabling proactive strategies rather than reactive solutions.

Strategic planning: developing detailed action plans

Following a thorough understanding of the digital landscape, organizations can then develop detailed action plans to implement their digital strategy. These plans define the initiatives, projects, technologies, timelines, and milestones necessary to achieve strategic goals. Strategic planning methodologies like Hoshin Kanri ensure alignment between strategic goals and operational performance at all levels of the organization, promoting consistency and efficiency in digital transformation efforts.

The Hoshin Kanri model, also known as Policy Deployment, is a strategic planning process that aims to systematically implement and operationalize an organization's goals at all levels. This model harmonizes strategic goals with day-to-day operations by establishing clear goals, developing actionable plans to achieve them, and continuously revising and refining those plans. By adopting the Hoshin Kanri approach, organizations can consistently align their digital transformation initiatives with long-term strategic goals, facilitating coordinated action and efficient use of resources.

(Akao, 1991)[1]

Creating a Digital Team

Building a successful digital transformation requires a highly skilled and diverse team. This team should include digital leaders, digital transformation managers, IT experts, data analysts, and change managers, all bringing specialized expertise. The collaboration between these different roles is crucial for the strategic planning and execution of digital initiatives.

To assemble a team with these skills, organizations can adopt a resource-based approach (RBV). The RBV approach emphasizes the importance of leveraging unique skills and capabilities within an organization to gain a competitive advantage. By focusing on internal resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable (VRIN), organizations can establish a strong foundation for digital transformation.

(Barney, 2011)[2]

Utilizing the RBV approach allows organizations to strategically build a digital team that can effectively seize opportunities. This approach ensures that the team is not only capable of implementing digital strategies, but also sustaining them in the long run. The integration of diverse skills and perspectives fosters innovation, operational excellence, and continuous improvement.

Leveraging Advanced Technologies

In the digital age, a successful digital strategy relies on the integration of advanced technologies. These innovations are not only crucial for enhancing operational efficiency, but also for enabling personalized customer interactions and fostering innovation.

Therefore, technologies play a crucial role in the process of digital transformation. By analyzing vast amounts of data, organizations can make data-driven strategic decisions. This includes understanding consumer behavior, optimizing the supply chain, predicting market trends, and improving product development. As a result, organizations can identify opportunities and challenges early on and respond swiftly and effectively.

Automation and intelligent systems are revolutionizing the business landscape by simplifying complex processes, empowering decision-making, and driving innovation. These systems can analyze patterns, make predictions, and offer recommendations, significantly enhancing efficiency and accuracy across various business functions.

The concept of technological determinism highlights the transformative impact of technological advancements on business operations and strategic outcomes. It suggests that technological progress shapes societal structures and cultural values, leading to change that is often beyond the control of individual organizations. In the context of digital strategy, this means that adopting and integrating advanced technologies can modernize business processes, create new business models, and alter competitive dynamics

(Orlikowski, 2008)[3]

By embracing technological determinism, organizations recognize that technology is more than just a tool; it is a catalyst for transformation. This perspective encourages businesses to proactively adopt technology and constantly explore new developments to stay ahead of the game. It also emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to technology implementation, ensuring that technology investments align with overall business goals and deliver measurable results.

Agile approach and continuous improvement practices

Agility refers to an organization's ability to quickly respond to unforeseen challenges and seize new opportunities. Taking this approach ensures that the digital strategy remains relevant and effective in the face of changing market dynamics, technological advancements, and competitive pressures

(Rigby, 2018)[4]

Continuous improvement is the foundation of an effective digital strategy. Regularly measuring digital initiatives against key performance indicators allows organizations to refine strategies, strengthen processes, and achieve better results. This approach, based on the Kaizen philosophy, promotes continuous improvement and innovation in products, services, and operations (Imai, 2012)[5]

Kaizen, which means "continuous improvement" in Japanese, is a philosophy that focuses on making small, incremental changes to increase efficiency and quality. In digital strategy, applying Kaizen principles means regularly reviewing and refining digital initiatives to ensure they align with organizational goals and market conditions. Such a focus on continuous improvement helps foster a culture of innovation and excellence that leads to long-term success in digital transformation efforts.

Implementation and Maintenance of Digital Initiatives in Practice

Implementing digital initiatives is a critical step in digital strategy. It not only boosts stakeholder engagement, but also establishes a strong foundation for long-term success. However, sustaining momentum beyond the implementation phase necessitates continuous innovation, evolution, and expansion of digital capabilities. This ensures that each subsequent phase of digital transformation delivers even greater value and impact.

Essentially, a well-crafted digital strategy serves as the foundation of an effective digital transformation. By seamlessly integrating market and competitor analysis, strategic planning, technology innovation, agility, and continuous improvement, organizations can effectively navigate the complex digital landscape. Utilizing comprehensive digital readiness assessments as a diagnostic tool ensures that an organization remains agile, responsive, and prepared to tackle future digital challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

This comprehensive approach not only facilitates the achievement of transformational objectives but also establishes a solid groundwork for sustainable growth and competitiveness in the digital era. By adhering to these principles, a business can chart the appropriate course, attain long-term success, and position itself as an industry leader.

[1] Akao, Y. (1991). Hoshin Kanri: Policy Deployment for Successful TQM. Productivity Press. 

[2] Barney, J. B., Ketchen, D. J., & Wright, M. (2011). The Future of Resource-Based Theory: Revitalization or Decline? Journal of Management, 37(5), 1299-1315.

[3] rlikowski, W. J., & Scott, S. V. (2008). Sociomateriality: Challenging the Separation of Technology, Work and Organization. The Academy of Management Annals, 2(1), 433-474.

[4] Rigby, D. K., Sutherland, J., & Noble, A. (2018). Agile at Scale. Harvard Business Review, 96(3), 88-96.

[5] Imai, M. (2012). Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous Improvement Strategy. McGraw Hill Professional.


In Estonia, replacing the traditional, non-digital model of providing public services with an electronic model is a clear example of good governance. With the X-Road initiative, implemented in stages since 2000, Estonia has successfully digitized 99% of public services offered to citizens, saving 2 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) annually (2004). .-s., 2004) (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD, 2020). In 2023, the savings amounted to 754 million euros.

A New Model of Public Administration in the Post-Soviet Space

With independence from the Soviet Union, the Estonian public sector faced a new challenge, which in turn meant an urgent need to modernize the public services offered to citizens. In 1992, the objective of the public administration reform dictated by the new constitution was to prepare for future sector and national initiatives by strengthening the principles of accountability, efficiency and transparency in public institutions (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – OHCHR). In parallel with the problems in the public sector, the Estonian authorities began to care about universal access to the Internet. In 1996, within the framework of the so-called Tiger Leap (Est. Tiigrihüpe) program, the Estonian government provided Internet access to all public schools in the country within five years. Although the aforementioned program was implemented only in public schools, it is considered fundamental in the process of building a digital society (Education Estonia, 2024). The significance of the Tiger Leap is emphasized by the government's reference to the achievements in the field of education in 1998 when drafting the document defining the Principles of Estonian Information Policy (Electronic Governance Academy – EGA, 1998). The document outlined the future directions of the development of the digital society in Estonia.In order to raise public awareness of the rapidly changing situation in the public sector and reduce scepticism towards e-governance, the government established the Data Protection Inspectorate (Estonian: Andmekaitse Inspektsioon) in 1999.

An indirect result of the productive work of the said agency was the adoption of the legal framework for electronic signatures in Estonia in 2000, which, together with the electronic tax system (e-Tax) approved in the same year, significantly changed the financial situation in the sector (EUR-Lex, 2000). Currently, more than 95 percent of tax returns in Estonia are completed electronically, which in turn reduces the bureaucratic and financial resources spent on this process (Invest in Estonia, 2024).

The first stage of digital transformation in Estonia in 2001-2002, with the start of preparations for e-elections and within the framework of the United Nations Development Programme, the Government of Estonia, the Open Society Foundation (OSF) and the Bratislava Regional Support Centre (Bratislava Regional Support Centre (BRC) Within the framework of the common initiative, the non-governmental organization “E-Governance Academy” was established (National Interoperability Framework Observatory – NIFO, 2017). It is significant that in the parliamentary elections held in March 2005, the majority of votes - 51 percent - were recorded online, using the “i-Voting” system (e-Estonia, 2023).

X-Road Initiative: Digital Citizen in a Digital State

With the advent of digital information systems in Estonia, the authorities began to care about creating a secure data exchange ecosystem. The new “X-Road” platform, created in 2001, in addition to regulating the databases necessary for the provision of public services, also ensured their safety.

The success of the initiative has led to its implementation in other countries. Today, the platform is used not only by Estonia, but also by more than 52,000 entities from 20 countries and more than 3,000 services offered by them. The efficient data exchange process provided by the initiative is on average 1,407 times faster than it would be without the platform (e-Estonia, 2024) (E-Estonia, 2019).

Among the services provided by the Estonian platform, the following have the status of “critical importance”:

• The digital taxation and settlement system (e-Tax), created in 2000 by the Estonian Customs and Tax Board, which allows citizens to fill out financial declarations online. The said system not only ensures greater transparency, but also - significantly reduces the time required to complete the said procedure to an average of 3 minutes (Invest in Estonia, 2024);

• Electronic health system (e-Health), which aims to provide health services to users anywhere in the country by exchanging data from private and public health service providers. In addition to digitizing 99 percent of patient health data, Estonia began issuing digital medical prescriptions and referrals in 2019, allowing its citizens to receive fast health services in other EU Member States (Council of Europe, 2024);

• Digital justice system (e-Justice), implemented by the Estonian Ministry of Justice in first and second instance courts, which allows citizens to apply to city and appellate courts at any time, twenty-four hours a day (e-justice). Estonia, 2024);

• The Digital Residence (E-Residency) program, established in 2014, which provides over 100,000 foreign citizens with the right to remote access to Estonian services and the opportunity to register and manage a business in the European Union, adding 60-70 million euros to the Estonian budget annually (Enterprise and Innovation Fund – EISA, 2024);

• The Estonian Data Embassy in Luxembourg, based on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, is an outstanding example of innovative use of cloud technology. The aforementioned data center, located in Luxembourg under the fourth level of protection, allows the authorities to safely host state information outside the country, which in turn ensures the continuity of state processes in the event of a cyberattack on Estonian infrastructure (Electronic Estonia, 2019).

The digital identification (e-Identity) and electronic signature system, created in 2002, helps citizens use the above-mentioned services. It provides Estonian citizens, regardless of their place of residence, with a state-issued digital identity document. Using an electronic signature speeds up the receipt of the above-mentioned services, which allows each citizen to save an average of 5 days a year (e-Estonia, 2024).

Improving the digital landscape in Estonia

Despite the successes achieved in the area of e-government, the Estonian authorities are actively working to eliminate the problems that have arisen in the context of improving the country's digital ecosystem. Among the main problems that exist today, the following are significant:

• Improving data security - with a high level of "digitization" of the population, which, in turn, is evidenced by the active use of electronic ID cards by 98 percent of citizens, the Estonian authorities are aware of the cybersecurity risks associated with large-scale transformations (Electronic Estonia, 2017). In order to combat cyber threats, the NATO Joint Cyber Defence Training Centre (CCDCoE) operates in Estonia in cooperation with Western partners, which has a positive impact on the country's National Cyber Security Index (NCSI). According to the index, Estonia's level of national cyber security ranks fifth after the Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium and Australia (NCSI, 2024);

• Strengthening digital equality - despite the high level of successful access to public services offered to them electronically by a significant part of the population, the Estonian authorities take into account a small group of citizens who do not have access to the above-mentioned services. In this direction, the framework document developed by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications - "Digital Agenda 2030" (eng. Digital Agenda 2030) focuses on increasing the digital awareness of citizens (Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, 2021);

• Creating conditions for technological progress. In line with the above-mentioned digital agenda, the Estonian authorities are aware of the potential of integrating artificial intelligence into the provision of public services and e-governance. At this stage, state and public institutions are actively using the virtual assistant “bureaucrat” (Estonian: bürokratt), created on the principle of artificial intelligence, the purpose of which is to “track” citizens in the process of receiving digital services. It is significant that today the mentioned initiative is enjoying great success and 68% of Estonian citizens rate the “bureaucrat” as positive and safe (e-Estonia, 2023).


The Estonian e-governance model is exemplary in the world in terms of taking into account the interests of citizens. Since gaining independence from the Soviet Union, thanks to the successful transformation of the public sector, Estonia has created a constantly evolving national digital landscape that provides citizens with simple, fast and effective means of accessing public services.



Resources used:

e-Estonia (2024). E-Governance Portal;

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) (2020). Seizing the Productive Potential of Digital Change in Estonia;

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (nd). Estonia's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2015;

Education Estonia (2024). Tiger Leap;

E-Governance Academy (EGA) (1998). Principles of Estonian Information Policy;

EUR-Lex (2000). Estonia;

Invest in Estonia (2024). Estonia’s Advantageous Tax System Brings Companies to Grow Here;

National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO). Estonia Shares its e-Governance Practices;

e-Estonia (2023). How did Estonia Carry Out the World’s First Mostly Online National Elections;

e-Estonia (2019). Data Economy in Estonia and Public-Private Collaboration;

Invest in Estonia (2024). e-Tax System;

Council of Europe (2024). Digital Health System – Estonia; 

e-Estonia (2024). Justice & Public Safety;

Enterprise and Innovation Foundation (EISA) (2024). Estonian E-Residency Success Metrics are Impossible to Verify;

e-Estonia (2019). Data Embassy – the Digital Continuity of a State;

e-Estonia (2017). Estonian e-ID Card: Entering the Contactless World;

National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) (2024). Order = Rank;

Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication (2021). Digital Agenda 2030;

e-Estonia (2023). #bürokratt.

Appendix 1. To illustrate the article. Author: Eiko Ojala



თანამშრომელთა ნეგატიურ გამოცდილებას მავნე ზემოქმედების მოხდენა შეუძლია როგორც ორგანიზაციის ყოველდღიურ, ისე გრძელვადიან საქმიანობაზე. თანამშრომელთა გადინება, ინოვაციურობის ნაკლებობა და ბრენდის იმიჯის დაზიანება მცირეა იმ სიმპტომების ჩამონათვალიდან, რასაც თანამშრომლის ნეგატიური გამოცდილება იწვევს.

თანამშრომელთა ნეგატიური გამოცდილების სიმპტომები:

თუ თქვენი თანამშრომლები გამოხატავენ ნაკლებ ენთუზიაზმს, ან არ სურთ აიღონ პასუხისმგებლობა, რეკრუტინგის პროცესი უფრო და უფრო რთულდება, დენადობის მაჩვენებლი იზრდება და გამოცდილების გაზიარება არ ხდება ორგანიზაციაში, მაშინ თქვენი კომპანია დიდი ალბათობით ბაზარზე ან/და პროცესებზე ორიენტირებულია, ადამიანები კი ფოკუსს მიღმა რჩებიან.
ამ დროს მნიშვნელოვანია ადამიანზე ცენტირებული გარემოს ჩამოყალიბება და თანამშრომლების გამოცდილების, როგორც უწყვეტი კონტინიუმის ანალიზი და გაუმჯობესება.

როგორ ყალიბდება თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილება?

თანამშრომლის გამოცდილებას აყალიბებს ინტერაქცია ორგანიზაციის ფიზიკურ და ტექნოლოგიური გარემოსთან, პროფესიული განვითარების შესაძლებლობა და სოციალური ურთიერთობები კოლეგებსა და ხელმძღვანელებთან. პირველი შთაბეჭდილება, როლთან ადაპტაცია, განვითარების ხელშეწყობა, ბენეფიტები და ა.შ. ის მნიშვნელოვანი შემხებლობის წერტილებია, (touchpoints) რომლებიც განსაზღვრავს თანამშრომელთა განწყობებსა და დამოკიდებულებებს ორგანიზაციის მიმართ.

თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების კვლევის საერთაშორისო პრაქტიკის მიხედვით, შემხებლობის მნიშვნელოვანი წერტილებია: შერჩევა, ადაპტაცია, ჩართულობა, განვითარება, სამოტივაციო სისტემები და ბენეფიტები და დამშვიდობება. თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების შეფასება თითოეულ ეტაპზე გვაძლევს ერთიან სურათს ორგანიზაციის ფუნქციონირების, მისი ძლიერი და გასაუმჯობესებელი მიმართულებების შესახებ.

თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების კვლევის უპირატესობები

შემხებლობის მნიშვნელოვანი წერტილები და მათზე მიღებული გამოცდილება განსაზღვრავს ინდივიდისა და ჯამურად, ორგანიზაციის ეფექტურობას, ჩართულობის ხარისხს, ზოგად კმაყოფილებასა და თანამშრომელთა შენარჩუნების მაჩვენებელს ორგანიზაციის შიგნით. ხოლო მის გარეთ განაპირობებს დამსაქმებლის იმიჯს, რაც გავლენას ახდენს საუკეთესო ტალანტების მოზიდვასა და რეკრუტინგის პროცესის ხარისხზე.

თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების კვლევით მიღებული მონაცემები ფასდაუდებელია ნებისმიერი ორგანიზაციისთვის. მათზე დაყრდნობით შეგიძლიათ დაგეგმოთ ეფექტიანი ნაბიჯები მტკივნეული სიმპტომების მდგომარეობის გასაუმჯობესებლად. მონაცემზე დაფუძნებული გადაწყვეტილებები შესაძლებლობას გაძლევთ შეაფასოთ თქვენი ნაბიჯებისა და სტრატეგიების ეფექტურობა, თვალი ადევნოთ თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების ცვალებადობას დინამიკაში, იყოთ მუდმივად მოქნილები და პასუხობდეთ ორგანიზაციისა და თანამშრომლების გამოწვევებსა და საჭიროებებს.

როგორ წყვეტს ACT-ის მოდელი პრობლემას?

ACT-ის მრავალწლიანი გამოცდილებისა და საერთაშორისო პრაქტიკის გავლენით შექმნილი მოდელი აფასებს თანამშრომლის გამოცდილების პროცესს და მის განმაპირობებელ შემხებლობის წერტილებს (Touchpoints) თანამშრომლის სრული სასიცოცხლო ციკლის 6 ეტაპზე: შერჩევა, ადაპტაცია, ჩართულობა, განვითარება, წახალისების სისტემები და დამშვიდობება.

კვლევის მეთოდოლოგია ითვალისწინებს რაოდენობრივი კვლევის განხორციელებას და წერტილოვნად სიღრმისეულ ინტერვიუებს თვისებრივი ინსაითების მოსაპოვებლად. შედეგად ორგანიზაცია მიიღებს თანამშრომლის გამოცდილების პროცესის შეფასებას, როგორც მისი ცალკეული კომპონენტების, ისე ჯამურად ეფექტურობის ინდექსს.

როდის არის რეკომენდებული თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების კვლევა?

საუკეთესო შედეგისთვის, კვლევის ჩატარება რეკომენდებულია წელიწადში 2-3 ჯერ, მიღებული შედეგებისა და ორგანიზაციის საჭიროებებიდან გამომდინარე.

კვლევის საჭიროება დგება ისეთი მნიშვნელოვანი ცვლილებების დროს როგორიცაა, ორგანიზაციების შერწყმა, ახალი სტრატეგიის იმპელემენტაცია, მენეჯმენტისა და/ან შიდა პოლიტიკის კარდინალური ცვლილებები. მსგავსი ძვრები პირველ რიგში აისახება თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილებაში და მისი შეფასება მნიშვნელოვან ინსტრუმენტს წარმოადგენს ცვლილებების მართვის პროცესში.


EX მნიშვნელოვნად განსაზღვრავს თანამშრომლის წარმოდგენებს დამსაქმებლის შესახებ და გავლენას ახდენს მათ გადაწყვეტილებაზე დარჩენისა ან წასვლის შესახებ. თანამშრომლები აზიარებენ საკუთარ გამოცდილებას ორგანიზაციის გარეთ და ხელს უწყობენ დამსაქმებლის ბრენდის შესახებ წარმოდგენებისა და განწყობების ფორმირებას, რაც საბოლოო ჯამში ორგანიზაციის იმიჯზე აისახება.


When it comes to powerful storytelling in advertising, few stages are as prominent as the Olympics. Brands like Nike and Coca-Cola have long understood the value of emotional connection during such high-stakes global events. But as we’ve seen in recent Olympics, the way emotions are used in advertising can be the difference between just grabbing attention and truly moving people to action.

Take Nike’s “Winning Isn’t for Everyone” ad, for instance. At first glance, it seems like a perfect match for the Olympic spirit with its portrayal of athletes driven by a relentless, almost ruthless ambition. However, there’s a catch. The ad starts with a provocative question: “Am I a bad person?” and then goes on to link greatness with traits like deception, obsession, and a lack of empathy. On paper, this fierce drive looks compelling, but it misses the mark in some key ways.

The problem lies in the ad’s portrayal of greatness. By associating success with negative traits like ruthlessness and a lack of compassion, it creates a misleading picture. True greatness, whether in sports or any other field, is not about trampling over others or losing one’s humanity. It’s about fierce determination balanced with respect for others and a strong sense of personal integrity.

Nike's intention might have been to highlight the relentless drive required to achieve greatness, but the execution fails to address the importance of maintaining a balance between ambition and ethical conduct. Great athletes are known for their dedication and intense focus, but they also understand the significance of compassion, respect, and a well-rounded approach to success. The best athletes manage to channel their drive without compromising their core values or well-being.


In stark contrast, Coca-Cola’s “It’s Magic When the World Comes Together” ad excels by weaving a story of unity and upliftment around South African swimmer Tatjana Schoenmaker. Rather than simply showcasing competition, this ad evokes hope, redemption, and togetherness—emotions that connect on a deeply personal level. This approach not only engaged audiences but also fostered a strong emotional connection with the brand. It shows that empathy and shared human experiences can be as powerful as intensity and competition.


So, what can brands learn from these two contrasting approaches? The key takeaway is that while competition is a powerful theme, how it’s presented can make a huge difference. Nike’s ad had intensity but lacked the emotional depth needed to create a lasting impact. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, reminded us that the most memorable ads are those that go beyond competition and touch on universal human experiences.

As we look forward to future Olympic advertising, there’s an opportunity for brands to not only celebrate the triumphs of competition but also to explore the softer, more relatable sides of these stories. Whether through humor, hope, or the simple act of coming together, the ads that leave a lasting impression are those that connect with us on a human level.

In the end, the most effective creative work doesn’t just tell us who won—it shows us why it matters. And that’s a lesson worth remembering, not just for the Olympics, but for all brand storytelling.


Did you know that nearly 60% of employees report feeling emotionally drained by the end of each workday? With the evolution of the labor market, focusing on employee well-being has ceased to be a luxury or a one-off initiative—it has become a necessity for survival and the foundation for long-term success.

The driving force behind a company is its strong employees. The viability of an organization depends on the realized potential and well-being of each worker. Experience and international empirical research show a direct link between employee well-being and their productivity, effectiveness, and commitment to the organization. The higher the employee's well-being, the more they are a team player, show empathy toward others, and are more productive and effective in their work processes, which is the cornerstone of organizational success.

Given this situation, it has become evident to modern HR specialists and managers that well-being is not an additional but an integral value of the company. Consequently, for proactive, development-oriented organizations, one of the primary tasks is to implement a human-centered culture, ensure a safe environment for employees, and promote their well-being. This involves increasingly frequent and prioritized adoption of various supportive approaches and interventions.

The Concept of Well-Being

Well-being is a comprehensive concept that, according to the perspective of positive psychology, extends beyond rational factors to include psychological aspects such as socio-emotional, mental, and cognitive resilience. Various theoretical reviews and empirical studies suggest that achieving employee happiness and well-being in an organization is contingent upon providing various motivational factors and circumstances:

Emotional Well-Being: Numerous studies confirm that employees' emotional resilience, ability to self-regulate and adapt emotions, optimism, and positive attitude toward work significantly influence work motivation, approach to tasks, and the quality of work performed. Conversely, a combination of negative emotions such as anxiety, tension, and irritation can lead to emotional burnout and professional exhaustion. These symptoms often become primary or at least indirect causes of job departure.


 Social Well-Being: Considering that employees spend a third of their time at work, the style of interaction in the work environment, opportunities for receiving and exchanging support and empathy, are particularly important. Factors such as cooperation, shared joy, a sense of belonging, pride in achievements, and belief that the environment supports and values you, are guarantees of a safe environment and healthy social interaction, which, in turn, forms the basis for employee retention and the accumulation of positive capital in the long term.


 Professional Well-Being: An employee’s perception of their activities and role is a critical component of well-being. Organizations need to be aware: is the employee passionate about what they do? Do they believe in the importance of their work? Do they consider their work valuable? How competent do they feel? Do they have a sense of autonomy? Do they see their contribution to achieving the company's overall goals and vision? These questions determine internal motivation, interest, productivity, and ultimately, employee effectiveness. Providing career paths, opportunities for continuous learning, and recognizing employee achievements are effective strategies for enhancing professional well-being.

It is clear that a high level of professional well-being is key to employee productivity and, consequently, to the effectiveness and success of the organization.

 Physical Well-Being: Beyond physical endurance, a crucial aspect is the feeling of safety and security in the workplace. It is also important for the organization to understand how work conditions and the environment contribute to employees feeling good and being productive.

Financial Well-Being: The importance of this aspect relates to how employees' financial security, fairness, and adequacy of compensation compared to the work performed significantly impact their motivation, attitude toward work, and desire for long-term collaboration with the company.

Thus, focusing on individual aspects of well-being, as well as the overall picture, improves indicators of resilience, engagement, and productivity; strengthens organizational loyalty; creates a healthy and positive work climate; fosters a high-performance culture; and ultimately enhances the organization's internal success, ecosystem, viability, as well as productivity and reputational resilience.


Well-Being Diagnosis


We believe that the first step towards creating a human-centered, safe environment in an organization is assessing the components whose combination is essential for achieving well-being. Well-being diagnostics allow the organization to understand what employees think and feel, identify issues in organizational climate and culture, and determine which well-being parameters require more attention and targeted interventions.

To this end, ACT has developed a unique model—the Employee Well-Being Matrix—which is based on a holistic view of well-being and symmetrically provides organizations with data on both overall and specific well-being indicators—where it is stable and where it requires support.


The Matrix: A Compass for Employee Well-Being

The Well-Being Matrix is like a lens that allows you to see even the most challenging organizational well-being issues. In this labyrinth, the matrix is not just a diagnostic tool but a symbol of balance and clarity. Research identifies pain points, and targeted responses to them make strategic interventions much more effective.

We believe that just as the matrix creates balance, sequence, and structure in complex and sometimes chaotic data, the Well-Being Matrix will bring similar clarity and a clear vision to organizations, serving as an important compass on the path to creating a human-centered, positive climate.


It's hard to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it isn't there 



I first heard the phrase “Are we looking for a black cat in a dark room?” during a discussion among several scientists about the rationality of a research hypothesis.  


The search for a black cat in a dark room, especially when no cat is there, expresses the idea of futile effort. It symbolizes a pursuit of something that likely does not exist and is ultimately absurd. Although this phrase is attributed to Confucius, it is more of a philosophical concept than a direct quote. Applying this idea to the context of Organizational Behavior creates a powerful metaphor, reflecting the wasteful expenditure of energy and resources in organizational management, leading to inefficiency.  


