
A canvas for collaboration: AI and humans – strategic partners in marketing

25.03.2024 4 Min Read
Salome Kenchoshvili

Management Consultant, Strategic Marketing & Branding

A canvas for collaboration: AI and humans – strategic partners in marketing

Marketing inspiration can dry up from time to time. Looking at never-ending data reports or thinking about many other routine tasks can stifle the creativity of even the most experienced marketer. Artificial intelligence (AI) exists for that. Forget dystopian visions of robots taking over your marketing department. AI is not here to replace you; Imagine a tireless assistant that can analyze large amounts of customer data, spotting emerging trends that might escape even the most observant eye. AI can become your powerful and indispensable strategic partner, leveraging human creativity to help you create powerful, data-driven, effective strategies, offer innovative campaign concepts and personalized messaging strategies based on real-time insights.

AI: Performance Enhancer

Imagine a world where the routine tasks that consume your time—analyzing data, planning social media, and creating accounts—disappear into automated obscurity. This is not science fiction; AI can handle the routine, giving you more time to develop strategy and creative campaigns. Perhaps we agree that the number of routine tasks can stifle innovation. Embracing this bold change helps us focus on creating innovative campaigns that resonate precisely with audiences.

From data to insights

AI goes beyond mere automation; It is the best helper in terms of data processing. Imagine a powerful artificial intelligence engine that observes and analyzes massive data, revealing trends. It's not just about key demographics; AI can explore the depths of consumer sentiment on social media, website interactions, and purchasing behavior. Result? A detailed and dynamic portrait of your ideal customer. With these insights, messages and offers can be personalized as much as possible for the best results. This in turn will lead not only to higher conversion rates, but also to a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving customer journey.

Case: Netflix's AI-powered recommendations

Netflix's success story using AI goes beyond simply suggesting shows you might like. It serves as a masterclass in using artificial intelligence to personalize the entire user experience and optimize content creation. This not only personalizes the user experience, but also facilitates content creation by identifying genres and topics that accurately reflect the interests of their users. In more detail:

Adaptation and development in the age of AI

Marketing is constantly evolving, and AI represents a major shift that resistance to can hinder progress. Instead, we should look at artificial intelligence as an opportunity to improve skills to achieve greater success.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards AI is crucial. Focusing on the potential benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, deeper customer analysis, and the ability to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

We shouldn't be afraid to experiment with new AI tools and marketing strategies. "Fail fast, learn faster" approach allows for quick adaptation.

The indispensable person: creativity and empathy

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool, but it lacks the creativity and empathy of humans to develop compelling narratives that resonate emotionally. Understanding people's moods on an emotional level and making real connections with your audience remains your exclusive opportunity. Artificial intelligence cannot replace the human ability to translate data into compelling brand stories. Think about it - who will write an emotional brand story that you can't read without tears? It's you, the creative genius behind the wheel.

A masterpiece of collaboration: humans and AI in harmony

The future of marketing is not a competition between humans and artificial intelligence; It is a masterpiece of collaboration. Imagine: AI builds data-driven insights, uncovering customers' hidden desires and emotional triggers. You then translate this information into compelling brand stories that resonate with your audience on an emotional level. This synergistic approach leads to effective, data-driven marketing campaigns that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.

The future of marketing is collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence. You can discover a new era of marketing efficiency. This future promises not only efficiency and meaningful insights, but also deeper analysis of the customer journey map, allowing for the truly meaningful connections that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.

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In the modern era, we are all witnessing first-hand the unprecedented speed at which technological advancement is changing industries. The evolving technological environment creates different business needs and requires new strategies to respond to them, for which often traditional strategic planning alone is no longer effective and it becomes necessary to use various technological advances, including artificial intelligence (AI). Integrating AI into the management and decision-making process of companies gives managers the opportunity to collect, analyze and make decisions based on the maximum amount of data.

Problems of traditional strategic planning

Strategic planning is the process of setting long-term goals, analyzing internal and external factors, and determining how to respond to them, allowing businesses to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in a rapidly changing environment to optimally allocate resources, expand market share, or achieve sustainable growth.

Accumulated consulting experience shows that different businesses vary in their level of adaptation of the strategic planning process, although even the best of them often have significant shortcomings in their strategic planning efforts, e.g.

• Planned events are carried out infrequently (once a year or not at all)

• When making strategic decisions, reasoning is often based only on the intuition and experience of management and does not take into account rational factors of the external environment (market, competition).