In this article, I will try to answer the following questions:  

Why do organizational leaders search for a black cat in a dark room, losing consistency and harming the organization in the process?  

Why do intelligent people make elementary and absurd mistakes?  


To answer these questions, let's consider several theories.  


  1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)  

Do you remember the anxiety in school while waiting for an invitation to a classmate's party? Or the feeling of missing an important event? These emotions are linked to anxiety and regret, commonly referred to as the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).  

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has been a part of human nature and our daily lives since ancient times. Early humans instinctively understood that missing out on food, shelter, or a suitable mate could jeopardize the survival of their species. Therefore, this fear is universal and present in every person, race, generation, and gender. However, with the advent of technology, particularly social media, FOMO has significantly intensified.  

Herman first highlighted FOMO in 2000 (Herman D, 2000), using the term to describe consumer behavior. However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the term became more generalized, with modern authors using it to explain anxiety. Given this growing trend, people are often referred to in literature not as HOMO Sapiens but as FOMO Sapiens.  

In the context of Organizational Behavior, FOMO reflects human anxiety and fear of missing out on an opportunity, innovation, or trend that may be crucial. Here, we talk about a leader who, under the influence of FOMO, is constantly searching for new initiatives and losing consistency.  



FOMO can manifest in the following forms:  

  1. Copying every new trend that may be less relevant or inappropriate for the business.  

  1. Constantly implementing innovations and initiatives when core business processes are not yet established.  

  1. Making hasty decisions that are not aligned with the company's long-term strategy.  

  1. Taking unjustified risks, such as investing significant resources based on current trends and intuition without prior market analysis.  


In today's world, the pursuit of new ideas is essential. However, decisions fueled by FOMO can lead to impulsive and unpredictable leadership, much like searching for a black cat in a dark room—even when it isn’t there. 


  1. Fast Thinking (System 1) vs. Slow Thinking (System 2)  

According to Daniel Kahneman's book «Thinking, Fast and Slow», people use two different thinking systems when making decisions. When the outcome is easily predictable or when we encounter something familiar, we make fast, intuitive decisions; this type of thinking is called System 1. On the other hand, when faced with a complex task or unfamiliar environment, we start applying more deliberate and slow thinking, activating System 2.  

Fast thinking, or System 1, is the brain's automatic mode, which conserves effort and energy. It is formed based on previous experience, decisions, and the environment in which we grew up. Often, System 1 is helpful as it saves energy, helps us navigate our environment, and avoids constantly reconsidering details. For example, in everyday life, we use System 1 more frequently, while System 2, which involves slow thinking, can be tiring and irritating when used often.  

However, it's important to note that System 1 has its drawbacks—it is prone to errors, subjective judgments, and biases. System 1 does not account for important details and relies on existing experience.  

The choice between fast thinking (System 1) and slow thinking (System 2) is fully conscious; a person chooses which system to rely on when planning. It is also worth noting that System 1 operates automatically, like an autopilot, so in stressful situations or when fatigued, a person is inclined to make decisions with minimal energy expenditure, using System 1. 

This is why intelligent people sometimes make very simple mistakes and, based on System 1, may instruct their team to search for a black cat in a dark room, as it worked in the past. In such cases, we encounter a pattern-based approach and a rigid attitude toward the surroundings ("don't miss the important stuff"). As a result, the company may stagnate instead of correctly utilizing and developing new opportunities. 



How can this be changed? 

Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a powerful and legitimate motivator for both leaders and teams. However, it's crucial to recognize its potential downsides. Striking a balance between fast, instinctive thinking (System 1) and slow, analytical thinking (System 2) is essential for effective decision-making. 

While it's natural to rely on fast thinking for routine tasks, navigating complex situations requires the deliberate approach of slow thinking. It's important to remember that both FOMO and fast, automatic thinking are intrinsic parts of us. They can be managed through self-reflection, continuous development, seeking feedback from your team, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. These practices help ensure that you don’t overlook critical details due to stress or incomplete information, avoid making decisions driven solely by FOMO or Fast thinking, and most importantly, resist the temptation to chase a black cat in a dark room, especially when it isn’t there. 





სამყარო როდესაც ციფრული ხდება, ბიზნესები იძულებულნი არიან ადაპტირდნენ, განახორციელონ ცვლილებები და სწრაფად განვითარებად ბიზნეს ლანდშაფტში ნავიგაცია მოახდინონ. ჩნდება კითხვა "Which are you drinking? The water or the wave?", ეს მეტაფორა ასახავს მკვეთრ არჩევანს, რომელიც ორგანიზაციებმა უნდა გააკეთონ: მართონ მხოლოდ მყისიერი ცვლილებები - წყალი, ან აქტიურად წარმართონ და გავლენა იქონიონ ამ ცვლილებებზე - ტალღაზე. ეს უკანასკნელი წარმოადგენს დინამიკურ მიდგომას, რომელიც კომპლექსურსა და კონკურენტულ ციფრულ ეკოსისტემაში არსებობისთვის გადამწყვეტია. მენეჯმენტის ტრადიციული სტრატეგიები სულ უფრო არაადეკვატური ხდება ამ ამოცანისთვის, რომლებიც წარმატებისთვის ციფრულ ლიდერობასა და აზროვნებას აუცილებელს ხდის.


ციფრული ლიდერობა: ტრანსფორმაციის მართვა ცვლილების სიჩქარით

ნებისმიერი წარმატებული ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის საფუძველი ეფექტური ციფრული ლიდერობაა. მოწინავე კომპანიების ლიდერები უბრალოდ კი არ რეაგირებენ ტენდენციებზე, ისინი პროაქტიულად მართავენ მათ. ჯეიმს მაკგრეგორ ბერნსის ტრანსფორმაციული ლიდერობის თეორიის თანახმად, ამ ლიდერებს უნარი აქვთ შთააგონონ თავიანთი გუნდები და გააერთიანონ საერთო ხედვის ირგვლივ. ისინი ავითარებენ გარემოს, სადაც უწყვეტი სწავლა და ადაპტაცია ნორმაა. ლიდერები, რომლებიც წარმატებულად მართავენ ციფრულ ტრანსფორმაციას, აქტიურად ურთიერთობენ განვითარებად ტექნოლოგიებთან, მხარს უჭერენ თავიანთ გუნდებს სხვადასხვა ტექნოლოგიურ გამოწვევაში და იყენებენ ინოვაციის შესაძლებლობებს.

განვიხილოთ Microsoft-ის ტრანსფორმაცია სატია ნადელას ხელმძღვანელობით. 2014 წელს, როდესაც ნადელამ მაიკროსოფტის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორის თანამდებობა დაიკავა, კომპანია გზაჯვარედინზე იყო. პერსონალური კომპიუტერების ინდუსტრიაში, ოდესღაც ლიდერი ტექნიკური გიგანტი - Microsoft-ი, ჩამორჩებოდა ციფრული ინდუსტრიის განვითარებას ისეთ მნიშვნელოვან სფეროებში, როგორებიცაა: ღრუბლოვანი გამოთვლები და მობილური ტექნოლოგიები. კომპანიის ყურადღება გამახვილებული იყო თავის ტრადიციულ პროდუქტებზე - Windows-სა და Office-ზე. თუმცა, ნადელას ჰქონდა მკაფიო ხედვა, მაიკროსოფტი ღრუბლოვანი გამოთვლისა და ხელოვნური ინტელექტის (AI) ლიდერად გაეხადა, ხელახლა განსაზღვრა Microsoft-ის როლი სწრაფად ცვალებად ტექნოლოგიურ ინდუსტრიაში.

სატია ნადელას ხელმძღვანელობით, Microsoft-ის სტრატეგია სრულად შეიცვალა, დიდი აქცენტი გაკეთდა Cloud Computing-ზე, Azure-ის საშუალებით. ნადელას ხელმძღვანელობით Azure ძალიან გაიზარდა და ჩამოყალიბდა, როგორც Amazon ვებსერვისების (AWS) მთავარი კონკურენტი, რომელსაც მნიშვნელოვანი როლი უკავია Microsoft-ის გრძელვადიან გეგმებში. გარდა ამისა, ნადელა მხარს უჭერდა AI-ს, როგორც ტრანსფორმაციულ ძალას, მათ შორის Azure AI პლატფორმასა და შემეცნებით სერვისებს, როგორც აუცილებელ გადაწყვეტილებებს ბიზნესებისთვის, რომლებიც ცდილობენ გააუმჯობესონ ოპერაციები და მომხმარებლის გამოცდილება.

ეს სტრატეგიული ცვლილებები გვიჩვენებს, თუ როგორ შეუძლია ციფრულ ლიდერობას განაახლოს კომპანიის სტრატეგიული ფოკუსი - გახადოს იგი ინოვაციური და კონკურენტუნარიანი.

ნადელას მიერ Microsoft-ის ტრანსფორმაცია არ შემოიფარგლებოდა მხოლოდ ტექნოლოგიური მიღწევებით; ის სათავეში ჩაუდგა ღრმა კულტურულ და ორგანიზაციულ ცვლილებებს Microsoft-ში. ეს ძირითადი ინიციატივები მოიცავდა:

  • ზრდაზე ორიენტირებული აზროვნების კულტურის ხელშეწყობას:

ნადელამ დანერგა „ზრდის აზროვნების“ კონცეფცია, რომელიც გულისხმობს უწყვეტ სწავლასა და გაუმჯობესებას, ხაზს უსვამს წარუმატებლობისგან სწავლის მნიშვნელოვნებას. ეს კულტურული ცვლილება, Microsoft-ის მიდგომაში, ინოვაციების წახალისების მიმართ აისახა. ისეთი გარემოს შემუშავებით, სადაც თანამშრომლებს ექსპერიმენტების არ ეშინიათ, ნადელამ განავითარა უწყვეტი სწავლისა და ინოვაციის კულტურა;

  • ბუნკერული ორგანიზაციის ნგრევას:

ნადელას ხელმძღვანელობით, Microsoft-მა არაერთი ნაბიჯი გადადგა ბუნკერული ორგანიზაციის ნგრევისკენ. ჯვარედინი ფუნქციური გუნდები გახდა უფრო ინტეგრირებული, რამაც ხელი შეუწყო კომპანიის მიერ AI და ღრუბლოვანი ტექნოლოგიების სწრაფ მიღებას.

ამ კულტურულმა ძვრებმა არა მარტო ხელი შეუწყო ტექნოლოგიურ წინსვლას, არამედ საფუძველი ჩაუყარა გრძელვადიან ინოვაციას. ორგანიზაციებმა, რომლებიც გეგმავენ ციფრულ ტრანსფორმაციას, უნდა გაითვალისწინონ, რომ მხოლოდ ლიდერობა არ არის საკმარისი, მთელი ორგანიზაციის აზროვნება გადამწყვეტ როლს თამაშობს.

ციფრული აზროვნების როლი : ტრანსფორმაციის კატალიზატორი

ციფრული ლიდერობის გარდა, ორგანიზაციის ციფრული აზროვნება სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანია წარმატებული ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისთვის. McKinsey-ის კვლევის მიხედვით, ორგანიზაციები, რომლებიც იღებენ ცვლილებებს, ავითარებენ უწყვეტი სწავლის კულტურასა და სწრაფი ადაპტაციის უნარს, უფრო წარმატებულები არიან. ეს ნიშნავს „ციფრული აზროვნების“ მნიშვნელობის ხელშეწყობას, კონცეფცია, რომელიც შეესაბამება კეროლ დუეკის "ზრდის აზროვნების" თეორიას. ციფრული აზროვნება ხასიათდება გამოწვევების მიღების, წარუმატებლობისგან სწავლის და მუდმივად ადაპტაციის სურვილით.

ციფრულ კონტექსტში, ციფრული აზროვნება მოიცავს რამდენიმე ძირითად ელემენტს:

უწყვეტი სწავლის და ადაპტაციის კულტურას: წარმატებულ ციფრულ ორგანიზაციებში ცოდნის გაზიარება ხდება მინიმუმ ყოველთვიურად, თუ არა ყოველკვირეულად. თანამშრომლებს შესაძლებლობა აქვთ რეგულარულად განაახლონ თავიანთი უნარები და ცოდნა. ეს პრაქტიკა ქმნის ტალანტებს, რომელიც არა მხოლოდ უახლესი ტექნოლოგიების ცოდნით კვალიფიცირდება, არამედ შეუძლია სტრატეგიულად იფიქროს მათ გამოყენებაზე.

ეჯაილურ მიდგომებს: ციფრული აზროვნება მოითხოვს მოქნილობასა და ცვლილებებზე სწრაფი რეაგირების უნარს. მოქნილი კულტურის მქონე ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ სწრაფად შეეგუონ ახალ ტექნოლოგიებსა და ბაზრის პირობებს.

ინოვაციური კულტურის ხელშეწყობას: ციფრული აზროვნება ხელს უწყობს ექსპერიმენტებსა და ინოვაციებს. გუნდებს უფლება აქვთ გამოცადონ ახალი იდეები, თუნდაც წარუმატებლად და ისწავლონ შეცდომებზე. ეს მიდგომა ეხმარება ორგანიზაციებს დარჩნენ მოქნილნი და ადვილად შეძლონ რეაგირება ცვალებად საბაზრო პირობებზე.

ჯვარედინ ფუნქციურ თანამშრომლობას: ეფექტური ციფრული ორგანიზაციები ხელს უწყობენ ჯვარედინ ფუნქციონალურ თანამშრომლობისა და ინფორმაციის გაზიარებას დეპარტამენტებში. ეს ეხმარება იმ არაეფექტურობისა და წინააღმდეგობების აღმოფხვრას, რომლებიც ხშირად წარმოიქმნება, მაშინ როცა გუნდები იზოლირებულად მუშაობენ.

უფრო მეტიც, ციფრული აზროვნების განვითარებას შეიძლება ჰქონდეს გაზომვადი გავლენა. Deloitte-ის ანგარიშის მიხედვით, ბიზნესები, რომლებიც ხელს უწყობენ ციფრული აზროვნების განვითარებას, ხასიათდებიან თანამშრომლების პროდუქტიულობისა და ინოვაციების 40%-ით ზრდით. ეს სტატისტიკა აჩვენებს, რომ პროაქტიული, ინოვაციური კულტურის დანერგვამ შეიძლება ორგანიზაციული ეფექტურობა მნიშვნელოვნად გააუმჯობესოს.


ციფრული Mindset-ის შეფასება: ციფრული ბარომეტრი

ციფრული აზროვნების შეფასება ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზადყოფნის შეფასების კრიტიკული კომპონენტია. ეს შეფასება გვეხმარება იმის დადგენაში, მზად არიან თუ არა თანამშრომლები და ლიდერები მიიღონ ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის სწრაფი ტემპი, თუ მათ აფერხებს ტრადიციული, რისკისადმი მიდრეკილი დამოკიდებულებები, მაგრამ როგორ შეუძლიათ კომპანიებს გაზომონ, არის თუ არაა მათი ორგანიზაციის ციფრული აზროვნება და ლიდერშიფი ნამდვილად მზად ციფრული ეპოქისთვის?

ACT-ში ჩვენ შევიმუშავეთ ყოვლისმომცველი ინსტრუმენტი, სახელწოდებით ციფრული ბარომეტრი, რათა შევაფასოთ ორგანიზაციის ციფრული ლიდერშიფი და Mindset-ი. ციფრული ბარომეტრი ამოწმებს, თუ რამდენად ეფექტურად იყენებენ გუნდები ციფრულ ინსტრუმენტებს ინფორმაციის შეგროვების პროცესში, თანამშრომლობისთვის, პრობლემების გადასაჭრელად და უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველსაყოფად. ასევე, აფასებს ორგანიზაციის ღიაობას ციფრული ინოვაციების მიმართ. ამ ჰოლისტიკური ანალიზით ინსტრუმენტი ორგანიზაციებს ეხმარება იმ სფეროების განსაზღვრაში, რომელშიც ისინი გამოირჩევიან და სადაც შემდგომი განვითარებაა საჭირო.

ციფრული აზროვნების შეფასება გვეხმარება იმის დადგენაში, არიან თუ არა თანამშრომლები და ლიდერები მზად აზროვნების, სწავლისა და მუშაობის ახალი გზებისთვის. ის ცხადყოფს, არის თუ არა ორგანიზაცია მზად ციფრული ცვლილებების სწრაფი ტემპის მისაღებად, თუ მას აკავებს ტრადიციული, რისკისადმი მიდრეკილი დამოკიდებულებები. ასევე ამ შეფასებამ შეიძლება გამოკვეთოს ის სფეროები, სადაც შეიძლება საჭირო გახდეს დამატებითი ტრენინგი ან კულტურული ცვლილებები ორგანიზაციის ციფრულ მიზნებთან შესაბამისობაში მოსაყვანად.

საბოლოო ჯამში, ციფრულ ეპოქაში წარმატება მოითხოვს უფრო მეტს, ვიდრე ახალი ინსტრუმენტების მიღებას - ის მოითხოვს ლიდერობის ხედვას, რომელსაც მხარს უჭერს ადამიანური კაპიტალი და სურს განვითარება. ამ ელემენტების მუდმივი შეფასებითა და განვითარებით, ორგანიზაციებს შეუძლიათ არა მხოლოდ გაუმკლავდნენ ტექნოლოგიური ცვლილებებით გამოწვეულ სირთულეებს, არამედ გამოიყენონ ისინი, როგორც ინოვაციებისა და ზრდის შესაძლებლობა.

2016 წლის 11 მაისს, ოთხშაბათს, თსუ-ში ჩატარდა დასაქმების ფორუმი, რომელშიც მონაწილეობა მიიღეს კერძო და საჯარო სფეროს წარმომადგენელმა კომპანიებმა და ორგანიზაციებმა.

ფორუმზე მოწვეული იყვნენ თსუ-ს სტუდენტები და კურსდამთავრებულები, რომელთა დიდი ნაწილი კომპანია ეისითი-თ დაინტერესდა და მომავალი თანამშრომლობისთვის სააპლიკაციო ფორმებიც შეავსო.


At least until recently, no one could have imagined that we would be witnessing the turning point of mankind. Perhaps there has never been such an intense sense of how closely each of us is connected to the life chain of the earth, and all its actions are reflected on us, like the butterfly effect. Undoubtedly, we live in an interesting era, but that’s what exactly faces us with unprecedented challenges. People always, and especially during difficult times, need to feel little victories, and this is the main reason why we wanted to share our story right now. If at least one person finds this story useful, gets inspired, and will believe that anything is possible, then we can assume that our mission is accomplished.

Let us start with the fact that the technological infrastructure in ACT is maintained very well (our VPN connection is protected by the highest international level of SSL certificate). Our entire team has several years of experience working remotely without any interruptions, and this is the greatest asset of our IT department. However, some of our production processes – focus groups and telephone surveys – were conducted from the office, and some of the surveys were conducted through face-to-face interviews with the respondent.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were still no recommendations for staying at home, and therefore we continued to operate as usual, following all the recommendations available at the time. As the situation with the pandemic worsened, the first task our team set out to do was to transform our work process completely on the remote. The team was created with amazing speed and self-organization, the responsibility of which was to move the working process to a remote mode, and this should be done not only in Georgia but also in our subsidiary companies in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. We probably could not have imagined even in the most amazing dream if such a thing could have happened in 42 hours so that the current researches were not delayed for a second.

Our team carried out the following work in 42 hours:

  • Production process managers, IT and Digital teams shared specific tasks and defined their area of responsibility.
  • The work of telephone research managers has been promptly redirected to face-to-face research field managers (ACT staff members are multifunctional and therefore it was easily implemented)
  • Criteria for working from home have been developed (computer data, internet power, work environment, etc.).
  • An online registration database was created, where was possible to register those who want to work remotely. The base was initially filled with call center operators, but face-to-face interviews were added to keep their jobs.
  • For the best staff who did not meet the technical requirements, ACT helped and provided additional computers and all other necessary resources.
  • A new staff training module was created separately by the field staff
  • New processes were created separately, which were sent to everyone in the form of both written and video training
  • Additional “online” training was conducted for the interviewers and all their questions were answered
  • The IT department wrote a detailed working scheme of “Help Desk” and as a result of almost 24-hour work, computers of all operators were remotely set up and their technical training was conducted
  • To control the quality of remote “call center” workers, an additional team was created, which were trained through the video training prepared especially for them.
  • In parallel, analysts got adapted to face-to-face research tools and switched to the telephone research method.
  • The analytical team conducted a pilot online focus group and the service was rapidly offered to our clients.

All of the above was done in a way that the ongoing research processes were not delayed for a single minute.

“During the two days, we had a lot of quick, emergency internal meetings, assignments, writing short-term tasks and identifying the people responsible for the tasks. Training, instructions and numerous telephone or “online” consultations with the IT department were conducted. Based on the existing reality, we could see that time was running out. The most important thing was to end the case and, most importantly, to safely transfer all the people involved in the project to remote work. Our responsibilities and desire to maintain the existing project staff were doubled. We were able to provide the project staff, who did not have the technical equipment at home, with the delivery on the spot, as far as it was possible, in the given situation. We quickly started supporting interviewers left without a job. They were quickly trained and integrated into the operation of the call center. The field team acted as a whole, and that wholeness gave us the greatest strength and faith. I can’t do without mentioning the role of operators and interviewers in this change. They were our supporters and important members of our one, whole team. Under the conditions of working on the current project during the day, those back at home expressed their openness at night to work with the IT department to move the “call center” at home in time.

In the end, the united and strong team responded to challenge, with the record-breaking time with dignity. At the appointed time, the remote “call center” was fully up and working. Processes were conducted effectively in the test mode and the ongoing projects were completed. As a result, you realize that when there is a desire to support each other, love of work and self-belief, you will achieve your goal. Nothing is impossible. ”- Natia Jobava, Head of the Field Department. “We have come together to prove that we can do things differently. Togetherness gave us strength, and we saw that in a short period we had to make the changes that would normally occur in at least two to three weeks. At that time, the situation in the world was changing for the worse. The government and health officials were already urging us to stay at home! Perhaps it is difficult for the human brain to cope with so much negativity and stress without affecting its functioning and thinking. We were so involved in our search for the ways to solve new problems, that we finally came to the conclusion that “fast response to life changes is the best way to relieve stress” and we began.

Another thing that has become clear is how positively it affects people when you ask them for help – they feel their value, and when a person is motivated to do something for the greater good, he performs miracles. Any ambition has gone into the background and we have obeyed the laws that no one has written but were existed in our team. ” – David Mamucharashvili, field manager. As a result of these efforts, the remote call center (a total of 100 permanent operators) is fully running in both Georgia and Kazakhstan. “This 42-hour story is very emotional for me – it’s a story about people’s amazing organizational skills, teamwork, dedication, creativity and the fact that nothing is impossible. The crisis is a kind of push for different thinking and action. It is this feeling that makes the ACT team even stronger and opens the way to new opportunities, “said Rusudan Telia, ACT Executive Director. This history of our small success gives us the reason and the belief that together we can handle all the challenges as we move towards a big goal with small steps.


2 ივნისს, პროექტის „ინოვაციური პროფესიული განათლების დანერგვა საქართველოს მეთევზეობის ინდუსტრიაში“ ფარგლებში,  

რომელიც დაფინანსებულია ათასწლეულის გამოწვევის ფონდის საგრანტო კონკურსის მიერ, გაიმართა მეთევზეობის სფეროს  

ბიზნეს-სუბიექტების კვლევის პრეზენტაცია. აღნიშნული კვლევა ჩატარდა 2016 წლის დეკემბერ - თებერვალში (2017 წელი) 

პროფესიული კოლეჯი "ფაზისის" დაკვეთით და განხორციელდა კვლევითი და საკონსულტაციო კომპანია "ეისითის" მიერ.



The COVID-19 virus pandemic has already caused significant changes in the world market and has made it impossible not to change traditional processes in almost all sectors of business or social activity.

ACT’s digital infrastructure and international platforms have enabled us to move to virtual space at full scale: with back-office, field, and data processing services of the company without interruption and with maintaining the highest quality.

Our services are fully digitalized:

  • Remote Focus Groups
  • Remote In-Depth Interviews
  • Telephone Surveys
  • Online Researches

In back-office activities:

  • Online meetings are supported by ZOOM.US and GoToMeeting.
  • Data processing and statistical analysis are performed in IBM SPSS, STATA, R, POLINODE, NODEXL, GEPHI software.
  • Reporting is provided with the help of CANVA, ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR, VISIO, MARKETSIGHT, INFOGRAM, PPT, EXCEL, WORD.

We are a fully digital company!


Within the scopes of social responsibility, ACT offers online consultations to small and medium-size businesses through its new platform ACT-STRATEGIST.GE. In order to support SMEs, Analysis and Strategic Consulting Company ACT created a new strategic consulting platform ACT-STRATEGIST.GE providing stakeholders with the opportunity to receive online consulting in various fields.

The reality COVID-19 pandemic created in the world and in Georgia specifically, makes SME one of the most vulnerable. In the existing crisis, this new platform focuses on strengthening and enhancing these companies in coping with new challenges, through this platform, experienced consultants of ACT, its sister and partner companies will provide SMEs with free consulting in compliance with their profile.

  • Business development strategy;
  • General management;
  • Leadership and organizational development;
  • Crisis management;
  • Legal consulting;
  • Business Coaching (individual & team);
  • Crisis communication;
  • Strategic HR and motivation of employees;
  • Strategic marketing and communications;
  • Due functioning of IT infrastructure;
  • Remote management of offices and call-centers;
  • Cyber safety;
  • Other business directions. 

Companies can easily take advantage of consultations on webpage after choosing a consultant, field of consulting and completing the respective registration form on act-strategist.ge–platform has been functioning from April 6 of 2020 and up to 10 companies have already received consultations in various fields.

Global research and consulting company ACT has been represented on research and consulting market for more than 15 years with its offices operating in Azerbaijan since 2010 and Kazakhstan since 2014. ACT works in more than 20 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the direction of business as well as development projects. 


On April 8th, 11:00 am, ACT presented the Eye Тracking technology at the Business Forum “Innovations & Digital Economy” held in Techno Park.

The Business Forum was organized by Business Georgia, World Bank and GITA.


On Thursday, April 14, a conference was held in Tbilisi Marriott Hotel. The conference – Truth in Numbers: Reframing and Understanding Polling in Georgia – aimed to engage representatives of International and local research organizations, political parties, media and civil society in a healthy discussion about the importance and necessity of the sociological research for formulating common approach that would be reflected in the media and on societal attitudes.

Rusudan Telia, the CEO of the company ACT, was one of the speakers. Rusudan participated in the session 1: Explaining methodology. Polling – a tool to increase the confidence in elections and a resource of qualified political competency.

The conference is made possible through the financial support of US Embassy.


The interview of Tinatin Rukhadze, the general director of ACT – “When you believe, that you will succeed” is the cover story of Forbes Woman Georgia May, 2016 edition.

The printed version of the magazine is issued monthly in Georgian language since December 2011 and is based on the main idea of the Forbes publishing house – to tell the readers about world changing people, ideas and technologies.

Forbes Georgia’s goal is to find and portray Georgian business and economic achievements, success stories of individual entrepreneurs, businessmen and other professionals that heavily influence and change the fate of the state and society.

Click here to read the full article 


Quality of roads, public kindergartens, cleaning service and citizen engagement in decision-making was in focus of a research that was presented on Wednesday, July 27, 2016, 10:00 am, in Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel.

Niels Scott, Head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Georgia, and Tengiz Shergelashvili, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, opened the even that brought together representatives of the Georgian Government, Parliament, local authorities, civil society and international organizations.

The comprehensive nation-wide research of citizen satisfaction with public services in Georgia was commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Swiss Cooperation Office (SCO) for the South Caucasus and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and carried out by the Georgian research company ACT in November 2015.

The study is based on interviews with 3800 citizens of Georgia over the age of 18 in all regions of Georgia. It examines public views about the services that are currently provided by municipalities and central government, provides comparative analysis with the similar study conducted in 2013, and includes recommendations for local authorities based on the perceptions and expectations of citizens.

A full report of the study will be available at the UNDP Georgia website: www.ge.undp.org

The research is part of a wider programme supported by UNDP, Swiss Cooperation Office (SCO) for the South Caucasus and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) to assist self-governance reform in Georgia.


ACT established scholarship for four students of Sociology and Public Relations at Ilia State University Georgia during the 2017-2018 spring-fall semester. The awarding ceremony of the selected students was held on Friday, March 31 in “Ligamus”.

This initiative on the part of ACT sets an important precedent for a private company-public university cooperation. Within the framework of the cooperation, in addition to a scholarship, the improvement of professional skills development components and internships within the sociology and public relations programs is planned. This will serve as a step ahead for the University in meeting the obligations undertaken under “The Document on the Standards on Ensuring the Quality of High Education in Europe”.

This significant project was realized with the aid of our partner companies. Thank you for your cooperation! For ACT, as the leader of the Georgian research market, it is extremely important to promote the field and thus continues its care for education.


In April 2017 ACT signed a contract, under which a project will be carried out in France, particularly in Paris, Lion and Marseilles. It is the very first project of the company in an European Union member country.


ACT – Business Café Sponsor

On may third, the ninth Business Café meeting was held in Holiday Inn Hotel, where the mentor of the meeting, a businessman and an entrepreneur, Sascha Ternes discussed the topic “Corporate Culture, Ethics and Corporate Management.”

Business Café is a project initiated by the consulting company “Insource”, and sponsored by ACT since February, 2017.


  On Sunday, May 7, ACT team participated in Wings for Life World Run.

  The Wings for Life World Run is a running competition held on the first weekend of May since 2014 to collect funds for the not-for-profit foundation Wings       for Life, which supports research and studies about spinal cord and spinal cord injuries financially


On June 2, a presentation of the study of business-subjects of fisheries sector was held within the scope of the project “Introduction of innovative vocational education in Georgian fishing industry”, financed by Millennium Challenge Fund’s grant competition. Aforementioned study was conducted on December-February, 2016th (2017), was ordered by vocational collage “Fazisi” and implemented by research and consulting company ACT.


“ACT” – “Business Cafe” sponsor

On June 20, a business meeting was held in the restaurant “Lolita”, which was led by the founder of the company “Mirza Studio” Levan Bachia speaking about “mirror” – the marketing, managerial and philosophical awakening. One of the important themes offered by him was one of the defining successes that might require change today.
Business Cafe is a project initiated by consulting company “Inorgos”, sponsored by the company “ACT” since February 2017. For the purpose of sharing their knowledge and experiences, the meetings are regularly attended by medium and large companies managers.


On 10th of June ACT moved to a new office. The construction works started 10 months ago and now employees continue to work in new space.


On Friday, October 20, the new ACT offices were stormed by children! They, first and foremost, intently explored areas where their parents spend most of the day, following which they joined the festivities together with the entertainers.


ანალიზისა და კონსულტაციის ჯგუფი „ეისითი“ „საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა იურისტთა ასოციაციის“ დაკვეთით კვლევის „IChange პორტალის შესახებ საზოგადოებაში ცნობიერების ამაღლების და განათლების კამპანია” მეორე ეტაპზე მუშაობს. კვლევის მიზანს საიას ქვეკონტრაქტორის, კომპანია AGC-ის მიერ ichange.gov.ge პორტალისათვის შექმნილი პრომომასალების ტესტირება, მათი სუსტი და ძლიერი მხარეების გამოვლენა და პორტალთან შესაბამისობის იდენტიფიცირება წარმოადგენს.

კვლევის ფარგლებში ფოკუსური დისკუსიები აზრთა ლიდერებთან თბილისში, ზუგდიდსა და თელავში ჩატარდა. კვლევის პირველ ეტაპზე ფოკუსური ჯგუფები აზრთა ლიდერებთან, ასევე ინტერვიუები ადგილობრივი ხელისუფლების წარმომადგენლებთან 2017 წლის ნოემბერში საქართველოს შვიდ ქალაქში (თბილისი, თელავი, რუსთავი, გორი, ბათუმი, ქუთაისი, ზუგდიდი) ჩატარდა და მისი მიზანი იყო ქვეყანაში მიმდინარე მნიშვნელოვანი მოვლენებისა და პოტენციური პეტიციებისათვის შესაძლო საკითხების იდენტიფიცირება; აგრეთვე, სამოქალაქო ჩართულობის დამაბრკოლებები და ხელშემწყობი ფაქტორებისა და მოქალაქეთა მიერ სამოქალაქო ჩართულობის ყველაზე გამოყენებადი ფორმების გამოვლენა.

ამ ეტაპზე საია და „სიდა“ საქართველოს რეგიონებში პრეზენტაციებს მართავენ და მოქალაქეებს ichange.gov.ge-ის ფუნქციებისა და პლატფორმით სარგებლობის წესებს აცნობენ.

სამთავრობო პლატფორმა ichange.gov.ge საქართველოს მთავრობის ადმინისტრაციმ ღია მმართველობის პარტნიორობის (OGP) საქართველოს მეორე სამოქმედო გეგმის მიხედვით აღებული ვალდებულების თანახმად 2017 წელს შექმნა. საქართველოს მთავრობის წინაშე ელექტრონული პეტიციის ინიცირებისა და ელექტრონულ პეტიციაზე ხელმოწერის უფლება აქვს საქართველოს ყველა სრულწლოვან მოქალაქეს. ელექტრონული პეტიციის ინიცირებისთვის ან/და ხელმოსაწერად მოქალაქე უნდა დარეგისტრირდეს ichange-ის პორტალზე, სადაც დარეგისტრირება უფასოა, რეგისტრაციისთვის აუცილებელი პირადი ინოფორმაცია კი – კონფიდენციალური.

პორტალზე გამოქვეყნებიდან 30 დღის განმავლობაში პეტიციამ 10 000 ხელმოწერა უნდა მოაგროვოს. პეტიცია განსახილველად ექსპერტთა კომისიას ეგზავნება. მთავრობა ვალდებულია ოფიციალური ელექტრონული წერილობითი პასუხი დარეგისტრირებული პეტიციის 10 000 ხელმოწერის შეგროვებიდან 3 თვის ვადაში მოამზადოს.


Research and consulting company ACT started implementation of the project in Tanzania. The project which is commissioned by VisionFund International serves to increase accessibility of agro loans offered by micro finance organization for local farmers.

Apart from Africa, international fund VisionFund International implements projects in Asia, Latin America and Europe as well while agriculture represents its one of TOP priority fields. ACT has a long history of working in agro sector. ACT team started implementation of the mentioned project in March and it is planned to be finished in the end of May.

“Implementation of the project in Tanzania is an important success for our company which aims at expanding its work on international markets. Regardless the fact that our offices have been operating in Baku and Almaty for years now, we also implement projects in Eastern European countries, we have experience in working in Central European countries as well but implementation of the project in Africa is an unique opportunity for us to get known with a completely new market and actively offer them our research and consulting services. This project made us see that our country has a chance to expand export of intellectual capital outside Georgia even in less explored counties of Africa”. Rusudan Telia, Executive director of ACT.

Analysis and consulting team ACT has been represented on the research and consulting market for more than 15 years. Its regional offices have been operating in Azerbaijan since 2010 and in Kazakhstan since 2014. The company implements projects in more than 20 countries in the field of business as well as development projects.


ACT presented the results of UNDP commissioned study in Tbilisi Marryot hotel today. The study aimed at identifying level of population’s satisfaction with various public services. The study of 2017 is the third round of the same research while first and second rounds were conducted in 2013 and 2015.

The study discusses accessibility of various utility and infrastructural services as well as satisfaction with these services, satisfaction of citizens with local self-governments, citizens’ participation in self-government activities and issues of civil engagement. Apart from the results of 2017, the study report also presents comparative analysis of the results of all three rounds.

Full report of the study is available on the following link:


On November 9, 2018, “Regional Network Conference of local unions engaged in rural development of Ajara” was held in the hotel Castello Mare, Tsikhisdziri. Up to 120 representatives of Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Active Citizens’ Local Unions (known as AMAGs), municipality city halls, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and non-governmental organizations participated in the event. Conference participants and speakers discussed the fundamental challenges as well as future plans of rural development. Part of the event was dedicated to reviewing the results of the project – “Strengthening Capacity of Rural Population in Adjara”, Which was implemented by UNDP in partnership with the company “ACT” from December 2017 to October 2018. The project was implemented with the financial support of the European Union.


კომპანია ,,ეისითის“ გენერალური დირექტორი, თინათინ რუხაძე Veuve Clicquot-ს საქმიან ქალთა პრესტიჟული კონკურსის ფინალისტია. Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award-ს უწოდებენ „ოსკარს“ საქმიანი ქალებისა და ბიზნეს ლიდერებისთვის. ისტორიაში ის პირველი საერთაშორისო კონკურსია საქმიანი ქალებისთვის და ყოველწლიურად მსოფლიოს 32 ქვეყანაში ტარდება. 1972 წლიდან დღემდე, მასზე აჯილდოვებენ ქალებს, რომლებმაც თავისი წვლილი შეიტანეს გლობალური ეკონომიკისა და ბიზნესის განვითარებაში. Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award ასრულებს გარკვეული ეტალონის როლს და, ასევე, არის დიდი სტიმული და შთაგონების წყარო ახალი თაობის ბიზნეს ლიდერებისთვის. დიდი შერჩევის პროცესის შემდეგ, თინათინ რუხაძე გავიდა 4 ფინალისტს შორის. საბოლოო გამარჯვებული კი 20 დეკემბერს გამოვლინდება. აღსანიშნავია, რომ 2017 წელს კონკურსში გაიმარჯვა ქალბატონმა ირმა დაუშვილმა, ხოლო მისი დაჯილდოების ცერემონიალი საქართველოში გაიმართა. საქმიანი და ძლიერი ქალებისთვის კონკურსს დამატებით მნიშვნელოვნებას სძენს ისტორიული ფაქტი – მადამ კლიკო, რომლის სახელსაც ატარებს კონკურსი, დაქვრივდა 27 წლის ასაკში და მას შემდეგ სათავეში ჩაუდგა მეუღლის დანატოვარ საქმეს – შამპანიურის ბიზნესს, რომელიც გადაურჩა ნაპოლეონის ომებს, ევროპაში მძვინვარე რევოლუციებს და არათანასწორი კონკურენციის პირობებში შექმნა ძლიერი ბრენდი და დაამკვიდრა ძლიერი ქალის სტერეოტიპი.


Leading business companies in Georgia have been united for women's economic empowerment. On December 10, Rusudan Telia, Chief Executive Officer of the company ACT, signed a global agreement and joined the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) movement. During the discussion, the Importance of gender equality was emphasized as well as the importance of private sector action in women's empowerment process. The agreement was signed by representatives of 26 different companies.


კომპაია ,,ეისითიმ” საქართველოს პასუხისმგებელი ბიზნესის კონკურსში ,,მელიორა 2018″ გაიმარჯვა, ნომინაციაში ,,საზოგადოების მხარდაჭერა”, კატეგორია მცირე და საშუალო კომპანია – სოციალური მისიის მქონე ბიზნესის მხარდაჭერა. დაჯილდოების ცერემონიაზე გამოვლინდა რამდენიმე კომპანია, რომელმაც კორპორაციული სოციალური პასუხისმგებლობის მიმართულებით განახორციელა საუკეთესო პროექტი. კონკურსი განხორციელდა ევროკავშირისა და გერმანიის ეკონომიკური თანამშრომლობისა და განვითარების ფედერალური სამინისტროს ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით, პროექტის “სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების განვითარების ინციიატივა” ფარგლებში.


Tinatin Rukhadze, General Director of ACT won the prestigious Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award! Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award is the first international competition in history for business women and is held annually in 32 countries around the world. Since 1972, there have been awarded women, who made significant contribution to the development of global economy and business. Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award serves as kind of a benchmark, while being source of inspiration and impetus for new generation business leaders. The competition, which is intended for active and busy women, gains extra significance because of its historical roots – it is named in honor of Madam Clicquot, who became a widow at the age of 27 and undertook his husband’s legacy – champagne business, which managed to survive during The Napoleonic Wars and brutal revolutions in Europe, and even in unfair competitive environment managed to create strong brand, as well as stereotype of a strong woman. Tinatin Rukhadze will be the brand ambassador throughout the year 2019. In addition, a vine named after her will be planted in France and a champagne will be bottled in honor of her. 


12 მარტს, სასტუმრო Holiday Inn-ში გაიმართა ღონისძიება „დარეკე ზარი გენდერული თანასწორობისთვის“, რომელზეც ორგანიზაციების სამეთვალყურეო საბჭოებში ქალთა წარმომადგენლობის შესახებ კვოტების საკითხი განიხილეს კერძო სექტორის, მთავრობის, სამოქალაქო საზოგადოებისა და საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების წარმომადგენლებმა.

ღონისძიება მხარს უჭერს ქალთა მონაწილეობის გაზრდას გლობალურ ეკონომიკაში და კომპანიებში უფრო მეტად ინკლუზიურ და გენდერულად თანასწორი გარემოს შექმნას და ის საერთაშორისო საფინანსო კორპორაციის (IFC), საქართველოს საფონდო ბირჟის, გაეროს ქალთა ორგანიზაციის და ნორვეგიის საგარეო საქმეთა სამინისტროს მხარდაჭერით გაიმართა.

დისკუსიაში „ქალები სამეთვალყურეო საბჭოში – ბიზნესის წინაშე მდგომი გამოწვევები და შესაძლებლობები“ მონაწილეობდა „ეისითის“ გენერალური დირექტორი, თინათინ რუხაძე. თემატური განხილვების მთავარ თემას კომერციული ბანკების 2018 წლის კორპორაციული მმართველობა წარმოადგენდა, რომლის მიხედვითაც სამეთვალყურეო საბჭოს წევრების მინიმუმ 20% ქალი უნდა იყოს. მენეჯმენტში ქალების როლის გაზრდასთან და მნიშვნელოვნებასთან დაკავშირებით საინტერესო მიგნებაზე ილაპარაკა საერთაშორისო საფინანსო კორპორაციის რეგიონულმა მენეჯერმა სამხრეთ კავკასიაში, იან ვან ბილსენმა. მისი თქმით, მათ მიერ ჩატარებულმა კვლევის შედეგმა გამოავლინა, რომ გენდერული უთანასწორობის აღმოფხვრას ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობის მნიშვნელოვნად გაუმჯობესება შეუძლია. საქართველოში ღონისძიება „დარეკე ზარი გენდერული თანასწორობისთვის“ უკვე მეორედ გაიმართა.


2020 will definitely make it into the history of mankind as the year of world’s transformation.

In this report we have summed up the most important and transformative events for ACT that took place in 2020. We would like to share our experience. We believe that together we will make better 2021!

Click the link to view the report.


Important changes were made in the world under the influence of the pandemic which made us accept new reality we are all in now. Facing big challenges, companies had need of new resources and had to adjust their work. What is current reality of HR field, what are challenges HR specialists face and what opportunities they see can be seized – we offer an interview with a founder of One Point – Nino Niauri.

In the end of 2020, it is interesting to sum up challenges HR field in general had to face?

I cannot say that HR field had to face any particular changes, I would say that 2020 was very challenging for everyone, including HR specialists. Considering their role in companies, it can be said that this was one of the hardest times, because you know one important role of HR is to unite a team, support team work in general. Problems were serious in this direction – managing human resources virtually was something new for businesses. The fact that we did not know what we were dealing with, for how long and what was the threat coming from the virus stirred confusion and uncertainty. The field was significantly affected by part of regulations, lots of companies were forced to cut down the number of employees, which was particularly hard.

As an outsource company, what kind of challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? 

What helped us was more mobilization. As a result of analyzing what we have done, I can conclude that we tried to focus our resources to help our potential clients and this naturally increased workload for us. We got familiar with many new fields in this processes, processes were drastically different and very interesting at the same time. There were challenges and hard times, but those hard times strengthened us and made our work much more productive, live and active and we can see this from positive perspective.

Do you believe that the harm done to HR field during the pandemic can be fixed and how? 

Unfortunately, so many people were left jobless and to fix this situation requires not only HR, but complex approaches in terms of business and economic development in general. But we cannot speak about harm only, there were many positive things too. For example, many education centers provided quite expensive trainings and master classes for free. This gave access to many individuals to learn what they wanted before but could not because of the lack of time or finances. Now this became accessible and many people took advantage of it to improve their qualification which is clearly very positive on the labor market. But the fact that a lot of people were left jobless complicated things on the labor market and it will probably require much time to fix this situation. Naturally, this was quite tough period for HR specialists, it is very difficult when you mobilize resources and then you lose those resources because of the external factors. It was painful for those who lost their job, but it was difficult for companies too, I don’t think there is any company that got benefit from this process, in contrary, it was quite tough for businesses to make a decision on firing their employees. I hope this process will not continue, it will end soon and the next year will be a year of development.

Which of the service/services you offer became particularly demanded during the pandemic? 

If we compare the previous year when we did not have the pandemic, number of consulting projects increased and we had to make systemic and procedural changes in many companies. Some of it were painful, some of it – not so much. Naturally, changes are perceived to be hard, but in the end, proper planning of processes and optimization helped many companies work with minimal costs during the pandemic and thus, survive the pandemic. From this point of view, I believe that we implemented successful projects and we are proud of it. Demand was also high on head-hunting even though companies had to cut down staff, there is still demand on qualified professionals. Demand is still high on management positions, IT professionals and technical positions and it makes us very happy, it means that we are still developing and moving forward which is very good. Demand was also very high on HR software because automatization projects became very important for companies when they switched to remote work mode.

In your opinion, what impact will problems identified in 2020 make for future? 

We have different perception of this issue and don’t call it a problem. We have recently discussed it in the company and we believe that 2020 was a big challenge for everyone which did not actually change anything, but accelerated what should have already taken place, I mean digitalization and remote management systems – this is the future of business. The future of business is automatization projects, it would probably take years for companies to switch to online systems and we believe that the pandemic forced and pushed businesses to find the solution and lots of them managed to switch to online space. Even though this seems difficult today, but in long-term perspective, it is good for business and clearly a step made forward.

What professions and skills do you believe will be demanded in future? 

We assume and studies confirm, that demand will increase in terms of technologies and exact sciences. At the same time, it is very interesting that main focus will be made on multi-functional and easily adapting individuals. For future, we believe that such individuals will take their place on the market and experience shows us that one profession is no longer enough. Before now, a person would choose one profession and followed this profession for entire life, it was ordinary and usual thing to do. The reality has changed now and people try to acquire as many professions as possible, to study something in addition. This process got easier due to increased access to education, but in any case, exactly such multi-functional and easily adapting individuals will be demanded on the market and employers’ attitudes will also change from this point of view.

What would be your recommendations for companies, what is important when working online? 

I believe that communication is key for every kind of management. No matter whether it is online or offline. Online work turned the part of communications particularly sensitive. When working online, support of team work and availability of information became even more challenging. Companies need to make effort in this direction, in reality, there are three kay aspects in online management of teams – communication, planning and timely feedback – on one hand, this is comfortable for employees as they are well aware of expectations and on the other side, results are even more achievable for employers and respectively, those three components would be something that managers need to pay particular attention to.

Here, in One Point, we do our best to keep this style and have consistent communication with each other whether we work online or at the office 100%. We clearly have personal communication with client companies and held meetings, but One Point team works online.

What helps us a lot is that we have consistent, stable communication and we share every novelty or problem with each other. This unified style of work is very productive.

It is difficult for large companies to do this, you cannot meet every single employee on daily basis in a large company, but it is important this communication to take place inside every structural unit and held meetings every day or every other day, but employees need to have a feeling that they are involved in this process and they are not forgotten. We had cases when we were asked for recommendation to improve negative performance and outcomes of the employee, but when we probed, it turned out that since the beginning of the pandemic, manager communicated with the said employee only through e-mails and even that was very scarce. Naturally, this was reflected on employee’s performance. In situations like that, it is difficult for an employee to feel as a part of the company, correctly plan and understand every need, this is why communication is very important for achieving the best results.


An annual international campaign against gender-based violence kicks off today, on November 25 and entire world once re-joins to eliminate this important problem. Private sector plays a crucial part in eliminating gender-based violence. We, the companies that stand on women empowerment principles, we who strive for empowerment of women, realize that this goal cannot be reached without eliminating gender-based violence.

This is why we try to make certain steps to support violence-free environment inside the organization as well as outside it. We do our best to raise awareness on this problem, promote the services that are in place against the violence and support victims of gender-based violence.

We, companies signing the women’s empowerment principles join and declare our solidarity to international campaign against gender-based violence that kicks off on November 25 – the International Day for the Elimination Violence against Women and will last for 16 days.


#orangetheworld #16Days #WEPs #EqualityMeansBusiness #WeEmpower


Research and consulting company ACT also participated in the Marie Burduli Employment Forum organized by Ilia State University this year. Members of the company's people and organization development team gave a presentation to the students and answered their questions.

The purpose of the employment forum is to connect job-seeking students and alumni with employers. The forum is designed for up to 18,000 students and any alumni of Ilia State University. The forum is held annually and is attended by representatives of various organizations and business companies.

For ACT, forums like these are a good way to discover new talent and find future employees. The company offers students both short-term internships and programs aimed at future employment. ACT has a positive experience in finding interesting and motivated people on a similar forum, several of whom are among ACT's permanent staff today.


The main HR event of the year - HR Business Summit 2021 - was organized by HR hub on May 31, 2021. Research and Consulting Company ACT were presented with its team and unique products at the summit and participated in the event in several directions.

Tinatin Rukhadze, The Vision Lead and the founder of the company, as one of the speakers of the summit, presented the topic: "Three forces of transformation".

At the event, the company announced its rebranded for the first time with its stand - with a new concept, color, logo, and slogan. All interested guests who came to the stand were informed about the two new areas of ACT - Business Analytics and Management Consulting.

In order to popularize the business analytics direction and to get close touch with the main product - Organizational Network Anatomy in the target segment, a Network Analysis of the Summit was conducted, which revealed the most friendly and professional network leaders of the event. The titleholders were awarded special gifts by ACT.

The HR Business Summit was attended by more than 200 representatives from various companies. The event was held in a one-day format and included speakers, as well as panel discussions, workshops, and networking activities. The main theme of this year's summit was HR challenges and innovations, and it was around this topic that real business cases, experiences, and ideas were shared.


Research and consulting company ACT presented itself to society with a renewed concept, brand, and business model. After successfully coping with the world challenge – the pandemic year of 2020, with new energy and ambitions, ACT sets global goals and offers high standard, proactive vision-oriented on the market needs to its clients. With the main slogan – Power of Changes we support our partners in the process of big and much-needed transformation.

ACT is a global research and consulting company that supports leaders and organizations of the future and empowers them for significant changes. Our main advantage is a transformation of data, ideas, and competences into valuable outcomes. ACT’s history starts with the early 2000-ies when Georgia was still under important political, social, and economic fluctuations and the market economy still was under-developed. Throughout its 19 years of history, ACT made a significant contribution to the development of the research industry in Georgia, and nowadays, it implements successful projects in 28 countries. A new reality and long-term perspective pushed ACT towards large-scale transformation. We changed the business model, organizational structure, way of thinking, and approach, which logically was followed by the need to make changes in visual rebranding.

For rather a long period of time we were proud that we were a research company and we conducted studies tailored to individual needs, we were proud of our analytical capacities. It’s all in our DNA. However, the time came when the company’s growth rate significantly slowed down and the growth rate varied from 3% to 5% in 2013-2018. 

Naturally, we started looking for answers to our questions, we asked ourselves – what does our client need today? What can we do to create values for them? We observed the market and saw how actively companies undergo transformation. This applies to the pandemic challenges, digital, mental, and other aspects. I don’t know any field which does not face an inevitable need of changes, that included us” – noted founder and Vision Lead of the company, Tinatin Rukhadze.

As a result of the transformation, now ACT has four business units: Management Consulting, Development Consulting, Research, and Business Analytics. The business model is no longer research, but ACT became a research-driven consulting company where a core is business analytics. The company pointed its strength – analytics and tools created for management consulting towards supporting organizations in making the right decisions.

The transformation started within the company, now ACT applies renewed approaches with a new target segment. As a result, the company had 80% growth only in 2019. This business model was the reason why the set plan was fulfilled even during the world crisis caused by the pandemic and thus, ACT proved that there are no good and bad times, we make time.

As explained by the company’s Vision Lead – “naturally, change of business model solely was not enough. In addition to organizational mindset, we have also significantly extended our team – new people of different competences joined us. The organizational structure underwent drastic changes –a change of business model was followed by the agile transformation that opened new ways of effectiveness and creativity. The company is driven by three main powers: vision, culture, and enforcement, this is why it has three managers each having their own element. We view the organization as a network that pushed us towards making changes in the traditional structure and makes the management model three-dimensional where all three elements – vision, culture, and enforcement serve the achievement of one common goal. Development is visible in every aspect – entire team, products, incomes, with this transformation we achieved what was the most important for us – we create more values for our clients”. 

Changes did not affect the main values of the company: love, support, efficiency, and development. The given mix was enriched with one more – creativity. Interesting ideas, putting things in a new perspective and innovative decisions help the company fulfill its mission excellently. As we believe, the universe is full of resources and opportunities to fulfill any idea you wish for, creativity makes it easier to detect and utilize them. This is why, we turned creativity, optimism, and joy into our everyday life and part of the working process.

“We do not believe in consulting that dictates business how to do its job. On contrary, we assist our clients externally to make the best decision with its own wisdom and experience. Our approach is to empower them” – notes Tinatin Rukhadze.

Organizational transformation naturally resulted in the need for visual rebranding. ACT’s brand underwent a transformation, the company made a completely innovative and ambitious statement on the market. The brand transformation was led by the company’s Marketing and Strategic Communication Unit Lead Ana Ivanishvili. As stated by her “changes were large-scale. We naturally had a feeling that renewed team, products, or brand philosophy could not be pulled through by old brand. Stakes were high as ACT provides others with the same service. So, we decided to cooperate with a designer Gia Bokhua who worked on the initial branding of ACT – we had a belief that he would understand our new destination precisely and find the appropriate visual solution. 

When doing rebranding, we felt hesitant whether to fully get rid of ACT’s identity or keep it at least partially. This renewed logo of ours still carries our DNA – data – that are presented in smaller font, while the name ACT is distinctly visible. This indicates that we kept our core, but now we are more complex than ever and ready to become more valuable for our partners”. 