• The planning process does not use sufficient, accurate and objective data.

• Once strategies are selected and implemented, progress is rarely monitored.

What does AI offer businesses today?

Currently, artificial intelligence is already actively used at various stages of business management and operations. In its simplest form, it serves a descriptive function and is used to create analytical data such as graphs/dashboards for competitive analysis or to study the performance of different lines of business. More advanced versions of AI have diagnostic intelligence, which refers to the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between events and understand root causes and driving forces. Such algorithms can identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, market demand, or competitor strategies by analyzing historical data.

The third stage of AI development and the most progressive stage currently actively used in business is predictive intelligence, which has the ability to create forecasts for the future based on certain assumptions and analysis of past experience. Predictive intelligence is used to create scenarios based on various changes and scenarios, allowing business owners to assess the potential impact of these scenarios on their business and develop customized strategies to respond to them. Predictive intelligence can also identify potential risks, which through ongoing monitoring enable organizations to proactively mitigate their negative impact.

The next levels of AI integration into business include developing analytics-based recommendations, delegating certain decisions to artificial intelligence, and full AI autonomy, although the full integration of these stages into management is still a work in progress and will take some time.


Still, how can AI be used in strategic planning?

Despite the fact that the use of artificial intelligence is characterized by growing trends in such key areas of business management as marketing, human resources, logistics, customer service, etc., the degree of its implementation in the strategic planning process is still quite low, due to important features of this process. Unlike other processes associated with business management, the strategic planning process has a particularly high proportion of human involvement, decisions based on personal experience and intuition, emotions, historical and cultural context, along with rational factors.

Therefore, if we ask the question as follows, is it possible to completely automate the strategic planning process using artificial intelligence, the answer is no (at least in the current situation and the future perspective that can be imagined from this situation). However, observing the current business context allows us to confidently say that artificial intelligence is already transforming certain stages of the strategic planning process, as well as the approaches and thinking of the people involved in these stages.

In the strategic decision-making process, we can think of AI-human interaction as a three-step process, in the first step of which a human tells the AI a problem/asks a specific question that it wants to solve. At the second stage, AI processes and analyzes the database associated with the problem, as a result of which it offers the “customer” several options for solving the proposed problem. After this, the “customer” obviously has a choice - make a strategic decision based on the given options, entrust the decision to artificial intelligence, or modify the problem to accept other options.

In other words, AI can play an important role in the strategic planning process in making rational, fact-based and data-driven decisions, the further review and final evaluation of which is still subject to human influence.

Delegating rational decision-making to artificial intelligence will itself change the specificity of certain positions in organizations and will lead to an increase in employer demand for so-called “strategists” who will be responsible for aligning the recommendations generated by artificial intelligence with the values and goals of the organization . Particularly important in this process are skills that will help you make intuitive strategic decisions. An example of such skills is creative thinking, the ability to analyze not only facts, but also context and abstract thinking.

What benefits does AI bring to the strategic planning process?


Incorporating artificial intelligence into the strategic planning process offers companies several significant benefits, which include, but are not limited to:

• Automating repetitive and manual tasks – reducing the time spent on these tasks, optimizing costs and increasing business productivity and efficiency.

• Optimization of the decision-making process. AI algorithms can provide objective and data-driven insights, allowing business managers to make faster and more informed decisions.

• Increased forecasting accuracy – leads to a reduction in risks associated with strategic decisions, and through constant monitoring allows for the timely identification of various anomalies.

Which businesses will benefit most from using AI in strategic planning?

Let's start with the fact that all businesses, regardless of size and industry, have the opportunity to use artificial intelligence more than today. However, the advantages of artificial intelligence in strategic planning are directly proportional to the presence of a number of prerequisites. Therefore, before you begin this process, questions need to be asked (note: the following are some basic questions, although they are not exhaustive; the readiness assessment process will be much more complex):

• Do you have all the data (internal and external) that can influence your strategic decisions? - Remember, often even minor problems in the environment can have a significant impact on your strategy.

• How good is the data you have? - Remember that the result obtained using artificial intelligence will be of exactly the same quality as the information you provide. Therefore, ensuring data accuracy and reliability is critical for effective AI analysis, which in turn requires additional investment in data management systems.

• How flexible is your business? – AI-generated scenarios and recommendations enable you to develop rapid response strategies in a turbulent environment, but you must ensure that your business processes, systems, structures and your team's mindset support the implementation of these recommendations.