As intended, the renewed brand was supposed to fully reflect organizational transformation. Rebranding should show ACT as a modern, ambitious, global company that offers much more than research. This is why the visual style was completely altered. Such a familiar red color was replaced by blue. Typography was developed. Changes affected our slogan too – Think Big was replaced by encouragement to positive change: Empower the Change. For all those years, our clients were those who thought big, who had big dreams and goals. Modern challenges and reality transformed our vision – today, our clients are leaders and organizations of the future – those, who try to change the world for the better every single day. We see ourselves as supporters of those changes, that is why our new slogan reflects faith in positive changes.

A graphic designer Gia Bokhua worked on renewed visual branding, he is an author of ACT’s previous visual identity.

I worked on ACT’s branding 13 years ago for the first time. Now, as ACT undergoes transformation, I decided to jazz up the logo. We sized up the name and made it more apparent, as the name itself – ACT also means “motion” it complements the slogan – Empower the Change even more. The main concept of the logo – data – is preserved. In a new positioning, action is a core, leading – encouragement of the idea and inspiration which is driven by data. As for identity, we decided to choose B&W photos as a unique style, main visual touch is a globe that emphasizes the global nature of the company and makes an image more dynamic. We also developed a new design for the slogan” – explains designer Gia Bokhua.

According to a new vision, ACT operates as a “Mall of Business Processes” – “we wish to become a hub for business services that will provide clients with all the necessary services and the company will not have to interact with completely different providers which are time-consuming and overall, less effective. We cannot imagine a business without expansion. This ambition follows us since the day we founded this company, we always wanted to be a successful Georgian company on the international market. We wanted to export Georgian intellectual capacities. During the last year only, ACT worked in 28 countries. In this digital era, you don’t even need an office to work, which opens up a broader horizon for opportunities. We also plan on strengthening partnership alliances and become extremely valuable for clients in business consulting” – states Tinatin Rukhadze.

As a result of transformation and rebranding, ACT continues to operate with a renewed concept. In response to modern challenges of the global market, Research and Consulting company ACT already made a successful step – underwent a transformation to discover and take advantage of new opportunities.


Research and consulting company ACT has become a member of the UN Global Compact Georgia network. The network brings together more than 13,500 responsible companies from 160 countries around the world, striving to create a better and more desirable world by encouraging and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On July 18, the Stamba Hotel hosted the annual general meeting of the Georgia Global Compact Network, where members of the ACT Development Advisory Group, senior consultant Natia Rukhadze and analyst Keti Antadze took part in the work of the Georgia General Agreement Network (GCNG). Presented are the results of a study commissioned by this network last year - “The role of the private sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. The event was initiated by the Global Compact Georgia network. Currently, the Georgian network has 110 members.

“The ACT team supports and strengthens private and public organizations to bring about significant economic, social and political change in more than 20 countries around the world, and in this regard, our efforts and aspirations are fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe that membership of the Global Compact network is the best platform for networking, sharing and implementing best practices, and expanding globally; We believe that membership in the network will help us implement sustainable approaches in accordance with international standards in our team and share the experience with our partners across the region. ” - says Sopho Chachanidze, head of the consulting company ACT Development.

“I believe that membership in the UN Global Compact network is an even more serious and significant responsibility, which is fully consistent with the vision and development vector of our company. I believe that membership of the Network will allow us to be fully informed about the steps and progress made in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, which, in turn, will allow us to make a valuable contribution to creating a better and more desirable world. I also think that ongoing activities to raise awareness of the Global Development Goals (SDGs) among local companies will significantly help companies to better understand their role in this area, which will further increase their motivation and commitment to create a healthy, sustainable environment that meets international standards as a local level, and throughout the region or country ”, - senior consultant Natia Rukhadze.

პანდემიამ დააჩქარა ტექნოლოგიური განვითარება და გაციფრულება. ადამიანებმა მოკლე დროში შეიძინეს მნიშვნელოვანი ციფრული უნარები. მიუხედავად პანდემიით გამოწვეული დიდი ზიანისა. ვფიქრობ 2020 კარგი წელი იყო ტექნოლოგიური განვითარების კუთხით.

დიჯიტალიზაციის პროცესმა არამარტო კომპანიის განვითარებას შეუწყო ხელი, არამედ მომხმარებელზეც მოახდინა გავლენა. თუ აქამდე ციფრული მომსახურება მკვეთრად უსწრებდა დაკვეთას, ახლა მომხმარებელში მაღალია მზაობა აღნიშნული მომსახურების მიღებისათვის. არსებობს მოლოდინი, რომ ტექნოლოგიები სტანდარტულ პროდუქტებს ახალ სიცოცხლეს შესძენს, აჩქარებულ დროს უფრო პროდუქტიულად გაანაწილებს.

კომპანია ეისითის გააჩნია მაღალი ექსპერტიზა სატელეფონო კვლევების მიმართულებით. 2012 წლიდან ციფრული განვითარების გუნდი საქმიანობაში სხვადასხვა პროგრამულ უზრუნველყოფებს ცდიდა და თანამედროვე მოთხოვნების შესაბამის ვარიანტს ეძებდა.

საერთაშორისო პროგრამების გამოყენებამ და კლიენტების მოთხოვნებზე დაკვირვებამ შესაძლებელი გახადა 
ონლაინ ქოლ- ცენტრის მომსახურების შექმნაუახლესი ტექნოლოგიების და ინოვაციური მიდგომების გაერთიანება 
კონკრეტულ ციფრულ პროდუქტში.

„როდესაც დავდექით ამ საჭიროების წინაშე და გავაანალიზეთ სიტუაცია, მივხვდით, რომ დადგა დრო, გამოგვეყენებინა ის ტექნოლოგიები და ციფრული პროდუქტები, რომლებზეც მანამდე ვმუშაობდით“.

გადაწყვეტილების მიღების შემდეგ დაჩქარდა „დიფლექსის“ განვითარებაზე მუშაობა. „დიფლექსი“ არის პლატფორმა ვირტუალური ქოლ-ცენტრის უზრუნველსაყოფად. პროდუქტი უნიკალურია თავისი არსით და გამოყენებით. დიფლექსი თავის თავში აერთიანებს ყველა იმ პრიორიტეტს, რომელსაც სხვადასხვა საჭიროებისთვის ცალკეული ტექნოლოგიები უზრუნველყოფენ:

  • ის ადაპტირებადია ყველა ტიპის მოწყობილობაზე;
  • აქვს მოქნილი სისტემა, რომელშიც ადამიანები მუშაობენ ნებისმიერი ადგილიდან;
  • გააჩნია ინტუიციური ინტერფეისი, რაც მასში მუშაობის პროცესს ამარტივებს;
  • მასში ჩაშენებულია მანქანური სწავლების მოდული, რომლის დახმარებითაც სწრაფად სტატუსდება შედეგი. ავტომატიზაციის ეს ელემენტი ზოგავს ოპერატორის ლოდინის დროს და ხარჯებს საწარმოო პროცესში.

აღნიშნული უპირატესობებით ყველაზე მთავარი, რის საშუალებასაც „დიფლექსი“ იძლევა, ეს არის კომპანიებისთვის დანახარჯების შემცირებით და უფრო მოქნილი მიდგომებით ფუნქციონირების შესაძლებლობა. თუ კომპანიას არ აქვს შესაბამისი ინფრასტრუქტურა – ოფისები, სერვერები და არ ჰყავს შესაბამისი ოპერატორები, მაგრამ სურს ქოლ-ცენტრის მოწყობა ან ცხელი ხაზის ამუშავება, შეუძლია ისარგებლოს „დიფლექსის“ მომსახურებით. 

ამასთან, „დიფლექსი“ უზრუნველყოფს პირადი ბაზების კონფიდენციალურობის დაცვას, რადგან ქოლ-ცენტრების მომხმარებელ ორგანიზაციებს აქვთ საშუალება, არსებული სატელეფონო ბაზა თავიანთ მხარეს დაიტოვონ და ისე მიიღონ მომსახურება აუთსორსზე. ხარისხის კონტროლის მიზნით კი, პროცესშივე მოახდინონ ზარების მონიტორინგი და კორექტირება.

კომპანიისთვის „დიფლექსი“ აღმოჩნდა თანამედროვე და ადეკვატური გამოსავალი საწარმოო მიმართულებით არსებული კრიზისიდან, რომელიც იქცა ამბიციურ განაცხადად მომავლისთვის. „დიფლექსმა“ მისცა შესაძლებლობა კომპანიას, აეღო ნებისმიერი მასშტაბის და სირთულის პროექტი, რომელზეც სხვა შემთხვევაში, კრიზისის გამო, თავს შეიკავებდა.

შედეგად „დიფლექსმა“ უზრუნველყო ადამიანების დისტანციური დასაქმება, მაშინ, როდესაც ქვეყანაში კრიზისის აქტიური ფაზა დაიწყო და სამუშაო პროცესის შეწყვეტამ ადამიანების ფინანსურ მდგომარეობაზე იმოქმედა. „დიფლექსის“ საშუალებით კომპანია ვირტუალურად ააქტიურებდა პროექტულ კადრებს და სთავაზობდა მათ ანაზღაურებად სამუშაოს სახლიდან გაუსვლელად. დღეს „დიფლექსს“ აქვს გლობალური განვითარების პოტენციალი, რასაც ამ პროდუქტით საერთაშორისო ბაზარზე მსხვილი და გავლენიანი კომპანიების დაინტერესება ცხადყოფს.

„უმსხვილესმა კომპანიებმა, როგორიცაა QuestionPro, SurveyToGo და ა.შ. რომელთაც დღეს ათობით მილიონი აქტიური მომხმარებელი ჰყავთ, გამოთქვეს ჩვენთან თანამშრომლობის სურვილი და „დიფლექსის“, როგორც პროდუქტის მიმართ ინტერესი გამოამჟღავნეს. პრეზენტაციის შემდეგ ჩვენს სფეროში ყველაზე მსხვილმა კომპანიამ QuestionPro-ს CEO-მ პირადად მიგვიწვია გასაუბრებაზე“.

ახალი ციფრული პროდუქტი ძალებს იკრებს და მსოფლიო არენაზე გასვლისთვის ემზადება. მთავარი კონცეფცია კი „Win to Win“ პრინციპს ემყარება, კომპანიები „დიფლექსის“ დამატებით იღებენ სრულყოფილი მომსახურების გაწევის შესაძლებლობას, ხოლო ეისითი იღებს წვდომას ახალ მომხმარებლებზე მინიმალური დანახარჯებით.

ავტორი: ნინო ხარშილაძე

ციფრული განვითარების ლიდი


On September 8, youth affairs agency hosted a presentation of a study conducted by ACT: "Youth Needs and Challenges at the Municipal and Regional Levels." Flora (Keso) Esebua, Senior Consultant, Development Consulting, presented the final report of the work, which reviewed and analyzed in detail the opinions and assessments of young people surveyed across Georgia on various issues.

The study included 2,790 face-to-face interviews in 10 regions of the country, 56 focus discussions and 43 in-depth interviews in 14 target municipalities. The analysis shows that most of the young people in different regions of Georgia are faced with the challenges of employment, civic activities and involvement in the processes. One of the main findings of the research is the motives of the intention of internal and external migration among young people: in case of internal migration, the surveyed young people care about access to better education, and in case of external migration - seek better opportunities of employment The survey also found that young people living in different regions of Georgia believe that their basic rights are protected, although the level of information about these rights is very low.

In-depth research on all of these issues and the availability of research results are important because the evidence-based Youth Initiative, with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, plans to develop local and national youth policies and build relevant youth ecosystems. Offer services and opportunities and facilitate the realization of their potential.

"Part of our recommendations is to work actively with young people to raise awareness on various issues. "In addition to educating young people about municipal youth programs and services, it is essential to raise awareness of civic activism and involvement, decision-making opportunities for young people, the importance of different rights and healthy lifestyles," ACT Development Consulting (Keso) Esebua said.

Final Report of the Survey: Youth Needs and Challenges at Municipal and Regional Levels


The Leadership Scanner is relevant for organizations that are development-oriented, want to discover talents, and look for effective ways to retain it;

This product is also designed for companies that are planning or undergoing a transformation or large-scale reorganization, and its managers want to find out who they can rely on for process of changing, identify thought leaders, and find out who has the potential to lead in the future.

Event Speakers:

  • Lasha Bokuchava / Lead in Business Analytics, Partner - Introduces Leadership Scanner and talks about its unique capabilities.
  • Tinatin Rukhadze / Vision Lead, ACT Founder - will talk about the role of this tool in managerial decisions and its benefits.

Invited guests of the event:

  • Nino Maisuradze - Director of Organizational Development of Adjarabet.
  • Nino Shaduri - Director of Organizational Development of Evex Hospitals.

Webinar entry:


History of ACT Business Model and Organizational Transformation

The research and consulting firm ACT is going through a crucial phase of major transformation. The company has already set the standard for the research industry in Georgia and now aims to conquer management consulting. ACT is successful with their clients because they enable them to make the leap from a good to a great enterprise with the help of the company’s unique model. Forbes was interested to learn about the company’s philosophy, what stages of development it went through, how it arrived at the concept of balance, and how power is distributed within the organization.

We are used to the idea that exceptional leaders are few and far between. When asked to imagine an outstanding business leader, typically we think of someone who drives a company’s progress on their own –they alone envisage the company’s future and strive towards achieving that goal, of course, whilst also being collaborative and viewing success as a common challenge. The new reality that we find ourselves in has shown us that this type of leader is no longer enough. Following on the heels of challenges allows a company to stay afloat, but those who wish to fly high require something more than just one good leader – in fact, it is three exceptionally good leaders that they need.

Company founder and lead visionary Tinatin Rukhadze have spent several years thinking about the balance between three forces. Having assumed leadership of the company nineteen years ago and having presided over each stage of its development, she was certain that she could offer more than the standard management model. That is how the idea of transforming ACT and establishing a new business model was born, nurtured for years, and finally realized in 2021.

„For nine years, starting in 2002, ACT grew extremely fast. Then came a period of slow growth in 2013-2018. For me, stagnation means regression. I, therefore, saw the need for transformation. It was also important for us to decide what the customers valued most. We had the data and the insight, but nothing to bridge data with a business solution. We decided to offer tangible support to our clients and help them put their knowledge-based solutions into practice,“ says Tinatin Rukhadze.

The company has gone through three major stages of development to get to where it is today:

Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT's Vision Lead

The first stage was „rapid progress.“ During the difficult 1990s in Georgia, the research startup had a clear ambition to not only establish itself in the business world but also to create public trust in the research industry and demonstrate its importance to the business. Indeed, ACT gradually developed all areas that are important to this field and gained the image of a trustworthy partner in the region. On the one hand, the company began working on corporate social responsibility, establishing relationships with international donors who wanted to help improve the social environment and develop a sustainable economy in Georgia. On the other hand, ACT became a new voice in Georgian business; quickly taking on the role of the market leader and industry expert.

At this stage of development, the company was headed by Tinatin Rukhadze, who had the necessary boldness to lead a startup, as well as the ability to anticipate and assess the industry’s potential. 

„It was difficult to establish research as a necessary condition for business development or to encourage local companies to be proactive and believe in the necessity of research. It took a lot of effort to gain these companies’ trust and to get them to acknowledge that any information obtained and processed in Georgia would be as valuable to them as information provided by international firms,“ Tinatin recalls.

Rusudan Telia, ACT's People and Culture Lead, Co-Founder

The second stage of development was „growth.“ These were the years during which the company accumulated experience in specific areas of expertise and strengthened its leadership. Parallel to attaining the status of the local market leader, ACT had the ambition to expand internationally, which created the need for a management team and diversity of expertise. Company co-founder Rusudan Telia assumed leadership and implemented a trajectory of success that allowed ACT to develop into a fast-growing and ambitious company. At various times since the founding of the company, she has held the positions of the Head of Analytics, Director of Operations and Head of Social Research. However, she has consistently prioritized organizational culture, people and their development throughout her time at the firm.

The new head of ACT initiated the process of decentralizing the company’s structure and strengthened mid-level management. Caring and motivating people is a skill that comes naturally to Rusudan Telia. She realized some time ago that „creating and maintaining team spirit is one of the most decisive factors in achieving the best results.“ Today she is leading and strengthening the company’s organizational culture.

„The new vision helped us understand what kind of organizational culture and leadership was needed for our company. Growth and globalization can only be achieved by strengthening team leadership, being flexible, decentralizing management and implementing innovative thinking and approaches. That is why we added creativity to our list of fundamental values, which also includes love, support, effectiveness, and continuous development. It is only possible to create something new and adapt yourself to a rapidly changing environment through creative thinking,“ states Rusudan Telia. 

The third stage was „equilibrium.“ A phase dedicated to achieving and maintaining a balance of forces. Nineteen years of experience was molded into a specific action model that ensures that measurable results meet the company’s vision. This is how ACT achieves memorable success and translates it into the public good. The vision, the implementation and the corporate culture form a triangle through which the company serves the aforementioned ideals.

The company began taking active steps towards achieving its great transformation one year ago. To ensure that the new reality became the norm for ACT, the initial changes were implemented internally.

The current CEO of ACT is someone who embodies the company’s history and serves as an example of how success can be achieved one step at a time. Natalia Kvitsinashvili joined the firm eighteen years ago and witnessed all crucial decisions as well as every stage of the company’s development. Apart from growing professionally, she also became a partner in the firm in 2010. Under her leadership, ACT developed the image of a reliable and valuable player in the competitive research market, often presenting itself as the only viable option in this field. Natalia has a long history of producing results. She knows exactly how to plan and implement each step to quickly move the company towards its main goal, and how to facilitate people’s involvement in the relevant processes. 

„We are now at the stage where the vision has been formed, we know exactly where we are going and what are the results we want to achieve. The boldest dreams come true when transformed into prioritized tasks and when resources are adequately assessed. In today’s world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, the best results are the ones that can be achieved quickly. Therefore, it is important to create digital systems that are simple, flexible, and capable of delivering complex analysis,“ says Natalia Kvitsinashvili.

Natalia Kvitsinashvili, ACT's Executive Lead, Partner

The transformation has unified the three stages of the company’s development. Today, ACT is led by its former CEOs Tinatin Rukhadze and Rusudan Shelia, and their successor Natalia Kvitsinashvili. 

The three roles and the perspectives of the three managers are reflected in ACT’s business model and approach to work. The company devised a unique model of transformation and management called „The Power of Three“ (PWR3), which it first tested in house. According to the ACT philosophy, the three main forces driving a company’s development and success are vision, culture, and execution. The model encourages a company’s leadership team to constantly think and make decisions in these three dimensions.

The creators of this model believe that the best results can only be achieved through decisions that:

  1. Serve the company’s vision and main goals;
  2. Are consistent with the company’s values and take employee interests into account;
  3. Can be implemented with the company’s actual resources.

PWR3 is not only a model of transformation but also an effective management tool, which allows a company’s leadership team to make consistent and effective decisions as well as ensure sustainable development. The ACT model is unique because it attaches equal weight to organizational culture, vision, and execution. Accordingly, the proposed approaches focus equally on all three domains in the process of organizational transformation.

„In the example of our company, this means that all-important decisions are considered from all three angles. This is not a straightforward process. In some cases, it involves compromise and lengthy work to make the right choice. However, sustainable long-term results are the main appeal of our model.” The three forces of management at ACT are convinced that decisions which have been evaluated from all angles are valuable and will achieve the best results.


As a result of the transformation, ACT has also set a new vision for growth. The company’s clients are future leaders who are trying every day to change themselves and the world for the better. By creating better products or services that meet people’s needs, fight poverty, ensure social equality as well as freedom, and offer people better choices. The company sees its mission as empowering these beneficial changes, where data is only necessary to create a complete picture. For that reason, ACT is no longer just a research company – it is positioning itself as both a research and consulting firm.

ACT does not view consulting from a consultant’s perspective. It is more of a collaborative process where ACT acts as a facilitator, supporting the process. Its main responsibility in the work process is to help a company’s transformation team make effective decisions and implement changes. The main measures of effectiveness are the company’s figures.

„We are not heroes trying to save businesses. For us, businesses are the heroes: improving the working conditions of employees, and playing their part in creating a better country. We are here to help businesses achieve these goals,“ says Tinatin Rukhadze.

ACT will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. By 2022, the company will complete the main phase of its transformation and move to a higher level of operating within the new norm, where its transformation model will be the company’s main product and a valuable tool offered to clients. ACT’s unique cohesive strength will convince people that the world is based on a balance of forces. It is no longer enough to have one leader taking the leap forward, deciding everything, making all the calculations, and having everyone’s back. The new reality dictates that the formula for success lies in shared responsibility.

Let us all follow the ACT philosophy – take the leap together, back each other up and strengthen each other to achieve memorable results. Let us collectively write history. After all, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


On November 5, the presentation of the ACT Development Consulting research project "Legal Market Research in Georgia" was held. The project was commissioned by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI).

At the presentation, ACT Lead Consultant Keso Esebua presented a qualitative research report, which reflects the requirements of the legal market in Georgia and the extent to which the current level of training of lawyers meets these requirements.

As the results of the research show, the main demand in the legal labor market is for novice lawyers with practical and professional skills, critical thinking and various soft skills. However, knowledge of English is less important for the public sector but more important for the private sector. These are the basic requirements that young lawyers find most difficult to meet, however, the main challenge still lies in the transition from theoretical knowledge into practice.

Research Report: Legal Market Research in Georgia


Software company Diflex has attracted an investment from the Georgian Healthcare Group (GHG) totaling up to GEL 1 million. Diflex starts developing an international digital product from today, and plans to enter the international market in 2022.

Diflex is a subsidiary of ACT, which has transferred the extensive experience of ACT in the field of telephone research into a specific digital product. Using international software and monitoring customer requirements has made it possible to create an online call center service that incorporates the latest technologies and innovative approaches.

Diflex offers customers a virtual call center and communication platform. The product is unique in its essence and use, it combines in itself all the priorities provided by separate technologies for different needs. If the company does not have the appropriate infrastructure - offices, servers and does not have operators, but wants to set up a call center or hotline, it can use Diflex services.

"We are currently in the process of forming a product development team. At the moment, the product is adjusted to the markets of the two countries and works smoothly, but we have the ambition to master the global market, therefore, it is planned to modify the product in accordance with international regulations and standards, - co-founder and CEO of Diflex Nino Kharshiladze said.

Diflex is a product of the future and its specific priorities go beyond the capabilities of the ordinary digital product:

  • It is adaptable to all types of devices
  • Has a flexible system in which people work from anywhere
  • Has an intuitive interface, which simplifies the process of working in it.
  • It has a built-in machine learning module, which helps to quickly status the result. This element of automation saves the operator waiting time and costs in the production process.

Given these advantages, the most important thing that Diflex allows is the reduction of costs for companies and the ability to operate with different functions and more flexible approaches. At the same time, Diflex ensures the protection of the privacy of personal databases, because the call center user organizations have the opportunity to leave the existing telephone database on their side and thus receive outsourced services. In order to control the quality, they should monitor and adjust the calls during the process.

Attracting investment and the interest of the Georgian medical group in the product with international potential took place after Diflex played a successful and fruitful role in the production process of ACT during the crisis caused by the pandemic. Carrying out telephone surveys while switching to a digital line in the Diflex program has proved to be a vital train for the company, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency. An important and credible indicator for the partners was the information that the representatives of QuestionPro and SurveyToGo, the management of the largest software company in the world market with digital products, were interested and expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Diflex is going through an active phase of development and is preparing to enter the world arena. ACT's many years of experience in product development and offering, and the potential of the Georgian Healthcare Group to scale, make the creating a project created in collaboration with two companies into the global market a reality. The main concept is based on the Win to Win principle, companies get the opportunity to provide a complete service using Dileplex, and ACT subsidiary "Diflex" - gets new customers around the world.


Research and Consulting Company ACT launches a new video rubric on the Marketer Platform, aimed at sharing experience for professionals interested in management consulting, sector leaders, and managers on how to start business functioning and achieve the success in ANEWNORM environment. 

The company's speakers offer the leadership of the company to constantly think and make decisions in consideration of three dimensions - vision, culture, and execution – based on the reality created and taking into account a new norm established by the transformational model developed by ACT - The Power of Three (PWR3).

The reality in which we live is epochal, as evidenced by the fundamental changes that have affected all areas and spheres of life, we are witnessing economic and social restructuring, and this in itself means the need for a complete reorganization of business.

How ANEWNORM looks like? 


For some businesses, the first priority on the agenda is to survive or maintain positions, while others still keep staring into the uncertain future and trying to find the right reference points. Most businesses, however, share the main requirement of the new norm and prefer to follow the flow of changes and do quick reorganizations instead of stopping and staying focused on one specific task. The said above means fully reviewing your visions and goals, correcting or completely changing their vector. Business understands that the main target of its success - the customer, is now different, they also act within the new norm, their expectations meet other standards, while the reevaluation phase caused a reexamination of their needs. For a simple example, if before the customer was a prodigal because he did not care about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow seemed quite stable, now the customer looks at the future differently, he does not know if a "day after tomorrow" will be the one he expected, because reality turns out to be very changeable and maybe can even be slipped from your or anybody’s control area.

Transformation of Vision


Stability does not mean immutability; it can only be viewed as the result of sustainable development. In the digital age, the world is changing at an astonishing rate, and businesses need to stay on top of the wave of changes rather than follow through. The pandemic has accelerated the cascade of changes even further - changing consumers, emotional backgrounds, social living, reevaluating their attitudes - all of these led to a change in the business landscape where the companies are looking for the new footholds.

Success of a business today is directly related to how timely it finds out the need for transformation and how well it manages the process. Identifying and recognizing the need for transformation is inevitable though insufficient condition for a business success. It is important for the company's management team to understand that the transformation is much bigger than the change of its any individual part - the transformation means a complete reorganization.

Renewal of the Working Model


For remote mode of work, companies managed to switch fast to digital channels, using more technologies to enable people to work from home, though that constitutes only a part of the big picture.

The efficiency of working remotely can not be assessed only by mechanical transfer of processes over long distances. It is necessary to recreate a complete working model. The strategy should reflect the interests of all the parties involved in the process, outlining the key moments of the process, the area of action, the ways of mutual cooperation and with the development perspective already in the digital context. If you only digitize one particular part in the production process, this may take more of your resources and time rather than giving a privilege, as merging that particular part with the existing one will become your main task and hamper farther development.

Human Involvement


If anything valuable can there be found in a pandemic, it is to see and recognize that even well-functioning processes do not work without humans, as they are not backed by an evaluator and substitute for the sequence, capacity, and intersection of these processes. Most importantly, these assembled systems and models lack a soul without humans, which is the main connecting and life-giving force that leads a company to a designated and agreed-upon vision, towards a specific business model and assembled processes, and finally to a brutal success point to finally celebrate that success.

The new norm forced companies representing different sizes and sectors to be in permanent operation. As a result of transformation, businesses must reach again that very harmonious stage which is becoming a new norm for them - a world of changing customer/employee behavior, non-standard management solutions and new working designs. ACT offers to follow us on the path to the search for harmony in the new norm, where our experience will share with you the shortest and most effective transitions.


On the business formula channel, the broadcast ‘way2SUSTAINABILITY’ - The Way to Sustainability, the UN Global Compact Network, was organized by Georgia with the support of the Swedish Government.

The guest of the rubric, Rusudan Telia, Co-Founder of ACT and Culture Lead, talks about the economic empowerment of the women, promotion of corporate sustainability in Georgia and the supportive measures to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

Just to inform you, Research and Consulting Company ACT is a member of UN Global Compact Network. The said network unites more than 13,500 Responsible Companies from 160 countries worldwide to build a better and more desired world through facilitating the implementation and support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Currently, 110 members are united under the Georgian network.


On April 12, 2022, an introductory meeting was held between the members of the Business Leaders Federation “Women for Future” and the President of Georgia, Salome Zourabishvili, where the association members presented their activities and stressed the importance of involvement of the President in supporting women-led businesses.

ACT Partner and CEO, Natalia Kvitsinashvili, represented ACT as a member company of the Women's Business Association.

The meeting discussed the role of the President in the implementation of gender policy in the country, in particular, the economic empowerment of women and the fulfillment of Georgia's international commitments in terms of gender equality.

The following important and topical issues and challenges for the private sector were brought to an agenda:

  • Steps taken and planned to ensure a calm and stable business environment in the light of the effects of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war
  • Realities and prospects for the business sector: EU accession agenda, stages of establishing free trade with the US.


On April 19, 2022, Co-Founder of ACT and Culture Lead, Rusudan Telia, gave a public lecture on the “Power of Compassion – War in Ukraine and Us”.

"Why does compassion have the power of real changes in the world? Because it leaves a deep imprint on our hearts. Only with genuine compassion can we experience the joy of unity, and the courage to fight for goodness and justice”.

The lecture was attended by students of the University of Georgia and the free attending audience.


Research and management consulting company ACT offers Georgian business companies a unique product for solving the problems of the post-crisis period. LEADERSHIP SCANNER is a management tool and is designed to improve efficiency.

In response to modern challenges around the world, companies are paying more attention to the climate within the organization, and the discovery, and development of their support - people.

An important criterion for evaluating the success of companies in the post-crisis period was how well they managed to overcome the crisis and whether the company's employees were united and involved in the process. Every successful company today shares its experience, and in the process of crisis analysis takes care to create a visible picture of the invisible processes taking place within the company.

Find out more and discover the hidden

Research and management consulting company ACT presents LEADERSHIP SCANNER® - a unique tool for the proper management of human capital and the identification of new talents! The results obtained by the "scanner" increase the effectiveness of management, as they simplify the adoption of the necessary and reasonable decisions, and accurately determine the points of action for instant response in the direction of organizational development:

  • What is the real picture inside the company today - where is the strong and where is the weak management link, where is the problem of delegation, where is the so-called "strength", and who is on the verge of burnout.

Using this product gives the organization the opportunity to improve the climate in the company and discover new opportunities:

  • Who has leadership potential, who needs to be given more opportunities for self-realization, which employees can be relied upon in a crisis or transformation, what is the map of leadership potential - how much, where and what kind of social capital do they own?

When does a company need a LEADERSHIP SCANNER?

Often the structural arrangement of companies does not correspond to the social structure within the company. There are people who, despite their position, have more social capital than others. The real picture should be blurry, without sharp contours.

That is why the tool is especially effective for a company in changing situations: with the arrival of new top management, transformation, rapid changes and increased management efficiency, using LEADERSHIP SCANNER will give management a clear idea of what the real internal anatomy of the company really is, the social hierarchy and who is the pivot point.

A healthy organizational environment is essential for business success

An organization is a living and dynamic organism, changes in an organization are constant and inevitable, so keeping abreast of an organization means properly managing business processes outside the company. ACT, a research and management consulting company with 20 years of experience and knowledge of the business environment, has a vision of cutting-edge industry trends, so it knows exactly what businesses and their managers need today. With this in mind, ACT offers unique and effective management consulting products to companies operating in the Georgian and international markets. The Leadership Scanner is one such product that allows management to be more informed, have the right vision, maintain a perception of reality, identify hidden risks, and assess team potential.

Leadership Scanner results are not static and need to be updated regularly. In our experience, the results of the Leadership Scanner remain valid and up-to-date for 12 months, which is why it is recommended to conduct it once a year. We believe that each company is individual and unique, therefore their response to challenges may be different, although an objective assessment of the situation is important for each and is a necessary prerequisite for their different strategies. ACT invites you to get an offer tailored to your needs and experience the unique features of the tool for yourself.


On April 28, 2022, Founder of ACT and Vision Lead Tinatin Rukhadze, presented THE POWER OF THREE®, ACT Organizational Transformation Model to the meeting at SOLO Talks.

In modern reality, only those organizations will survive and grow that consider the development as a process of constant transformation.

Tinatin presented to the audience the symptoms of the impediment to the organization’s development, which is an apparent sign of the need for transformation:

  • Some symptoms of developmental impediment - a slowdown in growth/decrease in the company, decrease in profitability, the outflow of valuable staff
  • "Unresolved" problems related to product development and introduction of innovations
  • Feeling of stagnation, "walking in a circle" or backwardness by the leadership - an apparent sign of the need for a new transformation.

It is worth mentioning that ACT has developed a unique model of organizational and business transformation - THE POWER OF THREE® (PWR3®), which may give a necessary drive to organizations and leverage their moving to the next stage of development.

"This model integrates our beliefs, mindset, competence and, most importantly, 20 years of experience in successful cooperation with Georgian and foreign organizations and their leaders," said Tinatin Rukhadze, author of the ACT Transformation and Development Model, during a presentation to business representatives.

The meeting was interactive and was attended by around 100 representatives of different companies.


ACT has signed another big-scale project. As commissioned by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the company will study the level of financial literacy in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in 15 countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Egypt will be added to the ACT International Portfolio under this project.

OECD and its international network for financial education (OECD/INFE) facilitate the development of effective financial education initiatives in the target countries, knowledge sharing and establishment of international practices.

ACT survey is aimed at assessing the level of financial education of MSMEs and potential entrepreneurs in different countries. The assessment will be based on the international framework of key financial literacy competencies.

The results obtained will help to analyze the level of financial education in the respective countries in order to improve financial literacy, consumer protection and financial well-being of citizens. The survey results will be used in the process of developing national strategies for financial education and implementing relevant initiatives.


On May 19, 2022, ACT Executive Director Natalie Kvitsinashvili, together with the members of Business Leaders Federation “Women for Future”, attended the meeting with Levan Davitashvili, minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

The most urgent issues existing in the economic sector, like property management, mining, energy, international shipment, foreign investments and development of capital markets were discussed at the meeting.

Minister presented the current trends in economy, planned reforms and state programs for business stimulation to the audience of private sector representatves.

The meeting also discussed specific effective measures in the lense of gender policy, which is important in the process of supporting women-run businesses and, in general, the economic empowerment of women.


"The most prominent success for me is to afford to be who I am indeed!" - said Tinatin Rukhadze, while participating in George Isakadze's TV program as an invited guest.

"# Success Talks in the Bar" is a new project of the media platform #BMG. The format of the program is quite unique. The Bar of George Isakadze is often visited by businesses faces. All of these shows give their floor to talks about success, however, the conversation and topics are never limited. The guests of the show represent the key management of the leading companies, who create unique products and, in supplement, definitely own the key to a success in various fields.

Partner of Tinatin Rukhadze in this program was Tinatin Stambolishvili, GPI Holding Communications Director. The audience of the show was there to learn the following:

• The way how the successful people are perceived

• What are the parameters to measure any success

• What happens when success is shared.


On May 31st, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT Co-founder and Vision Lead, presented Organizational Transformation Model - The POWER of THREE® at the TBC Concept meeting.

In the course of the meeting, the presenter discussed the necessity and importance of transformation, meaning that in current reality only those organizations are supposed to survive and grow which see development as a process of constant transformation.

During the presentation of POWER3, Tinatin Rukhadze, in her talk touched upon the certain symptoms of delay in the development of the organization, as a vivid call for transformation:

  • The slowdown in the growth rate / limiting the company size, decreasing profitability, the outflow of valuable staff
  • "Unsettled" issues related to products’ development and introduction of innovations
  • Stagnation, "walking in a circle" or reversal as felt by the leadership.

The Transformational Model implies 20 years of successful experience of ACT in cooperation with Georgian and foreign organizations and their leaders.

The format of the meeting was interactive and it was attended by up to 60 representatives of the business.


On June 9, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT Vision Leader, presented a model of organizational transformation - POWER3 at the meeting of the Federation of Business Leaders. Tinatin Rukhadze as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Federation "Women for the Future" held the meeting for the representatives of the Association.

In the course of the meeting, the symptoms of delay were touched upon in the development of the organization, as a vivid call for transformation:

  • Any symptom interrupting the development, like: slowdown in the growth rate / reducing the company’s size, decreasing profitability, outflow of valuable staff

    " Unsettled" issues related to products’ development and introduction of innovations

    • Stagnation, "walking in a circle" or reversal as felt by the leadership.

  • ACT's unique model of organization and business transformation - THE POWER OF THREE® (POWER3) gives organizations the impetus and support they need to move forward to the next stage of development.


ACT is a member of the "Georgian Pro Bono Network", representing an informal association of local and international companies operating in Georgia and willing to use their expertise and professional resources for the public benefit.

The company's staff provides support to Pro Bono Network beneficiary public organizations within a variety of field competencies.

On May 11, Tea Shamatava, Leader of ACT People and Organization team, conducted a Pro Bono workshop on job searching skills. Attendees were informed about successful interviewing techniques. In supplement, in the course of the meeting, they practiced the simulation interview, aimed to help them to successfully pass the interview stages in the future.

In May, Nino Kalandia, ACT Strategic Communications Manager, provided a Pro Bono consultation to the Analytical Center - World Experience for Georgia (WEG). WEG, as a non-profit organization, has been working on energy and environmental issues in Georgia since 2006. WEG aims to strengthen country’s energy security, economic sustainability and democratic development by promoting Georgia's integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

The Analytical Center has published a new study "The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Georgia's Energy Security in a Short Term Perspective". Within the framework of Pro Bono consultation, the communication campaign of the mentioned research report was planned. Nino Kalandia held consultative meetings with the authors of the study to effectively present the research and drafted a research communication campaign document.

On June 29, a conference was held at the Stamba Hotel within the framework of the Strengthening the Social Protection of Georgia project, at which A C T presented the audience with the main findings of the KAP study and recommendations based on the results of the studies.

The conference was attended by the Minister of Health of Georgia, the delegation of the European Union, ambassadors, industry experts, non-governmental organizations, and members of trade unions also attended the meeting.

Surveys of knowledge and attitudes of the population about the practice of social protection (KAP)

were held in Georgia during the period February-March 2022. The survey provided nationwide information on the awareness, use and experience of the population of Georgia social protection programs.

The project was implemented thanks to the financial and technical support of Expertise France and the Czech Development Agency.


Education is one of the areas of corporate social responsibility of ACT, therefore, company representatives as experts are actively involved in the process of academic training and cooperation with higher educational institutions.

On June 30, ACТ Senior Consultant Natia Rukhadze, as a member of the jury, evaluated the final presentations of the course on fundraising for Master students in Public Relations of the Georgian Institute of Public Relations (GIPA). The meeting took place at Frontline Georgia and the students presented their work to the invited jury: Tamriko Germanishvili (CSRDG), Natia Rukhadze (ACT) and Salome Benidze (UNFPA Georgia). The aim of the course is fundraising, donor relations, strategic campaign planning and management - the implementation of real projects.


On June 5, in Telavi near Lake Lopota, a charitable sports event in support of Ukraine "Run for Ukraine" was held. The ACT team joined the support marathon and, together with other participants, covered the distance of 7 kilometers.

The money received from the run will be transferred in full to the fund for helping victims of the war. The event was organized by the International Fund for Sports, Tourism and Youth.

The event was attended by about 2,000 people, including business representatives and Ukrainians who temporarily came to Georgia because of the war.

Representatives of the research and management consulting company ACT presented two important studies at Skills Week. In particular, commissioned by the agency and with the support of UNDP/SDC, a study was conducted on the level of employers' satisfaction and the attitude of the population towards vocational education. Representatives of the public and private sectors discussed the results of the study and the steps to be taken to further develop the skills sector.

The purpose of Skills Week is to have a discussion with stakeholders in the system and reach consensus on policy priorities, as well as to inform a wide audience about a new stage in the development and reform of the skills ecosystem.

Skills Week is organized by the Skills Agency with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and will run until July 22.


On July 27, the General Assembly of the Georgian Network of the UN Global Compact was held, which was also attended by a representative of ACT as a member organization of the network.

At the event, the network summed up the results of last year's work and presented plans for the future to the interested public. Representatives of 140 companies and organizations included in the network took part in the general meeting.

Over the past year, the Global Compact network in Georgia has grown significantly, reaching 140 members. The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact cover issues such as human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. Around the world, there are more than 20,000 companies from 161 countries that have signed the principles of the UN Global Compact, which the organization helps to successfully implement international standards.

The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, helping to create a sustainable and inclusive global economy for people, societies and markets.


On July 27, the General Assembly of the Georgian Network of the UN Global Compact was held, which was also attended by a representative of ACT as a member organization of the network.

At the event, the network summed up the results of last year's work and presented plans for the future to the interested public. Representatives of 140 companies and organizations included in the network took part in the general meeting.

Over the past year, the Global Compact network in Georgia has grown significantly, reaching 140 members. The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact cover issues such as human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. Around the world, there are more than 20,000 companies from 161 countries that have signed the principles of the UN Global Compact, which the organization helps to successfully implement international standards.

The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, helping to create a sustainable and inclusive global economy for people, societies and markets.



ეისითი ყაზახეთი 8 წლისაა.

“ეისითიმ” ყაზახეთში საქმიანობა 2011 წლიდან დაიწყო. თუმცა, ოფისის დაარსებამდე პროექტებს ადგილობრივი კვლევითი კომპანიების საველე მხარდაჭერით ახორციელებდა. 2014 წლის ივლისში „ეისითიმ“ ქართველ პარტნიორთან – თამარ ბაბუხადიასთან ერთად ალმათიში დააფუძნა ACT ყაზახეთი.

ACT ყაზახეთი სანდო და ხარისხიანი პარტნიორია, რომელიც ყაზახეთის ბაზარს ყველა იმ სერვისს სთავაზობს, რომელითაც საქართველოს ბაზარზე „ეისითის“ კლიენტი და პარტნიორი კომპანიები სარგებლობენ.

2014 წლიდან, 8 წლის განმავლობაში ACT ყაზახეთის ოფისი ალმათის ცენტრში, პრესტიჟულ ბიზნეს უბანში იყო განთავსებული. პატარა ოფისში, რომელიც ადრე იდეალური იყო მცირე რაოდენობის თანამშრომლებისთვის ყაზახეთის ოფისის თანამშრომლებმა საოცარი 8 წელი გაატარეს - განვითარების, გამოწვევებთან გამკლავების და ახალი შესაძლებლობების აღმოჩენის პერიოდი. განვითარებამ და პროექტების რაოდენობის მატებამ თანამშრომლების გაზრდის საჭიროება გამოიწვია, ამასთან, ყაზახეთის ოფისმა ქოლ ცენტრის გაზრდაც გადაწყვიტა.

8 წლის იუბილე ყაზახეთის ოფისმა უკვე ახალ ლოკაციაზე აღნიშნა - უფრო ფართო და თანამედროვე ოფისში მოსახერხებელი მდებარეობით. ოფისში ყველაფერია გათვალისწინებული თანამშრომლების კომფორტისათვის და ეისითის ყაზახეთის გუნდი მზად არის შემდგომი, უფრო დიდი გამოწვევებისთვის.


On August 3, the Young Lawyers organization published the study conducted by ACT and presented it to interested parties.

"Research on attitudes towards copyright associations and the registration system" is devoted to problems in the field of copyright and related rights, the practice of using copyright organizations and the study of satisfaction with these services.

According to the head of Young Lawyers Archil Kaikatsishvili: “Interest in the study was determined, on the one hand, by the ongoing discussion of the issue in the field of law, and, on the other hand, by the number of disputes. in general courts and analysis of legislation”.

The research methodology was based on the study of the opinions of performers and authors of musical works, managers and owners of objects of use of copyrighted works (music, repertoire). Respondents agree that copyright protection is important both to respect artists and to provide them with a source of income. As part of the study, it was revealed that among business representatives there is a lack of information about copyright protection in the country and organizations working in this area.

According to the results of the study, the majority of songwriters (46% versus 39%) believe that there may be several copyright management associations with the possibility of voluntary association in accordance with industries and directions. The majority welcomes both the accounting for copyright and the distribution of royalties by the same association (62% vs. 24%). A large proportion of respondents (65% versus 16%) believe that royalties should be paid to a songwriter in proportion to the actual use of works, performed repertoire, and not to estimates. There has been a trend that writers-artists do not have a deep understanding of how to account for payment and distribution of royalties. As a result, they believe that copyright should be among the priority issues of the state (88% vs. 5%).

The study is the first important document to be offered to the public, stakeholders and users from all sectors involved in the field. In addition, it is provided to executive, legislative and judicial authorities, business representatives, copyright and performing organizations, associations, the diplomatic corps and international organizations, and the media.


On September 13, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) published a labor market survey that will review the current situation in the tourism and wellness sectors.

The study notes that companies operating in various industries, among the reasons that impede employment, name the low qualification and lack of motivation of applicants. At the same time, the majority of employers, 88%, do not cooperate with vocational schools, and 31% do not even see the point in such cooperation.

Only 24% of employers have experience of cooperation with vocational schools, which is largely manifested in the provision of internships and practical training for students.

The study was conducted by ACT in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Skills Agency. The study was conducted in May 2022 and is based on data collected in 14 municipalities in five regions of Georgia (Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Guria, Imereti, Kakheti and Racha-Lechkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti).

Based on the results of the study, the most demanded professions and training programs are identified, an analysis is made of the professional qualifications required for these specific segments of the labor market, and the compliance of existing vocational education with labor market requirements is assessed. The study also makes recommendations for employers and educational institutions, including how to improve cooperation between them, and explores what is needed to make vocational education better meet the needs of various social groups, including youth, women, people with disabilities and minorities .



ACT has been nominated for the Global Compact Network Georgia Corporate Social Responsibility Award in the Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions category (SDG16).

The nomination of AST in the nomination "Peace and Justice" is another recognition of the project "Voice of the Georgian people to Ukraine", which is based on a study of the attitude of Georgian citizens to the Russian-Ukrainian war

According to the results of the mentioned study, 87% of Georgians believe that the war in Ukraine is also the war of our country, and this message has become a message for Ukraine and the whole world.

The Corporate Responsibility Award - Business for Sustainable Development was organized by the Georgian Global Compact Network with the support of the Government of Sweden and the USAID Civic Engagement Program.

The competition was held for the fifth time, and the nominations were selected in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN in 2015. This year, 128 companies took part in the competition, and the applications were evaluated by a jury consisting of Georgian and foreign members. The purpose of the Corporate Responsibility Awards is to raise awareness of corporate sustainability and the sustainability agenda in general.


On November 2, ACT, a research and management consulting company, published a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) document, Labor Law Amendments Concerning Labor Rights and Conditions.

The project assessed various aspects of economic and social impact.

The (RIA) framework considers two policy alternatives:

Alternative 1. "Do nothing", the so-called. The baseline scenario is to maintain the status quo until changes to labor laws are introduced in 2020. 

Alternative 2: Implementation of the new labor legislation adopted on September 29, 2020, and relevant related regulations in practice.

In the presented RIA, two alternatives were compared using multi-criteria analysis (MCA). The alternatives were compared in terms of both monetized and non-monetary impact. According to the analysis, the preferred alternative is Alternative 2 – implementation of post-amendment legislation in practice that better achieves policy goals and objectives and is in line with the country's sustainable development agenda.

The RIA document includes an assessment of a number of changes made to the Labor Code that came into force on September 29, 2020.

As part of the consultation project, the assessment was carried out in several stages: after desk research and analysis of best practices, in-depth stakeholder interviews and quantitative surveys of employers and employees were conducted, and in the next stage, initial results were obtained and presented to key informants participating in the study, and at Based on the recommendations received, a final document was prepared.


Sopho Chachanidze, ACT Managing Partner and Head of Development Consulting, has been elected a board member of the Global Compact Georgia network.

Membership on the board of the Global Compact Network in Georgia means:

• Involvement in the process of making strategic decisions.

• Overseeing the activities of the secretariat and the head of the organization.

• Provide oversight of the governance, vision, mission, strategy and financial management of GCNG.

• Approval of the charter, annual work plan and financial statements.

• Leading the overall strategy of the GCNG, with clear and consistent priorities.

• Finding time to participate in board activities.

• Legal compliance and accountability to UN Global Compact Headquarters and its members for recommendations and actions taken by board members.


On November 10, representatives of the research and management consulting company AСT presented a new study "Study of technical / non-academic professions in the civil service of Georgia." The study corresponds to the 2nd direction of the public administration reform roadmap and is an analysis of the transformation of classical professions into the administration or civil service of Georgia, as well as a study of the needs of technical/non-academic professions in the civil service in the near future.

Stakeholders from technical and non-academic professions and representatives of partner countries got acquainted with the results and recommendations of the study in the field of human resource management in public administration in Georgia. The event is organized by the Regional Eastern Partnership Foundation and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The study represents the first attempt to examine the technical and non-academic occupations and education levels of the civil service; To observe the transformation of professions from the classical ones as a result of the introduction of technologies, the development of services or the reform of public administration; How is the legislation of Georgia regulated in this direction; What are the qualification requirements for persons entering the civil service, and how are the prerequisites determined; How well developed are these approaches.

The study is part of the project “Professional Civil Service and TVET in the EaP” and is planned to be replicated at the regional level.


28-29 ოქტომბერს ეისითის დამფუძნებელმა და კულტურის ლიდმა რუსუდან თელიამ  HR Hub-ის ღონისძიებაზე ისაუბრა ძალიან აქტუალურ თემაზე "ჰოლისტიკური ხედვა - როგორ ვიფიქროთ სტრატეგიულად დიაგნოსტიკის ინსტრუმენტების გამოყენებით"

ნებისმიერი ორგანიზაციის წარმატების წინაპირობას ქმნის კომპანიის ნათელი ხედვა, ჯანსაღი ორგანიზაციული კულტურა და დასახული მიზნების ეფექტიანი აღსრულება. თუ ორგანიზაციას გარკვეული გამოწვევები აქვს რომელიმე მიმართულებით, ის უბრალოდ ვერ შეძლებს ახალი შესაძლებლობების ათვისებასა თუ არსებული გამოწვევების ეფექტიანად დაძლევას. როგორია დიაგნოსტიკის მეთოდი და ინსტრუმენტი, რომელიც ორგანიზაციის ამ სამი პრიზმით შეფასების შესაძლებლობას იძლევა და როგორ ეხმარება ის ადამიანური კაპიტალის მიმართულებით სწორი სტრატეგიული ნაბიჯების გადადგმაში

ეისითის დამფუძნებელმა და  ხედვის ლიდმა თინათინ რუხაძემ „ლურჯი ოკეანისა" და Meta Business Hotel-ის ბიზნესშეხვედრების ციკლის ფარგლებში   ისაუბრა თემაზე "ორგანიზაციული ტრანსფორმაციის გზა"

“ჩვენი შეხვედრა,  ორგანიზაციებისთვის ყველაზე აქტუალურ თემას - ცვლილებების  ეფექტურ მართვას ეხებოდა. შეხვედრის მონაწილეებს გავუზიარე ეისითის გამოცდილება და ორგანიზაციული ტრანსფორმაციის უნიკალური მეთოდოლოგია - Power3.   ვისაუბრეთ ისეთ მნიშვნელოვან თემებზე, როგორიცაა:
- რა კავშირში ლიდერის პიროვნული ცვლილება ორგანიზაციულ ცვლილებებთან
- რატომ გვიანდება ხშირად ცვლილებების დაწყება
- რა უშლის ხელს ორგანიზაციულ ცვლილებებს და როგორ ვმართოთ ცვლილებები წარმატებით."
ამავე შეხვედრაზე მოხდა წიგნის “რა იქნა ჩემი ყველი” პრეზენტაცია, რომელიც იგავის ენით გენიალურად გადმოსცემს ცვლილებების მიმართ ადამიანების შიშებსა და ამ შიშების დაძლევის გზებს."   -  თინათინ რუხაძე - ეისითის ხედვის ლიდი, სერიული ანტრეპრენერი, ცნობილი ქოუჩი და NLP პრაქტიკოსი.

როგორ ეხმარება POWER3® diagnostics კომპანიებს არსებული გამოწვევების შეფასებაში? 

- ეისითის მიერ შემუშავებული ორგანიზაციული სიჯანსაღის შემსწავლელი უნიკალური ინსტრუმენტი POWER3® Diagnostics - ორგანიზაციული დიაგნოსტიკა დაგეხმარებათ:

☑️აღმოაჩინოთ რა გიშლით ხელს ზრდაში, რა აფერხებს თქვენი ორგანიზაციის განვითარებას;

☑️ შეაჯეროთ რეალობის შესახებ მენეჯმენტის გუნდის ხედვა;

☑️ მიიღოთ გუნდში შეთანხმებული გადაწყვეტილებები საჭირო ცვლილებების შესახებ;

პროდუქტის შესახებ დამატებით დეტალებს გაეცანით ვიდეოში 


On November 18, the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel hosted the annual conference of the Georgian Public Opinion Research Association, organized by the International Republican Institute (IRI).

Representatives of research organizations, researchers and scientists discussed at the conference important topics for improving the reliability of public opinion polls.

At the conference, ACT Co-Founder and Vision Leader spoke about the importance of the methodological procedures disclosure rule in public opinion research.

According to the organizers of the conference, adherence to ethical principles and ensuring methodological transparency with the help of research organizations will help develop an effective mechanism that allows researchers to correctly present and interpret the findings or results of the survey. It is the value of transparency and scientific openness and the goal of realizing these values that unites the Georgian Public Opinion Research Association and those organizations of the United States of America whose goal is to develop democracy in Georgia


On December 7, at a meeting of the Committee on Culture of the Parliament, a presentation and public discussion of the ACT study "Assessment of the creative industries in Georgia on the collective management of intellectual property rights" took place. The dialogue was held within the framework of the Committee of Culture, the National Center for Intellectual Property of Georgia - Sakpatent, USAID in Georgia and the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) of the US Department of Commerce and with the involvement of representatives of the cultural sector.

Before the discussion, ACT Analyst Ketevan Antadze presented the results of a study on collective governance in the creative industries in Georgia. After the presentation, the audience discussed the challenges and ways to overcome them in terms of collective management of copyright and related rights in Georgia. The parties also discussed recommendations developed by CLDP on improving the system of collective management of copyright and related rights in Georgia.

The purpose of the event was to identify the prospects for changing the legislation of Georgia on copyright and related rights within the framework of the working group on copyright and related rights of the Committee of Culture, involving a wide range of stakeholders, in order to manage intellectual property rights in Georgia on a collective basis and edit the relevant legislation in line with international best practices and the market, to solve problems, provide a more favorable business environment for rights holders, and promote the development of creative industries.

On December 16, Tinatin Rukhadze, founder and Vision Leader of ACT, spoke at the Modern Management and HR forum on the topic: organizational transformation and change management.

Change management remains a major challenge in modern management. POWER3® (THE POWER OF THREE®), ACT's unique organization and business transformation model, helps organizations overcome these challenges. The POWER3® model considers any solution along three dimensions: how well it aligns with the organization's vision and core goals, how well it aligns with the organization's culture and values, and how efficient it is in terms of resources and execution.

Transforming an organization with this approach gives companies a significant push to move in the right direction.

Forum "Modern Management and HR" was organized by Guram Tavartkiladze University.