What are the potential risks of incorporating AI into strategic decision-making?

If you decide to incorporate artificial intelligence into your strategic planning process, it is important to remember that there is no universal AI that can solve all your problems. However, it is important to understand that artificial intelligence is not “magical.” Therefore, to avoid unrealistic expectations and poor implementation, it needs to be properly structured and contextualized. In other words, it needs to be “trained” to give correct answers and predictions.

When using artificial intelligence, the issue of ethics must also be taken into account. When making strategic decisions, managers consider various ethical aspects and human values, potential impacts on society and the environment, which may not be integrated into the artificial intelligence system.

Another challenge to using artificial intelligence in strategic decision making is accountability. In fact, only humans, not machines (even intelligent machines), can be held responsible for their decisions. This issue will increase the need for legal regulation of strategic AI decisions in the future. To create a regulatory framework for compensation for damage caused by the operation of artificial intelligence systems, it will be necessary to define the concept of artificial intelligence and its status in civil law relations.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence has already changed and in the future will even more fundamentally transform the strategic planning process. By using it, organizations can ensure that their strategies adapt to a rapidly changing environment to ensure long-term success. However, organizations must also take care to address the challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence and ensure that it is used responsibly in critical decision-making processes.


While a crisis management strategy is an integral part of any long-term business strategy, in today's fast-paced business environment, businesses are often faced with unforeseen events such as global pandemics, political conflicts or economic downturns, which effectively challenge business creators, requiring rapid adaptation and difficult decisions. . By studying these issues in depth, organizations can improve their ability to adapt, identify potential opportunities, and maintain growth even during a crisis. Strategic planning plays an important role in managing crises and ensuring long-term success. Important steps in this process are assessing the impact of the crisis, developing and implementing a plan and strategy for managing it.

Assessing the impact of the crisis

One of the key aspects of navigating an unpredictable environment is environmental analysis, which involves identifying new trends, changes in customer behavior and competition.

Based on the identification of current changes in the external environment, businesses must assess the immediate and long-term financial consequences of the crisis, which may be associated with disruptions in the supply chain, consumer demand and general, existing and expected changes in the market. etc. A thorough analysis gives organizations the opportunity to discover vulnerabilities that will be taken into account when developing a management strategy.

In addition to the financial aspects, it is necessary to assess the impact of the crisis on people inside and outside the organization. This includes assessing employee welfare, customer concerns and any impact on brand image and reputation. Understanding these factors allows organizations to act proactively to support their employees, maintain customer loyalty, and protect brand reputation.

Development of a crisis management plan and strategy

Once the impact of a crisis has been assessed, it is critical to proactively respond to it by developing a crisis management plan. The plan should include analysis of multiple potential scenarios based on different assumptions, allowing business owners to prepare for a wide range of possibilities and make decisions that maximize their chances of success.

One of the most important aspects of a crisis management plan is the creation of an effective crisis management team. This team should include representatives from various departments and positions within the organization, such as finance, operations, human resources, public relations, etc. By creating a diverse team, organizations can ensure comprehensive crisis management.

After assessing the environment, assembling a crisis management team, and analyzing scenarios, organizations must determine key crisis response strategies. These strategies must address short-term and long-term goals such as maintaining operational efficiency, employee safety, and business continuity.

Experience shows that crisis situations stimulate the development of creative thinking and innovation, and also force organizations to reconsider established norms and change the traditional paradigm. In this process, it is vital for organizations to have the skills to adapt to a crisis, which can be achieved by implementing a culture focused on continuous learning and improvement, creating space for innovation, openness and promoting collaboration.

Implementation of crisis response strategies

One of the key aspects of implementing a crisis management plan is developing a communications plan that outlines both external and internal communication protocols and establishes regular communication channels with employees, customers and other stakeholders.

During disruptions, organizations may also need to implement new approaches to maintain business continuity and operational efficiency, something that has become especially evident during the pandemic. These approaches may include implementing remote work policies, providing alternative sources of supply, creating reserve system, etc. By using business continuity-focused approaches, organizations can minimize the impact of crises on daily operations and maximize their ability to recover quickly.


In conclusion, strategic planning in times of crisis is essential to overcome uncertainty and facilitate adaptation and growth. By understanding the challenges associated with a crisis, conducting a thorough assessment, developing a holistic crisis management plan, and effectively implementing crisis response strategies, organizations can overcome difficult times and emerge stronger in the long term.