Goals of the HR forum:

  • Discussion of the possibilities and tasks of modern management;
  • Discussion of new approaches to human resource management, personnel policy and strategy, employee selection process, talent management, professional development, career management and ethics;
  • Discussion of new, innovative management methods and identification of ways to implement them;
  • Search and discussion of new results in the field of organizational development, change management, reforms and improvement of organizational culture;
  • Development of recommendations on issues of modern management and personnel management.

"Our true self knows what we are capable of"

Tinatin, in the confrontation between "physicists" and "lyricists", do you see yourself in the team of "physicists" or "lyricists"?

- If you were asked twenty years ago, I would say "physicists", but now I'm somewhere in the middle

- Why? What changed?

- At first I began to appreciate "lyricists", and then I discovered "lyricism in itself".

I think that both principles exist in me and both are important. I'll say more - being a good "physicist" helps me to be a "lyricist" and vice versa.

- Do you agree with the opinion that everything you need is within you?

- What do I need most? - Yes. But what is needed for?

- This is a good question. We will return to this topic a little later and find out - for what. You once said - I accept bad thoughts with gratitude, because all bad thoughts indicate that I need to work on problems. At this time, filled with bad thoughts. Can you share with us your experience of why we should be grateful for bad thoughts?

- Because in bad thoughts you can directly see the direction where you have a weakness, or what do you think you are weak at? Should not become hostage to bad thoughts.

It's like a fever in the body that doctors tell you about - it's good because this indicates that there is inflammation in the body. For example, envy, for me it's when I somehow think that someone else could do something that I can't do.

If I follow these thoughts, then the path is already visible. Why do I want to succeed or what should I do to do the same. Bad thoughts end here, and you go over to the side of good. You begin to focus on what really bothers you. Anger is also a sign of your weakness. You think you can't change anything and that's why you get angry. I caught myself angry many times, for example, this concerns the current processes in the country, about the processes taking place in the world

- And what at this time?

- At this time, it is the thought that you are weak. Do you believe that you can't change anything and it makes you angry. You ask yourself: are you really so weak that you cannot change anything? Actually, what would you change? What can't you change? You will then focus on what you can change and feel some relief in the process. You may not be able to change the world, but you can change a small part of the world. First of all, you can change yourself.

- One of the things I saw while studying your material was that you put a lot of emphasis on positive thinking. But where is the limit beyond which positive thinking will develop into a superficial view of the current situation? When people avoid real dangers and think that everything will work out, everything will be all right?

- In my opinion, I am not a person who cultivates positive thinking. Your previous question is also proof that I respect even bad thoughts.

. If you accept only positive thinking, it means that you do not allow bad thoughts, sadness, resentment, anger... But you still use all this for your own amplification.

Yes, all this must be accepted and turned into a benefit. I have a reformist approach. "Let's be positive!" is not my motto. My motto is: accept both the good and the bad that comes from outside, and try to turn the bad into a force for good change. If you become a hostage to negative thoughts, and use positive thoughts like a shield and make it an escape mechanism from reality, then both can be equally destructive.

- If I understand correctly, in addition to running a business consulting company, which implements projects in 30 countries, you are also a consultant and coach. What is a coach, we'll talk about it later. But first, let me clarify whether you are engaged in practical activities at this stage?

- I'm not in one business, I'm in several businesses, but in one business, I working. In addition, I am a consultant by vocation. I love this job and I will probably never leave it. Somewhere I have the function of a leader, somewhere there is a function of an investor, but my main activity, my profession is a management consultant. I work with the management of various private companies, for their personal or organizational

breakthroughs. Our organization must give the power of positive change our clients. Coaching for me is the same tool as psychology or business education.

- Is the main part of your working time devoted to management or consulting?

- I have been the director of the company since its inception. We now have a third executive director. The executive function no longer applies to me. My position is “vision leader”, which means that I am actively involved in setting the direction of the company and making strategic decisions. My main activity is customer relations.

“Psychology is an academic science, and coaching is a set of certain knowledge and skills.”

- Let's now explain who a coach is. I understand well the meaning of this word, but I do not understand very well the difference between a coach and a psychologist. You are a psychologist by academic profession. What is the difference between these two professions?

- First of all, I want to express my gratitude to psychology. When I chose this profession, it was completely incomprehensible how it could be used, but I was just curious. It turned out that the knowledge that I have acquired and the habits of thinking developed during the study of psychology help me in everything. Coaching is a set of knowledge, skills, but not academic and fundamental knowledge. A coach can be a person of any profession who will build his profession on coaching skills - a journalist, lawyer, public relations specialist, manager or others.

- Who is a coach?

- A coach is a person who helps others set a goal, find the resources needed to achieve the goal, and take steps towards that goal. I am proud that in 2014 we opened the first company representing the Canadian company Ericsson, which began to conduct certification courses for professional coaches. If anyone today is a certified coach, then they were all students of our school.

How long does the learning process take?

- Four months. Your question was, how is a coach different from a psychologist? Psychology is an academic science, and coaching is a set of certain knowledge and skills.

- What does the coach know that the psychologist does not know?

- He knows the tricks that a psychologist can add to his arsenal and, if you ask me, he should add. I see this as a big plus. There is always a certain antagonism when a profession appears that “overlaps” a neighboring profession. But I can't say that a coach overrides the function of a psychologist.

Does the psychologist overlap as a coach?

- If he takes the trainer's tools, he can switch to another role or return to his previous role. The coach does not work on traumas, on the past. The psychologist sees the problem and looks for ways to solve it. The coach works for the future, but I will not say that the psychologist does not work for the future. Therefore, I consider it very important for a psychologist to add a coaching tool.

- You often talk about the importance of goals and the strength that goals give us. What about those people whose main motive in life is not the goal, but the path? Just yesterday I came across a very respected person - Zura Jishkariani, who said: "Thinking about the results is the lot of losers. The process itself is the product."

- I think that this dispute is a misunderstanding - is the goal or the process itself more important? When I say goal is important, I don't necessarily mean that you should focus on results. I also think it's not good. Because you can only control your behavior and decisions. Therefore, you can do everything possible, but still not get the desired result. The goal is like a compass. Those who do not recognize this come out and say: I'm just going. But you're not just going, you're going somewhere. Of course, the process itself is very important, the method. Achieving the goal is a matter of a few minutes. You came and - what? It's over! Then a new target appears again.

- No, we have to stop here. Natalya Kutateladze told me that no matter what I planned in life, nothing happened. She lives spontaneously, follows her principles and is content with what she gets out of life. I also spoke with Shorena Shaverdashvili about the importance of the process. Looking back at my life, the only goal I really pursued was to enter the Faculty of Philology at Tbilisi State University. After I overcame that goal, I just don't remember having any specific goal in life. Tell us something about people like us.

- Do you have any wishes?

- Yes, I have desires.

- What you call desires, we, people "doctors", call goals. The desire for which I do something is the goal. Don't you have a purpose in such a context?

- I have another question: what is the difference between a desire and a goal?

- I'll tell you what the difference is.

Desire plus actions to implement it. Desire without action is not a goal. A goal arises when I have complete inner readiness and determination to act in accordance with this desire.

The one who says that how many times he set a goal, did not achieve it, he either did not have a real desire, or he was not ready and did not make a real decision, did not take steps. Desire plus willingness and action is the goal.

- Most of the life of people of my type does not go in line with the fact that I am now doing something to fulfill my desire. I live, and this life consists of everyday life, routine... with its good and bad news. Life is not a series of steps towards the fulfillment of desires.

- I do not believe that there are no desires in your life. It's just someone's desire to earn a million, and your desire, for example, to live on a free schedule. It is impossible not to have desire and purpose. There is nothing to argue about here. Then there would be no dynamics at all in your life; You failed to complete the action. When you say "I don't have goals", I think you are lying to yourself; You're just not calling what you want correctly. If you compare yourself with a person who wants to build a big house, or buy a car, or open a company in 30 countries of the world - this is his desire and he set a goal for himself, he took steps here. Now, for example, my desires are changing significantly. I don't want to be represented in 50 countries anymore. I want to have more free time for myself. This is also my goal, which encourages me to take certain steps here. If I only have desire, I will never achieve it. If people knew themselves well and correctly named events, then we would not have this Tower of Babel that we have.

- Now I remember, academician Dmitry Likhachev wrote: if you set yourself such a goal that I want to buy a new car or move to a new house by the end of the year, you may not succeed, and your life will be very unsatisfactory; But if you have goals like doing good, helping those in need...

- What if you can't do good?

- He says that in this way you can always fill your life with small joys.

- I don't like this kind of advice. For me, these tips are tantamount to "don't live." Whatever you want, wish it, take a step, do it... won't that work for you? Take pain as a lesson, set new goals and live. In my opinion, if you are not taking steps because you are afraid of pain, you are also blocking joy. I can't accept it.

- Once you said that you call yourself a business therapist. Do you experience this feeling as a professional consultant and coach, or as a visionary leader in your organization planning change?

- It's more about working with a client. I often told my employees that we were business therapists. What is an organization: people and systems. When working on business tasks, one should not forget about the people factor. You can have a fantastic strategy, great systems, organized processes, but it doesn't work because the leaders don't want to change.

- Do you mean the leaders of this organization?

- Yes, who should implement these changes. In this context, we sometimes use the term "business therapy". Leaders often lack neither knowledge, nor vision, nor ideas... breakthroughs in organizations are hampered by personal fears of leaders, unwillingness to change, the so-called "Blind Spots" - when they do not see something in themselves. Suppose we are talking about changing the structure of the organization, and I feel that the leader thinks: now he will be upset if I let him go, if I change this and that. I say: imagine that everything ended well. What would you do then? He knows exactly what to do. Or vice versa, sometimes he blames the employees and doesn't really know what to do. In both cases, this discovery helps the manager make the right decisions. If I know what to do but the conversion process is painful, then I need to work on making the process mutually painless by caring for the people I have hurt. My favorite phrase lately is "What's right can't be wrong." When I believe that I am right, when I believe that it would be right to do something, there should be no more "buts". If it's right, you should do it. And if you don't, you're bound to get a bad result.

- In practice, do you have to convince people that they have to make difficult, painful decisions? Or is it not always the case?

- It is not always so. Decisions are sometimes painful, and sometimes, on the contrary, very pleasant. People are so locked in that they need help to reach their potential. Our ultimate goal is to unleash their potential - as individuals, teams and organizations. It may not be the path of pain, but the path of discovery. But you can’t unleash creativity when a person is in self-limiting beliefs, for example, when he thinks: “It won’t work with this team,” “We have no chance of further growth in this market.” A manager, a leader with such convictions will not have a new idea in his head. First, his thoughts must change. If you think that something is missing in this room, won't you go there and start looking for it?

- Of course not.

- That's what I mean.

- Your consulting company ACT has become the market leader in Georgia 6 years after its foundation. After that, you keep growing. What do you consider the basis of your success?

- It's probably a combination of factors. Organizations like ours were created 10 years earlier. We showed up at the right time. I have often said that if there had not been a Rose Revolution, if the market economy had not developed as it has developed ... as long as the distribution between enterprises was decided at the table, there would be no need for research, analysis, or consultations. When we started, there was already a need, but there was no demand yet. By the way, at such a time we gave birth to coaching. Personally, it is especially difficult for me to guess the time when introducing innovations: when the environment is not yet ready for change, but very close to it. I think that this ability is developed by focusing on the group, on the people for whom I want to do something. We had a new approach: we always focus on what the client needs; How can we benefit those for whom we are created?

I want to remind you of your two quotes: "I do not believe that fate has a chosen one, I believe that there are opportunities." “There is no bad and good time; We create time." You have said many other things that confirm your belief in the power of man. Are you saying this to motivate others, or are you really that confident even about your own limits?

- If I don't believe in what I'm saying, I probably won't be able to help others. When I approach a person or organization, I sincerely believe that they have great potential. Whether they will reveal this potential or not depends on them. I will say again about that room - I believe that there is a treasure there, and I am looking for this treasure. The success of my organization or my personal professional success shows that I can support people, teams, organizations to reach their potential. I think it works because I hold this belief.

- We had a distant ancestor who said: "The sun is my mother, the moon is my father, these tiny stars are my sisters and brothers." This person was like your spiritual brother or sister. But don't you think that human possibilities are limited. There are powers that surpass human powers. Are there bad and good times?

- I believe that a person has all kinds of resources so that he can realize his potential to fulfill his desires. I also believe that there are resources in the world for this. I look at competition the same way: the world is not a communicating vessel, which implies that I have to take away from you in order to feel good.

- So competition is not a zero-sum game.

- Yes, there are enough resources in the environment and openness and creativity are needed to see it. “All or nothing!” – this is not my thinking, I do not divide the world into black and white. I believe that a person has the potential and resources for what he desires. I never had the desire to become a ballerina, but when I was sitting in my dilapidated one-room apartment near the kerosene stove and said – I want to create an international company and start exporting our intellectual services – it turned out that I can. However, at the time it all sounded crazy. Desires never fly away. Our true “self” knows what we are capable of.

- This is understandable, but do you ignore the role of the environment?

- The environment is very important. But what are we talking about now – do I believe in resources? Yes, I believe that when I start thinking about what I want to do, I have the resources to do it and I will find the resources and potential for it in the environment. I have it at the level of faith. Therefore, the biggest problem for me is the discovery of my true desires. Don’t let the “ego” fool you that I don’t really want this, I want this because that’s the status or I’m proving something to someone.

“When I say that there is no such thing as a bad time or a good time, I mean that you yourself create the time.”

- We come to your question, which you asked at the beginning of the conversation: Is everything in me – but for what? To make my wishes come true. Your answer: yes.

- There is one caveat here: if you do not see this resource in yourself and in the environment, you will not be able to fulfill a single desire. I believe there is, but I’m not saying that everyone uses this resource.

- You never hid that when you started your career, you had a very unfavorable start.

- Yes, I started with a minus.

- Probably, others started their careers in the same conditions as you, but some succeed, others do not. What you just said, isn’t that the reason why people with the same initial conditions achieve completely different results?

- Probably, the problem is in thoughts and insufficient actions. One believes that it will work, and the other does not. One has the desire and willingness to take appropriate steps, while the other has only the desire. Therefore, he wanted something yesterday, the day before yesterday, he will want something the day after tomorrow and even a year later. But he will do nothing to make this wish come true. When I say that there is no good or bad time, I mean – you create the time yourself. There is always good and bad going on around. I’m not saying that when there is war in Ukraine, the time when there is peace is no better. What could be worse than war? But I believe that even in war you can make decisions. Or I say that I am not at war, I am leaving the country and living my life. Another way is to stay and say, “How unhappy I am!” And another way is when I say: “My country is fighting for freedom, and I will become a part of this struggle!” Then the hard times of the war will come, they will turn for you into a symbol of the greatest heroism and the greatest victory. Events have no color. Our attitude towards events is what we call good or bad; This is our interpretation, good or bad.

- Do you consider giving much more than receiving as one of your main functions as a leader?

- I have been reading and thinking a lot about the concept of a leader. How did Zelensky become a world leader? A leader is a person who, through his behavior and support, can inspire people to go along with him. I consider this to be the main function.

- Zelensky, in my opinion, became a leader because he did not leave Kyiv after the start of the war and, in fact, risked his life for Ukraine.

- Of course. I put my life on the line because, on the level of value, I can't do otherwise. He was not sure that the Ukrainians would follow him. It was his choice. Was there a deal - I will sacrifice myself for you and you recognize me as the leader?! A true leader does what he believes in with his heart and manages to unite people with his actions, his values, his beliefs.

- I agree. But I've seen cases, and you've probably seen a lot more, where a manager is convinced that every new computer, desk, or chair in an organization should be his. For him, primacy means that he has the right to receive the first benefit.

- I see, you mean power. I think there are two different concepts of leadership and they also come from people's beliefs. For example, people like me, who believe that there are enough resources in the world for everyone to achieve their goals, do not want to steal. There is another type of people who think that these possibilities are limited and that they should use them as much as possible. Such a person needs symbols of wealth and power in order to gain a foothold in the territory marked by him.

- After Georgia became independent, the second type of leaders became our main problem.

- Exactly! It comes from the belief that if I don't, I'll be relegated to the sidelines. That is, if I bend over and do not show that I am strong, then they will eat me. Because there is only one apple and my task is to bite off as much as possible. I say: “People, why are you fighting over one apple? Thousand apples! But this is a different concept. Both types of leaders can be successful. But one is success based on the energy of cooperation, partnership, creativity, and the other is success based on the energy of competition, struggle and fear. For me, success is not waking up every day with the fear that someone will fight me and I will be thrown off.

- I know that one of your concerns is Georgia and its future. In fact, we are not realizing our potential with our current leadership concept. But what does it take to change the concept of leadership? Perhaps I am asking a very naive question, but until that happens, we will have to live in an environment with completely untapped potential.

- I often ask myself a question about changes. I am very hurt by what is happening in Georgia. I am experiencing exactly what you are talking about, that we are losing our huge potential every day. People can live better, we can create a creative environment, but the energy goes in a completely different direction. We cannot get out of the psychology of survival, and as long as we live with the psychology of survival, we cannot move into a creative state.

- It happens at all levels.

- Probably, at least one person should appear, a real leader who can convince people of values and unite people.

- How should this one person appear - should fate smile on us? Should there be demand for such a leader among the people?

- What kind of education did Zelensky have and when did it appear? I don't know, I don't have an answer to that. If Ataturk was born, what society gave birth to him? What environment did Lincoln live in? The country may be in a deadlock for a hundred years before such a leader emerges. However, the order still comes from society. I don't see this order yet.

“In fact, we all know what our core value is.”

- You work with business leaders. Do you see them as willing to provide the first type of leadership?

- I see, but not at all. This is a complex concept. The concept of limited resources and competition is much more traditional and understandable. This is closer to Soviet reality. What we are now fighting for and what we want to realize is precisely the concept of joint leadership. If we take Russia and America, what technological, medical and other achievements does America have and what does Russia have? I don't touch politics. The war also showed who had what, even from a technological point of view. Don't Russians have smart people? Do Russians have no natural resources? But when you think about what to take from whom, you only care about safety. The same is happening today in Georgia, unfortunately. As I said, we are in a survival position.

- The example of Ukraine is very important. In addition to Zelensky, they have General Zaluzhny. It so happened that two modern-minded leaders found themselves in the most important posts.

- Modern and patriotic people. But this did not happen by chance. If they had not stood on the Maidan in the cold and had not achieved their goal, Ukraine would have been a different country. The order for change came from the people.

- I have the last question: what word will serve as a guideline for you for the rest of your life?

- Freedom.

- Has life proved to you that freedom is your main value?

- In fact, we all know what is a fundamental value for us.

My life develops in accordance with my core values. Everyone has such a life. But look, those who feel bad, in fact - this is also my theory, forgive me, maybe I have too many beliefs - my belief is that those who are emotionally difficult, they do not live in harmony with their values.

When a person remembers the most emotionally painful decision for him, as a rule, this decision is not associated with an inopportune moment, but is a betrayal of a core value. Freedom is my inner compass, it helps me make difficult decisions.

- Thank you very much for a very interesting conversation. We conclude the interview with your comments on the statements of two famous people. The author of the first quote is the American writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961): "We become stronger where we break."

- It really is. However, I would like to add: if you stand on your feet, then you strengthen the place where you break. Some suffer from how it has broken their whole life. But the bitter experience of the past consists of two things - pain and a lesson. You gotta leave the pain where it hurts, you gotta learn your lesson. If you continue to be in pain, you won't be able to learn the lesson and therefore won't be able to get stronger.

- The second quote belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher - Socrates (470-399 BC): "No one is your friend; Nobody is your enemy; Everyone is your teacher."

- I have a gratitude exercise in personal development programs, where people often thank the person who hurt them: “Thank you for making me stronger, for teaching me who I should be”, “Thank you for taught me wisdom!”, “Thank you.” for making me appreciate true love afterwards." !" In this context, both friend and foe teach you about yourself.

- It turns out that you have to be constantly on the alert in order to perceive everything as educational material for you. Is this the right attitude to the world?

- The desire to know ourselves and the world helps us a lot in development. Sobriety is a good word, I like it. However, I know people who are amazingly aware of the outside world, but have absolute darkness within themselves. Therefore, vigilance is necessary both to the world and to oneself. My inner prayer is this: God, give me the sun inside me and around me!


The Pro Bono Network of Georgia held a final meeting of the year, during which the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia shared the results achieved with member companies, plans were made for the future of the network and new members were admitted.

The Vice President of PYXERA Global, a member of the global pro bono network, introduced the companies to international experience.

At the meeting, Nino Kalandia, Head of Marketing and Communications at ACT - Analysis and Consulting Team, became the pro bono champion of the year.

Team, became the pro bono champion of the year.

“During the year I participated in various pro bono events on behalf of ACT, it was a great responsibility and an interesting experience. I thank the representatives of the pro bono network and all the organizations that have used the pro bono service for their trust." - Nino Kalandia said.

In May 2022, a global research and management consulting company ACT, with the involvement of Strategic Communications Manager Nino Kalandia, provided a free consultation to World Experience for Georgia (WEG). As part of the consultation, ACT developed a plan for an exploratory communication campaign. In particular, the stakeholders of the study, communication channels, etc. were identified. As part of the consultation, two working meetings were held between a representative ofACT and World Experience for Georgia (WEG).

Consultations on a gratuitous basis within the framework of the communication campaign were also provided to the enterprise "Chu". Chu is a social enterprise created to promote sign language that is trying to create equal opportunities in society through board games. While playing with Chu products, players learn words in sign language, which contributes to the process of socialization.

In October-November 2022, with the participation of Nino Kalandia, ACT held 6 consultation meetings with the public organization Safar, for a total of 14 hours free of charge. The purpose of the consultation was to develop/improve the marketing and communication plan of the cover donation platform. The communication meetings were divided into two parts: evaluation of the platform's existing communication plan and development of a new plan.

Pro bono services make the experience and knowledge of the private sector available to public organizations. In this way, companies help those groups of society whose interests are served and expressed by this or that public organization.

Pro bono activities are supported by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the framework of the Civil Society Initiative project.


თუ საკუთარ თავს ხშირად უსვამთ კითხვას „რატომ არ იზრდება ჩემი ბიზნესი?“ - ეს ვორქშოფი სწორედ თქვენთვისაა. ბიზნესის წარმატებაცა და წარუმატებლობაც ჩვენი გადაწყვეტილებების შედეგია, გადაწყვეტილებები კი ჩვენს ცოდნას, გამოცდილებასა და რწმენებს ეფუძნება. აქედან გამომდინარე, თუ კომპანიაში სასურველ ზრდას ვერ ვხედავთ, ეს იმას ნიშნავს, რომ დროა ჩვენ გავიზარდოთ - ახალი ცოდნა მივიღოთ და ჩვენს რწმენებსა და წარმოდგენებსაც გადავხედოთ.


11 თებერვალს გელით ჩვენს ვორქშოფზე, სადაც:

  • მოგიყვებით იმ ძირითადი ბარიერების შესახებ, რომელიც ამცირებს ან სულაც ხელს უშლის ბიზნესის ზრდას;

  • დაგეხმარებით საკუთარი ბიზნესის დიაგნოსტირებაში, ზრდის შემაფერხებელი მთავარი ფაქტორების აღმოჩენასა და მნიშვნელოვანი ცვლილებების დაგეგმვაში;

  • შეგიქმნით პლატფორმას, სადაც გაიცნობთ სხვა მეწარმეებს / ბიზნესის მმართველებს და შეძლებთ ერთმანეთის გამოცდილების გაზიარებას.

ვისთვისაა ეს პროგრამა: ბიზნესის მფლობელებისთვის, CEO-ებისთვის და ტოპ-მენეჯერებისთვის

ვორქშოფს ფასილიტაციას გაუწევს ეისითის დამფუძნებელი, მენეჯმენტ-კონსულტანტი 20 წლიანი გამოცდილებით თინათინ რუხაძე

ფორმატი: ერთდღიანი

 📍  ჩატარების ადგილი: სასტუმრო რუმსი. თბილისი, კოსტავას #14

 📅 ჩატარების თარიღი: 11 თებერვალი (ანალოგიური ვორქშოფი დაგეგმილია 3 მარტსაც)

 📌 ფასი:  690 ლარი (მოიცავს დღგ-ს)

ბილეთებისთვის მიყევით ლინკს  ⏩    https://tkt.ge/show/11945/ratom-ar-izrdeba-chemi-biznesi

ვორქშოფის დღის წესრიგი:

9:30-10:00 რეგისტრაცია / ყავა

10:00 – 12:30 სესია 1

12:30 – 13:30 მსუბუქი ლანჩი

13:30 – 15:30 სესია 2

15:30 – 16:00 ყავის შესვენება

16:00 – 17:30 სესია 3


On January 31, an event of the project of the International Institute of Sales - "How I develop an employee" took place.

During the meeting, Tinatin Rukhadze, Founder, Entrepreneur and Business Leader of ACT, presented the unique POWER3® organizational transformation model and talked about how strongly factors such as company vision, strategic goals and priorities, organizational culture, leadership and environment influence the which the employee must carry out his work, implement skills, as well as organizational resources, system and organizational mechanisms in order to be able to effectively use the new knowledge and skills gained by the employee and bring results.

On the topic “How do we develop an employee if we don’t change anything”, the founder of ACT voiced 3 main messages:

1. An employee is a part of the system - his development cannot take place if the whole system does not develop.

2. Create an employee development plan in an organizational context.

TIP: Ask at least 3 questions:

What organizational purpose does this employee's development serve? (vision)

Does this employee work in a development-friendly environment? (culture)

Is there an incentive and opportunity for the implementation of new knowledge/skills of the employee in the organization? (performance)

3. Finally, if the organization has a lot of "unfit" and "ungrateful" employees, then it's time to transform not the employee, but the entire system.

“It seems that we are all aware of the impact of the employee on the organization, but very often we forget about the impact of the organization on the employee. Organizations often plan the development of an individual or a team—from a personal, professional, or management standpoint—without considering the most important factor, that the worker is part of a large and complex system—called an organization.” - Tinatin Rukhadze said.

Among the speakers were Medea Tabatadze, founder and trainer of the consulting and recruiting company Insource, Craig Kramer, Executive Director of Sun Petroleum (Gulf Georgia).

The meeting, organized by the International Sales Institute, was attended by representatives of the business sector, directors of various companies and HR managers.


On February 16, ACT co-founder and executive director Natalia Kvitsinashvili signed a memorandum of cooperation between ACT and the Institute of International Trade and Investment of the Asia and Gulf Business Chamber.

The memorandum aims to conduct joint research activities with the cooperation of the parties towards identifying favorable investment spaces in Georgia and at the international level, identifying trade corridors and studying labor market trends, as well as sharing research results at the local and international level for business, governmental and non-governmental institutions and the general public.


March 9 Tea Shamatava, Head of Human Resources and Organizational Development at ACT, within the framework of the HR hub Next project spoke on the topic “HR as a coach”.

HR Hub Next is an innovative hub for future HR managers, where experienced professionals in the field share their knowledge and experience with the younger generation on the principle of mentoring.

The purpose of the club is to increase the level of knowledge, professional growth and exchange of experience of young, novice professionals.

Within 1 month, 10 meetings are held on various important topics, which are led by HR managers from 10 different companies. Each mentor has 3-4 students.

Tea Shamatava, as a mentor, shared her knowledge and experience with novice HR managers within the framework of this project. Questions discussed during the mentoring process were how organizations with a coaching culture differ from other types of organizational cultures and how important is the role of the HR manager in this style of organization. During the meeting, the head of the HR and organizational development group of ACT spoke about the coaching competencies of an HR manager and the coaching thinking of leaders. She also introduced the participants to some of the tools that will be useful in the work of the new generation of HR managers.


On March 21, Tinatin Rukhadze, founder and leader of the vision of ACT, spoke about the activities of ACT, what the company offers to business and how it strengthens organizations for their changes, in the BMGLIVE program "Tsertili" ("Dot") together with Telara Gelantia. The program also raised the following questions:

• Three forces of transformation;

• ACT - vision and mission;

• The importance of research and analytics for development;

• What does ACT offer customers and what does the market need?

• Cost of ACT services;

• Why are they leaving and how to stop the churn?

• What is the competitive advantage of ACT?

• ACT plans - inside and outside;

• What does Georgia need for development?

On BMGTV, the founder of ACT also talked about the main qualities of a good leader. According to Tinatin Rukhadze, the most important thing is that the leader be a source of inspiration for the team.

“Too often, managers and leaders think that good leadership means doing something better than anyone else. In my opinion, a good leader should inspire the team to create something better. Leadership means interacting with the team and supporting it. Managers often think that they have a lot of work and no time for communication, but the best thing a leader can do is to establish contact with employees, and then these people will do an excellent job" - Tinatin Rukhadze.

The full interview can be found at the link.


ACT Executive Leader and Managing Partner Natalia Kvitsinashvili has been elected Deputy Head of the Finance Committee of the Georgian Public Opinion Research Association.

The Georgian Public Opinion Research Association is a professional association whose goal is to promote the conduct of public opinion and other scientific research in accordance with quality and ethical standards.

“The purpose of the association is to promote the development of the industry and form high standards in the industry. I think my 21 years of research experience and knowledge of modern financial approaches will greatly help me in this position, and this cooperation will be mutually beneficial - both for the industry itself and for the sustainable development of the organization.


A new region and three new countries on the map of the ACT International project.

The research and management consulting company is already present in 31 countries around the world.

Since April, ACT has launched a project of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which involves three countries - Cambodia, India and Philippines. This means that successful ACT projects have already been implemented in 16% of 195 countries worldwide.

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of financial literacy and access to finance of the adult population of the Asia-Pacific region.

"Since 2010, the internationalization of services has been a top priority for ACT and we have been actively working on geographic expansion - opening representative offices in the countries of the region through the creation of international partner networks. Increased demand for remote services during the pandemic and technological developments have created special opportunities for the internationalization of services - we have been given the opportunity to work in new countries, although our concentration is focused on the territorially adjacent Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

2023 is a special year for ACT's international development as the portfolio includes the Southeast Asian countries of India, Cambodia and the Philippines. This region is not only for ACT, but also for Georgian research and consulting in general.

It represents a new market for the sector and a unique opportunity to grow ACT's international portfolio.

“ACT offers international development agencies and donor organizations a single multi-country project management system and a full range of competencies in the countries where it operates.

Unique knowledge of the context, access to expert services and international standards make us a reliable and effective partner for development agents. “Each successful project paves the way for future opportunities,” - Sopho Chachanidze says.

On April 22, the Stamba Hotel hosted a summit organized by Forbes Women Georgia.

Tinatin Rukhadze, the founder of AST, spoke at The Power of NO How "No" changed her life and how obstacles became successes for discovery.

The Power of No project is a path for the professional development of women and refers to the existing obstacles along the way. The organizers of the project drew attention to the structural and cultural barriers that are gender-specific throughout the world and significantly hinder women's career advancement.

The project was aimed at both beginners and young people, as well as already established professionals. They were introduced to the professional biography of Georgian women working in various fields, and made them reflect on their examples of understanding and overcoming obstacles.

The word "No" is used as a metaphor and combines an interfering social context, oppressive in an invisible form, institutional arrangement and, most importantly, self-deprecating defeatist thinking - "Mindset".

Among the participants of The Power of No: Tsira Kemularia - Senior Independent Member of the Supervisory Board of TBC Bank, Mary Chachanidze - Managing Director of TBC Capital, Ana Nakashidze - Executive Director of AzerTelecom,

, Ana Agladze - founder of "Tag&;Match", Irine Khundadze - founder of "Munchies by

food goddess", Nino Zambakhidze - Chairman of the Farmers Association, Shorena Darchiashvili - General Director of the "White Square" and others.


On April 26, as part of the “Better Leadership” discussion organized by Blue Ocean, Rusudan Telia spoke about the “Leadership Manifesto” by Robert Anderson and William Adams, recently translated for Georgian readers.

The Leadership Manifesto is a universal guide for leaders, created on the basis of many years of experience and research of the authors, which helps to comprehend their own experience and systematically comprehend the very complex topic of leadership.

"The Leadership Manifesto is a book about leadership, where the phenomenon of leadership is widely, systematically and deeply studied. The model proposed by the authors is supported by many years of research and clearly shows the relationship of 18 core competencies with the effectiveness of a leader and a management team. And how does all this affect the success of the organization.

The Leadership Manifesto is a true reference book for organizational managers, human capital professionals, and anyone interested in self-development. He will look deep into himself, go to his most hidden places in order to better feel his own resources and huge opportunities for development.

Working on myself in accordance with this leadership model has had a huge impact on me. He showed me 360 degrees of himself and made me feel the energy that gave me the strength to start a completely new life." - Rusudan Telia.


On April 29, at the Forum of the Central Eurasian Leadership Alliance, ACT founder Tinatin Rukhadze, i, will talk about organizational transformation on the unique POWER3® model. According to this model, organizations are driven by three main forces: (1) vision is the power of creativity, (2) culture is the power of order, and (3) execution is the power of change. ACT's many years of experience have shown us that an organization achieves its main goal and the best results only when these three directions (vision, culture, execution) are congruent and work together. Therefore, the exchange of experience in such a network as the Central Eurasian Alliance of Leaders is very important for us.

CELA brings together successful business leaders from all over the world at various business summits and events. The CELA 2023 Business Forum will be held in Dubai, UAE from 27 to 30 April. Forum Includes TED-style talks, panel discussions, and events to promote future business and professional collaborations and exchange of experience and skills.


On April 27-30, the Forum of the Central Eurasian Leadership Alliance took place, at which Tinatin Rukhadze, the founder of ACT, presented the POWER3® organization transformation model created by ACT, which is based on the laws of the universe. According to this model, organizations are driven by three main forces: (1) vision is the power of creativity, (2) culture is the power of order, and (3) execution is the power of change.

ACT's years of experience have shown us that an organization achieves its main goal and best results only if it is congruent and works in harmony in these three directions (vision, culture, execution). Therefore, it is very important to share our experience in such a network as the Central Eurasian Leadership Alliance.

“The interest of an international audience in Power3, our model of organizational development and transformation, means that the model is universal and has great potential for success in the international market.” - Tinatin Rukhadze.

CELA brings together successful business leaders from all over the world at various business summits and events.

The CELA 2023 Business Forum held in Dubai, UAE from 27 to 30 April. The forum includes TED-style talks, thematic discussions and various events to develop future business and professional cooperation and exchange of experience and skills.


ორბის ბუდე სოციალური საწარმოა, რომელიც სოფელ სამშვილდეში მდებარეობს. მისი მიზანია შექმნას განსაკუთრებული სივრცე მოგზაურთათვის, რომელიც იქნება ისტორიული მარშრუტების გზამკვლევი და ახალი, საინტერესო აქტივობების ადგილი. 

2023 წლის, თებერვალი - აპრილის პერიოდში, კომპანია „ეისითისა“ და სოციალური საწარმო „ორბის ბუდეს“ საკონსულტაციო შეხვედრები მიმდინარეობდა, რომელის მიზანი იყო საწარმოსთვის ვებ-გვერდის სტრუქტურის შემუშავება, დიზაინის ფორმატის განსაზღვრა და დამკვეთისთვის ტექნიკური დავალების მომზადება. საკონსულტაციო პროცესში პრო ბონოდ ჩართული იყო კომპანიის დიჯიტალ მარკეტერი ანა ყატაშვილი. 


23 ივნისს საქართველოს სტრატეგიული კვლევებისა და განვითარების ცენტრმა (CSRDG)  სურსათის უვნებლობასთან დაკავშირებით საქართველოს მოსახლეობის  ცნობადობის შესახებ ეისითის კვლევა წარადგინა

გამოკითხული რესპოდენტებისთვის სურსათის უვნებლობასთან დაკავშირებულ საკითხებზე ინფორმაციის მიღების ორ ძირითად წყაროს წარმოადგენს ინტერნეტი/სოციალური ქსელები - 47% და ტელევიზია - 44%. აღსანიშნავია,  რომ რესპონდენტების მიერ სურსათის უვნებლობასთან დაკავშირებულ საკითხებში საკუთარი ცოდნის შეფასებამ საშუალოდ 3.2 ქულა შეადგინა (5-დან).  ამასთან რესპონდენტების ნახევარზე მეტი - 61% გამოთქვამს სურვილს, რომ მიიღოს დამატებითი ინფორმაცია სურსათის უვნებლობის საკითხებთან დაკავშირებით. სურსათის უვნებლობასთან დაკავშირებულ საკითხებზე დამატებითი ინფორმაციის მიღებით დაინტერესებულ რესპონდენტებს შორის განსაკუთრებით მაღალია დაინტერესება შემდეგი საკითხით: უვნებელი პროდუქციის შერჩევის მეთოდები - 42%.

კვლევის შედეგად გამოვლენილ ძირითად მიგნებებს შორისაა: 

სურსათის სარეალიზაციო ობიექტებთან დაკავშირებული გამოცდილება:

  • რესპონდენტების მიერ დასახელებულ ყველა შესაძლო სარეალიზაციო ობიექტს შორის, სადაც სასურსათო პროდუქციას ყიდულობენ, ძირითადად დასახელდა ჰიპერმარკეტი/სუპერმარკეტი - 86% , აგრარული ბაზარი - 51%, უბნის მაღაზია - 37%.

  • სასურსათო ობიექტის შერჩევის დროს პირველ კრიტერიუმად ყველაზე ხშირად დასახელდა: სასურსათო ობიექტის სიახლოვე - 34%, სასურსათო პროდუქციის უვნებლობა (ჰიგიენა და პროდუქციის ვადების დაცვა) - 23%. პროდუქციის ფასი გადამწყვეტი (პირველ კრიტერიუმად დასახელებული) მხოლოდ მოსახლეობის 14%-თვისაა, მეორე კრიტერიუმად მას ასახელებს რესპონდენტების თითქმის ორჯერ მეტი ოდენობა - 26%.

  • ამავე დროს, თბილისში მცხოვრები რესპონდენტების 72%-თვის ადგილმდებარეობა გადამწყვეტი კრიტერიუმია სურსათის ობიექტის შერჩევის დროს. ეს მაჩვენებელი გარკვეულწილად იკლებს სხვა ქალაქებში (თბილისის გარდა) - 62%, სოფლად კი ეს კრიტერიუმი მოსახლეობის მხოლოდ - 43%-თვის არის გადამწყვეტი.

რეაგირება სურსათის უვნებლობის დარღვევის შემთხვევაში:

  • რესპონდენტების 58%-ს ბოლო 2 წლის განმავლობაში რაიმე სახის დარღვევა აღმოუჩენია სურსათის სარეალიზაციო ობიექტზე და/ან კვების ობიექტზე. 

  • სურსათის უვნებლობასთან დაკავშირებული დარღვევების აღმოჩენის მიუხედავად, რესპონდენტების თითქმის ნახევარს - 48%-ს არ მიუმართავს არანაირი ღონისძიებისათვის. 

  • რესპონდენტებს შორის სურსათის უვნებლობის დარღვევებზე რეაგირების ყველაზე გავრცელებული ფორმებია: პროდუქციის შეძენის ადგილზე პრეტენზიის დაფიქსირება / ობიექტის ვებგვერდზე/ფეისბუქგვერდზე მიწერა - 28%. სურსათის ეროვნული სააგენტოსათვის გამოკითხულთაგან მხოლოდ 5 რესპონდენტს მიუმართავს.
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 წლის 𝟏𝟗 ივნისს, კომპანია ეისითის და 𝐆𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐈-ს (ახალი სახელწოდება: საქართველოს საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი) შორის ურთიერთთანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი გაფორმდა.

მემორანდუმს ხელი მოაწერეს უნივერსიტეტის რექტორმა, პროფესორმა გიორგი მათიაშვილმა და კანცლერმა, ასოცირებულმა პროფესორმა ელისო ელისაშვილმა, ხოლო კომპანიის მხრიდან - მისმა დირექტორმა, ქალბატონმა ნატალია კვიწინაშვილმა.

მემორანდუმი ითვალისწინებს უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტების, აკადემიური/მოწვეული პერსონალისა და მკვლევარების ჩართვას სხვადასხვა ეროვნულ თუ საერთაშორისო პროექტში, ერთობლივი პუბლიკაციების მომზადებას, ფსიქოლოგიის საბაკალავრო და სამაგისტრო პროგრამების სტუდენტთა პრაქტიკის გავლას და კიდევ სხვა, მრავალი ურთიერთსასარგებლო პროექტის განხორციელებას.

2023 წლის 30 ივნისს ეისითის ოფისში ჩატარდა წამახალისებელი გათამაშება და კომპანია Rand-ისა და ეისითის მიერ ჩატარებული კვლევის მონაწილეთა შორის გამოვლინდნენ გამარჯვებულები. 


გათამაშების პროცესში მოხდა დაკავშირება 10 გამარჯვებულთან და მათ მიეწოდათ ინფორმაცია იმასთან დაკავშირებით, თუ როგორ შეძლებენ მოგებული თანხის მიღებას. 


დაინტერესებულ პირებს დამატებითი ინფორმაციის მიღება შეუძლიათ ეისითის კორპორაციულ მეილზე მიმართვის საფუძველზე: geo@act-global.com

6 ივლისს ევროკავშირისა და კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდის მხარდაჭერით, საქართველოს სტრატეგიული კვლევებისა და განვითარების ცენტრი -ის ორგანიზებით საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელისა და მათი პარტნიორების რიგით მეხუთე პრო ბონო მარათონი გაიმართა, რომელშიც ეისითის მარკეტინგის და კომუნიკაციების გუნდის ლიდი ნინო კალანდია პრო ბონო კონსულტანტად იყო ჩართული.  

წლევანდელი მარათონის ფარგლებში, 8 კომპანიის 14-მა პრო ბონო კონსულტანტმა,  საზოგადოების სასიკეთოდ მომუშავე ოთხი სხვადასხვა სამოქალაქო ორგანიზაციისთვის, მათი საქმიანობის ამსახველი საპრეზენტაციო გრაფიკული ვიდეო რგოლები მოამზადეს.

პრო ბონო მარათონის მონაწილე კომპანიები იყვნენ: ACT - Analysis and Consulting Team , სადაზღვევო კომპანია „ალდაგი“; სადაზღვევო კომპანია „ჯი პი აი ჰოლდინგი“; „თიბისი“ ბანკი; საერთაშორისო სარეკლამო კომპანია/სააგენტო „სააჩი&სააჩი“; “თეგეტა ჰოლდინგი”; ციფრული ხედვის აკადემია; ციფრული ინდუსტრიის აკადემია.

პრო ბონო მარათონში მონაწილეობდნენ შემდეგი სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ორგანიზაციები: ახალგაზრდა პედაგოგთა კავშირი, გურია; “დავიცვათ საქართველოს სისუფთავე”, თბილისი; “ორიონი”, იმერეთი; “კომლი”, შიდა ქართლი. 

საქართველოს სტრატეგიული კვლევებისა და განვითარების ცენტრის CSR პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელის, ლელა ხოფერიას განცხადებით: “პრო ბონო სერვისები წარმოადგენს კორპორაციული პასუხისმგებლობის განხორციელების ერთ-ერთ ფორმას. ის გულისხმობს კომპანიის მიერ საზოგადოების საჭიროებებში ინვესტირებას, თუმცა არა ფულადი სახსრებისა, არამედ თანამშრომელთა დროისა და ინტელექტუალური რესურსისა. პრო ბონო სერვისები საშუალებას აძლევს სამოქალაქო ორგანიზაციებს მიიღონ კვალიფიციური საექსპერტო დახმარება, რომელზეც მათ, სხვა შემთხვევაში, ხელი არ მიუწვდებოდათ და ამის შედეგად იყვნენ უფრო ეფექტურები, უკეთ მოემსახურონ საკუთარ ბენეფიციარებს და საზოგადოების უფრო მრავალრიცხოვან ჯგუფებს დაეხმარონ. ამ გზით მიიღწევა მდგრადი და მასშტაბური შედეგი და იზრდება კომპანიის მიერ გაწეული დახმარების სოციალური ზეგავლენა.“

"საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელი" წარმოადგენს საქართველოში მოქმედი იმ ადგილობრივი და საერთაშორისო კომპანიების არაფორმალურ გაერთიანებას, რომელთაც სურთ საკუთარი ექსპერტიზისა და პროფესიული რესურსების გამოყენება საზოგადოების სასიკეთოდ. "საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელი" ოფიციალურად დაარსდა 2015 წლის ოქტომბერში "საქართველოს სტრატეგიული კვლევებისა და განვითარების ცენტრის" ინიციატივით ფონდ MitOst e.V., ფონდ BMW Herbert Quandt-ისა და ფონდ Taproot-ის თანადგომით.

პრო ბონო მარათონი ხორციელდება #CSRDG-ის ორგანიზებით, პროექტის 'სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ინიციატივის' ფარგლებში, ერვოკავშირისა და კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდის მხარდაჭერით.


12 ივლის ეისითის დამფუძნებელმა და მენეჯმენტ-კონსულტანტმა თინათინ რუხაძემ Leadership school-ის ნეთვორქინგ ღონისძიებაზე “სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონის განვითარების შესაძლებლობები: ახალგაზრდების მონაწილეობის მნიშვნელობა“ ისაუბრა თემაზე ლიდერების გაძლიერება - პოტენციალის გამოვლენა და გავლენის შექმნა.

ღონისძიება მიზნად ისახავდა ახალგაზრდა პროფესიონალების დაკავშირებას ერთმანეთთან, თანამშრომლობის ხელშეწყობას და მათთვის უნიკალურ შესაძლებლობის შექმნას გაეზიარებინათ შეხედულებები და დაემყარებინათ პროფესიული კავშირები.

ლიდერთა სკოლა დამოუკიდებელი ორგანიზაციაა, რომლის მიზანიც გლობალური ცვლილებების ფონზე სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონის სწრაფი განვითარებაა, ახალგაზრდა ლიდერების აღმოჩენის და გაძლიერების გზით. ორგანიზაცია ხელს უწყობს  რეგიონის ადგილობრივი ლიდერების და ორგანიზაციების თანამშრომლობას და მათ ჩართულობას მომავალი ლიდერების განვითარების პროცესში.


In January 2023, ACT was contracted by UN Women and UNFPA within the framework of the Joint Programme “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” funded by the European Union, to carry out the data collection for the Follow-up Assessment on gender norms and stereotypes in the six countries of the project - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Follow-up assessment aimed at measuring progress to overcome gender stereotypes and negative norms and practices and develop gender-transformative behavioral change, through the implementation of civil society organization (CSO) initiatives.

The assignment involved extensive preparatory work and required smooth coordination and cooperation with the UN Women and UNFPA country offices implementing the joint Programme as well as complex and specific arrangements for each of the six countries prior to the data collection, since it targeted beneficiaries of the joint Programme’s interventions. Preparatory work as well as data collection process were fully and successfully managed and coordinated by ACT in all six countries and implemented with the help of local vendors.

The Study applied a mixed-methods approach and collected quantitative as well as qualitative data on gender stereotypes and harmful social norms and practices in-line with the comprehensive Follow-up Assessment Methodology developed by UN Women and UNFPA.

As a result of the joint efforts from all involved parties, it was managed to complete total of 1643 quantitative interviews, 46 focus group discussions and 18 in-depth interviews with seven target segments (youth, fathers, healthcare professionals, women with disabilities, women living with alcohol addiction, perpetrators- and victims of domestic violence) and other population groups (young women and men, mothers and fathers of children with disabilities and partners of fathers).

Once finalized, the follow-up assessment analytical report will be published on UN Women and UNFPA websites.

On behalf of ACT, project team would like to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to all involved parties and individuals, namely Mrs. Olga Osaulenko / Programme Manager, UN Women and UNFPA Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Mrs. Dilara Buyuktas / Programme Associate, UN Women and UNFPA Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Guillem Fortuny Fillo / International Expert on Gender studies and UN Women and UNFPA country offices and local implementing partners from all 6 countries - for their invaluable support and level of cooperation throughout the project implementation.


On October 7, ACT held a workshop on strategic business planning to strengthen the SME sector within the framework of social responsibility.

The meeting was attended by executive directors and founders of enterprises.

Workshop participants had the opportunity to work with ACT's strategic consultants to evaluate their company's current business model and identify factors influencing their business performance.

As a result of the workshop, the participants developed a vision for the long-term development of their business and corresponding effective strategies.

The working session was led by ACT founder, business leader, management consultant and executive coach Tinatin Rukhadze.


9 ოქტომბერს, გაეროს გლობალური შეთანხმებისა და საქართველოს ქსელის ორგანიზებით, ევროპის სხვა ადგილობრივ ქსელებთან პარტნიორობით, საქართველოში პირველად, საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „Uniting Business Europe” გაიმართა.

მდგრადი განვითარების მიზნების მიღწევის პროცესში, კერძო სექტორის წვლილისა და პარტნიორობის მნიშვნელობაზე გამართულ პანელურ დისკუსიაში მიწვეულ სპიკერად ACT-ის წარმოადგენდა ეისითის დამფუძნებელი, თინათინ რუხაძე.

"პატივი მერგო, ვყოფილიყავი გაეროს გლობალური შეთანხმების საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის პანელისტი. პანელური დისკუსიის მთავარ თემას წარმოადგენდა "ბიზნესის პასუხი კრიზისის დროს", სადაც მონაწილეებს გავუზიარე ჩემი ხედვა და გამოცდილება შემდეგ საკითხებთან დაკავშრებით:

1. როგორ შეიძება წინასწარ განვჭვრიტოთ კრიზისი, რათა უკეთ მოვამზადოთ ორგანიზაციამისი დაძლევისთვის;

2. რა შეიძება გავაკეთოთ კრიზისისდროს ჩვენი თანამშრომლებისთვის, მომხმარებლებისადა ფართო საზოგადოებისთვის, რომ შევუმსუბუქოთ კრიზისის ტვირთი;

3. რა გვასწავლა ბოლო კრიზისმა (პანდემიამ) " - თინათინ რუხაძე, ეისითის დამფუძნებელი, მენეჯმენტ კონსულტანტი.


დასაქმებულების ჩართულობა და მენტალურ ჯანმრთელობაზე ზრუნვა განსაკუთრებით მნიშვნელოვანი პოსტ კოვიდურ სამყაროში გახდა. არაერთი საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაცია იკვლევს აღნიშნულ საკითხს. თუმცა ამ დრომდე არ არსებობს ქართული სტატისტიკა, როგორია დასაქმებულის ჩართულობა და ორგანიზაციებში სტრესის, შფოთვისა და დეპრესიის მაჩვენებლები.

თემის აქტუალობიდან გამომდინარე, გადავწყვიტეთ ჩავატაროთ კვლევა საქართველოს მასშტაბით და ვიკვლიოთ თუ რა სურათია საქართველოში დასაქმებულების ჩართულობასა და მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის კუთხით. კვლევის შედეგად, შევძლებთ მონაცემებზე დაფუძნებით, მეტად არგუმენტირებულად ვისაუბროთ ქვეყანაში არსებულ ტენდენციებზე, თაობების, პოზიციების და სექტორების ჭრილში.

თუ თქვენთვის, როგორც დასაქმებულებისთვის, მნიშვნელოვანია აღნიშნული საკითხები, გთხოვთ მონაწილეობა მიიღოთ კვლევაში. კვლევის შევსების მიზნით მიჰყევით ბმულს.


Within the framework of the project “Strengthening social protection in Georgia,” on October 26 a conference was held, organized by Expertise France, at which ACT analyst Ketevan Antadze and senior consultant Natia Rukhadze presented the main findings of the study. on issues of social protection of the population.

As part of the ACT project, two studies were carried out:

• Study of the experience and attitude of the population towards social protection issues in Georgia.

• A study of the knowledge, experience and attitudes of recipients of social service agencies towards social protection issues in Georgia, the main focus of which was to analyze experiences related to social protection programs in relation to data from a baseline survey that was conducted in early 2022, although the survey Attitude and awareness components were also included.

The goal of the Strengthening Social Protection in Georgia project was to support the Government of Georgia, government and civil society organizations in the field of social services, the development of evidence-based policies and the expansion of rights to social protection.

The project was implemented in Georgia by Expertise France and the Czech Development Agency with financial support from the European Union.


Three new countries on the international map of ACT projects. The research and management consulting company ACT is already represented in 34 countries.

As part of the World Justice Project's Rule of Law Index® 2023, the ACT work area has been expanded to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries and Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have been added to our list of work countries.

Working in the Baltics is a new stage in ACT's international development, with new countries and experience, and an important step towards the internationalization of services.

Strengthening representative and partner networks in already involved countries and geographical expansion towards Central Asia and Eastern Europe continues to be a strategic objective of ACT and a main goal in the coming years.


On November 8, a joint conference of the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA) and the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) The Partnership for Impact Tbilisi Conference: from Blueprints to Breakthroughs  took place.

The conference was opened by the President and Secretary General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, Dr. Sean Chen and Aziel-Philippe Gaulandris. They emphasized the importance of the conference and noted that global problems can only be solved through such multilateral cooperation.

The conference included a panel discussion "The Role of Partnerships in Advancing Gender Equality", where attention was focused on the multifaceted aspects of gender equality and women's empowerment.

One of the Key-note speakers speaker on the panel was Tinatin Rukhadze, founder of ACT, business leader and management consultant, who spoke on the topic "From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women." Tinatin Rukhadze spoke about the problems and common barriers that women often face.

Panelists emphasized the role of gender equality for global prosperity. They also spoke about the need for women to actively participate in public life, which they said would create more stable societies in the world. In addition, special attention was paid to the importance of the main UN documents protecting women's rights.

The panellists also emphasized the need to support women to break the “glass ceiling“ and the importance of training women in technology.

Speakers of the panel Sophie Torelli Chironi, Geneva Directorate General, CSO Liaison; Rachel Weston Eschenbacher, Regional Policy Specialist on Political Participation and Governance, UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Tinatin Rukhadze, Vision Lead, Founding Partner, Analysis and Counseling Team (ACT); Tamara Zakariadze, Head of CSR, Liberty Bank; Nino Nanitashvili, Co-Founder and Mentor, Georgia Startup Pre-Accelerator.

The panel was moderated by Catharina Bu, Secretary General, UNA Norway.


On November 10, the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (JIPA) organized a panel discussion: “Research industry in Georgia: challenges and development prospects.”

Representatives of public and private organizations, research companies and scientists took part in the discussion. One of the speakers at the panel discussion was Natalya Kvitsinashvili, executive director and managing partner of ACT Research.

The purpose of the discussion was to discuss with the participating parties the current situation, problems and opportunities for the development of the research industry in Georgia, taking into account global trends.

The discussion began with the topic of research transformation - the speakers assessed what the research industry was like many years ago, when it was necessary to explain to society and business the overall value of research, clearly convey the benefits of research to both government organizations and the non-governmental sector.

According to the panelists, today the research industry is at a different stage of development, its importance and benefits are well understood by everyone who wants to make data-driven decisions and strategically develop their company or organization. Perception of the benefits of research is high even at the government agency level, and research has become an integral part of developing future policies and standards in various fields.

During the discussion, the speakers focused on the current market situation, discussed issues of data processing and publication, the importance of obtaining and publishing open data, as well as specific tasks of the research industry - increasing the competencies of researchers and providing future researchers with practical knowledge in the learning process.

“Over the past decade, the global research market has undergone a significant transformation. Among them, the role of the researcher as a profession has changed. If previously it was enough for a qualified researcher to know research methodology, a modern researcher requires knowledge of the field/industry of the subject being studied, even requiring expert-level knowledge to a certain extent,” noted ACT Executive Director Natalia Kvitsinashvili during the discussion.

The discussion continued with a discussion of current trends in the labor market: according to the panelists, the demand for specialists working in the research industry has increased worldwide; Along with data collection, processing and analysis skills, the digital era has increased the demand for digital skills among professionals, which remains a challenge in terms of industry development in Georgia. According to the speaker of the discussion, director of the Professional Skills Agency Tamar Kitiashvili, “there is a trend towards updating creative skills, and in the long term, it is specialists with such skills that will become the most in demand on the labor market".

It was the unanimous opinion of the panelists that the topics raised during the discussion should form the basis for continued discussion and regular meetings in the future, where industry experts, parties involved in research and academic representatives will continue to discuss opportunities and ways of developing the industry.

 28 ნოემბერს , სასტუმრო Rooms Tbilisi -ში, Webster University Georgia-ს და  UN Women-ის ორგანიზებით  გაიმართა დისკუსია თემაზე : "UNTOLD STORIES : Women in Leadership”

ღონისძიების მომხსენებლები იყვნენ :
თინათინ რუხაძე,  ACT-ის მმართველი პარტნიორი და მენეჯმენტ კონსულტანტი;
ნინო ზამბახიძე, საქართველოს ფერმერთა ასოციაციის ხელმძღვანელი;
თეონა ბაღდავაძე, Key Communications დამფუძნებელი;
ხატია გოგოლაძე, უფროსი ლეიტენანტი, საქართველოს თავდაცვის ძალები;

პანელის  მონაწილეებმა ისაუბრეს იმ გამოწვევებზე და ბარიერებზე, რომლებიც შეხვდათ, როგორც ქალებს კარიერის მანძილზე. 

ღონისძიების მოდერატორი:
ლილი დოფიძე  -  UN women

8 დეკემბერს  ლურჯი ოკეანეს წლის შემაჯამებელმა ღონისძიებამ  "CROSSOVER: კიდევ ერთის ძალა" -მ  ეისითის მმართველ პარტნიორს და მენეჯმენტ-კონსულტანტ თინათინ რუხაძეს უმასპინძლა, თემით „გუნდების გუნდი".

თინათინ რუხაძემ ისაუბრა თუ რატომ უჩნდებათ ორგანიზაციის ლიდერებს განცდა, რომ მოვლენებზე კონტროლი დაკარგეს, რას ნიშნავს „ბუნკერული ოგანიზაცია“, რა გამოწვევებს უქმნის ის ბიზნესს და როგორ გარდავქმნათ ასეთი ორგანიზაცია წარმატებულ „გუნდების გუნდად“.

"CROSSOVER: კიდევ ერთის ძალა" ლურჯი ოკეანეს ახალი ყოველწლიური ბიზნესღონისძიებაა.
  ღონისძიებამ, პიროვნულ და კარიერულ განვითარებაში (ბიზნეს)ლიტერატურის როლის შესახებ, გააერთიანა პანელური დისკუსიები და ინსპირაციული გამოსვლები.

14 დეკემბერს, სასტუმროში Radisson Blu Iveria, USAID-ის ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობის პროგრამამ უმასპინძლა  ეისითის მიერ ჩატარებული კვლევის პრეზენტაციას - პერსპექტივების გააზრება: მოქალაქეთა და ბიზნესის დამოკიდებულებები ადგილობრივი მმართველობისა და სერვისების მიმართ, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს დისკუსიის ხელშეწყობას, აღქმების და დამოკიდებულებების გამოვლენას კვლევის ძირითადი მიმართულებების გარშემო, რაც მოიცავს მუნიციპალურ საჯარო სერვისებს, კერძოს სექტორის სერვისებს, ადგილობრივ მმართველობას და მოქალაქეთა მონაწილეობას.

ღონისძიების ფარგლებში, ექსპერტებმა და ცენტრალური და ადგილობრივი ხელისუფლების, სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ორგანიზაციების, საერთაშორისო განვითარების ინსტიტუტების წარმომადგენლებმა სიღრმისეულად გაანალიზეს კვლევის შედეგები სამი პარალელური სესიის მეშვეობით - კმაყოფილება, ხელმისაწვდომობა, ხარისხი: მუნიციპალური სერვისების მიწოდების რეფორმა; დიალოგი განვითარებისთვის: თანამშრომლობის ხელშეწყობა ადგილობრივი ბიზნესის ეკოსისტემაში; და ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობა და მოქალაქეთა მონაწილეობა მრავალფეროვანი საზოგადოების პერსპექტივიდან.

ეისითის მიერ კვლევა ჩატარდა USAID-ის ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობის პროგრამის პარტნიორ მუნიციპალიტეტებში (ბათუმი, ჩოხატაური, ოზურგეთი, ქუთაისი, ტყიბული, ონი, ლენტეხი, მესტია, ბოლნისი, რუსთავი, მარნეული, დმანისი) მოქალაქეების და ბიზნესის აღმების გასაანალიზებლად, შემდეგი მიმართულებებით:

  • მუნიციპალური სერვისების ხელმისაწვდომობის, კმაყოფილების, ხარისხის, ინფორმირებულობის შეფასება და ყველაზე მოთხოვნადი სერვისების იდენტიფიცირება.
  • ცენტრალური სერვისების ხელმისაწვდომობისა და ინფორმირებულობის შეფასება.
  • ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობის მიმართ მოქალაქეთა დამოკიდებულების განსაზღვრა.
  • ადგილობრივ თვითმმართველობაში მოქალაქეთა მონაწილეობის შეფასება.
  • ადგილობრივ დონეზე ბიზნეს სერვისებით/პროგრამებით სარგებლობის და კმაყოფილების დონის განსაზღვრა.
  • ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობის საქმიანობით ბიზნესის კმაყოფილების დონის განსაზღვრა.
  • ადგილობრივ თვითმმართველობებში კერძო სექტორის ჩართულობის ხარისხის შეფასება.
  • ადგილობრივ დონეზე ბიზნესის წინაშე მდგარი გამოწვევების გამოვლენა და გადაჭრის გზების იდენტიფიცირება.

მეთოდოლოგია: კვლევა ჩატარდა 2023 წლის აპრილი-ივლისის პერიოდში. კვლევის ფარგლებში გამოყენებული იყო რაოდენობრივი და თვისებრივი კვლევის მეთოდები, პირისპირ ინტერვიუები, ფოკუსირებული დისკუსიები და სიღრმისეული და სატელეფონო ინტერვიუს ტექნიკები.


20 დეკემბერს, ეისითიმ  ორგანიზაციის წინაშე მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის და თანამშრომელთა ჩართულობის კუთხით არსებული გამოწვევების, მიგნებების და ტენდენციების შესახებ კვლევის შედეგები გააცნო კომპანიის HR, HC, OD მენეჯერებს და  ბიზნესის წარმომადგენლებს.

კვლევა წარადგინეს   ACT თანადამფუძნებელმა, ორგანიზაციის ფსიქოლოგმა და მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის კონსულტანტმა რუსუდან თელიამ და ეისითის მენეჯმენტ კონსულტანტმა, (OD, HC) თეონა კუპატაძემ. 

კვლევის შედეგად გამოიკვეთა რომ: 

  • გამოკითხულ ტოპ მენეჯერების 31% და  შუა რგოლის მენეჯერების 42% არ გაუწევდა რეკომენდაციას თავის დამსაქმებელს;

  •  3 გამოკითხულიდან 2-ს ბოლო ერთი თვის მანძილზე აქვს ნაკლები ენთუზიაზმი საქმის კეთებისას, სამსახურთან დაკავშირებული სტრესიდან გამომდინარე;

  •  ასევე, 3 გამოკითხულიდან 2-ს ბოლო ერთი თვის მანძილზე აღენიშნებოდა გამოფიტვა, გადაწვა, სამსახურთან დაკავშირებული სტრესიდან გამომდინარე;

ეისითის მიერ ორგანიზაციებში დასაქმებულთა ჩართულობის და მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის შესახებ კვლევა განხორციელდა 13 ოქტომბრიდან 7 ნოემბრის პერიოდში. კვლევა ჩატარდა ონლაინ გამოკითხვით და მასში მონაწილეობა მიიღო 587 -მა  დასაქმებულმა. 

17 აპრილს, “საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელისა“ და მათი პარტნიორების ყოველწლიური პრო ბონო მარათონი გაიმართა, რომელშიც ეისითის მარკეტინგის და კომუნიკაციების გუნდის ლიდი ნინო კალანდია  და ეისითის მენეჯმენტ კონსულტანტი, ციფრული სტრატეგი ანა ყატაშვილი პრო ბონო კონსულტანტებად  იყვნენ ჩართულნი. 

წლევანდელი მარათონის ფარგლებში, 9 კომპანიის 29-მა პრო ბონო კონსულტანტმა,  საზოგადოების სასიკეთოდ მომუშავე 7 სოციალური საწარმოსთვის საკომუნიკაციო კამპანიები მოამზადა. 

პრო ბონო მარათონის მონაწილე კომპანიები იყვნენ: ACT, ჯიპიაი ჰოლდინგი; საქართველოს ბანკი; კრედო ბანკი; ემბისი; თეგეტა; რემაინდერი; Hotsale.ge და აკადემია თინარტი

პრო ბონო მარათონში მონაწილეობდნენ შემდეგი სოციალური საწარმოები: პოთერია; კახეთის სამხარეო განვითარების ცენტრი; რეაბილიტაციის ცენტრი - თანადგომა; ეთნოდიზაინი; ჩუ; ტექგოგო; ბაბალე.

"საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელი" წარმოადგენს საქართველოში მოქმედი იმ ადგილობრივი და საერთაშორისო კომპანიების არაფორმალურ გაერთიანებას, რომელთაც სურთ საკუთარი ექსპერტიზისა და პროფესიული რესურსების გამოყენება საზოგადოების სასიკეთოდ. "საქართველოს პრო ბონო ქსელი" ოფიციალურად დაარსდა 2015 წლის ოქტომბერში "საქართველოს სტრატეგიული კვლევებისა და განვითარების ცენტრის" ინიციატივით ფონდ MitOst e.V., ფონდ BMW Herbert Quandt-ისა და ფონდ Taproot-ის თანადგომით.

მარათონი გაიმართა CSRDG-ის მიერ, პროექტის “სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ინიციატივა” ფარგლებში, ევროკავშირისა (EU) და კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდის (KAS) მხარდაჭერით.


1-ელ და 2 ივნისს თბილისში ღონისძიება Spotlight Tech 2024 ჩატარდა. ორი დღის განმავლობაში ვიზიტორებმა საინტერესო სპიკერებისგან თემატური სფიჩები მოისმინეს და ახალი ინსპირაციებით დაიმუხტნენ. გარდა ინსპირაციული გამოსვლებისა, Spotlight Tech სამ დამატებით სცენას მასპინძლობდა: მასტერკლასებს, How I Built This-ს და Career Insights-ს. თითოეული მათგანის ფოკუსი წარმატებულ ქეისებზე, კარიერულ რჩევებსა და განვითარებაზე იყო.

ღონისძიების მთავარი თემა „გაკვეთილებს” მიეძღვნა და გადავწყვიტეთ ACT-ის ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციის საკუთარი გაკვეთილი გაგვეზიარებინა და ამ გზაზე არსებულ გამოწვევებსა და ამ გამოწვევების შესაძლებლობად გარდაქმნაზე მოგვეყოლა.

ACT-ის მენეჯმენტ კონსულტანტმა, საბა ხერგიანმა ჩვენს მიერ შექმნილი უნიკალური მეთოდოლოგია ორგანიზაციის ციფრული მზაობის დიაგნოსტიკა DIGITAL WHEEL© წარადგინა, რომელიც ემსახურება გზამკვლევის შექმნას, იმ ორგანიზაციებისთვის, რომლებიც ცდილობენ თავიანთი ციფრული შესაძლებლობების შეფასებას და გაძლიერებას. მოდელის მიზანია, ციფრული მზაობის ამჟამინდელი მდგომარეობის ანალიზი, გაუმჯობესების სფეროების იდენტიფიცირება და მდგრადი ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისთვის სტრატეგიული გადაწყვეტილებების მხარდაჭერა.

ACT-ის მისია დამკვეთებისთვის სასიკეთო ცვლილებების ძალის – ცოდნის, იდეებისა და ინსპირაციის – მიცემაა. ეს მისია ზუსტად ეხმიანება Spotlight Tech-ის მიზანს – შექმნას ძლიერი ეკოსისტემა მარკეტინგისა და ტექნოლოგიისთვის, ასევე ემთხვევა, ცოდნის გაზიარების მეშვეობით, პროგრესის წარმართვის ჩვენეულ ხედვას. ამ ღონისძიების მხარდაჭერით, ჩვენი სურვილია ხელი შევუწყოთ გარემოს, სადაც ინოვაციები და თანამშრომლობა ვითარდება, რაც დაინტერესებულ მხარეებს შესაძლებლობას აძლევს განახორციელონ ტრანსფორმაციული ცვლილებები თავიანთ სფეროებში.

2013 წლიდან მოყოლებული, სფოთლაითმა ჩამოაყალიბა მარკეტინგული პლატფორმა და იქცა ღონისძიებად, რომელიც აერთიანებს ინდუსტრიის პროფესიონალებს. ესაა სივრცე, რომელიც თავს უყრის ინდუსტრიის ასობით წარმომადგენელს და ერთმანეთში ცოდნისა თუ გამოცდილების გაზიარების საშუალებას აძლევს. Spotlight Tech ამ ტრადიციული ღონისძიებების სერიის გაგრძელებაა, რომელიც 2018 წელს, პირველად ჩატარდა და ტექნოლოგიებს მიეძღვნა.

May 21-23, Tartu, the European Capital of Culture, hosted the 10th consecutive e-Government conference, which is annually organized by the Estonian E-Governance Academy.

Over 500 participants from 67 countries around the world engaged in the event. The conference featured 9 sessions and 9 keynote speeches that addressed the following issues:

1. Digital Success: Ensuring that everyone has access to public services and can equally participate in decision-making processes.

2. Education: Unlocking potential and opportunities for society to enhance public services and policies.

3. Cooperation: Emphasizing daily collaboration, active listening, mutual learning, and enjoying the process together.

Sophio Chachanidze, Partner of ACT, and Giga Chitishvili, Democracy and Good Governance Portfolio Lead at ACT, were engaged in the event.

Our team is dedicated to advancing the electronification of state services across Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership regions. The recent conference provided an extraordinary opportunity for participants to exchange lessons learned and share the latest trends in international practices related to e-governance initiatives. This experience empowers our team to provide timely consulting and result-oriented intervention mechanisms for organizations initiating change in our target countries and beyond.


ეისითი 21 წლის წლის წინ დაფუძნდა, როგორც მარკეტინგული კვლევის კომპანია. დღეს კი ის, კვლევით და საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებას 35 ქვეყნის მასშტაბით ახორციელებს.

საკონსულტაციო მიმართულების აქტიური განვითარება ეისითიმ 2019 წლიდან დაიწყო. მენეჯმენტისა და განვითარების საკონსულტაციო სერვისების მიმართულებით კომპანიის გაძლიერება მისი გრძელვადიანი განვითარების ხედვის ნაწილს წარმოადგენდა. ამ სტრატეგიამ კომპანიას ახალი პერსპექტივები გაუხსნა და მნიშვნელოვანი ზრდა მოუტანა, როგორც ქვეყნის შიგნით, ისე საერთაშორისო ბაზარზე.

დღეს, 5 წლის შემდეგ, უკვე ნათელი გახდა, რომ კვლევასა და საკონსუტლაციო მიმართულებებს განვითარების ძალიან დიდი პოტენციალი გააჩნია. სწორედ ამიტომ, ეისითის პარტნიორებმა და მენეჯმენტმა მიიღო გადაწყვეტილება საოპერაციო დონეზე კომპანია ორად გაეყო: ACT (როგორც მენეჯმენტისა და განვითარების საკონსულტაციო კომპანია) და ACT კვლევა (მარკეტინგული და სოციალური კვლევების კომპანია). ორივე კომპანია იზიარებს ACT-ის ისტორიულ მემკვიდრეობას, ფასეულობებსა და კლიენტთან თანამშრომლობის პრინციპებს, თუმცა ისეთ საკითხებში როგორებიცაა: კომპეტენციები, ახალი პროდუქტები, ტექნოლოგიები, გეოგრაფიული განვითარება თუ სხვა - თითოეული კომპანია საკუთარი პრიორიტეტებით იხელმძღვანელებს.

აღნიშნული ცვლილების შედეგად, ACT-ის და ACT ჯგუფის (რომელშიც შედის ACT, ACT კვლევა, ACT Kazakhstan, ACT Azerbaijan, Develor Georgia, Erickson Georgia, Diflex) მართვას მისი დამფუძნებელი თინათინ რუხაძე აგრძელებს, ხოლო „ACT კვლევას“ ახალი აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი ჰყავს - ნინო კემულარია .

ნინო კემულარია ACT-ის გუნდს 2019 წელს შემოუერთდა, სადაც კარიერული თავგადასავალი ACT ჯგუფის ფინანსური მენეჯერის როლით დაიწყო. შემდეგ, ფინანსური დირექტორის პოზიციაზე გადაინაცვლა და მენეჯერულ ფუნქციებთან ერთად, მნიშვნელოვან სტრატეგიულ გადაწყვეტილებებშიც ჩაერთო.

2023 წლიდან, ნინო ACT-ის საოპერაციო დირექტორი გახდა და კომპანიის გაციფრულებასა და პროცესების ავტომატიზაციაში მნიშვნელოვანი ნაბიჯები გადადგა.

ACT-მდე ნინომ საინტერესო კარიერული გზა განვლო. მისი პირველი სამსახურებრივი ნაბიჯები ეროვნულ ბანკს უკავშირდება, სადაც კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის წარჩინებული სტუდენტებისთვის განკუთვნილი სტაჟირებით აღმოჩნდა. შემდეგ, 2014 წელს, თიბისის გუნდს შეუერთდა და კარიერა კაპიტალის ბაზრებისა და ინვესტორებთან ურთიერთობის დეპარტამენტში განაგრძო, სადაც მისი ჩართულობით ბანკმა 500 მილიონი დოლარის რესურსი მოიზიდა ისეთი საერთაშორისო საფინანსო ინსტიტუტებიდან როგორიცაა: ADB, EBRD, FMO და IFC.

პროფესიით ფინანსისტია. კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის ბაკალავრიატის შემდეგ, საფრანგეთში, გრენობლის მენეჯმენტის სკოლაში მოიპოვა MBA ხარისხი. „ACT კვლევის“ ხელმძღვანელობის პარალელურად, ნინო კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული პროფესორია და ბიზნესის სკოლის სტუდენტებს უზიარებს გამოცდილებას.

ნინო კემულარია „ACT კვლევის“ განვითარებას თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიების საშუალებით გეგმავს. მონაცემთა შეგროვების ტრადიციული  მეთოდების ნაცვლად, „ACT კვლევის“ მომავალს გაციფრულებასა და ხელოვნური ინტელექტის გამოყენებით ხედავს.

„ჩვენი მიზანია კომპლექსური ამოცანების გამარტივებით მივცეთ კომპანიებს ცვლილებების ძალა“

იმ პირობებში, როდესაც მონაცემთა შეგროვება პრობლემას აღარ წარმოადგენს, ღირებულია სწორედ ის სერვისები, რომელთა დახმარებითაც ACT კვლევა მონაცემების შეგროვების სისწრაფესა და მონაცემებზე დამყარებული გადაწყვეტილებების მიღებას  უზრუნველყოფს. 

ამ პროცესის მთავარი უპირატესობა რუტინული საქმეების ავტომატიზაცია, დამკვეთისთვის გაზომვადი შედეგების ბევრად ნაკლებ დროში მიწოდება და საბოლოოდ, პრაქტიკულ რესურსად ქცევაა. „ACT კვლევის“ აღმასრულებელ დირექტორს ამ პროცესში ბიზნესისა და მენეჯმენტ-კონსალტინგში დაგროვილი გამოცდილება ეხმარება, ესმის, როგორ აზროვნებს და მეტყველებს ბიზნესი და როგორ გარდაქმნას მონაცემი, რათა ბიზნესისთვის კარგად აღქმადი და გამოყენებად რესურსად აქციოს.

ნინო კემულარიას თქმით, 2024-25 წელს კომპანიის მთავარი მიზანი გაციფრულებაა, იმისთვის „ACT კვლევა“ ბაზრის ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ციფრული კვლევითი კომპანია იყოს.


ნინო კემულარია, ACT კვლევის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი 30 UNDER 30 • Forbes Georgia 2024 წლის გამარჯვებულია ფინანსების კატეგორიაში. 

ნინო კემულარია ACT-ის გუნდს 2019 წელს შემოუერთდა, სადაც კარიერული თავგადასავალი ACT ჯგუფის ფინანსური მენეჯერის როლით დაიწყო. შემდეგ, ფინანსური დირექტორის პოზიციაზე გადაინაცვლა და მენეჯერულ ფუნქციებთან ერთად, მნიშვნელოვან სტრატეგიულ გადაწყვეტილებებშიც ჩაერთო.

2023 წლიდან, ნინო ACT-ის საოპერაციო დირექტორი გახდა და კომპანიის გაციფრულებასა და პროცესების ავტომატიზაციაში მნიშვნელოვანი ნაბიჯები გადადგა. ხოლო 2024 წლიდან ნინო კემულარიამ ACT კვლევის  აღმასრულებელი დირექტორის პოზიცია დაიკავა და   „ACT კვლევის“  თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიების საშუალებით განვითარებას ჩაუდგა სათავეში. 

პროფესიით ფინანსისტია. კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის ბაკალავრიატის შემდეგ, საფრანგეთში, გრენობლის მენეჯმენტის სკოლაში მოიპოვა MBA ხარისხი. „ACT კვლევის“ ხელმძღვანელობის პარალელურად, ნინო კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული პროფესორია და ბიზნესის სკოლის სტუდენტებს უზიარებს გამოცდილებას.


27 ივნისს ეისითიმ უმასპინძლა ღონისძიებას „HR Insights: ორგანიზაციული განვითარების ახალი ჰორიზონტები“, სადაც წარმოვადგინეთ ეისითის გუნდის მიერ შექმნილი ინოვაციური კვლევითი პროდუქტები ადამიანური კაპიტალის მართვისა და ორგანიზაციული განვითარების მიმართულებით.

ღონისძიებას ესწრებოდნენ ქართულ ბაზარზე წამყვანი HR და OD პროფესიონალები. ღონისძიების ფარგლებში მათ საშუალება ჰქონდათ გაცნობოდნენ ეისითის გუნდის მიერ შექმნილ 4 ანალიტიკურ მოდელს, რომელიც ადგილობრივ და საერთაშორისო ბაზრებზე ეისითის მრავალწლიან კვლევით-საკონსულტაციო პრაქტიკას ეფუძნება და ქართული ორგანიზაციებისთვის აქტუალურ გამოწვევებს ეხმიანება:

  • დამსაქმებლის ბრენდის კაპიტალი
  • EX დიაგნოსტიკა
  • თანამშრომელთა კეთილდღეობის მატრიცა
  • ციფრული უნარების და მაინდსეტის ბარომეტრი

 „საერთაშორისო კვლევითი ინდუსტრია საკმაოდ დინამიურია, მუდმივ ციფრულ და ინოვაციურ გადაწყვეტებს სთავაზობს მომხმარებელს. ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანია, რომ საქართველოშიც მოხდეს ამ ტენდენციისთვის ფეხის აწყობა. შესაბამისად, ტექნოლოგიური განვითარება და ციფრული პროდუქტები ჩვენი გუნდის ამჟამინდელ პრიორიტეტს წარმოადგენს. ეისითის გუნდმა შეიმუშავა ინოვაციური და ძალიან საინტერესო პროდუქტები, რომლებიც განკუთვნილია ადამიანური რესურსების მართვის სპეციალისტებისთვის. ჩვენი ღრმა რწმენით, ამ პროდუქტებს შეუძლია ერთი მხრივ გააძლიეროს ამ სფეროში მომუშავე სპეციალისტები ინფორმაციითა და ინსაიტებით, მეორე მხრივ კი, წვლილი შეიტანოს ზოგადად კვლევითი ინდუსტრიის განვითარებაში.“ - ნინო ქერქაძე, ACT კვლევის პორტფოლიო ლიდი

ღონისძიება მიზნად ისახავდა დამსწრე პროფესიონალებს:

  • მიეღოთ ინფორმაცია HR ანალიტიკის უახლესი ტენდენციებისა და ტექნოლოგიების შესახებ

  • აღმოეჩინათ თუ როგორ შეუძლია მონაცემთა ბაზაზე დაფუძნებულ ინსაითებს გააუმჯობესოს HR პროცესები

  • გაცნობოდნენ კონკრეტულ ინსტრუმენტებს, რომელთა დახმარებითაც შეძლებენ მიიღონ გადაწყვეტილებები დამსაქმებლის ბრენდის გაძლიერების, ორგანიზაციაში თანამშრომელთა კეთილდღეობის გაზრდის, თანამშრომელთა გამოცდილების გაუმჯობესებისა და ციფრული ცნობიერების ამაღლების მიმართულებით

  • და ამასთან ერთად დაკავშირებოდნენ ინდუსტრიის ექსპერტებს და გაეფართოვებინათ პროფესიული ნეთვორქი

The project of the ACT company “Automation of transcripts using artificial intelligence” won the grant competition within the framework of the digital transformation project of the Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) and received a grant of 25,000 GEL.

The winners of the first stage of the grant program within the digital transformation project were also:

IBCCS taxi – development of an e-commerce platform that will automate the planning of the delivery of documents with an apostille and the receipt of notary services.

Densi – digitalization of the workspace of a dental laboratory (creation of a digital workspace for technicians and management)

Bluberrу – creation of an application that ensures the correct recording of the assembly in the daily slot for a specific assembler, as well as automatic weight accounting.

Chirifruit - data digitization, search/implementation of their effective analysis and corresponding response tools

The project is implemented on the basis of the agreement provided for in the treaty signed between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Georgia on December 12, 2022.

The GITA initiative is supported by the project "Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Eastern Partnership Countries" (DT4SME), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).
